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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 18 Nov 1922, p. 22

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i | | 22 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1922 LECTURE ON STARS AT THE SUNDAY CLUB B. R. Baumgardt, Scientist and Explorer, Is Speaker Here November 19 MILAN LUSK TO PLAY Well Known North Shore Violinist on Program The first of the season's illustrated lectures before the Wilmette Sunday Evening club will be given November 19 by B. R. Baumgardt, lecturer, scien- tist and explorer, on the subject "The Frontiers of the Universe." Mr. Baumgardt, of English and Swedish extraction, is considered among the world's foremost lecturers on scientific and historical subjects. An indication of the extreme popu- larity of his lectures lies in the fact that Mr. Baumgardt has appeared as many as seventy times before a single organization. His skill as a lecturer, combined with an inexhaustible fund of information, keeps him in continu- al demand in this country and abroad. Study of the Stars The lecture, "The Frontiers of the Universe," also referred to as "An Evening with the Stars," is said to be a remarkable presentation of recent celestial photography with the great- est telescopes in existence, so simply told that a child can understand. An added feature of this Sunday's program is the appearance of Milan Lusk, Wilmette viclinist, who so fre- quently has delighted local audiences with his artistry. Mr. Lusk is a prod- uct of the Vienna Akademie and a pupil of the famous Sevcik, teacher of Kubelik, Morini and others. He was formerly soloist with the Tonkuenst- ler orchestra at Vienna and later with the Philharmonic orchestra in Prague. Nine Speeders Contribute $105 and Costs to Mickey Nine speeders were brought to book in the court of magistrate Daniel M. Mickey this week. The nine speeders paid fines totalling $105 and. costs. The arrests follow: John V. Lucas, Maywood, 34 miles an hour on Sheridan road, arrested by motorcyclist Henry Brautigam, fine, $10 and costs. Ruth Welsey Kenilworth, 35 miles an hour on Sheridan road in Kenil- worth, arrested by officer C. C. Ley. fine, $15 and costs. 3 William J. Wakefield, 38 miles an hour on Sheridan road, arrested by officer George Schaefer, fine, $15 and costs. George Hoster, Chicago, exceeding speed limit on Sheridan road, arrested by motorcyclist George Schaefer, fine, $10 and costs. J. M. Wilcox, Evanston, 34 miles an hour on Sheridan road, arrested Oy George Schaefer, fine, $5 and costs. M. Ferry, 461 Maple avenue, Wil- mette, 38 miles an hour on Sheridan road, arrested by Peter Schaefer, fine, $15 and costs. H.N. Cooper, Oak Park, 33 miles an hour on Sheridan road, arrested by Peter Schaefer, fine, $10 and costs. H. B. Ingersoll, Chicago, 33 miles an hour on Sheridan road, arrested by Peter Schaefer, fine, $10 and costs. H. A. Long, 36 miles an hour on Sheridan road, arrested by Peter Schaefer, fine, $15 and costs. It's Not June, But What Does the Little Rose Care The late autumn mildness has pro- vided many surprises for household- ers who boast flower gardens. Two weeks ago The Lake Shore News advised its Wilmette readers of blooming flowers in a local garden spot. This week comes the information from Mrs. Harry Joyce, 703 Green- wood avenue, that Armistice Day an- niversary joys were augmented in that household by the fact that a real pink rose decided upon that day as an ap- propriate occasion for a glorious bloom. Accompanying the rose in the Joyce garden were several buds that tried their best to come forth in all their splendor. New Skating Rink Will Soon Be Ready for O' Man Winter Work is proceeding satisfactorily in the construction of Wilmette's munic- ipal skating rink on the site of the new playgrounds on Seventeenth street, between Washington and Wil- mette avenues. Grading on the new rink has been about completed and workmen are now contsructing a shelter house for the skaters. GALL NEWSPAPER BEST AD MEDIUM Urge Spaces Continuously, Advice Atlantic City, N. J--The newspa- per is the best advertising medium, speakers told the convention of the American Gas association here and urged gas company executives to ad- vertise their business continuously. Newspaper advertising not only sells merchandise, but it also builds up good will, John F. Weedon, su- perintendent of advertising of the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company of Chicago, said in his address. "Newspaper space should be used throughout the year," said Mr. Wee- don. "Spasmodic advertising pro- duces only spasmodic results. Keep- ing everlastingly at it emphasizes a faith in your institution, your service and your goods that is eventually transferred to the public through the insistence and persistence of your an- inducements." Mr. Weedon urged that advertising copy be kept as simple as possible. "An advertising man need not be brilliant," he continued. "All he needs is good horse sense, which has been defined as being chock full of stable information. Seemingly clever head- lines and witty phrases do not sell goods. Advertisements are news items. The public wants to know--what, where, and how much." Promiscuous advertising in pro- grams and special publications was condemned by E. J. Cooney, of the Lowell Gas Light Company of Lowell, Mass. "Hundreds of thousands of dollars are wasted annually in this foolish manner," said Mr. Cooney. "The same amount of money spent in reg- ular advertising would bring 100 per cent results." Motors Service Has Agency for the Glasco Auto Visor Motors Service, Inc., Main street, north of Central avenue, Wilmette, has taken the agency on the north, shore for the Glasco sun visors for motor cars. This automobile accessory is coming {nto common usage and Van Deusen and Slown, who hold sway at the re- cently - established -garage -and service station, are prepared to meet the de- mand right at home. Persons passing the Motors Service place last Saturday were impressed by an Armistice display comprising an effective arrangement of six over- seas caps. The headgear belonged to veterans of the world war who are now employed at the garage. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Winnetka held on the fifth day of September, 1922, the following ordinance was passed by three-fourths of the members of the said Council: The Council of the Village of Win- netka do ordain: SECTION 1. That the following de- scribed real estate, to-wit: The South Ninety-nine (99) feet of Lot Four (4) in the re-subdivision of Blocks One (1), Two (2), Three (3), and Four (4), and the vacated street known as Bellevue Place, lying be- tween Blocks One (1) and Two (2) Four (4) on the west, in Lake Shore subdivision of Lot One (1) in Nicholas Simon and Others' Subdivision of part of the Southeast fractional 3% of Sec- on the east and Blocks Three (3) and tion Twenty-one (21) and of frac- tional Southwest quarter (SW 14) ox Section Twenty-two (22), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thir- teen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, being vacant and unimproved and at no time used by the said Village for any purpose, is no longer necessary, appro- priate or required for the use of the said Village or profitable to said Vil- lage, nor is its longer retention by said Village for the best interests of the said Village, and that the said real estate be sold pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. SECTION 2. That a copy of this or- dinance, together with a proposal to sell the said real estate, shall be pub- lished in the Winnetka Weekly Talk, a newspaper published regularly in said Village on Saturday of each week, for a period of not less than sixty days after the taking effect of this ordinance, which propasal to sell shall state that all bids recerved for the said real estate will be considered and opened at a reg- ular meeting of the Council of said of the Village of Winnetka, its approval Village on, to-wit: November 21st, 1922, SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by a vote of three- fourths of the members of the Council and posting, and that bids for the purchase of said property will be received by the Village Clerk, up to eight (8) o'clock P, . November 21st. 1922, which bids will be duly opened and considered at the meet- ing of the said Council to be held Novem- ber 21st, 1922, in the Village Hall of the Village of Winnteka, at eight (8) o'clock P. M. All bids sent to the sald Village Clerk shall be marked on the outside "Bid for real estate." The said Council reserves the right, pursuant to statute, to veject by majority vote any or all bids. The said real estate will be conveyed by *he Village of Winnetka by proper and sufficient deed to the bidder whose bid shall be accepted, and who shall duly pay or secure the purchase price there- for to the Village of Winnetka. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA, JOHN S. MILLER, JR., President. T27-10te Uncle and Niece Meet Again Through Who's Who Edition When Harry H. Trego submitted his photograph for the recent Who's Who edition of The Lake Shore News, he little thought the incident would bring back to him a "long lost" rela- tive: : Mrs. S. H. Davis, 1320 Central ave- nue, Wilmette, studied Mr. Trego's PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Winnetka held on the fifth day of September, 1922, the following ordinance was passed by three-fourths of the members of the said Council: The Council of the Village of Win- netka do ordain: SECTION 1. That the following de- scribed real estate, to-wit: Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13), in Block Five (5), of Jared Gage's Subdivision, be- in a part of the East Half (E 1%) of the Northwest quarter (NW 1), also part of the West half (W 14) of the Northwest quarter (NW 3), fractional Section Seventeen (11), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian; also part of the East Half (E 14) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 14) of fractional Sec- tion Eight (8), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, as shown upon the plat of said subdivi- sion recorded in the office of the Re- corder of Cook County on the 8th day of February, A. D. 1872, as Document 12837, in Book 1 of Plats, at page 25, all within the Village of Win- netka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, EXCEPT that part of each of said lots lying Northeasterly of a line ex- tending from the Northwesterly line of said Lot Ten (10) to the Southerly line of said Lot Thirteen (13) and fifty (50) feet Southwesterly from and parallel to the Easterly line of said Block Five (5), and EXCEPT that part of said Lot Twelve (12) described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South- westerly line of said Lot Twelve (12), said Southwesterly line being also the Northeasterly line of Linden Ave- nue, twelve