WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1922 ------ -- SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OF PERSONAL MENTION The home of Dr. and Mrs. Albert H. Wales, at 385 Ridge avenue, was the scene of a very attractive wed- ding last Saturday afternoon, when their daughter, Miss Virginia Wales, became the bride of George Bush- nell of Evanston, son of Mrs. H. M. Bushnell of Lincoln, Neb. The serv- ice was read by candlelight at five o'clock in the afternoon by Rev. Nor man Hutton of St. Chrysostom's church, Chicago. The bride wore a lovely gown of white satin embroidered with small pearls. Her veil of tulle was held in place by a band of pearls, and there was a stiff Spanish frill, comb ef- fect, of real lace, at the back of the head. She carried a shower of bride's roses, lilies of the valley and sweet peas. Her only attendant, her sis- ter, Mrs. Richard Cutler, as matron of honor, wore a gown of blue-gray satin and lace, and carried a large bouquet of shell pink sweet peas. Mr. John Bushnell served his brother as best man. One end of the living room was beautifully embanked with palms and ferns semi circle-like, and at either end of the circle were large tower baskets filled with yellow and white chrysanthemums and autumn leaves. Cathedral candles were placed on each side of the kneeling altar and there were large baskets of flowers decorating the rest of the room. In the dining room, where the wedding supper was served, the decorations were carried out in pink and white, using the pink roses and small white chrysanthemums, and small models of doves in both colors. Out-of-town guests included the groom's mother, Mrs. H. M. Bushnell, and brother, Mr. John Bushnell, of Lincoln, Neb., and another brother, Herbert Bushnell, of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Bushnell will return from their wedding trip early next "month, and will be at home at 7728 Haskins avenue, Rogers Park. Gr The marriage of Miss Marie Weis- senberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Weissenberg, to Mr. George A. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Martin of Highland Park, took place last Saturday morn- ing, October 21, at 10:30 o'clock, at St. Joseph's church, Wilmette. The bride, who was attended by her sister, Miss Eunice Weissenberg, as maid of honor, and Miss Genevieve Martin, cousin of the groom, and Miss Harriot Vopicka, both former classmates of the bride, as brides- maids, wore a gown of white chiffon velvet trimmed with pearl orna- ments, and carried a shower bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. The attendants wore frocks of au- tumn coloring, the maids of honor's being a canna shade of crepe ro- maine, and the bridesmaids, the new golden brown shade. They carried large arm bouquets of the colored chrysanthemums, to match their dresses. 5 Mr. James Martin served his brother as best man and the ushers were Messrs. Samuel Martin, Edward Coughlin, James Egan and Jerome Milady. The marriage ceremony was read by the Reverend Father Netstraeter, who also officiated at the marriage of the bride's parents and grandpar- ents on her maternal side. A recep- tion for one hundred and sixty guests was held at the Weissenberg home, 965 Elm street, during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are spending their honeymoon in Colorado, and upon their return will move into an apartment on Wellington Place, Chi- cago. oy The first concert to be given by the Little Symphony orchestra of Chicago in the New Trier Assembly hall, will take place on Wednesday evening, November 15, instead of November 14, as was previously announced. Tick- ets have been placed on sale at the Hubbard Woods pharmacy, the two Winnetka drug stores, and Communi- ty House, and they may also be ob- tained through Mrs. Roland Whit- man. Everyone buying a ticket is requested to give their name and ad- dress, so that he may be included as a subscriber and have first choice for tickets in the following years. Oo Many delightful parties are being given honoring Miss Alice Clague, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clague, of Kenilworth, whose mar- riage to Mr. Charles S. McCoy of Wil- metfe, will take place on the evening of November 8. Miss Maude Hinman will be hostess at a tea given at her home, 576 Oak street, on next Tues- day afternoon. On Thursday, No- vember 2, Miss Dorothy Klotz is giv- ing a luncheon and bridge at her resi- dence, 722 Prospect avenue, and on Saturday afternoon, November 4, Miss Mary Williams will be a bridge