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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 5 Aug 1922, p. 7

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i DOCIAL Mid-Summer Trips Take Many People Away from Village Mrs. J. Bruce IToward, of New York, charming house guest of Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone of Kenilworth, was the guest of honor at several very lovely affairs during the past several days. On Friday evening Mrs. Flor- ence Ffrench of the "Musical Leader" gave a musical at her home in Chi- cago, and the larger part of the pro- gram was rendered by Mrs. Rathbone, who is a very talented artist. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Edwin Lins- ley Ward of Chicago gave a luncheon and Bridge at her home. On Tuesday Mrs. Charles F. Clark, who is the head of the presidents of the women's clubs affiliated with the Illinois Federation of Woman's clubs, gave a delightful tea for Mrs. Howard, and, on Wednes- day, Mrs. Harry F. Atwood of Chi- cago entertained at luncheon at the Arts club. Mrs. Rathbone entertained on Friday at Bridge at her home in Kenilworth which was converted into a bower of flowers picked from her own gardens. There were a number of prominent Chicagoans among the guests, including, Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson, Mrs. William B. Austin, Mrs. Jacob Bauer, Miss Bertha Isles, Madame Hannah Butler, the Misses Calista and Jennette Pratt, Mrs. Wil- liam Lewis Rohrer, Mrs. A. M. Mar- quis and Mrs. Richard Martin of Highland Park. Mrs. Howard will re- main with Mrs. Rathbone for the next two weeks. --_--0-- The Seventh Children's Afternoon program at Ravinia Park on Thursday, August 10, at 3:15 o'clock, will be as follows: Interpretation of Orchestra Numbers Mr. and Mrs. Marx Oberndorfer Chicago Symphony Orchestra: 1. Wedding March "Lohengrin"... Hr a ag rs ns Wagner 2. Dance of the Happy Spirits "Orfeo" ET ore A a hls hares Gluck b. The Swan 5. On the Beautiful Blue Danube... rr I EE SER Strauss Intermission Pupils of the Gladys Hight School of Dancing: 1. The Gladys Hight Ballet in 'The Moth and the Flame" 2. Russian Princess ra Marilucille Hatch Ball. ..Mildred Stiebing Betty Jones 4. On the Boulevard...... Helen Doty 5. Four-year-old Paul Harrington Frisco's Revel the Play Ground with The Gladys Hight Ballet and "Our Polly" is Mildred Stiebings. sateen The North Shore Wellesley Club will hold the second of its weekly all- day sewing meetings to prepare for "Petticoat Lane," the huge four-col- lege benefit to take place at the Coun- try Club of Evanston on November 10 and 11, at the home of Mrs. William Sherman Hay, 645 Sheridan road, Winnetka, on Tuesday, August 8, at at 10:30 o'clock. Members please bring 3. The Mas 6. In box-lunches, and thimbles, is the re- quest. y= Of interest to Winnetkans is the marriage today of Miss Marguerite Harshaw to Capt. Henning Linden of the United States Army, to take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Turner at Englewood, N. J. Mr. Tur- ner is an uncle of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Linden plan to spend a portion of their honeymoon visiting at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. Myron T. Harshaw of 1096 Oak street. w-- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Thompson and daughter, Annette, of 1067 Oak street, and their guest, Miss Mildred Joeckel attended a house party given week-end at Galesburg, Ill Miss Joeckel atended a house party given by the Tri Delts of Knox College, where she will take up her studies in the fall. --_-- Mr. and Mrs. David H. Weil, 1040 Pine street, and their children, Ruth and Clarence, left Friday, July 28, for Cleveland, Ohio, to visit Mrs. Slocum, Mrs. Weil's sister, who spent six weeks in Winnetka recently. The children will remain with their aunt while Mr. and Mrs. Weil continue their auto trip. They expect to return Sunday, August 6. ---- Miss Evelyn Harwood of Minne- apolis, Miss Edith Aiken, of New Or- leans, and Mrs. Percival Hart, former- ly Miss Marguerite Fellows, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Guernee Fellows of Kenwood, Chicago, were recent guests of Mrs. Gayle Aiken, Jr., at 849 Lin- coln avenue. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weeks, who have been spending the past three WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1922 CTIVITIES months touring France, Switzerland and other places of interest on the contient, are now in Italy. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks will not return to Win- netka until October 1. Fim Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks Moul- ton, 1161 Pine street, left early in the week on an extended Canadian trip. They will be gone throughout the month of August and in their absence the home will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Springer of Chicago. ---- Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Braun of 995 Elm street, and their daughter Mildred, ac- companied by Mrs. A. Bohnen of 594 Willow street, and her son Harold, just returned from a pleasant ten-day fish- ing trip in Koskononz, Wis. --0-- Mrs. Ira A. Jones entertained with a luncheon and bridge party at Skokie Country club Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Harry Lyman of Meridan. Con- necticut. Mrs. Lyman is visiting with Mrs. Jones at her home at 457 Grove street, Glencoe. --C-- Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Parker, Mrs. Grant Bulla- moore and Mr. Fred Barter of Pleasant Prairie, Wis., were recent guests at the Maurice H. Lieber home at 488 Ridge avenue. --_------- Mr. Albert Bartles, 926 Cherry street Winnetka, has just returned from a two weeks' vacation, part of which was spent in Wisconsin and the re- mainder enjoying Winnetka's own pleasure resort. Mrs. A. G. Freeman, treasurer of the Winnetka Woman's club, who has been ill for some time, has been taken to the Presbyterian hospital, and Mrs. Maurice 1. Lieber is assuming the responsibilities of the office in her absence. --_--(-- Mrs. Frank R. Fuller, 110 Church road, entertained the Garden Club at her home last Wednesday. The meet- ing was at 11 o'cicck. Miss Wicks of New York addressed the club on the subject "Greek Gardens." --O-- Miss Mary Fulton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Fulton, 545 Lincoln avenue, who has been spending the past week in Milwaukee, Wis., is ex- pected home next week. =O Miss Elizabeth Sanford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Sanford, 245 Ridge avenue, entertained with a party in honor of her twelfth birthday Tuesday evening, August 1. ---0-- Dr. and Mrs. V. Massman of 926 Oak street, recently motored up to Mr. Charles A. Kinney's camp for boys on Chambers Island. Their son, Dick, ac- companied them on the return journey. --_O-- Mrs. E. G. Trowbridge, who has been confined to her home. for the past five weeks because of a fractured arm, left today for a month's stay in Santa Fe, New Mexico. --0----- Mrs, © XK. Copeland, her son Fred and daughter Ruth are to accompany a group of Winnetkans on a month's camping trip in Wyoming. The party Is to be gone for one month. -- Miss Ruth Kaston, Herman A. Kaston, 220 Poplar street, has returned from Oberlin College, daughter of Train Dispatcher Has Odd Rodent Eradicator Clarksburg, W. Va--William E. Starcher, local traction train dis- patcher, former member of the House of Delegates and candidate for the House again, says the only way to clear the barn or the house of rats is to use your flivver. Back it up to the barn, attach a tube to the exhaust, and turn on the engine and let her flicker. The rats, half dead from the poisonous fumes, rush out into the open and can be easily captured in a bucket, where they die. London Taxi Drivers Have Funeral Ritual London--Here is something new in funerals. When a member of the Taxi Dri- vers' Association dies in London he is given a state funeral, which in- cludes a broken wheel on the top of the casket, and the empty cab of the deceased driver follows in the pro- cession behind the coffin. Peonies, Iris and Shrubbery Select stock for Fall Planting; also imported Dutch, French and Japanese bulbs for late September delivery. Lawn and garden fertilizers. Bulb orders filled in rotation. N. F. WEBB 920 15th St. Ph. 777-M WILMETTE t where she has been studing during jthe past year. i es? nd Mrs. Charles D. Loper and son, Douglas, of 821 Prospect avenue, are in Nantucket, Mass., for the summer. Mr. Loper is to join them later in the month. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. George B. Everett, 800 Lincoln avenue, have gone to the Lake Superior region for a month's vacation. They "left via the North American. ------ Mrs. Basil Thompson and nother, Mrs. Morreau Brown, have taken the C. W. Washburne home on Chestnut street for the remainder of the sum- mer. EL Miss Emily Hoyt, daughter of Mrs. Phelps Hoyt of Winnetka, has gone to Beaumaris, Que., to be the guest of Miss Rebecca Burgher of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Evans Larsen, 803 Pine street, entertained Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. John Glenn Dewar, formerly of Glencoe, who recently has taken the home at 797 Pine street. Mr. and Mrs. Warrington of Aurora, Ill, are spending several days as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gillson 533 Hawthorne lane. --O-- Mr. Henry Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Brooks of 439 Walnut road, is spending a few weeks visit- ing relatives at Pockston, Ill. -- eee Miss Ruth Matz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Matz, 1005 Sheridan road, is spending a few weeks visiting relatives in Portland, Me. ye Miss Alice de Windt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. de Windt, 593 Sheridan road, is spending the week in Mackinac, Mich., at a house party. ihe Mrs. Fred K. Copeland, 665 Prospect avenue, left early in the week for Pine Point, Maine, where she will remain two months. vay fel Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Lum have as their guests Mrs. Lum's mother, Mrs. Thomas Robert Greason, and her sister, Mrs. Frank Brown, of New York. Oa Mrs. Howard Carriel of San Fran- cisco, Cal., sister of Mr. Joseph E. Winterbotham, 859 Oak street, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Winterbotham. --p Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Long of 910 Oak street, have just returned from a three weeks' motor and camping trip. --0-- Mrs. Warren Miller of South Bend, Ind., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Glenn Dewar, 797 Pine street. --O-- Mrs. Gayle Aiken, Jr. 849 Lincoln avenue, has gone to Duluth, Minne- sota, for a brief visit. Kenilworth Happenings Mrs. Emily McDougal is motoring through New York State with her brother-in-law and his wife. --O-- Walter Olmstead of Chicago and Alfred McDougal are motoring to Denver. i Re "Archie" Hooker has returned from a week's visit to his mother's farm in Michigan. ---- The Evening Bridge Club was en- tertained at the Warren Pease home on Monday. --0-- Mrs. John Benham entertained a number of friends at tea on Thursday afternoon. --_---- Mrs. Edgar W. Burchard is giving a birthday party for Mr. Burchard on Sunday evening. ---- The Mark Cresaps have gone to Estes Park, Col, for the month of August, AXXIIXIIIXIIIIIIIIIXXX Poultry Broilers, Frying and Roasting Chickens--- Freshly Dressed Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka ALARA IAA AAR AA A AX XXXII EXIXIXIIIXIXIIXIXIZXXXIXIXX AAA LIA X XXXII IXXIXX UNIQUE STYLE SHOP WILMETTE Always the newest and most select styles. A COMPLETE STOCK Phone 2403 1126 Central Ave. Mrs. Charles Ware entertained --_---- day. Mrs. Haynes of the Kenilworth Inn, twenty guests at luncheon and Bridge |entertained the Bridge Club on Tues- last Thursday. Miss Helen Taylor left Monday for a visit with Miss Cornelia Keith at Big Lake, Wis, --Q-- Mrs. John Lind has returned from a visit in Michigan. ANNUAL Clearance Sale Now in Progress 15-33:% Reduction on all Shoes (Cantilevers Excepted) | North Shore Bootery EVANSTON North Shore Hotel Bldg. PHONE 6757 Davis St. and Chicago - WINNETKA FRUIT STORE Fresh. Fruit: POULOPOS BROS. PROPRIETORS 801 Elm Street Winnetka Phone 1371 Peaches, basket .......... Cantalopes, each .... Red Raspberries, box. .............. ... og Sweet Corn, doz. ears. ...... Sy Sea 330s Grapes db, viii i 0 ins Blue Berries, qt. ............ Green and Wax Beans, qt... .. .. Tomatoes, lb. 15¢; 2 Ibs... . Potataes, pk'... i 0 Sweet potatoes, 3 lbs. ........ .35¢ PRSRER Mere a .10c .40c .10c .25¢ .60c .25¢ IXXXXX IFAC ECY The Prophecy of a mans i ¢ Success is offen written 1 ir lis savings dani dood Prophets--and profits sound much alike. The first is a natural pheno- menon---but the second depends upon your ability to save. ¥ z coc

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