t ¥ cl gia J Th --." EE ------., WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1922 " CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS TT ---- Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p.m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake "Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ple Price. a rai REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--MOVING AWAY. MUST sell my Wilmette residence; large 93 ft. corner, 15 beautiful trees; shrub- bery, currant bushes, crabapple and li- lac; newly decorated last fall; 8 large rooms; big, roomy porch; hot water heat; nr. transportation, schools, and churches. Just the place for growing family who want to get away from rent and into the suburbs. Big sac- rifice, $13,500; terms arranged. Wilmette Realty Co. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG31-1te Some Splendid Bargains 5-ROOM NEW BRICK BUNGALOW, beautiful trees. Cash $1,000....$8,500 ¢-room new stucco. Cash $1,000. .. 9,500 7-room new stucco w. h. near '1'..12,500 Mich. Ave. lot, near lake, sacrifice. ael2B Linden Ave. lot near '"L" and lake....90 Maple Ave. lot near '"L" and lake....80 Maple Ave. lot near "1," and lake....50 Lots, 5 blks to trans; Sewer.......... 7 M. L. MOODY & CO. 511 Fourth St. Ph. Wil. 2248 SCHAEFER AND GOLBACH Tel, Wil. 434. Tel. Wil. 1038 INVESTMENTS INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE SEE US FOR ACRE TRACTS IN NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP LTG31-tfc WINNETKA BARGAIN! ATTRACTIVE SIX ROOM BUNGALOW in choice east section on beautifully wooded lot 60x170. Only $12,000. Rea- sonable terms. W. J. Moir, Exclusive Agent 556 Center St. Ph. Winn. 254. LTG31-1tc Wonderful List of Bargains in Lots! M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L' 415 Linden. Ph. Wilmette 407 ; LTG31-1te FOR SALE--HOUSE MUST BE SOLD--$500 OR $700 DOWN, then $34 or $40 per mo. like rent. New 6-room home; large lot; close to depots $4,500. Owner Pavilk, 606 W. Ry. Ave., Kenilworth, Il. LTG31-tfe OR SALE--TWO BRICK HOUSES, ©1066 and 1080 Green Way Réew Glen. . Must be torn.down or moved away. Ap- ply McQuire & Orr, 69 West Wash- i t., Chi. Tel. Randolph 2981. ingiun's TG13-3te FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--MY HOUSE ON SHERI- © dan Road and Maple Street, Winnetka, from June 24th to September 15th, eight bedrooms, five bathrooms, sleeping porch, garage for two cars, one and one-half acres of ground with garden. Avres Boal, 1305 Gas Building, Chicago. y T13-1tc FOR RENT--7-RM. MODERN HOUSE, sleeping porch, garden, chickens, East side, Wilmette, furnished for mo. Of July, "$200. Tel. Wil. 1418. T13-1tp FOR SALE--VACANT IMPROVED LOTS, $150 DOWN, $10 PER "month. On Maple Ave., 3rd lot west of 15th St., 256x168. Large Elm tree on lot, $750. West side, Nanzig Ave. between Gregory . and Maple, $500. 25x125. Pavlik, Kenil- : h, 111. § wort LTG31-1te FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 756x300 EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15. min, walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W. LTG27-tfc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM, WEST Side Winnetka, 3 blocks from sta. Lady : preferred. Tel. Winn. 415, morning Or ' evening. LTG31-1tc FOR RENT--ROOM IN PRIVATE FAM- ily for one or two gentlemen, nr. trans. Tel. Wil. 442. LTG31-1te DOUBLE ROOM AND BOARD, SLEEP- ing porch, 2 minutes from Skokie Club House: near trans. 492 South Ave. Glencoe Phone 300-M LTG31-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS WITH HOT and cold running water. Tel. Wil. 1080. Also light housekeeping rms. LT30-tfc FOR RENT--LARGE FURNISHED front room suitable for one or two; near restaurant and transportation. Ad- dress 806 Elm St., Winn. T13-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT FOR SUMMER-- Small furnished suite or large fur- nished room with bath, for couple and 8-year-old child. Tel. Glen. 144. TG13-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1549. LTG24-tfc NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- dener, thoroughly experienced in plant- ing and care of every garden work; estimates on fruit trees, shrubbery, perennials and hardy field grown rose stocks. Edward Siegrosser, 1030 Cen- tral Ave., Tel. Wil. 708-M. LT-28-4tp WANTED--GARDEN WORK AND CARE ~ of lawns, by hour, day or job. Also ex- perienced driver. Address Lake Shore News B-34. LTG31-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--A YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE Ford Sedan car. Apply to M. J. Powers, 181 Beach Rd., Glencoe. LTG31-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES MISCELLANEOUS A REFINED, WELL-BRED YOUNG middle aged Prot.