Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 17 Jun 1922, p. 16

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aE Ep Eis" 16 ptt AES WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 1%, 1922 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS | Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p. m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ble Price. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--NEW SWISS TAPESTRY brick on beautifully wooded corner; immense liv. rm. and din. rm.; big sun prch. and slp. pch.; 2 tile baths, shower; 2 fireplaces; billiard rm.; sub. gar.; Make owner offer. Must sell. Will sacrifice. New artistic 8-room stucco on deep, magnificently wooded lot; h. w. ht.; 4 master bedrms.; tile bath and shower; maid's room and bath; $21,600. Make offer. New 7-room colonial; all Ilge. rms.; light and cleverly arranged; all latest con- veniences; splendid tile bath; $19,000. A. real bargain. Brick colonial, 1 blk. from lake; 12 acre lot, facing beautiful park; 7 splendid lge. rooms, beautifully decorated; h. w. ht.; attached gar.; cut to $26,000. Several extra bargains in lots near lake. M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L" 415 Linden. Ph. Wilmette 407 LTG32-1ct Wilmette Realty Co. 513 Fourth St. Ph. Wilmette 1304 IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A home or a lot on which to build, we ask that you come in and thrash over your broblems with us. e are in a position to intelligently submit to you places suitable to your requirements. We find this way of diagnosing home problems extremely satisfactory and saves you much time and annoyance in looking at countless places you would not consider. Your confidence is respected in these matters. LTG32-1tc Some Splendid Bargains 5-ROOM NEW BRICK BUNGALOW, beautiful trees. Cash $1,000...... $8,500 6-room new stucco. Cash $1,000. ...9,600 7-room new stucco w. h. near '"'L'. .12,500 Mich. Ave. lot near lake, sacrifice... .125 Linden Ave. lot near "L'"' and lake... .90 Maple Ave. lot near "L" and lake....80 Maple Ave. lot near "L" and lake....50 Lots, 5 blks to trans; sewer and water. .17 M. L. MOODY & CO. th. St. Ph. Wil. 2248 Bl Sour LTG32-1tc SCHAEFER AND GOLBACH Tel. Wil Tel. Wil. 1038 434. INVESTMENTS INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE SEE US FOR ACRE TRACTS IN NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP T.TGR1-tfC North Evanston Bargains ON BEAUTIFUL PARK PL, UNIQUE 6-room stucco, front and slp. pchs.; tile bath; h. w. ht,; gar.; finely wooded lot; only $15,000. Beautifully wooded lot 50x150 at $40 per ft. Open evenings till dark and Sun- days 2 to 6 p. m. 3 W. J. Moir--Winnetka 254 556 Center St., N. W. of N. W. Depot LTG32-1tc Dutch Colonial WINNETKA--SIX ROOMS, TWO LARGE glassed porches, two tiled baths. This property is located on a quiet street and is priced for a quick sale at $17,000.00. JOHN F. HAHN 790 Elm Street 1619 Sherman Ave. Winnetka, Ill. Evanston, Ill Phone 1774 Phone 2382 LTG32-1te FOR SALE OR RENT WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW T7-ROOM house with 3 inclosed porches. 1624 Walnut Ave., Wilmette. Call Satur- day afternoon or tel. evenings. High- land Park 1427. LTG32-1te WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--ROOM, 725 PRAIRIE, NEAR transportation. Tel. Wil. 442. LTG32-1te FOR RENT--2 LARGE FURNISHED bed-rooms, 1% block from Cafeteria, 1 blk. from Northwestern station. Tel. Wil. 935-W. 1021 Central Ave. LTG32-1te FOR RENT--ONE OR TWO CHEERFUL rooms; private family; central location, near Cafeteria; breakfast privilege. Tel. Wil. .1971. TG14-1te FOR RENT--LARGE PLEASANT FUR- nished room, 731-10th St. Tel. Wil 992-J. T14-1te FOR RENT--FINE LARGE FRONT room, open porch; adjoint bath; 6 min. to N.. W. Sta. 12 'min. to Lake and golf grounds. Open Sunday. 915 Ash St. T14-1tp FOR RENT--LARGE, room, private family; bath; two blks. from lake. Tel. Winn. 1541. TG14-1tec SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE NEW TRIER HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes office or clerking position for summer months all or part time; very capable. Address Lake Shore News B-38. LTG32-1tp WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING OR cleaning by day or half day. 984-R. LT32-1tc SIT. WANTED--DRESSMAKING AND plain sewing by the day, $4 per day. Tel. Evans. 5877. Call evenings. 1.31-2tc WASHING TAKEN HOME, WASHING and ironing. Tel. Glen. 171. TI12-tfc HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL, TO ASSIST WITH housework Monday and Thurs. Tel. Winn. 638-J. T14-1tc WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL house-work; good wages; no laundry, 3 adults. 