he WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1922 11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS : Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be'in by Wednesday at 12 p.m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in 'The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ole Price. REAL ESTATE WINNETKA Bungalow, 3 rooms, one bath, fire place. Wooded lot 50x187. A snap, $4,500. WINNETKA New red brick Colonial on large wooded lot, 811 Walden Rd., cor. Vine St. Close to trans. and schools, 6 rooms, 3 bed rcoms, 2 baths, tile, shower, heated sun parlor and sleeping porch, h. w. heat, large living room, massive fire place. Heated garage attached; a real DRrZARING at ©... evi vanes $17,000 EVANSTON Modern Colonial house with beautiful surroundings, 6 rooms, 3 bed rooms, 1 bath, hot water heat, large lot, North West Evanston, close to trans. and schools. Price $12,000. JOHN F. HAHN 1619 Sheridan Ave. Tel. Evans. 2382 LTG42-1tc WINNETKA HOMES minutes to Elm street depots; near Municipal Golf Course, parks, schools, churches, Community House, and shopping center. This is deep property restricted to two-story homes, near fine large estate. Present taxes are $35 per foot and up, including im- provements. We are an old, reliable firm in a position to offer very reason- able terms on houses and lots, the total cost of which would be $10,000 and up. Property begins at the corner of Glen- dale ave. and Oak street, and is directly south of the new Skokie school. For further information call at office on property or phone Winnetka 139. Winnetka Improvement Company Corner Glendale Ave. and Oak Street. TG24-1tc M. L. MOODY & CO. 6511 Fourth Wil. 2248 7-ROOM NEW STUCCO COLONIAL, 2 glass porches, ideal location across from park. Garage. Terms,....$16,000 7-room brick across from park, porches, substantial home, only.......... 13,000 7-room stucco, 2 finished on 3rd, 290 ft. wooded lot. Garage. Well planned home. East $11,300 7-room, beautiful porches, Colonial, per- Twelve ennials, wooded, garage, 2 blocks to yn Te SAT BR ETAT $9,000 5-room stucco bung., owner leaving, ONLY Co ie She viini wenis visita ie ...5$8,000 y See our lot % block from lake, wooded. Last at price. $110 per ft.; also the special for this week, facing links, $60 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES WANTED TO RENT -- FOR THE months of Sept. and Oct., large house, preferably in Winnetka. Must have four bed rooms and at least two baths. TEL. WIN. 320 Premium will be given. LTG42-1tc WANTED TO RENT -- WINNETKA, Nov. 1st to May 1st, furn. house, 4 bed- rooms, two baths, garage. W. M. Crilly, 606 Provident Ave. Tel. Winnetka 393. T24-1tc WANTED TO RENT--UNFURNISHED house, in North Shore suburb. Must have 4 bed rooms and two baths. Year's lease or longer. Call Wil. 1378. LTG42-1tp WANTED TO INuNT--SMALL HOUSE or flat, niu children, by the first of Sept. Tel. Winn. 456. LT39-tfc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE, BEGIN- ning Oct. 1st. 3 adults; no children. Tel. Win. 1642. CETTE er Td. 1Ee FOR RENT--OFFICE FOR RENT--OFFICE OF THREE RMS. in Post Office Building, Winnetka. Ayres Boal, 1305 Gas Building, Chi- cago. T24-1tc GARAGES FOR SALE GARAGES FOR SALE--ANY SIZE OR kind that you want. We furnish best quality at lowest prices and can give occupancy in twenty-four hours. It will pay you to see us before you buy and to examine one of our. garages that are up and in service. Cairo Wood Prod- ucts Co., 1230 Leon Place, Evanston, Ill. Phone Evanston 7614. LTG40-4tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--LARGE, LIGHT GARAGE, $10 per month. Tel. Winn. 889. TI1S-tfc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FRONT ROOM, LARGE, airy and convenient, with private prch.; also a smaller room, modern and well furnished, near trans., schools, golf and lake. Tel. Winn. 513-R. T24-1te FOR RENT--TWO NICELY FURN- ished bed-rooms, single person or mar- ried couple. Near trans. Reas. Break- fast if desired. Private family. Gar. Tel. Glen. 976. LTG42-1tc FOR RENT -- LARGE, ATTRACTIVE front room, twin beds if desired. H. W. Ht., in refined, quiet home near trans- portation and cafeteria. 