-American could take charge of a child, giving it splendid care and training; capable; very neat; if conditions permit can do light up- stairs work and mending; can be left in charge. Finest Evanston references. Anywhere N. Shore even though a re-| mote place. Address D-274 News-In- dex, Evanston. LTG31-1tp WASHING TAKEN HOME, WASHING and ironing. Tel. Glen. 171. T12-tfc SIT. WANTED BY REFINED AMER- ican lady; highest ref. As traveling companion to lady of means. Address B-35, Winnetka Talk. T13-1tp WANTED POSITION AS NURSE. TEL. Winnetka 505-M. T13-1tc EXPERIENCED NURSE, TO TAKE charge temp. or permanently; Protest- ant home. Address Weekly Talk B-3T7. TG13-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GENER- al housework; good wages. 818 Ash- land Ave. Tel. Wil. 2135. LTG31-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE- work. Family of four; no small chil- dren. All conveniences; no washing. Phone Winnetka 649-M. LTG31-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. WORK, Scandinavian preferred; family four adults; laundress employed. Tel. Winn. 1330. LTG31-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GENER- al housework; family of four; no laun- dry. 1293 Scott Ave. Tel. Win. 1449. LTG31-1tc WANTED--NURSE MAID TO TAKE care of baby girl; to go home evenings. 129 9th St. Tel. Wil. 2423. LTG31-1te WANTED--COMPETENT WHITE MAID for general housework; no washing; other help kept. Tel. 'Winn. 1137. 1396 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. : LTG31-1te WANTED--MOTHER"S HELPER OR maid to help with house work and do laundry. Elec. washing machine and mangle. No cooking. 1033 Sheridan Rd. 'Tel... Wil, 1003. TG13-1te WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework Monday and Thurs. Tel. Winn. 638-J. T13-1te WANTED--WHITE LAUNDRESS, 2 days a week. Tel. Winn. 986. TG13-1te LAUNDRESS FOR Tel. Win. 1574. TG13-1te WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- WANTED--WHITE Monday or Tues. work. 3 in family. Refs. 295 Forest Ave. Phone Winnetka 1707. T13-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid: refs. Gen'l housework; no wash- ing; good wages; 2 adults and baby in family. Tel. Glen. 295. TG13-1te WANTED-=GIRL:. OR MIDDLE AGED woman for gen'l housework and laun- 'dry. Apply 1161, Oakley Ave., H. W. Tel. Win. 1284. T13-1te WANTED--WHITE COOK OR GEN- eral housework girl: Tel 'Win. 986. TG13-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Must be good cook; ref. required. Small family, $18. No laun- dry... Tel. Win. 176, T13-1tc WANTED -- COLLEGE OR HIGH school girl, whole or part time, as companion to girl 8 years. Tel. Winn. 176. T13-1tc DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING AT 903 ASH ST., WIN- netka. European. T13-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Leaving city; must sell; bargain prices. Phone Kenilworth 1676. LTG31-1te FR SALE--ONE FULL SIZE MAHOG- any bed in perfect condition. Also box spring. 347 Washington Ave., Wil. Tel. 'Wil. 1597. LT31-1tc FOR SALE--McDOUGALL OAK KITCH- en cabinet; good condition; $15.00. Tel Wil. 891-Y2. L31-1tp FOR SALE--DINING RM. SET; IN perf. cond.; also sofa table. Phone Win. 565 or call at 1173 North Ave., Hub- bard Woods. T13-1te FURNITURE, RUGS, STAIR-CARPET, piano, dishes, fruit jars, two girls' bi- 'cycles; numerous other articles. Phone Glencoe 195. . TG13-1tp FOR SALE--GEORGE P. BENT CROWN piano, mahogany finish; excellent con- dition, fine tone, $250. Bench included. Tel, Win. 1540. TG13-1te PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG15-tfc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--RADIO SET, 2 STEP demonstration sets, complete with bulbs, batteries, West. Elec. head set, loud speaker for phonograph and airial. $175 equipment for $125. Immediate sale. Also 2 Kellog head sets for $9.50 each. Evenings 8 to 9 o'clock at Edgewater Electric Shop, 1134 Bryn Mawr Ave. near elevated. LTG31-1te FOR SALE--VERY BEAUTIFUL HAT, shell pink organdie dress and other things. Phone Wilmette 1206. LTG31-1tc FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTGl-tfc FOR SALE--THOROUGHBRED SHET- land pony, very gentle; governess cart, sleigh, saddle, complete harness. Tel. Wil. 208. 