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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 3 Jun 1922, p. 7

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he - per a Ei pa 3 ---- RE SS -- RT or DeWindt-Gardner Nuptials Will Occur June 10 ISS ALICE DE WINDT, who has just returned from a winter in Rome, will at- tend her sister, Miss Caro- line de Windt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger A. de Windt, as maid of honor, on the occasion of her marriage to Mr. Albert Settner Gardner, son of Mr. William A. Gardner of New York, next Saturday afternoon, June 10. Rev. James Austin Richards will read the service. The bridesmaids will in- clude Miss. Mary Dozier Gardner of New York, sister of the groom, Mrs. Hibbard Casselberry, Mrs. Hallet Thorne, Mrs. Robert H. Gardner, Miss Sarah Bennet and Miss Dorothy Buttolph, and there will be two little flower girls, the Misses Ruth and Mary de Windt, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Delano de Windt of Great Bar- rington, Mass. Robert H. Gardner, will serve his brother as best man, and there will be the following ushers, Messrs. De- lano de Windt of Great Barrington, Mass., the bride's brother, William K. Gardner, of St. Louis, a cousin of the groom, Hibbard Casselberry. Hallet Thorne, Jack Finlay, A. Peter Van Brunt, Knowlton Ames, Jr. and Robert McCormick Adams. Numerous pre-nuptial affairs have been arranged for the coming week, in honor of Miss de Windt. Yesterday afternoon, Miss Norvel Allen enter- tained with a luncheon and bridge at the Skokie Country club, and last evening Miss Mary Harding was host- ess at a dinner party at her home, 4853 Lake Park avenue, Chicago. To- day Miss Elizabeth Corey is giving a luncheon and bridge at the Indian and Mrs. | Hill club in Miss de Windt's honor, and this evening a dinner-dance is being given at the Evanston Golf club by Miss Sarah Bennet. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard Casselberry will entertain with a Sport Supper at Wildacre. An- other Sport party has been arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Hallet Thorne of 2344 Lincoln Park West, Chicago, for Monday evening, and on Tuesday af- ternoon Mrs. Warren Pease, jr., and Mrs. William E. Clarke, have issued invitations for a tea to be given at the formers' home, 722 Seward ave: nue, Evanston. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thorne will give a Sport Supper at their home in Lake Forest. Wednesday afternoon Miss Dorothy Buttolph will entertain at luncheon at the South Shore Country club, followed by a matinee party, and that evening Mr. and Mrs. Morris R. Glaser will give a dinner-dance at Rosemoor Lodge in Glencoe. Miss Beatrice Fenton will entertain at luncheon on Thursday next at the Indian Hill club. --0-- Miss Lenore Adah McCall, daughter of Joseph B. McCall, became the bride of Norman Hilliard MacLeish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MacLeish of Craigie Lea, Glencoe, on Thursday at the Church of the Saviour in Phila- delphia. Mrs. Joseph B. McCall, Jr., served as matron of honor; Miss Mary Merrick Williams attended the bride as maid of honor and the other attendants in- cluded Mrs. Gilbert Mather, Mrs. Ar- thur E. Pew, jr.,, Miss Martha D. Baker, Miss Eleanor P. Davis, Miss Rhoda Morris Brooks, and Miss Ish- bel MacLeish, sister of the groom. Archibald MacLeish served his brother as best man, and the ushers were Edward Converse of Hartford, Conn. Dr. Edward Randall, Jr., of Galveston, Tex., Alexander B. Heyburn, Louis- ville, Ky., and Joseph B. McCall, jr., George" Wharton Pepper, jr., Edmund R. Jurves, Samuel Wagner, jr., Tris- tam Colket, Doland Baird and Harold Webber of Philadelphia. The wedding took place at four o'clock at the Church of the Saviour. This church contains a memorial altar dedicated to the memory of the bride's brother, Howard McCall, who was killed in the service. The bride wore a gown of white satin made simply, with a veil of rose point lace extending the length of the train. She carried lilies of the valley and orchids. The matron of honor and maid of honor wore hy- drangea blue batiste frocks over pale pink taffeta and pink hats trimmed with blue flowers. They carried spring flowers to match. N-- NES The Mac Dowell Musical club en- tertained their husbands and friends at a guest evening on Tuesday, May 93. Mrs. Clifford Ewart of 744 Ash street, opened her home for the oc- casion. A delightful program was given by members of the clua and Mr. Edward Collins, pianist-composer of Chicago. Mr. (Collins gave a group containing numbers by Chopin and Liszt and several of his own composi- tions. He was enthusiastically receiv- ed and responded to two encores. Fol- lowing is the program: WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1922 ------------ rr ---------- A : | A I ; ; t fever. | 4 I L : ---- OC C IVI IFS | The Helothi Group of Camp Fire | Bourree from 2nd Violin Sonata.... Bach-SaintSaens Improvisation .. Edward MacDowell Concert Etude .. Edward MacDowell Mrs. William D. McAdams II The Maja and the Nightingale Granados Cradle-Sonzg "=. ....... Liza Lehmann The Open Secret Woodman Mrs. Guy Stewart Bailey III Romance from 2nd Concerto Wieniawski Caprice Viennois Kreisler Obertaff Wieniawski Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer Mrs. Arthur R. Dean, at the piano IV Rimsky-Korsakof Hageman TR TE PR aE a a DE he NE RU Song of India Happiness Pale MOON i... nwa ania Logan A Feast of Lanterns ........ Bantock Mrs. Sydnie Smith Cooley Mrs. Clifford Ewart, at the piano NC TN SP Vv Mr. Edward Collins VI Roses After Rain Re Ll Fearis Ivist- Polka Song. ..... coe. Foote Halian Serenade ........ Stevenson Mesdames Bailey, Robinson, Hansel and Cooley Mrs. Ewart, at the piano Refreshments were served and a Thrall, social hour enjoyed. --_ Some twenty-five youngsters re- velled in their first Garden Party of the season on last Tuesday afternoon, when Mrs. C. H. Dodd of 127 Bertling lane, entertained informally for her small daughter, Mary Frances, the occasion being her sixth birthday an- niversary. The Dodds had constructed a May Pole in one corner of their grounds, and the children had great fun dancing the May Pole dance. Games of all sorts, races, and the proverbial fishing pond, where ez one fished out some sort of a pack age, provided additional entertain- ment for the guests. Another inter- esting feature was the serving of the refreshments in individual picnic bas kets. Those who attended were Kath- | erine Wilcox, Marjorie Tubbs, Ruth Koontz, Marjorie Stilling. Lucia Per- rigo, James, Evelyn and Harriet Han- cock, Carlon Davis, Betty Maddox, Davis Jennings, Mary Jane Steven- son, Mary Nash, Cleo Gedge, Phylli "ay, Bert Salkenberger, Genevie- Tubbs, Payton and Katherine King of Winnetka, and Betty Grades, Jane Martin, Jane Davis, Virginia Van Landingham, Franklyn Edwards and Richard Swank of Rogers Park. ee Qe The kindergarten department of the Sunday school of the Congregational church will hold its annual summer party on the Community House lawn, Monday afternoon, June 5, beginning at 3 o'clock. All of the children of the depart- ment are cordially invited. The com- mittee in charge of the affair includes Miss Mildred Mack, Mrs. William D. Truesdale, Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. Theodore Coyne. The New Trier (Circle will hold its final meeting of the season on Tues- day, June 6, in the home of Mrs. Ralph Johansen, 863 Vernon avenue, Glencoe. The sewing is to be put aside on this occasion, in order that this may be a real social get-together. Members who are able to attend are asked to meet at the Indian Hill sta- tion promptly at two o'clock. Mrs. Haymen Raclin will be the assisting hostess. -_ The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. Isabel G. Moody, 921 Greenwood avenue, Wil- mette, on Monday, June 5, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. T. Bradner Smith of Evanston will speak on "Child Welfare." Mrs. J. C. Drake of Wil- mette, local superintendent of this department of work, will be in charge of the program. ---- > The Winnetka Camp, Number 3076, of the Royal Neighbors will give a bunco party and dance at Community House next Wednesday evening, June 7. The proceeds will be devoted to the Community House fund. Tickets may be obtained through Mrs. C. Ho- man, 567 Provident avenue, or any other member of the Neighbors, or at the door. I Dinner hostesses at the Indian Hil Country club on Tuesday evening in- cluded Mesdames Edgar Stanton, Mal- colm M. Fay, Arthur Cox, A. W. Tot- man, Rush C. Butler, Towner K. Web- ster, Heyliger A. de Windt, Harry L. Street, George W. Blossom, Thomas H. McInnerney and Miss Augusta Fenger. --O-- An informal reception for Miss Em- ma Williams, will be held at the Wioman's club Wednesday, June 7, at 4 p. m. Miss Williams has been one of Winnetka's public school teachers, and is retiring after thirty years of service. No invitations have been sent out, but all who are interested are invited. . ---0-- David De Lay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. De Lay, 878 Oak street, un- derwent an operation for appendicitis at the Evanston hospital, on Thursday ! lof last week. On Tuesday of this week, Virginia De Lay was taken to the hospital suffering with scarlet will entertain their mothers at a luncheon, planned, prepared and serv- ed by themselves today at Community House. In addition an interesting pro- gram has been arranged for the after- noon. | -- QQ Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Poff of Olney, | I11., arrived Thursday to spend a fort- night with Dr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Poff, 562 Hawthorne lane, before start- ing on their trip west to