1046 Linden Ave., Wilmette. LTG42-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, PRIV- ate family, gentleman pref. Tel. Winn. 1686. T22-tfe FOR RENT--ROOM; ALSO SPACE IN garage for one machine. Tel. 513-W, 'Winnetka. 907 Ash St. T24-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--ALL KINDS OF SEWING | by the day or at home. European | dressmaker. Tel. Winn. 1769. T24-1tc | LADY WOULD LIKE GEN'L HOUSE- work. Good cook. References. Tel. | Winn 549-M. T24-1te SIT. WANTED--CARE OF CHILDREN or light housework by the hour. Tel. 'Winn. 911. T22-tfc WASHING TAKEN HOME. WASHING and ironing. Tel. Glen. 171. T12-tfc DRESSMAKING, EXPER. J. B. AND- | erson, 903 Ash St., Winnetka. T24-1tc | FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS | FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, | cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, | stoves, anything bought, sold and ex- changed. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212, | © LTG35-tfc FOR SALE--JACOBIAN OAK DINING | room furniture, table, 6 chairs' tea | wagon, good condition, $150. Tel. Winn. 1523. LTG42-1t¢ | FOR SALE--JACOBEAN OAK DINING | room furniture. Table, 6 chairs, cane seat and back, tea cart, in good cond. Tel. 1523. TG24-1te FOR SALE -- TWO LIVING ROOM chairs. cottage dining room set. ° 861 Ash St., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1335. LTG42-1te FOR SALE--GAS STOVE, IN GOOD condition, $5. Tel. Wil. 1578. LT42-1tp FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--ELECTRIC WASHING MA- chine, Judd, easy washer; copper; 8 sheet capacity; swinging ringer; gas water heater; hot and cold water con- nections installed on machine; some- thing very unusual. A-1 condition. Bar- gain; owner leaving city. Ph. Wilmette 2267. TG24-1te FOR SALE--SMALL REFRIGERATOR $7.00, and almost new Jewel gas range, $30. Cost $74.00 cash; may be seen at the Iredale Warehouse, Winnetka. T24-1te FOR SALE--BLUE FROSTED GENU- ine reed baby buggy, yellow wire wheels. In perfect condition. Winn. 1684. T24-1tc FOR SALE--SMALL GEYSER ELEC- tric washing machine, excellent cond. Tel. Winn. 551-M. T24-1tp FOR SALE--TWO BOYS' BICYCLES and baby carriage, cheap. 511 Laurel Ave. Tel. Wil. 48 LTG42-1tc FOR SALE--USED FURNACE, GOOD condition. Tel. Winn. 1686. T29-tfe Siqrier, best offer. Call Wil. 788. Can - be seen at 1318 Wilmette Ave. Wil- WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS mette. TG24-1te BARGAINS USED CARS Ford Sedan, 1921. Tires good, upholster- ing good; has demountable rims, wheel lock, speedometer, clock, bumpers, spot light, gasoline gauge, accelerator, ser- vice brake on rear wheels and other extras. This car is in good condition throughout. Dodge, 1916. Touring, in very good condi- tion every way. Looks good, runs good and is good. A dandy buy at our price. Willys- Knight 1919, 88-8. Seven-passen- ger touring; has only been driven 3,000 miles. Has 5 wire wheels. This car is mechanically perfect. Chalmers 6-30. Five-passenger touring, just out of the paint shop. This car has been gone over thoroughly; new light weight cast iron pistons and pis- ton rings installed, rear end overhauled and connecting rods taken up. It looks like a new car and runs like one. Reo, Panel Body Speed Wagon, 1921. This car has been driven less than one vear; in good mechanical condition: tires good, top good. This is a rare bargain at the price we are asking. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165 562 Lincoln Ave. TG24-1tc FOR SALE--1918 CADILLAC 4 pass. Phaeton; 57 model, everything complete including seat covers, search light, etc. Price $1000. cash. May be seen at 593 Sheridan Rd. Winnetka. Or phone H. A. deWindt. Win- netka 27. LT42-1tc LATE MODEL DODGE TOURING CAR, an exceptional buy in a used car, having been driven only 4,700 miles. Mechanic- ally will bear the most rigid inspection. The paint, top, unholstering and body cond, like new. 5 wire wheels, 5 cord tires, transmission lock, bumper, stop light, and other extras. Will sacrifice for quick sale. 558 Birch St., Winnetka. TG24-1te FOR SALE--FORD ROADSTER, SELF- WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfc WANTED TO RENT--BY BUSINESS