BN | WANT ADS REAL ESTATE RESIDENCE Story Stucco, 8 rms. bath, heat, lot 50x177 Story Frame, 6 rms., beautiful lot, 200x177, fruit trees Story Brick, 6 rms., bath, hot water heat, lot 100x187 Story Brick, 8 gms, hot water heat, lot 100x185. SCHAEFER & GOLBACH Investments, Insurance Real Estate 434 Wilmette 1038 See us for acre tracts in New Trier Township LTG39-1te M. L. MOODY & CO. 511 Fourth St. Wil. 2248 Modern, very attractive ideal location; 9-rm. Brick, glass por. and gar. Most complete in all details. Brand new Fr. glazed and screen por.; furnace 3 bedrooms, h. w. ht. $17,500. 9-r. St. brand new, porches, fine loca- tion. $11,000 6-r. just completed, good sized lot, good high location. Cash $1,000--$9,500. 5-r. bung., large wooded lot, near sta- tion; must sell soon on $7,500. Choice vacant wooded lot near lake; good buy for $105. We have a large quantity of vacant rang- ing from $12 per ft. up. LTG39-1te FOR SALE REAL ESTATE VACANT THE WINNETKA PLAN IS NOW A reality, making this charming country- like community the most desirable, per- manent home place. (See Winnetka Plan Book, or May American Maga- zine.) Restricted vacant, 187 feet deep, on paved street, between new $500,000 Community School, Skokie Playfield Golf Course, and new Parks, 15 mins. walk to N. W. depot, at $38-$42 foot, all improvements. Will sell on terms, and finance your home when lot is paid for, to maintain character of neigh- borhood. Address Winnetka Talk B- 69. T19-3te N. EVANSTON SACRIFICE $11,000 buys this $14,000 home if bought this week. The house faces south; 7 rms., fireplace; gl. front and slp. pchs.; choice neighborhood. The lot is 50x 150 and beautifully wooded. The in- terior must be seen to appreciate ite construction and plan. Its condition is excellent outside and inside. W. J. MOIR Exclusive Agents St. Winnetka 2564 TG39-1tc WINNETKA THE ONE YOU HAVE WAITED FOR; best brick Colonial, 4 bed rooms, slp. porch, sun parlor, two real tile baths with shower, heated garage attached. Only $17,000. An eight-room house in Winnetka for only $12,000; 5 bed rooms, sleeping pch., 50 ft. lot. 'Close in on East side. JOHN F. HAHN CO. 1619 Sherman Ave. Tel. Evans. 2382 LTG39-1te WANTED 1 WANT HOUSES FOR RENT BOTH vacant and furnished; have a waiting list of applicants. Quick action promised. FRANK A. REID Chicago Office, 218-82 W. Washington St. Tel. Central 5309. Hubbard Woods Office, 933 Linden Ave. Tel. Winn. 1300. LTG39-1te A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wil. 640 7-ROOM FRAME, H. W. HEAT, LOT 50x185, HE. loc. $8,000. 6-room brick and stucco, under construc- a 556 Center tion, master bed room, lge. liv. room, W. heat. $14,000. 8-room stucco, 2 baths, good location. $19,500. 9- -room stucco (Winnetka) 2 bathe $30,000. G39-1te FOR SALE--6-ROOM TTT com- bination heat, dining and sleeping pchs., 50 ft. lot, 2-car garage, 4 blocks from the lake. Non-resident only. Will take $16,000. Exclusive agents. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. Wil. 1304. 513-4th St. LTG39-1te WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES H. BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mortgages. Tel. 45 W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 65 ii LTG36-tfc WANTED--LISTINGS OF PROPERTY in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, Glen- coe, and Highland Park. A. R. Ed- dington & Co., 1157 Wilmette Wilmette. Ph. Wil. 640. TG18-tfe FOR SALE--VACANT FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15 min. walk to depot. Tel. Wil. 715-W. LTG27-tfe | FOR SALE--HOUSE | FOR SALE--NEW 6-RM HOUSE WITH sun parlor; 2 complete built-in baths; hot water heated. Foxdale Ave % Li 500. Tel. Winn. 1782. 