WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1922 § SCHOOL BANDS READY FOR BIGGEST SEASON Schumacher Re-organizing Bands in Wilmette, Kenil- worth and Glencoe There will be "music in the air" this school year and plenty of it at that, for J. C. Schumacher, director of the Wilmette Public School Band, the New Trier Township High School Band, The Kenilworth School Band and the Glencoe School Band, is get- ting the horns and drums started for the second season of play. Play At Fall Festival Friday evening of this week the Wilmette Public School Band appears in concert in connection with the Fall Festival at North Evanston under auspices of the North Evanston Busi- ness Men's association. Wilmette's Band is a well trained organization, as may be judged by the fact that the band recently took sec- ond place in prize contest at the Chi- Cook Fair at Checkerboard Field. Only half of the band appeared in the competitive event and it is gortainy that, had all the instruments been rep- resented, the first prize would have | come to Wilmette. i Enthusiastic Response Naturally, the school bands must undergo a partial reorganization gach fall because of the graduation each | spring of several of the: leading ar-| tists. The first call for players this | week brought response from more | than two score Wilmette school boys. | The boys are practicing now and will | be submitted to the test early next | week, according to Director Schu- macher. Meanwhile Mr. Schumacher, who is | an expert on any band instrument, is | priming the bands and testing new | material in the other public schools of | the township. Both Glencoe and Ken- | ilworth have good organizations un- | der way and prospects are especially | bright for the new season. In Win- | netka the enterprise has not taken hold as well as might be expected, it is said, but there are indications that | interest will be aroused sufficiently this season to organize a representa | tive band. Need Trombonists In Wilmette, as well as in the other communities, there is a particular need of baritone and trombone play- ers, and bass players are always in demand, according to Mr. Schu- macher. The prospective player needs no previous experience. He learns by getting into the organization and tak- ing the prescribed course of lessons. All the members of the school bands | have had to start in the same way and the success of the venture in its first year is proof that Mr. Schu- macher's method of instruction is thoroughly efficient and worthy of | highest praise. The splendid interest of the pupils | in the Wilmette band was demon | strated recently when the boys de-| cided to place the $50 won at the Chi- | Cook Fair into a fund designated as | the Wilmette Public School Bond] fund. The boys were told they could divide the money among themselves, | but they volunteered to devote the award to a better purpose. CENTRAL EAST SIDE FEELS REALTY BOOM Real estate activity in Winnetka | has broken out in a new place, or | rather in an old place over again, and it means considerable to the vil- lage because it is in the "old Central East side" and the Auto gateway to | the town. | McGuire and Orr's recent sales in- | dicate that this section will shortly take on a new appearance due to the erection of several homes and the complete remodelling of others. The beginning was a year ago when J. C. Cobb purchased 615 Elm street which he has since completely reno- vated. Then Fugene Krebs bought 603 Elm street which he will rebuild soon, but the extreme activity has been within the past few weeks. Mr. Bell," manager of McGuire and Orr's local office, reports the following sales in this section: ; Joseph E. Otis, Jr., purchased 608 Elm street and has begun improve- ment. Ingo Esch of Bard, Esch and company, will erect a handsome resi- dence on the northwest corner of Elm street and Walnut avenue. Size 100 by 187 feet, which he acquired from James Sherlock. Albert Smith, consulting engineer of Chicago and recently of Purdue University, is now remodelling the former Dick home on the northeast corner of Walnut and Oak street. E. T. Rutherford, now re- siding at the Plaisance Hotel, has bought the 165 by 170 feet at the southeast corner of Elm street and Walnut from Mr. Harry Totten. Mr. Rutherford will raze the old home- stead and use the entire property for his residence to be built next | spring. The latest sale is the north- east corner of Elm and Cedar streets, on which P. E. Conner of 712 Ash street, Winnetka, will build. Mr. Conner's coraer is opposite the Vil- lage Common, size 87 by 150 feet. OLD-FASHIONED REUNION The C. F. M. Miller family at 938 Elm street, recently entertained eleven relatives at their home. The gathering included kin from Milwau- kee and