Ro? WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1922 21 Jottings From New Trier High Dorothy May, a senior. at New Trier, made the only perfect score in BUILD CLUB HOUSE ON CHIMEL LI === One Hundred Wilmette Res- This test was given in twelve differ . ent high schools in Cook County to a idents Now Members total of 309 students. Mr. Hutchens had charge of the test which was given early in October. Construction has begun on the new New Trier won from Harrison Tech Club house of the Community Golf the first swimming meet in the Sub- - 10. be siudted cast of ithe urban League Friday evening. The Sourse io 3 _ | Seniors made a score of 46-13 and the Drainage channel between Central| Juniors 49-10. Tke local team for only street and Lincoln avenue, Evanston. | one week's practice are making a fine The house is to be an attractive and Showing and the Zioncas for a cham- commodious brick structure encircled ga Nid ig t. held. T on Ths 7; ial Assembly was he ues- by broad verandas and holding 4 day morning to laench the Red Cross commanding and most convenient po-| Drive in charge of the Girls' club. sition on the newly made course. McCann and Gorey are the builders. North Shore Line Schedules The Evanston Community Recrea- . tion association's i includes Special Thursday Opera Run ; .| North Shore opera-goers will be Wilmette and Evanston, and the Golf| pleased to learn that the Chicago, club is maintained for residents of the | North Shore and Milwaukee Electric two communities for the purpose of Wil vay has i Tearsacy ce ' : n pera, all-steel, dining car at- providing a place for golfing ase tached, special train that will a sonable cost to the individual. the distance from Milwaukee to the Fine 18-Hole Course Congress and Wabash station in the The Community course is now es-| Loop each Thursday evening, return- tablished along the banks of the pg psy the same distance shortly Drainage channel and extends along ity e conclusion of the opera pro- the canal right-of-way from Sheridan Leaving Milwaukee at 5:25 p. m, road on the northeast to the Chicago --_-- and Northwestern railroad on the southwest. It is an 18-hole course. Near the site of the proposed club house there will be placed excellent tennis courts and a large parking space for automobiles. Two Wilmette Directors Harry M. Bachman, 1249 Hill street, and Walter H. Barrow, 236 Laurel avenue, are the present Wilmette directors of the association. They will be pleased to endorse the application of any Wilmette resident who desires to become a member of the associ- ation, which already claims 100 mem- bers from this village. Any resident We Recomend the HAMILTON BEACH Vacum Cleaners as the best--Try it on of Wilmette, whether a member or your rugs-- not, is privileged to utilize the course upon payment of a small green fee, but members have the advantage of WONDERFUL reserving time of play by telephoning the Starter at the Club house. Announce Membership Fees A small annual membership fee of $30 for men and $20 for women admits to all the privileges of the association. The membership extends from Novem- ber 1, 1922, to October 31, 1923. Checks are to be mailed to H. E. Chandler, treasurer, at 630 Davis st., Evanston. The entire amount can be paid at this time or one-half now and the balance on March 1, 1923 according to the association directors. The association is planning many tournaments for the next season and there is promise of something inter- esting in competitive events for the players each Saturday during the playing season. Golfers are arranged Easy Payments-- We repair all Vacum cleaners PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis St. Evanston the special train arrives at Glencoe at 6:53, Hubbard Woods at 6:56, Win- netka at 6:58, Kenilworth at 7, Wil- mette avenue at 7:02 and Linden avenue at 7:07, arriving at Congress and Wabash, at the doors of the Auditorium theater, at 7:50 p. m. The return train leaves Congress and Wa- bash within about 15 minutes after AY NC CUR NU CH L} i THE ATLAS OIL BURNER i : Gravity feed--no noise, no dust, no ashes. L] - Ten years in successful operation : : 925 Central Avenue North Shore Sales Agency Phone Wilmette 2302 : [) > NNR Wn nn mY the conclusion of the opera program. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS FT ANDAZRD OF THE WOrnNRLD It is only when seated at the wheel of a Cadillac enclosed car that you fully realize how effectually the designers of Cadillacs have provided for driving comfort, safety and simplicity of control. It is this inherent ease of operation in Cadillac enclosed cars, this utter absence of annoy- ing mechanical distractions-- together with acknowledged dependability -- which appeal to the woman who drives her own car and the man who appreciates motoring relaxation. EADILLAC CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY - Chicago Branch Division of General Motors Corporation EVANSTON SALES AND SERVICE + 1820 RIDGE AVENUE by handicap into four classes and every player has an equal chance at the coveted honors. Leonard E. Starkel Takes Over Tire Shop at Evanston Phone Leonard E. Starkel, 925 Oakwood avenue, Wilmette has taken over the Quality Tire Shop of Evanston, where he will deal in Goodrich solids and General pneumatics. Starkel, who was proprietor of a tire shop in Chicago, spent three years in the rubber plants at Akron, Ohio, and is an expert in the tire line. REPAIRING OVERHAULING done quickly, satisfactorily and at the right price. ® [ J Ph 5 Triangle Auto Repair Shop : Located in the Triangle Garage and Motor Co. M. BORRE (Formerly with Winnetka Motor Co.) C. HANSEN When Your Car Your photograph by appointment in your home or al our studio Stanton Wilhite Photographer WINNETKA Needs A Bath--- Drive 'round to our shop. We've got ideas about car-washing that you'll like. Cars washed quickly, completely and for a fair price. You'll see the difference in the job! PROPRIETOR 555-57 CHESTNUT ST. ONS, [CCLCLCCOCATRRELERCAERLL LL n Zi NT ULCER