9-tfe FOR KENT--HOUSE | | FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 7-ROOM house, 2 baths, garage, two blocks west of Sheridan Rd., one block to gram- mar school, 3 blocks to High School, Sept. 1st to May 1st, $250. Address Weekly Talk B-77. T21-1te FOR RENT--9 R. stucco, near center of Village, Sept. 1st to May 1st, 1924, $150.00. Inquire A. R. fddington & Co. Phn. Wil. 640. LTG39-1te WANTED TO RENT--FIVE OR SIX- room house, two adults, occupancy Oct. 1st. State particulars. Address Win- netka Talk B-76. TG21-1tp --_---------------- WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE Ave., | WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1922 FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT--LARGE, LIGHT GARAGE, $10 per month. Tel. Winn. 889. T18-tfc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--TWO NICELY FURN. rooms, suitable single person or mar- ried couple, near trans. Reas. Breakfast if desired. Tel. Glen. 976. LTG39-1te FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS WITH HOT and cold running water. Tel. Wil. 1080. LT30-tfc FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM, $5 per week. Gentleman preferred. Tel. Winn. 513-W. T21-1tc FOR RENT--ROOM, GENTLEMAN PRE- perred. 952 Spruce St. Tel. Winn. 1468. T21-1te FOR RENT--PLEASANT FRONT ROOM near transportation. Tel. Winn. 1038. TG21-1te FOR RENT--COOL, PLEASANT ROOM, reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1119. T21-1tc FURNISHED ROOM IN GOOD LOCA- tion, near lake. Win. 500-J. T21-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT 3 OR 4 ROOMS furnished or unfurnished, suitable for light housekeeping, Oct. 1st. Winnetka 892. COUPLE WANTS LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms or room and bath. Tel. Win. 1386. LT39-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED--SALESMAN AND WOMAN, full or part time, with or without auto- mobile. Ask for manager Lake Shore Realty. proposition. Inquire Indian Hill, west of tracks on Winnetka Ave. LTG39-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE : WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with housework. Four adults in family. 333 Sunset Road, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1057. LTG39-1tc WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN, CARE OF small boy by hour, afternoons and eve- nings. Address Weekly Talk B-T75. T21-1te WANTED--MAID, GEN"L HSE. Must be good cook; no laundry, $18. Family four. Small hse. Tel. Win. 176, 860 Burr Ave. TG21-1te WANTED--SALESLADY WITH SOME experience in selling shoes. Lord's De- partment store, Evanston. LTG39-1tc WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO help take care of two children. Tel. 'Winn. 491. T21-1te WANTED WHITE girl for general housework. $15.00; no washing. Tel. Winn. 491. T21-1te WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN; GEN- eral housework; no washing; good wages. Tel. Kenil. 1635. TG21-1tc WANTED--INFANT NURSE babies; best wages. Tel. EXPERIENCED Winn. 384. T21-1te WANTED--MAID Wil. 258. EE -------------- SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED POSITION AS HOUSE- "WHITE". keeper, with daughter 13 years old. 13 houses west of Ridge on Lake Ave. T21-1tp SIT. WANTED--BY COMP. YOUNG girl. Came over from old country. Ad- dress Geo. Srnenak, 340 South Ave. Tel. Glen. 332-XX. TG21-1tp WILL DO SHAMPOOING, and round curling Experienced. MANICURING in your own home. Miss Hazel Behrens. Tel. Phone | TG21-1tc | Frederick Jacoby, | Splendid | WK. | FOR TWO | FOR SALE--2 USED WARM AIR FUR- naces. Call Holland Furnace Co. Phone Winn. 1030. LTG39-1tc FOR SALE--CHEAP, AMPERES storage batteries just rebuilt; new separators. Tel. Wil. 67. LTG39-1te FOR SALE--BABY BUGGY AND GATE, $9. Wanted--a chest of drawers. Tel. Winn. 508-R T21-1te 225 LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S CLOTH- ing in good condition. Tel. Wil. 274. TG21-1te FOR SALE -- THOROUGHBRED AN- gora kittens. Tel. Winn. 374 or call at 824 Humboldt Ave. T21-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY LIBRARY top Brunswick-Balke billiard table. Tel. Wil. 266. LTG39-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Cadillac Motor Car Co. Evanston Branch Sales and Service 1820 Ridge Avenue Open evenings Tel. Ev. 4841 CADILLAC, TYPE 59-- 4-pass. touring car, just rebuilt and repainted. In rebuilding this car we have replaced all worn parts and gone over the entire car so we can guarantee it the same as new. It is painted a dark brewster green with red wheels and striping. The equip- ment includes 4 new tires and a good spare. Westinghouse shock absorbers, bumper, protection bars on rear of body, kick plates and step plates. In appearance this car looks like the new type 61. Our price is $2350. CADILLAC, TYPE 59-- Victoria. This is our popular Coupe Model that seats four comforta- bly. It has been rebuilt and re- painted a beautiful dust proof gray. The lamps and radiator are nickel plated. The five tires are all good. This car has not been run 9,000 miles and carries our ninety day guarantee. Our price for this car is $2800.00. 1920 WILLYS-KNIGHT 5 passenger sedan. In very good condition throughout. Equipped with 4 practically new cord tires. Anyone desiring an economical car to run and one that will give | most satisfactory service should buy this car. Real bargain at $1,150. DODGE-- 1920 roadster in very fine condition throughout. This is a good car f5r the person wanting a light 4- <ylinder car, for either personal or business use; mechanically it is O. XK: A bargain at $550. MITCHELL, 1920 5-pass. sedan, in tion throughout, Royal cord tires, bumper and stop light. This car is a bargain at our price, $900. excellent condi- all new U. 8S. LTG39-1tc Glen. 253. Ril - eee -------- TWO COLORED GIRLS, 15 AND 18, BEF would like house work or care of chil- dren. Tel. Winn. 518-J. TG21 Ite | DRE YOU BUY A NURSE WILL CARE FOR AGED IN | SEE THE NE her own home. Tel. Glen. 430. Ww LL GARDNER WASHING TAKEN HOME. WASHING and ironing. Tel. Glen. 171. T12-tfc SITUATION WANTED--MALE NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- dener thoroughly experienced in plant- ing and gardening work. Estimates on fodils, Narcissus, Lilies, Peonies, grown rose stocks. I am taking orders for fall planting. I shall be pleased to quote the lowest prices on Darwin and Cottage tulips. Also Hyacinths, Daf- fodils, Narcissus, Lillies, Peonies, and all hardy perennials. I also take care of private places during vacation. Ed- ward Siegrosser, 1030 Central Ave., Wil- mette. Tel. Wil. 708-M. T17-tfc WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1549. LTG24-tfc SIT. WANTED--FIRST-CLASS CHAUF- feur, mechanic, private place, 9 years' experience, spare time will do garden work. Would like steady position, first- class recommendation, 2 years last po- sition. Do my own repairing. Address Winnetka Talk, B-66. T21-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED PORTER for restaurant, North Shore Cafe, 633 W. R. R. Ave. Phone Wilmette 34. LTG39-1tc FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--(HOUSE SOLD) FURNISH- INGS IN A WINNETKA RESIDENCE --RUGS, GRAND PIANO, PICTURES, CHINA, GLASSWARE, ETC. AN OP- PORTUNITY SELDOM OFFERED; MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIAT- ED. NO DEALERS. 708 PROSPECT AVE. TEL. WINNETKA 1503. T21-1tc FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and ex- changed. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG35-tfc ee WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS $13.50 per front foot. WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfc PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG15-tfc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--REGISTERED SHETLAND pony, basket cart, harness and saddle, all in very good condition. Pony is very gentle and attractive. Tel. Wil- mette 19, or call 711 Lake Ave. TG21-1te FOR SALE--AMERICAN IDEAL BOIL- er rating 750 feet, with 450 feet of radiation, valves, piping and covering complete. Tel. Winn. 1030. LTG39-2te FOR SALE -- TWO YOUNG ROLLER canaries cross between Hartz Mountain and St. Andresburg. Phone Winn. 1622. LTG39-1te WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or flat, no children, by the first of September. Tel. Winn. 456. LT39-tfc WANTED TO RENT--BUNGALOW OR house, with garage. Sept. 1st. Phone Win. 1697. LTG39-1tc FOR SALE--BOSTON TERRIER (MALE) 1 year, house broken; raised with chil- dren; reasonable for a good home. 870 Foxdale Ave., Winnetka. LTG39-1tc FOR SALE--USED FURNACE, GOOD T21-1te condition. Tel. Winn. 1686. and | GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR $895 LEXINGTON CHICAGO CO 1008 Davis St. EVANSTON LTG37-tf USED CARS We are disposing of all our used cars at bargain prices. Easy terms. Dodge Touring--1916 Ford Sedan--1921 Overland Touring--83B Oldsmobile Touring Buick Cabriolet--1917 WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 LTG39-1tc LATE 1921 FORD TOURING CAR IN A-1 cond. Elec. starter, dem. rims, cut out, foot accelerator, all new tires, perf. running motor. Looks like new. Very cheap. 457 Ash St. LT391tp FOR SALE--APPERSON good condition, bargain. strate. Call Mrs. Hunt, 8 ROADSTER, Gladly demon- Winnetka 298. T21-1tp FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN, running order. Tel. Glencoe PERFECT 343-R. T21-1tp TOUR- 196 Scott TG21-1te FOR SALE--T7-PASS. ing car Ave, JORDAN only run 8,300 miles. Glencoe. BATTLES WITH OWL Amherst, Ohio.--Edward Brucker en- countered considerable difficulty before he subdued, with his hands, and im- prisoned in a cage, a large owl which he found roosting among his chickens. The owl put up a three-hour battle before he wilted from exhaustion. 13 LEGAL NOTICE GENERAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN of a Special Meeting of the stock- holders of the Winnetka State Bank, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, to be held at the office of the Bank of Win- netka, Illinois, on the 7th day of Sep- tember, 1922, at the hour of five o'clock p. m., for the purpose of submitting to a vote the question of the increase of the capital stock of the corporation from the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dol- lars ($25,000), consisting of Two Hundred and Fifty (250) shares of the par value of One Hundred Dollars ($100) each, to Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000), con- sisting of Five Hundred (500) shares of the par value of One Hundred Dol- lars ($100) each, and to transact all other business proper or necessary that may come before the meeting. HENRY R. HALE, President. SANBORN HALE, Secretary. T21-1tc Patronize the Advertisers SUH TTR Ea nese WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS? Now that you have left school and are face to face with a practical world, what can you do? not true that your chances for securing a good sit- uation would be enhanced if you had a practical business training? for business and for life. Evanston Business College 634 Davis Street ECC Is it It is our business to fit you 1 & the last The Use of Our Chapel Is a privilege that is deeply ap- preciated by our patrons -- not only because of its appropriate beauty and solemnity, but be- cause the cramped quarters of city dwellers are not suitable for rites and the many friends that wish to pay their re- spects to the departed. There is no charge for its use. I RL PHONE EVANSTON GOO 906 EF] CHICAGO . ou Aye 0S (AP oistinerive wn ROG one ee HE SERVICE Reliable P. Louen, Sales Mg. 1 Sells (At Post Office) Dependable 810 Church St., Evanston Jerry McCarthy of Detroit says you don't have "to get married on Friday" to be un- lucky--- Just, the buying of an automobile from an Un-reliable Dealer is enough to make you feel, you need a horseshoe. Cars Ford and Lincoln Cars