198 Glenwood Ave., Hubbard 'Woods. Tel. Winn. 1052. TG1l4-1te WANTED--A GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist in care of year-old baby. Phone Win. 1165 or 254 Scott Ave. H. BB. T14-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GENER- al housework; family of four; no laun- dry. 1293 Scott Ave. Tel. Win. 1449, TGl4-1te DRESSMAKING AT 903 ASH ST. European. T14-1tp WANTED--GENERAL MAID, WHITE, Exp.; $18; no laundry; no heavy clean- ing. Hamill, 666 Spruce St., Winn. Tel. 447. LTG32-1tc WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. WORK, Scandinavian preferred; family four adults; laundress employed. Tel. Winn. 1330. LTG32-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN to assist in home where there are chil- dren. 491 Hill Rd., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 466. LTG32-1tc WANTED--COOK TO ASSIST WITH general housework; other help kept; good home; good wages, Tel, Win, 1137. 1390 Scott Ave. SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1549. LTG24-tfc YOUNG MAN WISHES EMPLOYMENT in the village. Tel. Winn. 692-R. T14-1te Agents Wanted! Sell Hardy Nursery Stock and earn $30.00 to $50.00 weekly with part ex- penses. We show you how. Supplies Free. Easy work for young and old. Write HAWKS NURSERY CO. Wauwatosa, Wis. T14-1tp A NORTH SHORE HOME--BEAUTI- tiful in its lines and perfect in its ap- pointments. There are ten rooms and three baths, a sunparlor and garage, all under one roof. The grounds are 150x175 feet and located in the finest section of Winnetka, near the lake. John F. Hahn 790 Elm Street 1619 Sherman Ave. Winnetka, Ill. Evanston, Ill Phone 1774 Phone 2382 LTG32-1tc YOUNG MAN WISHES TO DRIVE CAR for the summer. Tel. Winn. Gy te -1te asm a I FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Leaving city. Must sell; bargain prices. Tel. Glen. 195. TG14-1tg FOR SALE--FINE GOLDEN OAK BUF- fet, up-to-date lines, $20; also gas stove, $10. Baby or child's bed, spring and mattress, $5. 915 Ash St., Winn. T14-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSE MUST BE SOLD--$500 OR $700 DOWN, then $34 or $40 per mo. like rent. New 6-room home; large lot; close to depots. $4,500. Owner Pavlik, 606 W. Ry. Ave., Kenilworth, 111. LTG31-tfe WANTED--HOUSES STUDENT AND WIFE WILL CARE for property during Jammer for TI . ddress Lake Shore News bB-od. free. Addre Pie FOR SALE--TWO BRICK HOUSES, 1056 and 1080 Green Bay Rd. Glen. Must be torn down or moved away. Ap- ply McQuire & Orr, 69 West Wash- i t., Chi. Tel. Randolph 2981. ington S i has Sto FOR RENT--JULY AND AUG. 11-ROOM house; 3 baths. Win. 818. T14-1tc FOR RENT--SIX ROOM HOUSE. TEL. Winn. 430. T14-1tc FOR RENT--OFFICE FOR RENT -- OFFICE OF THREE rooms in Post Office Building. Ayres 3 Gas Building, Chicago. Boal, 1305 g 10s Cte PE IN Va WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE FOR one car near Maple and "L", or Space in a garage. Tel. Win. 1319. T14-1tc FOR SALE--VACANT Homesite A FINE BUILDING SITE NEAR LAKE Michigan in Winnetka. Includes front- age on Sheridan Road and rights on lake front. Unusual opportunity to build a home in this exclusive district at a price that is reasonable. JOHN F. HAHN 790 Elm Street 1619 Sherman Ave., Winnetka, Ill., Evanston, Ill. Phone 1774 'Phone 2382 LTG32-1te FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15 min. walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W. LTG27-tfc MISCELLANEOUS Phoebe Jane Beauty Parlor 747 Elm St, Winnetka Special Only Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Shampooing 50 and 75c; Marcelling 75¢ and $1; Manicuring 50c. All packs $2. THURS. FRI. AND SAT. Shampooing, 75 and $1. Marcelling $1 and $1.25. Facial, $1.50 and up. All packs, $2.50. Open evenings by ap- pointments. Special prices on perman- We will have from 9:00 TG13-2tc ent waves on Monday. a chiropodist every Tues. o'clock to 6. FOR SALE--FURNITURE, CHEAP, MA- hogany dining room set, complete living room and porch table, chairs, rugs, etc. 612 Lake Ave. Tel. Wil. 240. LTG32-1tp FOR SALE -- GAS STOVE, PHONO- graph, child's furniture, dining room table and 6 chairs, kitchen table, setee and chairs, lamps, vases, fruit jars, spade, etc. Tel. Kenil. 1676. LTG32-1tc STRICTLY FRESH EGGS Direct from the Farm GUARANTEED NO. 1 SELECT WHITE Leghorn eggs sent by parcel post in 6-doz. lots. Shipments made every day. 'We do not ship eggs over 48 hours old and as a rule eggs are only 8 to 10 hours old when shipped. Send check for $1.75 as deposit on special alumi- num case plus $2.50 for eggs. Parcel post charges paid both ways. All orders received during June will be filled at the above price. THE GABLES R.