EE ------_ ip ------------ ol A------ y NEWEST LEXINGTON WING CAR BUYERS "The new Series 22 Lexington at '$1745 has taken the country by storm!" said W. L. Hays, north shore distrib- utor for the Minute Man Six, in an interview this week. "And judging by local conditions I can readily credit the reports reaching me from the factory," he continued. "Since April twenty-third, the date of the first published announcement of the new Series 22, my salesroom has been crowded with prospects. It looks like the halcyon days of 1919! "Our big plants at Conners, Ill., are working to their utmost capacity to} fill orders that continue to pile up in an ever increasing flood. In my hum- ble opinion, no car has ever been ac- corded a wider and more instantaneous public acceptance than this new Lex- ington. "Without exception, the people to whom I have demonstrated the new Series 22 Lexington have been en- thusiastic in their comments regard- ing the exceptional performance and riding ease. "It is the factory's unqualified claim that it rides easier than any car that does not weigh more, cost more, or have a longer wheelbase." "I stand ready and willing to justi- fy this broad claim at any time. "Ever since Labor Day, 1920, when two Lexington specials, powered with strictly stock Ansted engines, swept to a double victory in the Pike's Peak hill-climbing race, this 'miracle motor' has been breaking performance records from coast to coast." WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1922 "B.L.T.S" HOME SOLD TO A CHICAGO BANKER Hill and Wheeler, north shore real- tors, have just consummated the sale of the B. L. Taylor residence at Glen- coe, the home of the late author of "B. L. Ts Line O' Type column" in the Chicago Tribune, to Gerhardt Foreman, vice-president of the Fore- man Brothers Banking company. The house is rented for the summer to Jacob Nusbaum. Mr. Foreman is taking the property subject to the lease and will occupy it after Oc- tober 1. The property is located at the southwest corner of Dell place and Lakeside terrace. This transfer is an- other incident showing that higher priced properties on the north shore are continually in demand. Hill and Wheeler represented all parties to the transaction. GARAGES LEAD PERMITS Building permits issued during the last week by the Winnetka Village Department of Public Works includ- garage, $1,000; Linden street, shed, Fyfe, 1367 Scott avenue, residence, $5,500; Fred Haley, 204 Forest ave- nue, garage, $500; Robert Biddle, 290 Forest avenue, garage, $500. H. J. Klanke, '917 $100: Robert CHOIR CAMP BENEFIT A concert by the choir of Christ church and the presentation of Por- trait tableaux comprised an entertain. ment given at the Winnetka Woman's club Friday evening of this week for the benefit of the summer camps for Christ Church boys. The program was under the supervision of leading wo- men of the parish. we SOT otherwise. Tel. Glencoe 155 EOE RRR ERR E RT Rnnannnnnnnnnnnge inner UU Planting Season Is Now Here I Have to offer Beautiful Petunias for Boxes and Beds. sale are Balcony Queen, Improved Rosy Morn, Burbanks Orchid Blooming, New Blue Petunia, flesh colored Diners Mon-~ sters, and other fancy stock. Also Geraniums, Vinca Vine, and many other bedding plants, hardy and GREENWOOD NURSERY A. STACHEL, Prop. Glencoe Tr ET Te TT TT Hanh E Those now on 290 Greenwood Ave. LEER EERE an ESTABLISHED 1854 l C.H. JORDAN & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS 612 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON, 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO PHONES RANDOLPH 1346-1347 ILL. PHONE EVANSTON 449 HAYNES CHALMERS EVANSTON MOTOR SALES CORP. Formerly JANS-LAMKE MOTOR CO. 1013-1017 DAVIS ST. PHONE 4250-6020 EVANSTON Garage and Sales MAXWELL Deliveries are exceptionally hard at this time. If you are anticipating a new car this spring we would suggest placing your order at this time. D. D. PATTISON E.C. FAWCETT Anchor Inn Ridge Ave. at Sheridan Rd. Afternoon Tea: 2:00 to 5:00 Dinner: Sunday Dinner: $1.00 and Saturday Nights Beginning June3rd. Eating Out? Evanston, Ill. | NOW SERVING | Luncheon: Table d' hote, 50¢ and A la Carte 5c Anchor Inn Special, $1.00 Plate Dinner, $1.50 DANCING ed: John F. Ross, 1229 Scott avenue, | 50 Used Pianos Patterson Bros. Exceptional Values 828 Davis St. Evanston, Ill. Tel. Wil. 526 Reduction in Price on Ex10¢ BATTERIES Ford Exide Junior Battery Now $22.00 Winnetka Exide Battery Service PHONE 1387 I a. lll I I mM TMM TMM TM TOY TTY YT YY" "YY" TY" "YY" YY Yr" yyy yr yyy yy yy a rr rT ET PET LE ER LE EE ERR REE EL ELLE EEE a % O00 00000000 0S 000 A OSE WI OW GH BOG ON GR OO SN ------ Mobiloil A grade for cach type of moter . Dr CAV AG You want polite, don't you? We give real service. speedy, you want at a fair price. again. Take lubrication, for example. Lubrication experts. summer and winter. grade. that you are looking for. Co 562 Lincoln Ave. a. HHH You'll Come Again! EERE RCAC We are equipped to supply you with what We want you to come We are Correct Let us tell you the correct grade of Gargoyle Mobiloils to use in your car The Vacuum Oil Company's Chart of Recommendations specifies the correct We have the Chart and we have the oil. Let us give you the service and the satisfaction La W pail WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. Winnetka 0 AAA [--p-------- REE E ER Rh WO EE SN NE GH SN NS AN NR NR ND NH WE OSE SN NN GN A SN SON GN SN ON GN ON EE SENSE AN AW AR 0 0S