WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 35, 1922 TLS ILE 36 HATA CANA Large Crowd Turns Out for First Annual Event; Win- netka Wins Relay DUCK RACE AMUSES Holden Anderson Is Winnet- ka's Champion More than two thousand people witnessed Winnetka's first annual water carnival Sunday, July 30. The ideal weather and the perfectly smooth water helped make the event a success. Among the events which were of great interest, the relay race for the north shore championship was one of the most thrilling. The Winnetka team, Holden Anderson, Melvin Vee- der, John Dewar and Paul Corbett were victorious over the Glencoe and Wilmette teams. The duck race and the tub race were among the most amusing events. The swimming races and the fancy diving events were among the best seen on the north shore, frequently bringing much applause from and giving thrills to the enthusiastic crowd. The pushball contest between teams representing North Winnetka and South Winnetka was a hard fought and exciting game, the southsiders finally winning after a spirited fight. The carnival was sponsored by the park board and managed by Tom Gon- ser, to whom much credit is due for the success of the affair. Tom Robin- son, Northwestern's swimming coach officiated at the carnival and added his presence and activity. Owing to the success of the carnival this year, another will probably be held next year. The Events The results of the various events follow: 25 yard race (boys under 12) Won by Norman Sommers, Jack Mahnen, 2nd, William Conner, 3rd. 25 yard race (girls underl2) Won by Henrietta Kloepfer, Janet Mar- shall 2nd, Winifred Dewar 3rd. Finish Sack Fight, Won by Charles Leighering, George Dewar 2nd. Dis- tance Swim (Winnetka Championship) Holden Anderson 1st, Melvin Veeder 2nd, John Dewar 3rd. Water basket ball game, Won by Floyd Voltz, Harold Clarke, C. OC. Blasius, Burton Atwood and Ted Mad- son. 40 yard relay race (girls 12-15), Won by Harriet Plowman, Betty Swartz, Dorothy Prouty, Helen Dean. The second team: Marge Newman, Phoebe Fuller, Alice Carey, Bertha Freda. 50 yard relay race, (boys 12-15), Won by George Dewar, John Dewar, Clarence Burke, Clifford Swartz. Sec: ond team, George Massey, Kenneth Stixrud, Magnus Martin, "Pep" Wil liams. : Umbrella race, John Mordanec, 1st, George Massey 2nd, Magnus Martin, 3rd. Fancy Diving, Paul Corbett, 1st, Kenneth Stixrud 2nd, Clifford Schwartz, 3rd. Life Saving Exhibition Life saving exhibition, John Dewar and George Dewar 1st, Clifford Schwartz and Ed. Yonkers 2nd. 100 yard breast stroke, Robert Lowry 1st, Jack Hamilton 2nd, Sher- man Goble 3rd. Canoe Tilting contest, George and Richard Massey 1st, John Murdoch and Jack Hamilton 2nd. Distance Swim (Winnetka Wo- men's championship) Harriett Plow- man 1st, Betty Swartz 2nd, Anne Con- ner 3rd. Duck Feature race, Won by George Connor, Tub race, George Dewar 1st, Hor ace Whitney 2nd, Stephen Plowman Telephone Winnetka 844 "AT ECKART'S" The present car strike situation is all the more reason why you should trade at ECKART'S --and in Winnetka. 736 Elm St. J. F. Eckart Co. Hardware, Paints, Tools, Cutlery, Glass Winnetka, IIL Phone 844 SELECT A ROYAL HEATER! f Over two hundred contestants par-| 3rd. ticipated in the events, which covered Plunge, Burton Atwood 1st, William a period of three hours and a half. Clord 2nd, Ed. Yonkers 3rd. RR RR ER RS RR RR SS Sr Se Sr Sr 7 HART & CROUSE ty 55 = Your is 66 2) E Photograph 5 RO YAL Eh . Ug a h BOILERS Garden is : 8 i AND 1} il FURNACES 2 2 il ol 5 i : i A dozen types in a JA i Phone i hundred sizes from | i for i which to make your } = Appointment Ug selection. : : : / ig Ee & L 3 n = ROYAL HEAT CAN'T BE BEAT / 5 i | stanton R. C. MELENEY | WILHITE bh NORTH SHORE AGENT 4 i1| Photographer ig 20 Prouty Annex -:- Phones Win. 119 & 614 M 0 0 Just East of Winnetka Depot RR RR RR RR UR RR RR MR RR RR RR RR RR Ye 1 5 = | An Important - # Factor that makes for perfection in our service is the fact that every de- tail of it is looked after personally by Mr. Scully himself. In this way the things that an employee might regard as "good enough" are detected before they prove that good enough is no good in our line of business. Scully service has made trans- portation here in Winnetka a simple matter indeed--if the right organization does it! Respectful Attention and Honest Service are accorded the woman who drives as well as the man, at the Triangle Garage & Motor Company. Women drivers will find only skilled, alert, courteous employees at our place--perhaps that's one reason we have so many women patrons! | | \ Phone Winnetka 232 NN SENS VS A EL EXPRESSING &'MOVING 6 PROUTY ANNEX WINNETKA , ILL.