Cederberg, Wisconsin, and Rochester, N. Y. Presents Distilling Plant The new Skokie school Science de- partment has been presented with a complete water distilling plant by A. C. Jewell of Linden avenue, presi- dent of the Jewell Polar company. The plant is a handsome nickel- plated outfit comprising a still gas heater and storage tank. It will make a much needed addition to the school PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Winnetka held on the fifth day of September, 1922, the following ordinance was passed by three-fourths of the members of the said Council: The Council of the Village of Win- netka do ordain: SECTION 1. That the following de- scribed real estate, to-wit: Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13), in Block Five (5), of Jared Gage's Subdivision, be- in a part of the East Half (E 1) of the Northwest quarter (NW 1), also part of the West half (W 1%) of the Northwest quarter (NW 14), fractional Section Seventeen (17), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian; also part of the East Half (E 1%) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 14) of fractional Sec- tion Eight (8), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, as shown upon the plat of said subdivi- sion recorded in the office of the Re- corder of Cook County on the 8th day of February, A. D. 1872, as Document 12837, in Book 1 of Plats, at page 25, all within the Village of Win- netka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, CXCEPT that part of each of said lots lying Northeasterly of a line ex- tending from the Northwesterly line of said Lot Ten (10) to the Southerly line of said Lot Thirteen (13) and fifty (50) feet Southwesterly from and parallel to the Easterly line of said Block Five (5), and EXCEPT that part of said Lot Twelve (12) described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South- westerly line of said Lot Twelve (12), | feet VILLAGE OF WINNETKA THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS NUMBER 381134 ASSESSMENT NOTICE IN GENERAL SPECIAL Notice is hereby given to all persons in- terested that the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered the improve- ment of Linden Avenue from the north cor- porate limits of the Village of Winnetka to the north line extended from the west of North Avenue, including the street returns at Gage Street as far back as the street lines extended of Linden Avenue, and the street returns at Scott Avenue and Merrill Street to a line twelve (12) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line extended of Linden Avenue and to a line twelve (12) westerly from and parallel with the westerly line extended of Linden Avenue; also Gage Street from the westerly line extended of the right of way of the Chicago and North- western Railway Company to the easterly line extended of Linden Avenue, and Gage Street from the westerly line extended of Linden Avenue to a line two hundred fifty (250) feet westerly from and parallel with the west- erly line extended of Linden Avenue; also North Avenue from: the westerly line ex- tended of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company west to a line eighty-four (84) feet west of and parallel with the west line extended from the south of Linden Avenue, including the street re- turns at Center Street to a line drawn at right angles to the westerly line of Center Street from a point in the westerly line of Center Street fifty (50) feet southeasterly as measured along the westerly line of Center Street from the intersection of the south line said Southwesterly line being also the Northeasterly line of Linden Ave- nue, twelve and one-tenth (12 1-10) feet southeasterly of the Northwest- erly corner of said Lot Twelve (12) as measured along said Southwest- erly line of said Lot Twelve (12), thence Southeasterly and East along a curved line, tangent to the said Southwesterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) at said point of beginning, con- vex Southwesterly, having a radius of seventy-seven (77) feet, to a point fourteen (14) feet North of the South line of said Lot Twelve (12), said South line being the North line of North Avenue, and forty-one and seven-tenths (41.7) feet East of the said Southwesterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) as measured along a | line parallel with and fourteen (14) feet North, as measured at right angles to the said South line of said | Lot Twelve (12), of the said South line | of said Lot Twelve (12), said curved | line being tangent to said last men- | tioned line at the said last mentioned point, said last mentioned point being seventy-three and three-tenths (73.3) feet distant on a straight line South- easterly from said point of beginning, thence East along a line