hos- tess at her home. --_---- Wednesday, November 1, will be New Members Day for the Woman's Society of the Winnetka Congrega- tional church. All newcomers are cor- dially invited to come to the sewing hour at 10 o'clock. Mrs. George W. Gordon will read. Luncheon will be served at 12:15. There will be a pro- gram at one o'clock, in charge of Mrs. William G. Hibbard. Among those returning home from Europe in the past few days were Miss Alice Hunter, 777 Bryant ave nue, and Mr. and Mrs. August C. Magnus, 650 Sheridan road, who ar- rived in New York last week on the White Star liner Homeric, from Southampton and Cherbourg. ---- Susan Burlingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. = Burlingham, 630 Maple street, had her collar bone broken Friday last while playing hockey at New Trier High School. Susan is back at school with her shoulder and arm in a cast. --0-- Mrs. Carrie S. Goodchild, who spent the summer with the Misses Gillespie in Seattle, Wash., spent last week-end at the home of Mrs. William A. Otis, 644 Oak street, en route to Wakefield, Kansas, where she will be the guest of her sister. ------ Mrs. Lon C. Hill and her two chil- dren, who have been the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Knox Owsley, 720 Prospect avenue, for several months, left early this week to join Mr. Hill in Texas. =i Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger A. deWindt have issued cards for a reception at their home, 593 Sheridan road, on Saturday afternoon, November 4, from 4 to 7 o'clock, to present their daugh- ter, Miss Alice deWindt, to society. O-~ On Wednesday evening of this week, the North Shore Dancing club opened its winter season with a de- lightful party at the Woman's club- house. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Mordock of 645 Maple avenue will present for- mally to society on December 23, their daughter, Miss Katharine Mor- dock. --_---- Mrs. Fred H. Sterling, 410 Lincoln street, left Saturday for a three weeks' trip, stopping for visits in I $ac0in, Neb., Dixon and Rockford, 111. ---- The North Shore British American Club will hold its monthly meeting in the Family Room at Community House this evening at eight o'clock. . SS . Mrs. Lester Barlow has returned to her home in Argus, Ind., after being the guest last week of her sister, Mrs. Lewis Vollmann, 803 Cherry street. --O-- A meeting of the Community Drama club was held at the home of Mrs. John Marshall, 1010 Pine street. Mrs. B. F. Langworthy was the speaker. ------ Mr. and Mrs. David Weart spent a few days in Winnetka this week en route from their honeymoon trip to their home in Oconomowoc, Wis. -- The Forty Club will entertain on Thursday evening, November 2, at Winnetka Woman's club. This will be its third party this season. mil Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Cassell en- tertained at an informal dancing party on Thursday evening at their home, 825 Foxdale avenue. -_--0-- -On Tuesday afternoon between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock, Mrs. Laird Bell was hostess at a tea at her home, 1352 North avenue, to meet Mr. and Mrs. Beatty. Mr. Beatty is the new principal at the Skokie school. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwin McNeal and small daughter, Jean, 925 Elm street, motored to Buffalo, recently, where they are the guests of Mrs. McNeal's parents. The Drama Study Class of the Win- netka Woman's club will open its meetings for the year on Monday af- ternoon, the sixth of November, with a most delightful program. Madame Marie-Lydia Standish, a most noted interpreter of the French, English and Irish folk talks, will give her program in costume. Thcse who are not mem- bers of the club are very welcome up- on payment of the guest fee. Mrs. Frederick Dickinson is chairman of the ticket committee. --_---- Mrs. Hathaway Watson, 900 Sunset road, after six years of service on the directorate of the Women's West- ern Golf association, the last three years as president, has declined re- nomination for the office, but will re- main on the board for one year. Mrs. Farlin H. Ball of Oak Park has been nominated president, and Mrs. B. C. Hardenbrock of 642 Maple avenue is nominated for one of the vice-presi- dents. ---- Mr. and Mrs. George F. Gonsalves, 635 Rosewood avenue, left yesterday by motor for Franklin, Ind., where they will be the guests of Mrs. (Gon- salves' mother, Mrs. Lydian Brown, during the coming week. --_---- Mrs. M. G. Cleveland, mother of Mr. H. B. Cleveland, has been guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cleveland, 