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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Nov 1922, p. 19

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1922 19 = CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p.m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ole Price. REAL ESTATE NORTH SHORE BUYS THEAST WILMETTE LOT oi d frontage in feet of beautifully wooded fron 2B neighborhood for only $6,000. Owner must sell. Make offer. ILMETTE-- DRAND NEW SUBSPANTIAL, §-ROOM , tile bath, h. w. oy t ar choice neighborhood; fine lot; 1620 Walnut Ave. $11,000. Reas. terms. See interior. Key at our office. INNETKA-- DIKR NEW, ATTRACTIVE -R00M stucco; htd. gl. and screened sun and slp. pchs.; nr. lake and schools; corner; $15,500; easy Sars. Make offer. NETKA GEM-- NEW. UNIQUE, COMMODIOUS 5-ROOM 'stucco bungalow; htd. and glazed sun pch., s. front lot; nr. schools, transp. and shopping district; $11,000 if sold this month. Easy terms. HEINSEN & CLARK / 556 Center (formerly W. R. R. Ave. : in. gut LTG4-1tc "ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, WAT- SIX Roo modern, large, well arranged rooms 100x150, S000 ot 2 blocks to the lake. Terms, ,600. S-toor stucco, large wooded lot, hot p trans- water heat, 2-car garage, close to 1 portation. Make offer. Best bargain, $15,500. Business calls him away. M. L. MOODY & CO. 511 Fourth St., Wilmette iL. 2248, End "L." Tel. Wil. "2248, Saito SOME REAL AT 0 50 by 177, good location, , gn Los 75 herd 165, all improvements; within 2 blocks of R. R., $5,000. : fron Tot 44 by 235, all improvements; within 4 blocks of R. R., $3,000. SCHAEFER & GOLBACH, REALTORS i ; Ph. Wilmette 364 Ridge and Lake Ave LTG4-1tc ST TC ON INNETKA--4 RM. COZY STUCCO hh bungalow H. W. heat; dandy cor- ner lot; possession May 1st; $7250. 7 rm. frame house in excellent loca- tion; good remodeling proposition; i 9,000. . p DE Dutch Col. with 2 baths; sun parlor; H. W. heat; garage and drive; complete and ready to move into; price $15,000. i ee eh Col. with large grounds; 8 rms.; 3 baths; garage; $25,000; a real HILL, & STONE WINNETKA OFFICE 545 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. divx East of Depot. a, WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly 'payments. CHARLES BRETHOLD i TREN to Fire, Liability, Theft and Au § ma First and Second Mortgages. i . Tel. Wil. 65. 545 W. Railroad Ave e 1T36- tre WANTED--BUSINESS PROPERTY i i have location for filling station. We Gg buyers. John F. Hahn, Atls Sherman Ave. Tel. Evans. 2328. r. Webster. bo ~LTG3-3tc FOR SALE--5-ROOM BRICK BUNGA- low in North Evanston. Large corner lot on good street. Price $11,500. a. mette Realty Co., 513 4th St. Ph. il- mette 1304. a Giada LET US SHOW YOU OUR CHOICE lots at $40, $50 and $60 per ft. ee blocks from lake, and the $30 wondsd Jot north. TG4-11 p 3, HOT NCOE--8 ROOMS, 2 BATHS, ah heat, large lot near station. Only $12,000. Half cash. Tel., af Fi Evans. 5119. TG37- WANTED--HOUSES ---- FRR Sng ll an SS in ll : NTED--TO BUY AT A BARGA] Lh estate containing 1 acre or more with modern residence, 10 rooms or more. Prefer lake frontage, 200 ft. or more between Winnetka and Glencoe. $100,- 000 to $150,000. Address Lake Shore News A-50. as FOR SALE--RESTAURANT ALE--RESTAURANT NR. GOO Lg and lake, where there is regular Selling on account of ill- ansient. C a Tel. Wil. 228. McGuire & Orr. ~---- FOR REN1--HOUSE ENT--NORTH EVANSTON. 7- Sh home, conveniently located to schools and transportation. From Jan. 1st. $100 per mo. Wilmette Realty Co. 513 4th St. Phone Wil. 1304. WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE es WANT BD Col D TO RENT--5-ROOM BUNGA- ante house furn. or unfurnr. in any North Shore Suburb, A.D, Foyer, tel, vans > North Shore Hote LTGH-1tp EE Le a BA i) NTED TO RENT--UNFURNISHE Lh with idea of buying. 4 beqroons. Humbolt 0046. T37-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--DOUBLE GARAGE; WELL structed. Could also be used as oy storage. Price sadistactory. 