woman, pleasant room east side Winn., conv. to transportation. Add. Weekly Talk B-84. T24-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- dener thoroughly experienced in plant- ing and gardening work. Estimates on fruit trees, shrubbery, hardy field grown rose stocks. I am taking orders for fall planting and I shall be pleased to quote the lowest prices on Darwin and Cottage tulips. Also Hyacinths, Daf- fodils, Narcissus, Lilies, Peonies and and those $18 lots. LTG42-1te ACREAGE AT N. EVANSTON 2 or 4 acres facing east, convenient to grammar and high schools, near Lin- colnwood. Northwestern professor al- ready bought adjoining acres for fine home. Owners must sell. Make offer. WINNETKA'S BEST BUY IN VACANT Most beautifully wooded inside 60 ft. lot, one block from lake. Owner must sell quick; make offer. W. J. MOIR EXCLUSIVE AGENT 556 Center St.,n.w. of N.W. Depot. Win. 254 LTG42-1tc 5 R. STUCCO BUNG. SLP. AND BRK. pchs.,, dandy loc. lot 50x156. Owner anxious to sell. Price $8,750. 3 6 R. stucco, h. w. heat, good location, $12,500.00. 8 R. stucco, w. heat, 234x54, very choice location worth. Price $17,500. 8 R. stucco, 2 baths, w. heat, spac. Iv. room, E. loc., near transportation, $20,- 000. A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Phn. Wil. 640. LTG42-1te SCHAEFER & GOLBACH Investments, Insurance Real Estate 434 Wilmette 1038 See us for acre tracts in New Trier Township LTG40-tfc WILL BUILD YOU HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES H. BRETHOLD. Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto triangular lot 64x in Kenil- Insurance, First and Second Mortgages. 545 W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 65. LT36-tfc WANTED--LISTINGS OF PROPERTY in Wilmette, Winnetka, Kenilworth, Hubbard Woods, Glencoe and High- land Park. G. B. Bartlett, manager, Lake Shore Realty Co., 220 So. State St., Suite 1716, Chicago, Ill. Tel. Wa- bash 9180. LTG40-2tc WANTED--LISTINGS OF PROPERTY in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, Glencoe, and Highland Park. A. R. Eddington & Co., 1157 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, Ph. Wil. 640. TG24-tfc all hardy perennials. I also take care of private places during vacation. Ed- ward Siegrosser, 1030 Central Ave., Wil- mette. Tel. Wil. 708-M. T24-tfc WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1549. LTG24-tfc SIT. WANTED--BY EXPERT GARDEN- er, chauffeur, houseman. handy all| around, willing. Work by the hour. Age 31 yrs., white, good refs. Address | P. O. Box 1, Winnetka, Ill. T24-1tp WANTED--GENERAL WORK, GARDEN and house by the hour; also furnace | work done reasonable if furnace Is | included. Call Winnetka 1783. | TG23-5tp | HELP WANTED--FEMALE | WANTED--TWO GIRLS FOR SMALL house. One for cooking and laundry: electric washer and ironer. Other for upstairs and assist with children. Good pay and good home. 303 Fairview Ave., 'Winnetka. Tel. 852. T24-1tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST | with housework; 4 adults in family. ! 333 Sunset Rd., Winnetka. Tel. Win. | 1057. LTG42-1tc | WANTED--HONEST, WILLING WHITE woman for laundry work and cleaning. 67 Warwicke Ave., near Indian Hill Sta. : T24-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRLS FOR LAUN- dry work. Apply at the Klensuds Laundry, 415 West Railroad Ave., Tel. 'Wil. 1105. LT42-1tc WANTED--MAID; MUST BE GOOD cook; no laundry. $18. Tel. Winn. 1184. T24-1tc WANTED GIRL FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work. Good wages. 818 Ashland. Ph. 'Wil. 2135. LTG42-1tc | WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL | . housework. Small family; good wages. | Glencoe 824. LT42-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN-| eral house work; no washing. 827 | Ashland Ave. Tel. Wil. 2160. LTG42-1tc | WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN'L | housework. Ph. 729-M, Wilmette. | T24-1te | WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN, GEN'L. housework, home nights. 