731 Park Ave. LTG31-1tp FOR SALE--BABY BUGGY, GENUINE reed, good condition, $15. Tel. Wil 2252. LT31-1te FOR SALE--BLACK REED TWIN stroller with yellow wheels; in good condition. Tel. Winn. 259. T13-2tc FOR SALE--FOR $10. FIELD SPECIAL baby carriage. Black Reed body, white running gear. Tel. Win. 261. Ti3-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfc WANTED -- SECOND HAND RUCK- board and motor wheel in good condi- tion. Baumann, 279 Linden St., Win- netka. LTG31-1tc Read the Want Ads USED CARS The following used cars can be pur- chased from us at bargain prices and easy terms. DODGE TOURING DODGE ROADSTER OVERLAND TOURING HUDSON SIX-40 FORD SEDAN Buick Panel Body Truck, or what car were you thinking of ? We can let you have the car you want. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Linden Ave. Tel. Win. 165 Winnetka, Ill LTG31-1te FOR SALE--CADILLAC 4-PASSENGER phaeton 1919 model, good condition. Reasonable. Price by owner. Tel. Winn. 1178. LTG31-1te FOR SALE--A BARGAIN, CADILLAC Coupe in perfect condition, cash or terms. Ask for Antoine, Winn. Tel Winn 1483. LTG31-1tc FOR SALE--DETROIT ELECTRIC. Battery in splendid condition. Car new- ly painted. $1000. Tel. Win. 748. T13-1te BUICK, LATE MODEL, 6-CYLINDER, 5-pass. touring. Bargain for cash, only. McNie, 266 Forest Ave. Tel. Win. 1312. T13-1tp CHANDLER TOURING, 1920, MECHAN- ically A-1. Six cord tires; will sell at very low price. Wilmette 777-R. TG13-1te VILLAGE OF WINNETKA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. General Number 378094 Special Assessment Notice : : Winnetka, Ill, June 9, 1922. : Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered the Improvement of Scott Avenue from the west line of the present pavement in Vernon Street to the west line of Grove Street, including the intersection with Greenwood Avenue; Asbury Avenue from the west line of the present pavement in Vernon Street to the west line of Grove Street, including the intersection with Greenwood Avenue; Prairie Avenue from the east line of the present pave- ment in Vernon Street to a line three hundred seventy-eight and fifteen hun- dredths (378.15) feet east of and par- allel with the east line of said Vernon Street and also from the west line of the present pavement in Vernon Street to the west line extended of Greenwood Avenue, including the intersection with Greenwood Avenue; Greenwood Avenue from the present pavement in said Green- wood Avenue at the north limits of the Village of Winnetka to and connecting with the proposed pavement at the north line of Scott Avenue, and from and con- necting with the proposed pavement at the south line of Scott Avenue to and connecting with the proposed pavement at the north line of Asbury Avenue, and from and connecting with the proposed pavement at the south line of Asbury Avenue to and connecting with the pro- posed pavement at the north line of Prairie Avenue, and from and connect- ing with the proposed pavement at the south line of Prairie Avenue to and con- necting with the proposed pavement at the north line of North Avenue; North Avenue from the west line of the pres- ent pavement in Vernon Street to the east line of Grove Street, including the intersection with Greenwood Avenue and the street return at the first street west of Vernon Street, and extending south- westerly, by clearing, grubbing, grading, Phoebe Jane Beauty Parlor 747 Elm St., Winnetka Special Only Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Shampooing 50 and 75c; Marcelling 75¢ and $1; Manicuring 50c. All packs, $2. THURS. FRI. AND SAT. Shampooing, 75 and $1. Marcelling $1 and $1.25. Facial, $1.50 and up. All packs, $2.50. Open pointments. Special prices on manent waves on Monday. per- TG13-2te SKOKIE ELECT. CONSTRUCTION CO. repair and remodel. All kinds of fix- ture supp. mod. prices, estimates furn. All kinds of wiring. Tel. Winn. 641. T11-4tp LOST AND FOUND LOST--FRIDAY, JUNE 2, AT NOON AT driveway of 639 Lincoln Ave., Win- netka, a fur; brown marten 2-piece choker. Return to 639 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. Reward. T13-1tc ON MAY 26TH, A BOY'S RAINCOAT, name inside. Call Winnetka 918, Mrs. Fleming. T13-1tp preparing the subgrade, draining, adjust- ing sidewalk approaches and present pavements to established grade, adjust- ing present manholes and catch basins to new grade where located, constructing and furnishing materials for new inlet basins, catch basins, manhole catch bas- ins, and manholes, including all covers, furnishing and laying sewer pipe drains, backfilling trenches, constructing and furnishing materials for headwalls and concrete culverts, and paving with rein- forced concrete an eighteen (18) foot roadway, except at street corners where said concrete pavement shall be wid- ened along curved lines, and also ex- cept at the east end of said improvement in Prairie Avenue where a turnabout with twenty-five (25) foot radius shall be constructed: A concrete curb shall be constructed, integral with said pro- posed pavement, for all of the improve- ment, except along North Avenue from the west line extended of Greenwood Avenue to the east line of Grove Street; all radii for curb returns shall be thirty- five (35) feet; also by protecting, curing and cleaning said proposed pavement, re- moving all surplus materials, grading and smoothing parkways, including engineer- ing and supervision during construction, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordi- nance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said vil- lage, and the said village having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to the bene- fits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said court, General Number 378,094, the final hearing thereon will be held on the 26th day of June, 1922, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments, with in- terest thereon at the rate of six per cen- tum (6 per cent) per annum. orate, Winnetka, Illinois, June 9, HARRY 1. ORWIG, Person appointed by the president of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, I1- linois (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said special assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T13-2tc That's Going Too Far, A woman may get up at a mother's eonvention and dcclare that she has the best husband on earth, but she never goes so far as to say she ex- pects to meet him in heaven.--Chicago Daily News. evenings by ap- PLAYERS MAKE PLANS FOR BIGGER SEASON One Performance to Feature Original Play With its season of activity brought to a close several weeks ago, the, youthful and talented members of the North Shore Players, dramatic or- ganization, are preparing for inten- sive activity in the year to begin late in September. Giving their services without thought of financial remuneration, all the Players are preparing for a sea- son of intense activity that is to open late in September. Plan Five Performances "Plans are in course of formulation to give the north shore five first class performances in the next season," President Spiegel announced in an in- terview this week. Four of these pro- ductions will include such popular vehicles as "Officer 666," "It Pays to Advertise," "Clarence," and "Nothing But the Truth." "The fifth performance is to be something entirely unique in the an- nals of north shore theatricals. It will comprise three one-act plays, en- tirely original, and which are to be selected from a wide range of material submitted by aspiring playwrights in every section of the country. Compe- tent judges will select the three best plays among the numerous manu- scripts submitted. It is interesting, in this connection, to learn that more than thirty manuscripts have already been submitted. These have come voluntarily, without any suggestion on the part of the North Shore Play- ers. In fact, it was this voluntary submission of manuscripts that actu- ated the decision to launch upon the venture. Mrs. Landis To Direct "Retention of Mrs. Jessie Royce Landis as director for the coming vear, we consider, will insure us a season of unprecedented success," Spiegel stated. "Mrs. Landis has prom- ised to assume personel charge of the direction for each performance and the exceptional merit of the recent performances by the Players under her expert supervision, gives promise of even more efficient work in the future. "The first step at the outset of the new season will be the annual call for tryouts for roles in the Players' ranks. These tryouts are open to every resi- | dent of the north shore and ability to adjust oneself to a part is the only requisite for admission into the select circle of those who will appear in the various casts. Of interest to many residents is the fact that these try- outs will include trials for places in the business administration and stage management departments of the en- terprise. Those not proficient in act- ing, thus, will be affording an oppor- tunity to find a place in the very es- sential and altogether interesting work "behind the scenes." cars. Phone Evanston 4884 Reliable :-: M. P. LOUEN, Sales Mgr. 810 CHURCH STREET EVANSTON KEEP THEM It is as easy to get a customer as it is to get a job. To keep him is another thing. Our records today show 85% of our 1916 cus- tomers are still with us. We sell RELIABLE - DEPENDABLE - CARS ---and exercise REASONABLE - DILIGENT - CARE---in the same service to our customer's Facts not Promises make reputation. R. D. CUNNINGHAM Dependable Cars Next to Pest Office