100 ., Winnetka. a. in. Woodland Ave DD TaD: 1541. FOR RENT--TWO CAR GARAGE AT 679 Hill rd. T37-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR Ly Also one for single person, convenient to trans. and cafeteria. No light housekeeping privileges. Tel. Wil. 1417. TG37-1te R RENT ROOMS--IF YOU ARE IN- FoR od in renting light, well furnished roms, convenient to Elm St. station, call Winn. 1877, 784 Elm St. T37-1te FOR RENT -- TWO LOVELY FRONT rooms, east side, near trans., steam heat, hard wood floors, fine furniture. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTG4-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS CENTRAL HOTEL -- NICE CLEAN, outs. rms., stm. ht., hot and cold rung. water. Tel. Wil. 1080, 629 Main St., Wil. ; LTG49-tfc FOR RENT--ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO ladies; household privilege if desired. Tel. Winnetka 529-R. LTG4-1te FOR RENT -- LIGHT, WARM ATTIC room close in. Moderate price. Tel. Winn. 415. TG37-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS.; ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M. Nr. _all trans. LT1-tfe FURNISHED BED ROOM, 1099 NORTH Ave., Hubbard Woods, $3.50 a week. T37-1tec FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM AT 930 Elm St., Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1240. T37-tfc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM, GENTLE- man preferred. Tel. Win. 1686. LT4-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED BED ROOM, close to trans. Tel. Winn. 169. T37-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE THERE IS A BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR several women on the North Shore to make money for Holiday or other use. Our proposition is legitimate in every way and will amply reward you giving a few hours each day to it. This op- portunity is good for a steady income throughout the year but will bring im- mediate returns now. Write us so that an interview can be arranged. Give telephone number. R. G. HASKINS COMPANY 516 W. Monroe St., Chicago, Ill. TG37-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS : FOR SALE--ONE HUNDRED POUND ice box in god condition, white porce- lain lining, also new lawn mower, small gas heater. Tel. Wil. 1835, are moving out of town. TG37-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL GARLAND cabinet gas range, part white enam- eled, high double oven, glass doors, fine cond., very reas. Tel. Win. 1673. TG37-1te FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, . fixtures plbg. lumber stoves; anything bought sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St. Win. Tel. 1212. LTG3-tfc FOR SALE--FULL SIZE BRASS BED, box springs, fine hair mattress, in per- fect condition, very cheap. Phone Sunday, Winnetka 89. T37-1te FOR SALE -- WASCO HOT WATER double garage heating system complete, ready to run. A bargain. 1131 Ashland Ave., Wilmette. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--KIMBALL MAHOGANY player piano, two stools. Also ice box, 50 1bs., oak finish. Bargain. Tel. Wil 1234. LT4-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN CHRISTMAS GOODS Importations of Rock Crystal, genuine Amber and Cornelius necklaces, jets and Venetian beads, Cameos mounted and unmounted and antique jewelry, sterling bag tops, tortoise combs and large as- sortment of tool leather card cases, purses, bill folds, etc. Roman and Italian silk scarfs, gloves and hand-tinted photo- graph copies of famous pictures. Goods may be seen by appointment. Call Miss I. Lascelles, 602 Lake Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 802-M. LTG4-1tc PROTECT YOUR PERENNIALS, EN- rich the garden; use the best manure; 1 yd. now equals 4 yds in spring. Our customers are pleased with our price and material. SHERIDAN FERTILIZER CO. Phone Highland Park 1160 374 Laurel Ave., Highland Park, Ill. LTG4-1tc A GENUINE 42-INCH SCOTCH MOLE cape, $400; 3 genuine mink cape, $400. Call or phone any time before 4 p. m. Wilmette 2068. 1014 Elmwood Ave. Wilmette. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--HIGH OVEN RELIABLE Gas range, good condition, reas. Hand- some cut glass frappe bowls. Tel. Win. 511. LTG4-1tp FOR SALE--HIGH OVEN RELIABLE Gas range, good condition, reas. hand- some cut glass frappe bowl. Tel. Win. 511. LTG4-1tp FOR SALE--VICTROLA, FIRST CLASS condition. 