519 Fir St. | Tel. Winn. 1086. LTG42-1tc | WANTED--MAID, WHITE, GENERAL housework; preferably one going home nights. Tel. Winn. 1338. LTG42-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; no laundry work. Good wages. Tel. Winn. 929. T24-1te FOR SALE--VACANT FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15 min. walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W. LTG27-tfe VACANT FOR SALE--2 LOTS, $6560 AND $900 each. Some cash, balance a little once in a while. J. Paulik, Tel. Kenil 2016 before 9 a. m. mornings. LTG42-2tp FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--FURNISHED, WINNETKA, a most attractive and desirable small house, heat included, centrally located. WANTED--WAITRESS, EXPER. DAY work. Du Breuil"s, 620 Davis street, Evanston. TG42-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work. White. Tel. Winn. 638-W. T24-1tc WANTED--RELIABLE NURSE. TEL. Wil. 2334. LTG42-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE EXPER. WHITE WOMAN WISHES cooking, ironing or cleaning by day or hour. Tel. Wil. 1080. Room 27. LT42-1tp NEAT COLORED WOMAN WANTS Garage if desired. Tel. Winn. 1081. LTG42-1te plain sewing and mending by the hour. T24-1tp Tel. Winn. 978, Hattie Rapier. PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; hest references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG15-tfc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES BEFORE YOU BUY A USED CAR SEE THE NEW GARDNER GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR $895 LEXINGTON CHICAGO CO 1008 Davis St. EVANSTON LTG37-tfc FOR SALE--1922 FORD TOURING CAR. Only ten weeks old; better than new. Just bought for over the summer months. Delivery Sept. 15th. Tel. 'Winn. 390. LTG43-1te Good LOST AND FOUND LOST--YOUNG AIREDALE DOG, HAIR cut close, wearing collar with name Winters, Tel. Wil. 2260. Return and receive liberal reward. LTG42-1tc LOST--FOX TERRIER, BLACK AND white, long tail, name, "Pep." Reward. Baumess, 279 Linden St., Winnetka. TG24-1te A TAN STRIPED SILK SCARF. CALL Winn. 696-M. T24-1tc Man on Jury Watches Thief Steal His Car West Frankfort, I1l.--Confined to a jury room deliberating a case, Neal Lampley, a juror, looked out of a win- dow to see his Ford car being driven away from where he had it parked. Unable to give chase, the thief got a good start, but was captured during the night. The youth who took the car had been given a "lift" by Lamp- ley early in the morning and evidently became attached to the purr of the! motor. Used Cars If you want a Good used car, just tell us the style, the make and price you expect to pay. ahYa FORD SEDAN APPEALS TO ALL Dealer Points Out Advan- tages of Type We have watched with considerable interest the increasing popularity of the "Sedan" car, says R. D. Cunning- ham. The open car will of course always have its vogue and we never expect to see it done away with, but the in- creasing frequency with which one meets the.neat, compact and comfort- able little Ford sedan not only on our city streets but in the smaller places and even in purely rural districts, denotes that there are substantial and universal reasons for its adoption. As a result of our investigations we have come to the conclusion that there are several arguments in its favor and while there might appear logical preference for a closed car in (Continued on page 1}) 0YBUR THEATRE 615 Davis St., Ev:nston MATINEES 2 & 4 EVENINGS 7 &9 NEXT WEEK Monday - Tuesday Aug. 28-29 MACK SENNETT'S LATEST COMEDY MELODRAMA "THE CROSSROADS OF NEW YORK" with a splendid cast including Ethel Gray Terry, Noah Berry, Herbert Standing. Wednesday Aug. 30 "THE PRODIGAL JUDGE" Featuring: Jean Paige, star of 'Black Beauty," Maclyn Arbuckle, Earl Fox A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE OF 1835 Thurs.-Fri. Aug. 31-Sept. 1 ANITA STEWART "ROSE O' THE SEA" SATURDAY RETURN BY REQUEST "Bob Hampton of Placer" Randal Parish's Great Story of Early Life in the West. Featuring: Wes- ley Barry, James Kirkwood, Pat O'Malley and Others. Sept. 2 We will find a car to please you and it will be to buy and the service is free. This plan insures a Reliable, Dependable Car with- out your hunting for it. "% Cantina 810 CHURCH STREET, EVANSTON Phone Evanston 4884 right mechanically. You are under no obligation eliable ependable Cor NEXT TO POST OFFICE North Shore's Oldest Automobile Dealer Ford and Lincoln Cars oy