and one-tenth (12 1-10) feet southeasterly of the Northwest- erly corner of said Lot Twelve (12) as measured along said Southwest- erly line of said Lot Twelve (12), thence Southeasterly and East along a curved line, tangent to the said Southwesterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) at said point of beginning, con- vex Southwesterly, having a radius of seventy-seven (77) feet, to a point fourteen (14) feet North of the South line of said Lot Twelve (12), said South line being the North line of North Avenue, and forty-one and seven-tenths (41.7) feet East of the said Southwesterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) as measured along a line parallel with and fourteen (14) feet North, as measured at right angles to the said South line of said Lot Twelve (12), of the said South line of said Lot Twelve (12), said curved line being tangent to said last men- tioned line at the said last mentioned point, said last mentioned point being seventy-three and three-tenths (72.3) feet distant on a straight line South- easterly from said point of beginning, thence East along a line parallel with and fourteen (14) feet North of the said South line of Said Lot Twelve (12) measured at right angles to said South line of said Lot Twelve (12), to the Southeasterly line of said Lot Twelve (12), thence Southwesterly along said Southeasterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) to the Southeast corner of said Lot Twelve (12), thence West along the said South line of said Lot Twelve (12) to the South- west corner of said Lot Twelve (12), being the intersection of the North line of said North Avenue with the Easterly line of said Linden Avenue, thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) fifty-eight and four-tenths (58.4) feet to the point of beginning, and EXCEPT that part of said Lot Thir- teen (13) described as follows: All of that part of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Five (5) of Jared Gage"s Sub- division lying south of and adjoin- ing a line fourteen (14) feet north of and parallel with as measured at right angles to said South line of said Lot Thirteen (13), said South line of said Lot Thirteen (13) being the North line of North Avenue, and extending from the Northwesterly line of said Lot Thirteen (13), east to a line drawn parallel with and fifty (50) feet Southwesterly from as measured at right angles to the Northeasterly line of said Lot Thir- teen (13), situated in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, is no longer necessary, appropriate or required for the use of the said Village or profitable to the said Village, nor is its longer retention by said Village for the best interests of the said Village, and that the said real estate be sold pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. SECTION 2. That a copy of this or- dinance, together with a proposal to sell the said real estate, shall be pub- lished in the Winnetka Weekly Tek, a newspaper published regularly in said Village on Saturday of each week, for a period of not less than sixty days after the taking effect of this ordi- nance, which proposal to sell shall state that all bids received for the said real estate will be considered and opened at a regular meeting of the Council of said Village on, to-wit: November 21st, 1922, SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by a vote of three- fourths of the members of the Council of the Village of Winnetka, its approval and posting, and that bids for the purchase of said property will be received by the Village Clerk, up to eight (8) o'clock P. M. November 21st, 1922, which bids will be duly opened and considered at the meeting of the said Council to be. held November 21st, 1922, in the Village Hall of the Village of Winnetka, at eight (8) o'clock P. M. All bids sent to the said Village Clerk shall be marked on the outside "Bid for real estate." The said Council reserves the right, pursuant to statute, to reject by majority vote any or all bids. The said real estate will be conveyed by the Village of Winnetka by proper and sufficient deed to the bidder whose bid shall be accepted, and who shall duly pay or secure the purchase price therefor to the Village of Winnetka. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA, JOHN S. MILLER, JR., President. T27-10tc photograph in that interesting edition, | they have renewed acquaintance. and decided it was the likeness of an | Mrs. Davis is a daughter of Mr. Trego's uncle she was accustomed to visit| eldest sister. back in Chilicothe, Ohio, in the days Trego is in the automobile paint- of her girlhood. ing business in "gasoline alley," at Since the appearance of the picture | the rear of the Wilmette State bank. A SAS RC CHARLES R. PETERSEN High grade Automobile tops and trimmings 1203-1205 Washington Ave.--rear Tel. Wilmette 1686 INCLLALKCE Jour self reliance groms aS rapidly as does > your SAVIRGS RCCont- - . I a man's savings bank book you will find a record of his self-denial and the story of his well spent life. You will note indications of approach- ing prosperity. Open a savings ac- count at this bank and add regularly to your balance. The Home of the Well Groomed Car Our Our Our Our Splendid Car Washing Service Service 1s unexcelled Storage is reasonable Mechanics are thorough Location is central ichardson's Garage 724-30 Elm Street Winnetka PHONE 25-841

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