12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1922 Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK bY LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Jentral Ave. Wilmette, Ill Telephone .............. Winnetka 388 Telephone .............. Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION......... $2.00 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday Joon to insure appearance in current ssue. Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoffice at Winnet- ka, Illinois, as mail matter of the sec- und class, under the act of March 3, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1922 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1922 BIBLE STUDY No education can be called ad- equate in which there is lacking acquaintance with the Bible. It is not a matter of morality, pri- marily, nor of religion. It is simply bordering upon illiteracy to know nothing of the history and the literature that is contained in the book held sacred by Chris- tians everywhere. The course that has been out- lined for the work in Religious Education in the two districts of the grade schools can offend no- body, whatever his creed or church affiliation. It contains only such parts of the Bible as should be known to everybody, portions that have no connection with the formulation of doctrines. And the selection has been such that an interest should be awak- ened in the children to lead to the further study of Biblical literature and history, an interest that is not likely to be aroused in any other experience of their busy lives. The fact that the work is done outside the hours of the regular school day suggests appreciation by parents of the value of the training to their children and rec- ognition by the children them- selves tint they are being offered an opportunity that they should not neglect. It is well that the course should cost them a little in effort, for what comes too eas- ily is never valued, and there must be appreciation of the extension of the course to include this work in Bible study if the students are to reap the greatest benefit from it. -- Pree AS TO THE ROCK PILE The dislike of physical discom- fort even in prospect may be counted upon to serve as a deter- rent for the automobile driver who is careless of the safety of the pedestrian public when noth- ing else will have any real effect upon him. If one has plenty of money there is nothing in a fine that compels regard for traffic regulations. Except for the in- convenience of delay, arrest for speeding means little or nothing to the majority of those who fall into the hands of the police. Sen- tence to work on the rock pile in- stead of the imposition of a fine will have a different effect, once it has been served. Western states have tried with good result the policy of sentence to work for the violator of the motor regulations. There is every reason to think that it would be equally beneficent if tried here. The father who pays the fine for a reckless son would hesitate be- fore offering himself a vicarious sacrifice to the rock pile. Reck- less sons of the sort who find themselves in the toils of the law for speeding are not the sort who have any real liking for manual labor. That type of culprit should be eliminated by the adoption of the work penalty to replace the fine. Busy men, too, will feel less the urge to go beyond the legal limit if they consider the incon- venience of taking a day or so away from business to give their eight or ten hours between suns to the state in hard labor. It is "to be hoped that there will be suf- ficient support of the plan here to ensure its adoption. Evanston's streets would be safer, its people more law abiding. Charity to Benefit by Candy and Popcorn Sales Charity is to benefit by sales of candies and popcorn at Community House motion picture programs every Friday afternoon and evening. Members of the Sukatari group ef Camp Fire Girls are arranging to purvey the confections at every per- formance at Community House, and the proceeds will be directed to char- ity. ATTRACTIVE HOME SOLD Henry Harsst has sold his home at 480 Sheridan road. The residence is considered one of the most attractive places in the village and was said to have brought a record price. Mr. and Mrs. Harsst are to be at the Edge- water hotel for the winter. Wear Flexible Shoes "The foot is a cantilever spring, so made that when it is allowed to funec- tion normally it carries the body with ease and resilience."--Dr. Douglas Stewart, of New York, in Physical Culture Magazine. The average person takes about 5,000 steps a day. If the natural flexibility of the foot is restrained in a stiff shoe, if the muscles are bound by a wrongly shaped shoe, if the nerves are impinged and abused, if circulation is impeded, foot fatigue will follow. Thousands of tired feet the country over could be comforted and rested by tae Cantilever Shoe. Each year. more and more women and men are wear- ing Cantilever Shoes to get free from foot fatigue. 'They find that Canti- levers make them feel younger and more ambitious and give them greater endurance. ARcHE LIKE THE Foor The Cantilever arch is flexible and shaped like your foot arch. There is room for the toes to spread out; the heel fits comfortably. The Cantilever Shoe fits snugly at the arch and sup- ports the foot without interfering with it. Avoidable of foot strain and restriction makes a big difference in the way you ieel after standing or walking a while. TUnrestrained--not handicapped---your feet, in Cantilever Shoes, will go the limit for you. Try on the Cantilever at our store. Take a few steps and note its comfort. The Cantilever is good looking, well made and prices are reasonable. We are the exclusive agents for this shoe. Sold on the North Shore only by To insure proper fitting, we have installed an X-Ray machine in our store. This service to you without charge. NORTH SHORE BOOTERY 529JDAVIS STREET PHONE EV. 6757 Evanston . - [Illinois Our Canilever Booklet Sent on Sequest Our store is the place to buy Price mm Servicemwm Payments Patterson Bros. 828 Davis Street EVANSTON Whole Milk BOWMAN"S MILK is whole milk-- just as rich in cream as when taken from the cow. Nothing has been taken from it--nothing added to it. BOWMAN'S MILK is perfectly pasteurized and bottled in the coun- try. Authorities agree that this is the ideal method of handling milk. May we have the pleasure of serving you? Insist on owman Mri It is Pure! | AVE I Ny SHE Donee BrotHeRS MOTOR VEHICLES Wm. T. Wehrstedt, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka Illinois There is only one way to get KELLY SPRING- FIELD mileage and that is to buy a KELLY SPRINGFIELD tire. And it costs NO MORE 1 \ to buy a Kelly. =