parallel with and fourteen (14) feet North of the said South line of Said Lot Twelve (12) measured at right angles to said South line of said Lot Twelve (12), to the Southeasterly line of said Lot Twelve (12), thence Southwesterly along said Southeasterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) to the Southeast corner of said Lot Twelve (12), thence | West along the said South line of! said Lot Twelve (12) to the South- west corner of said Lot Twelve (12), being the intersection of the North line of said North Avenue with the Easterly line of said Linden Avenue, thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot Twelve | (12) fifty-eight and four-tenths (58.4) | feet to the point of beginning, and EXCEPT that part of said Lot Thir- teen (13) described as follows: All of that part of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Five (5) of Jared Gage's Sub- division lying south of and adjoin- ing a line fourteen (14) feet north of and parallel with as measured at right angles to said South line of said Lot Thirteen (13), said South line of said Lot Thirteen (13) being the North line of North Avenue, and extending from the Northwesterly line of said Lot Thirteen (13), east to a line drawn parallel with and fifty (50) feet Southwesterly from as measured at right angles to the Northeasterly line of said Lot Thir- teen (13), situated in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, is no longer necessary, appropriate or required for the use of the said Village or profitable to the said Village, nor is its longer retention by said Village for the best interests of the said Village, and that the said real estate be sold pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. SECTION 2. That a copy of this or- dinance, together with a proposal to sell the said real estate, shall be pub- lished in the Winnetka Weekly Talk, a newspaper published regularly in said Village on Saturday of each week, for a period of not less than sixty days after the taking effect of this ordi- nance, which proposal to sell shall state that all bids received for the said real estate will be considered and opened at a regular meeting of the Council of said Village on, to-wit: November 21st, 1922. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by a vote of three- fourths of the members of the Council of the Village of Winnetka, its approval and posting, and that bids for the purchase of 2d property will be received by the Village Clerk, up to eight (8) o'clock P. M. November 21st, 1922, which bids will be duly opened and considered at the meeting" of the said Council to be held November 21st, 1922, in the Village Hall of the Village of Winnetka, at eight (8) o'clock P. M. All bids sent to the said Village Clerk shall be marked on the outside "Bid for real estate." The said Council reserves the right, pursuant to statute, to reject by majority vote any or all bids. The said real estate will be conveyed by the Village of Winnetka by proper and sufficient deed to the bidder whose bid shall be accepted, and who shall duly pay or secure the purchase price therefor to the Village of Winnetka. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA, JOHN S. MILLER, JR., President. T27-10te of North Avenue with the westerly line of Center Street, and the south street return at Linden Avenue south of North Avenue to a line twenty-three (23) feet south of and parallel with the south line of North Avenue, and the north street return at Linden Avenue northerly to the north line extended from the west of North Avenue by excavating, grubbing, . grading, draining, curbing, remov- ing old pavement and combined curb and gutter, moving and resetting electric light poles, moving and resetting fire hydrants, adjusting present manhole covers, adjusting present walk approaches, adjusting present pavement connections, adjusting water meter vault cover and reinforcing top of meter vault, filling abandoned catch basins and inlet, construcing new catch basins with connections, preparing the subgrade, and paving with reinforced Portland cement concrete a roadway in said streets and avenues, all in the Village of Win- netka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said village having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to the benefits, and a special assess- ment therefor having been made and re- turned to said Court, General Number 381134, the final hearing thereon will be held on the twenty-fifth day of September, A. D. 1922, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, September 8, A. D. 1922. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois (and such appointment approved and confirm- ed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois), to make said as- sessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. 