HGH SCHOOL GHADS STUD COMMERCE New Trier Students Take up Commercial Courses in Annual Summer School REGISTRATION IS 400 Many Eighth Grade Grad- uates Enroll for Work An opportunity to secure an ele- mentary commercial training is for: seen by many students of New Trier Township High school who are plan: ning to attend the summer sessions at the school beginning Monday, June 19. Most of these students find no time during the regular school year to take up work in the Commercial de: partment but desirous of securing that training in addition to that afforded in the other departments. Largest Attendance Preliminary registration for the summer school shows that approxi- mately 400 students will be in attend- ance at the sessions. This is a sub- stantial increase over the attendance of previous summers. While many of the students are "making up" courses in which they have failed, 'the majority are said to be ambitious students working for additional credits. Most of the students in the Commer- cial department are graduates of this year's class. About sixty eighth grade graduates in the various north shore villages are availing themselves of the summer school work to secure their first taste of high school life under exceedingly favorable circumstances. As in former years, the classes will be held in the morning from 8 to] 12:30 o'clock. Students may carry two | subjects for which the regular semes- ter credit towards graduation is al- lowed. The instruction is given by the members of the regular faculty. The school natatorium will be open for the entire eight weeks. The schedule of the swimming classes is indicated on special posters which have been placed in shop windows throughout the township. Kenilworth Happenings ing in Philadelphia, is motoring to WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 1%, 1922 Wednesday at a kitchen shower for Miss Elva Southward, and also in hon- or of Mrs. Edward Hicks, Jr., who has recently moved to Evanston from Sioux City, Ia. ---- Mrs. George Spangler is spending a few days in Kenilworth during Mr. Spangler's absence. They will return to their summer home in northern Wisconsin on Mr. Spangler's return from California. --()-- Mrs. James Prentiss and her son, who has been very ill for the past two months at St. Joseph's hospital in Ann Arbor, returned Saturday to Kenil- worth. -_0 Mrs. Ira Darling, Mrs. LeRoy Wood- land, Mrs. Karl Korrady and Mrs. Os- wald Lockett attended a house party as the guests of Mrs. Nellis at Lake Geneva. --)-- The Kenilworth Garden Club has THE CADILLAC SUBURBAN TYPE 61 rr been invited to visit the gardens in bs Lake Forest on Saturday and Sunday as guests of the Illinois Garden Club. S10. Wl leet the Gorion school 1n Motorists are becoming more and more reluc- Sr : } . RT ss. Sidney wad tant to relinquish in summer the many comforts Tuesday with his parents. He returned and conveniences of the enclosed Car. to Champaign on Tuesday, where he 3 latends to takes posiiion for the sum The protection afforded from dust, a sudden 5. shower or chilling breeze, and the dirt and soot Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Starrett and . . . their sons have gone to their summer of city traffic is a decided advantage--yet a Eagle River. i " : : : sel ale at Te few turns of the window handles give Cadillac iheinnew nome ' Winfiaa enclosed cars almost the airiness of the touring Miss Betty Darling entertained the graduating class of the Joseph Sears Charles Fleischmann entertained and phaeton models. Sa GENE Son SL Tunis Ar Sit at the wheel of any Cadillac enclosed model A impressed by i 1- Miss Isabel Freeman of Fort Wayne and You will be : P by is Yespone, fist spent a few days as the guest of her bility, and handling ease. It will be a pleasure to uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leon : " ( NM: Allah this' wok. arrange this demonstration at your convenience. --O-- the graduating class of Joseph Sears CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY . EVANSTON BRANCH school at a bunco party on Wednes- day evening. --(-- Miss Ruth Woodward, who is visit- Northampton this week-end to attend a house party. --)-- Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Parmelee enter- tained the Evening Bridge club at din- ner on Tuesday evening. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Ross are spending ten days at Hotel Traymore, Atlantic City, N. J. --) Mrs. Burt A. Crowe has issued invi- tations for two Bridge luncheons on the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth of June. Division of General Motors Corporation 1820 RIDGE AVENUE . TELEPHONE 4841 ADILLAC Salesroom open evenings The Standard of the World ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watt of Kenilworth, will be- the bride of Ralph Emerson Brown of Evanston at eight-thirty o'clock, Saturday evening at the First Congregational Church of Wilmette. The Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd will read the service. Beginning at eight o'clock Prof. Cedar of Northwestern univer- sity will give an organ program assist- ed by Toll Lay, baritone. Miss Watt will have as her attendants, Miss Dor- othy Stewart of St. Louis, Miss Kath. erine Scheidenhelm of Wilmette, Miss Helen Davis of Hubbard Woods, and her cousin, Miss Josephine Barker of | Oak Park. Alfred R. Watt, the bride's brother, will serve Mr. Brown as best man. The ushers will be C. Lysle Smith of Wilmette, Gordon M. Jones and James A. Sine of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will make their home, in Evanston. M ISS RUTH E. WATT, daugh- ---- Several parties have been given in! honor of Miss Ruth Watt, who will be] married on Saturday evening to Ralph Emerson Brown. Last Thursday, Miss Phoebe Hoffman of Wilmette enter- tained for Miss Watt; on Monday Miss Helen Davis gave a miscellaneous shower at her home in Hubbard Woods; on Monday evening, the bridal party were entertained at a dinner and dance at the Drake hotel; Tuesday evening C. Lysle Smith of Wilmette and James A. Sine of Evanston gave a dinner at the University Club in Ev- anston; Wednesday afternoon, Miss Helen Pancoast of Wilmette gave a kitchen shower; Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Jones enter- tained at bridge at their home in Ev-| anston; Thursday evening, Miss Kath-, erine Scheidenhelm gave a formal dinner at her home and Friday eve- ning Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watt will give the bridal dinner for their daugh- ter at the Skokie Club in Glencoe. --_---- Mrs. Arthur Ruf entertained a few members of the Hinsdale Garden Club on Thursday. They visited Mrs. Scott's garden in Glencoe and Mr. Aiken, the architect's, garden, and then returned to Mrs. Ruf's residence for a delightful basket luncheon. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway mo- tored to Lake Placid, Wednesday, for the summer. During their absence Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark will reside at the Ridgway home. ---- Mrs. Fred Bulley and her daughter, Mrs. Ward Starrett, entertained on DS Sg A Logical Place to Keep Your Car Light Airy Clean Roomy Centrally Located An efficient staff of expert mechanics at your service at all times Washing, Simonizing Greasing RICHARDSON'S GARAGE 724-30 ELM STREET Phone Winnetka 25-841 74 NN NO NNEC NNSA OE NN WOM WM "4 1G 1 IN NNN NEN SON UN ON ON NNN NOON WON WNW Standard Grades Guaranteed Quality Full Measure Prompt Service --awhen you buy lumber Transact your lumber business with the dealer who guarantees satisfaction. Every member of the Chicago Retail Lumber Dealers Association recognizes the im- portance of Standard Grades--QGuaranteed Quality-- Full Measure--Prompt Service. Every dealer shown below guarantees these things to you. These dealers use the trade-mark CRLDA to identify their lumber. Buy from them--Ilook for the trade-mark--it is your protection. It appears on the delivery ticket and on each lot of lumber. CHICAGO RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS ASSOCIATION Stock Exchange Building, Chicago These dealers use the CR LDA adomigih Andrews Lumber €2 Mill Co. Kemler Lumber Co. John Bader Lumber Co. Lakeside Lumber & Mig. Co. Bader, Peterson, Cook Co. Lord Lumber Co. Barnes €3 Borden Lumber Co. The Lord € Bushnell Co. Barr & Collins Manhattan Lumber Co. Bay State Lumber Co. Maywood Lumber € Supplies Co. Berwyn Lumber € Coal Co. Mears-Slayton Bldg. Material Co. Builders Lumber Co. North Side Lumber € Timber Co. John E. Burns Lumber Co. North Western Lumber Co. W. L. Cadle, Jr., Lumber Co. Pulaski Lumber Co. J. C. Deacon Co. Rietz Lumber Co. S. J. DeVries & Co. Rittenhouse €3 Embree Co. Evanston Lumber Co. Adam Schillo Lumber Co. Fifty-Ninth Street Lumber Co. AT, Sewast Lamber Co George Green Lumber Co. rly : Heian Tanber Co, Street-Chatfield Lumber Co. Hermosa Lumber Co. Thornton-Claney Lumber Co. Edward Hines Lumber Co. Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. Howes Lumber Co. O. M. Zeis. Lumber Co. LOOK FOR THIS TRADE-MARK WHEN YOU BUY LUMBER ---- fy ) GUARANTEED LUMBER -- ores Fr -- ce emmiobittlin b - a ----------------