¥. DD, No: 4 Niles, Mich. LTG32-3tp FOR SALE--FIFTEEN YOUNG LAYING hens, S. C. White Leghorn, $2.00 each. One colony chick house on wheels, $30. Also other equipment. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTG32-1tc Read the Want Ads COMFORTABLE | FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG-tfc FOR SALE--SHEPHERD DOG; BOYY' motorcycle. 800 Oakland Ave. Wil Tel. 854-M. TG14-1tc MISCELLANEOUS WILL. CARE FOR HIGH SCHOOL girls desiring summer outing at my cottage on inland Michigan lake; boat- ing; bathing; quiet family resort. Tel. Wil. 1762. LT32-1tp PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG15-tfc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES The following used cars: Overland Touring Cadillac Sedan Dodge Touring Buick Delivery Truck Detroit Electric Ford Coupe EXTRAS; FINE 1921 WITH MANY running condition. These cars can be purchased on terms from WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 LTG32-1tc FOR SALE--REO, 6-1921, MECHANIC- ally perfect; paint good; accessories. Prrice reasonable for immediate sale. Owner leaving town. Tel. Wil. 1959. LTG32-1tp FORD TOURING CAR. 846 CHERRY St... Phone 932 Winnetka, Illinois. T14-1tp LOST AND FOUND FUR LOST--5-SKIN MARTIN color, from automobile in Winnetka, Sunday, June 11th, afternoon, 3:30. Reward. Mrs. A. H. Moore. Phone Winnetka 1571. Address 1050 Cherry St. L32-1tc LOST--BETWEEN 869 PINE ST. & N. W. station, small white gold wrist watch with initials F. H. B. in dia- mond shape; erystal broken and in need of repair. Phone Win. 1450. Re- ward. 869 Pine St. T14-1tc LLOST--OPEN FACE GOLD WATCH ON Ash or Chestnut St. Reward. Please return to 410 Provident Ave. T14-1tp LOST--SCUDDER, VICINITY GREELEY School. Reward for return, 625 Oak St. Tel. Win. 129, Mrs. C. D. Bayles. T14-1tc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. General Number 378094 Special Assessment Notice Winnetka, Ill., June 9, 1922. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered the improvement of Scott Avenue from the west line of the present pavement in Vernon Street to the west line of Grove Street, including the intersection with Greenwood Avenue; Asbury Avenue from the west line of the present pavement in Vernon Street to the west line of Grove Street, including the intersection with Greenwood Avenue; Prairie Avenue from the east line of the present pave- ment in Vernon Street to a line three hundred seventy-eight and fifteen hun- dredths (378.15) feet east of and par- allel with the east line of said Vernon Street and also from the west line of the present pavement in Vernon Street to the west line extended of Greenwood Avenue, including the intersection with Greenwood Avenue; Greenwood Avenue from the present pavement in said Green- wood Avenue at the north limits of the Village of Winnetka to and connecting with the proposed pavement at the north line of Scott Avenue, and from and con- necting with the proposed pavement at the south line of Scott Avenue to and connecting with the proposed pavement at the north line of Asbury Avenue, and from and connecting with the proposed pavement at the south line of Asbury Avenue to and connecting with the pro- posed pavement at the north line of Prairie Avenue, and from and connect- ing with the proposed pavement at the south line of Prairie Avenue to and con- necting with the proposed pavement at the north line of North Avenue; North Avenue from the west line of the pres- ent pavement in Vernon Street to the east line of Grove Street, including the intersection with Greenwood Avenue and the street return at the first street west of Vernon Street, and extending south- westerly, by clearing, grubbing, grading, preparing the subgrade, draining, adjust- ing sidewalk approaches and present pavements to established grade, adjust- ing present manholes and catch basins to new grade where located, constructing and furnishing materials for new inlet basins, catch basins, manhole catch bas- ins, and manholes, including all covers, furnishing and laying sewer pipe drains, backfilling trenches, constructing and furnishing materials for headwalls and concrete culverts, and paving with rein- forced concrete an eighteen (18) foot roadway, except at street corners where said concrete pavement shall be wid- ened along curved lines, and also ex- cept at the east end of said improvement in Prairie Avenue where a turnabout with twenty-five (25) foot radius shall be constructed: A concrete curb shall be constructed, integral with said pro- posed pavement, for all of the improve- ment, except along North Avenue from the west line extended of Greenwood Avenue to the east line of Grove Street; all