809 Elm street for the past two months. She leaves Winnetka Sunday for her home in Salt Lake City. --_---- Mrs. Daniel Gale and son, Kent, of Huntington, Long Island, will arrive at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clague in Kenilworth, next week, to remain until after the holidays. --_---- Mrs. Maurice Leigh, 613 Walnut street, entertained at a children's party on Tuesday afternoon for her two-year-old daughter, Jane. --Q-- Mrs. William Browne McIlvaine of Hubbard Woods is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Blanchard Randall in Baltimore, Md. --(-- Robert Walpole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Walpole, 520 Provi- dent avenue, underwent a tonsil op- eration at the Evanston hospital on Wednesday. POULTRY LONG ISLAND DUCKS JUMBO SQABS CHICKENS Caresully Raised Freshly Dressed - MRS. SMITH 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka Mr. and Mrs. Max Woldenberg opened their home at 1360 Scott ave- nue, Hubbard Woods, for a Hallowe'en party on Wednesday evening, in honor of the Sunday school teachers of the Temple Sholen, Chicago. The guests were transported to and from the party by Dr. Hirschberg and Mr. and Mrs. B. Ingelhard. -- Mr. George Knox Owsley, 720 Pros- pect avenue, is visiting his brother, Dr. Frederick Owsley, and family at Greenwood, Va. During his absence, Mrs. Owsley is residing at the Drake hotel. fe The Rosewood Circle will meet Tuesday, October 31, at 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Alphonse Denis, 1044 North avenue, Hubbard Woods. A lanes attendance is earnestly request- ed. rea EP The upper classmen at the North Shore Country Day school will be the honor guests at a dancing party being given by the freshman class this eve- ning in the school gymnasium. --0-- Mrs. James F. Porter of Hubbard Woods, who has been visiting in the east, is expected to return home on Wednesday of next week. ---- Mrs. William Sherman Hay has is- sued cards for an "At Home" on Tues- day, October 31, at her residence, 645 Sheridan road. --_--0-- Mrs. H. M. Lieber, 468 Ridge ave- nue, will deliver an address at a County meeting in Joliet on Thurs. day, November 2, on "The Work of the Educational Commission." Miss Alicia Pratt SCHOOL OF THE DANCE Character Interpretive Pantomime Ballroom Fridays Winnetka Womans Club Evanston 2433 Mr. and Mrs. Evans Larsen, 803 Pine, have issued invitations for a Halloween Frolic to be held Saturday evening, Oct. 28. Bm gd Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Welsh, 791 Foxdale avenue have as their guest Mrs. Walsh's mother, Mrs. Ferris, from Galesbury. Os The Village Dancing Club will open the autumn season with a dancing party at the Winnetka Woman's club this evening. --g-- The Suburban Neighborly club will give a dinner dance at the Winnetka Woman's club on Saturday -evening, November 4. --ot. Mrs. J. D. Fisker and two children of St. Louis, are guests at the home of her sister, Mrs. Virginia Noe, $89 Ash street. --_--Q-- 3 - Mrs. Alexander Anderson will en- tertain at bridge at her home, 1423 Prairie avenue, on next Wednesday afternoon. Doigbwony more = bat wre Science has devised a aon process for their removal 4) RN ERASETOR WRINKLE TREATMENT Combined with the use of Crasefor atl home daily will positively cause a mar velous improvement-- PHOEBE JANE 747 Elm St. Winnetka822 WINNETKA, ILL. MAGAZINE AGENCY. specials: Saturday Evening Post, WILLIAM A. HADLEY a Home Journal. Renewals and new Subscriptions to all Magazines solicited. Our Country Gentleman and Ladies' Winnetka 913 OAK STREET Phone Winnetka 323 Reasonable Prices GEORGE 1202 CENTRAL AVE. LADIES' TAILOR TAILORING - REMODELING - REPAIRING Excellent J. EBER Workmanship Phone Wilmette 18 Ella Koontz Johnson Teacher ! of Piano Harmony LESSONS AT YOUR HOME 'Graduate, studied abroad Telephone Winnetka 638-W Welch's Cafeteria Wilmette -- NO DELAY HEN the kitchen stove fails to attract you, invite your husband to take you and the family down to Welch's Cafeteria for dinner. You'll be sur- prised to find out how pleasant it is to sample somebody else's cook- ing -- especially Welch's. Dine Today the Cafeteria Way CHARLES R. PETERSEN High grade Automobile tops and trimmings 1203-1205 Washington Ave.--rear Tel. Wilmette 1686 Dizeviicy sting Javors tose = who form lhe adit of saving their money - ESTINY favors the man who opens a savings account and at regular intervals adds to his bank balance. Open a savings account today and Destiny will name on the right side of the ledger. put your