1 TR6-2tc to Skokie Science School P. J. O'SHEA, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ..GLENVIEW ROAD, GROSS POINT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY. SS. Before Hon. Otto Falk, Justice of the Peace and Police Magistrate, Gross Point, Illinois. John Fiegen, complainant, vs. R. Fer- guson, William Netstratter, Ed. S. Chal- linor, Benjamin P. Jennings, J. C. Ander- son, Alfred Struebing, et al., and unknown owners. The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed in said Court, Notice is hereby given to each and all of said de- fendants that the said complainant, John Fiegen, has duly filed notices of lien and has begun suits according to law, for me- chanic's lien upon the following prem- ises: 1729 Washington avenue, otherwise known as lot 13 Manor subdivision; 1735 Washington avenue, Wilmette; otherwise known as Lot 11 in Wilmette Manor subdivision; 1739 Washington otherwise known as Manor subdivision; 1741 Washington avenue, Wilmette; otherwise known as Lot 9 in Wilmette Manor subdivision, all in Cook County, Illinois, and said causes are set for trial for October 10th, 1922, at 3 o'clock, p. m,; 0 be held at the Village Hall, Gross Point, in said Cook County, and which causes are still pending. Wilmette; in Wilmette avenue, Wilmette; Lot 10 in Wilmette OTTO PALXK, Justice of the Peace and Police Magis- trate. P. J. O'SHEA, Attorney-at-Law Adv. T25-4tc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 378093 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED that the Vil- lage of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered the construction of a six (6) inch internal diameter cast iron water pipe, with water gate valve, valve vault, fire hydrant, connections to present water mains, and cast iron water pipe fittings, including engineering and supervising during construction, in Birch Street from and connecting with the present water main in Winnetka Avenue, north to and connecting with the present water main at a point three hundred (300) feet south of the south line extended of Alles Road, and twelve (12) feet west of the east line of Birch Street, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said vil- lage having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assess- ment of the cost of said improvement according to the benefits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, General Num- ber 378093, the final hearing thereon will be held on the second day of October, A. D. 1922, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in five (5) annual installments with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, September 15th, A. D. 1922. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the Presi- dent of the Board of Local Im- provements of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior i Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said special assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney : T27-2te MAGAZINE AGENCY. WILLIAM A. HADLEY Renewals and new Subscriptions to all Magazines solicited. Our specials: Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentleman and Ladies' Home Journal. ' 913 OAK STREET Phone Winnetka 323 Winnetka Winnetka Office 541 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 672 Property Owners When You Wish to Sell Consider: --that McGuire & Orr have a clean, unbroken record of twenty-eight years in selling North Shore properties. --that their Winnetka office, at 541 Lincoln avenue, is admirably situated to attract and serve all pros- pective buyers of Winnetka property. --that their Chicago Office in the Title & Trust Build- ing receives many inquiries from people who might otherwise never consider Winnetka. --that their long record and persistent advertising identify McGuire & Orr, with North Shore proper- ties, in the public mind, and --that, consequently, no prospective buyer of North Shore property fails to inquire of McGuire & Orr. For Quick Action List Your Property With McGUIRE & ORR Established 1894 Chicago Office Phone Randolph 2981 69 W. Washington St. 1559 Sherman LACE Cash Meat Market Evanston Illinois SPECIAL SALE on Spring Legs of Lamb . . 32ic Beg . a 26c Swift's Premium Bacon 32 4 c Fresh Dressed Boiling Chickens Very Best Por- terhouse Steak ... Native Rib Roast of Beef 255¢ 32¢ Fresh or Pickled Beef 30 C ~~ -- SN. 8 Best Fresh Dressed 2 ancy Leg of k 1 Spring 1 pring 1 pg 33:¢ Chicken 35:¢ Lamb .. 32:¢c Tongue. Fresh Calves' Sweet 6 5 c Native Pot Roast of 50¢ 1 Ber 182¢ Breads .. Strictly Fresh 35 ofa? 1 Premium 20 2€ Ham Very Best Sirloin Steak ... Fancy Leg of 40c Rl Veal .. 263c Doz. ..... Fresh Pork -Tender- loins ... 65¢ PATRONIZE THE WINNETKA TALK ADVERTISERS _e ee