radii for curb returns shall be thirty- five (35) feet; also by protecting, curing and cleaning said proposed pavement, re- moving all surplus materials, grading and smoothing parkways, including engineer- ing and supervision during construction, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordi- nance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said vil- lage, and the said village having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to the bene- fits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said court, General Number 378,094, the final hearing thereon will be held on the 26th day of June, 1922, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments, with in- terest thereon at the rate of six per cen- tum (6 per cent) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, 1922. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the president of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Il- linois (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said special assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. June 9, T13-2tc Winner of Downey-Malone Bout Will Meet Wilson Aurora, Ill.--Bryant Downey, of Columbus, and Jock Malone of St. Paul, will stage their own personal middleweight championship elimina- tion contest here tonight. The win- ner, it is understood, will be given first chance at a match with Johnny Wilson for the middleweight title. Eight N. U. Students Made 'Shavetails' In U. S. Reserve Force In the office of President Walter Dill Scott of Northwestern University yesterday forenoon eight students of the military science department of the university were sworn in as sec- ond lieutenants of infantry, Officers Reserve Corps, U. S. Army, for a period of five years. Capt. W. A. Murphy, U. S. Army, on detached duty with the department of military science of Northwestern University, administered the oath and President Scott made a brief address. The young men who thus became second lieutenants in reserve were: Charles A. Copp, 36564 Herndon street, Chicago; George E. Hoffman, 1425 Pratt boulevard, Chicago; Glenn E. Magnuson, La Porte, Indiana; Court- land G. Newton, 723 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago; Ira R. Ogilvie, 1620 Lunt avenue, Chicago; Edward K. Ploner, 6544 Bosworth avenue, Chicago; Thomas Wolfe, Jr., David City, Nebr., and John W. Lasier, Winnetka, Illi- nois. Three Northwestern men received certificates for appointment in the Officers' Reserve Corps as follows: Roland D. Feltman, Wilmette; Wads- worth K. Mullen, 4726 Kenmore ave- nue, Chicago, and Emory D. Stoker, of Winnetka. FRENCH NEWSPAPERS OPPOSE OIL CLAIM SOUGHT BY AMERICA Paris--The nationalistic press is criticizing severely the report of .M. Laurent Eynac on the petroleum situation made after his return from Genoa, in which he urges that France support American claims and points out that the interests of the United States and France in petroleum con- cessions are identical. Eynac is accused editorially of de- fending Standard Oil interests against Shell interests and playing an American game against England a violation of French neutrality. "If France declares war in Europe, as our born reactionaries dream," asks Gustave Tory, in Oeuvre, "can one seriously believe that the United States will nourish our airplanes, our tanks and our submarines with petroleum, the very United States that denounces our militarism as with a flail?" And again, "The true French policy should consist in profiting by the rivalry of the Standard and the Shell and while there is yet time to assure to France, under the most advantage- ous conditions, that petroleum pro- duction, which is not less indispens- able in peace than in wartime." Helpful. The only obstructionist we can tolem ate is the friend who puts a good thing %@ our way.--Boston Transcript. facturer. attention. Shore. Do We Agree? That time has passed, when each car owner could expect and receive special, individual attention from the automobile manu- Since the business has grown so large, the purchaser and car owner must look to his dealer for personal consideration and The ability, character, stability and personality of the Dealer, then, is the most important question. "Where to buy ?"-- Here is the oldest automobile organization on the North We have the facilities and "desire" to render personal attention with mechanical service. will recommend consideration of our facilities. Promises; Real Service at "R. D. CUNNINGHAM More than AUTHORIZED FORD AND LINCOLN DEALER 810 CHURCH ST. M. P. LOUEN, Sales Mgr. Facts, not EVANSTON PHONE 4884 2000 Ford owners a

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