spend the summer on the California coast. mm § Mrs. O. Spegel, 535 Provident ave- nue, is entertaining her brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Ryner, who are home on a year's va- cation from Canton, China. -- Northmoor Golf club held its formal opening on Memorial Day, with a golf tournament as the daytime feature and a dinner for the members in the evening. re) een Mr. and Mrs. William W. Geary of | 644 Walden road, have as their guest, Miss Stella Egelhoff of Kansas City, Mo., during the month of June. te | Mrs. Oliver M. Knode and her three | children, of 418 Sheridan road, are leaving next Thursday for a four, months' trip abroad. ---- Robert Walpole, 520 avenue, have as their Mr. and Mrs. Provident towa, Ontario, Canada. --_---- Mrs. Henry A. Gardner, 844 Bryant avenue, has as her house guest, her mother, Mrs. Gifford of New York city. --_---- Miss Maude Hinman entertained a number of guests at a miscellane- ous shower and tea for Miss Jean Alton on Wednesday afternoon. --_-- Walnut street, in honor of Miss Jean Alton. --_ 0 Mr. Lyman Walker and family, former Winnetka residents, are occu- pying the Bunker home at 656 Lincoln avenue, until the end of October. et Rev. L. B. Plumer who has been staying with his daughter, Mrs. James guest a cousin, Mrs. Ogelsby of Ot-| Mrs. Thomas Brooks entertained at | bridge on Thursday at her home, 439 | Keddie, 1004 Pine street, has returned to the east. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Gonsalves, 635 Rosewood avenue, have just re- St. Louis, Mo. ; i Mr. MacLeish and his bride will arrive in Chicago today for a visit at his parents' home in Glencoe. --_-- Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden, 352 Linden avenue, has as her guest her sister, Mrs. W. D. Dethell of Norfolk, Va. -- Mr. Martin B. Chauncey of Dallas, Tex., was the week-end guest of Mr. turned from a week's motor trip to and Mrs. James B. Keddie, 1004 Pine street. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark of Chicago have moved into the house at 902 Pine street. pe Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacLeish and their small daughter went east to at- tend the ceremony. FATHERS AND SONS JOIN IN "HI-Y" FESTIVITIES Fathers and sons '"had their in- nings" last Thursday evening when the "Hi-Y" club of New Trier High school gave a banquet at the school's dining halls and invited the "Dads" as guests of honor. Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor of the First Congregational church of Wil- mette, was the principal speaker. Others who gave talks were Graham Penfield of Northwestern university and Leslie Dodds of Winnetka, spon- sors of the club. R. D. Burtner, of Wilmette, led in the singing of old- time songs. Walter Hughes of Glencoe was elected president of the "Hi-Y" club for the ensuing year. Edward Schei- | denhelm, Tom King, Fred Stoddard and George Martin were selected as assisting officers. The "Hi-Y" club was organized in January with Del Worthington as president. HEADS OSTEOPATHS Dr. J. M. Fraser of Evanston, was elected president of the Illinois State Osteopathic asscciation at that organ- ization's recent convention at Cham- paign. Dr. Fraser, is one of the best known men in his profession and is consideed one of the foremost author- ities on Osteopathy. Special Cakes and Ice Creams For all occasions. So good that they melt in your mouth. Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka Tar and gravel roofs. Asphalt shingles. Phone evenings 6902 H. R. Simmons, Roofing Contractor 1606 Maple Ave. Rolled roofing over old. Estimates furnished free. Evanston Save Every Phase of Their Childhood The photography of children has been a study with us. All too soon they grow up. Photograph them along the way. STANTON WILHIT : | HOTOGRAPHER 743 ELM [ 1} D000 00, 0, 0, 0 0 Ob 0 0 0 Ob 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9% 0% 2% LX Xa Xa Xa Xa X X Ra Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa XX aX Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa Xo Xa XgX FRANK BOROVICKA Florist and Landscape Gardener SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS (Formerly CHAS. SVANDERLIK) 745 Railroad Ave. 2 Phone Winnetka 283 sgraieadsadralrdoifocdoaosdratoifeadsaioadsatoddratosioddortoctratectoatoitocds ade sfoatoitoedsadoatraeadeatootratodts LJ CD EX 3 9 o ho A Xd 5° r IX {| Extensive Sal : EX 3 % xtensive dale on 5 & & & 3 ® ' EX J oo & % P 0 1 P L A N 1 S % PACS EX 2 4 oo PACS o a é fo . EX Red Geraniums Hydrangeas RX Daisies Fuchsias : 0 oo / 7 *. 4 X Xa Xa Xa) ew AX Ra X &, 9 Ra Xe 9, & 6 0 0 -02000-4,90,00.04, \/ £2 Po 6% 0% 4% 6%-0% 4% 6% 6% ¢% 6% 620-670 6%6-6% 2 6% 6% 0%6% 4% 6% 6% ¢% 6% ¢%0.% ¢%0 4% ¢%.¢%.¢% % <%s <%o o*. AXE XIX XIX GX IXIXGXEXEXEXE XE XE XIX EX EX EX EXE X AXE XEXIXEXIXE XE XIII XII RTI o 4 £2

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