1400 Washington Ave. Tel. Wil. 2033. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES WANTED--RELIABLE YOUNG GIRL to take care of child in the afternoons. 3561 Linden St., Winnetka. T37-1te WANTED -- GIRL. FOR GENERAL housework, 4 in family, good wages, ! Tel. Winn. 583. TG37-1te | WANTED--WOMAN TO DO COOKING and laundry work in a small family. | _Tel. Winn 135. TG37-1te EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID, WAGES | eighteen. Tel. 1133. T37-1te | = SIT. WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK BY A first class laundress to do at home. Also bundle washing for ladies and gentlemen. Tel. Wil. 2623. LT4-1tc WANTED -- WORK BY AN EXPER. nurse and dressmaker at 930 Elm St., Winnetka. Lucy Robinson. Tel. Win. 1240. LTG4-1tc SIT. WANTED--RBY BUSINESS WOMAN in real estate office or any responsible ! position. Ref. Address Weekly Talk, LAS. T37-1tc WELL EDUCATED GERMAN HOUSE- wife wants place in a motherless home, Tel. Winn. 573-R. T37-1tp REPRESENTATIVE WANTED WANTED--LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE for the Gainaday Electric washers, Vacuum cleaners, and Ironers. Repre- sentative must have a wide acquaint- ance, unquestionable integrity, and ca- pable of earning $3,500 per year and up. Permanent position for person of ability. Address Lake Shore News, A-19. LTG4-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE 1 WANTED--BOYS WITH GOOD AP- pearance to take orders or holly wreaths on the North Shore. Good commission. Tel. Diversey 9225 imme- diately. LTG4-1tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE t RELIABLE CHAUFFEUR WISHES position in private family. Tel. Win. 1273. _T37-1tc, GENERAL WORK DONE. ALSO FURN- aces taken care of. Tel. Win. 1783. T35-4tp FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--USED SEWING MACHINE, Singer $18; White $16: Domestic $10; 25 department store machines $8 to $12; Singer electric portable $46; Wilson electric $32; New Home electric $33. We always have bargains in sewing machines. Easy payments. PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis St., Evanston. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--VERY BEAUTIFUL MA- hogany table desk, 3 ft. by 5 ft., suit- able to use as table living room. Also mahogany four-post bed with Tobey upholstered spring; in perfect condition. Leonard refrigerator, capacity 125 lbs., like new. . Address Lake Shore News A-16. LTG4-1te FOR SALE--MAHOG. PHONO. MUSIC cabinet and rolls, floor lamp, youth's chair, 8x10 rug, dishes, cooking uten- sils, electric grill, two seated sleigh, ladies' and children's clothing, hats, shoes, overcoat (6-yr. size). Tel. Winn. 1855. 643 Garland Ave., Winnetka. a LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--NURSERY FURNITURE, Kiddie Koop, large child's bed, wicker wardrobe, wicker hamper, scales, good coridition, one large mulberry lamp shade. Tel. Glen. 624, 341 Lincoln Ave. nr Vernon. TG37-1te FOR SALE -- FURNI, MOH, BABY grand piano, mahog. library table, liv- ing rom chairs, also mahog. china cab-' inet, floor lamp, 336 Gregory Ave. Wil- mette. Phone 2061. TG37-1te Hupmobile Touring, 1921. Willy's Knight Sedan, 1920. Franklin Sedan, 1917. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165 562 Lincoln Ave. LTG4-1tc DORT TOUR. CAR REPAINTED, FIRST class condition. Easy terms. If you want a real light car that looks good and has real service, that will stand abuse, at a ridiculously low price, call at my house. James Montgomery, 537 Hinman Ave., Evanston. LTG4-1te FOR SALE--1920 DODGE ROADSTER, good mechanical condition, 5 good tires. Triangle Garage & Motor Co. Tel. Winn. 1446. 555-7 Chestnut St. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--LATE 1917 CADILLAC thoroughly gone over mechanically, newly painted, new top. Also Hup- mobile cheap. Tel. Wil. 1829. Ridge and Washington Ave., Gross Point. FOR_SALE--MAXWELL SEDAN. MUST sell my Maxwell sedan at once. Willing to sacrifice. Phone Evanston 2141 be- tween 7 and 8 P. M. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--BUICK SEDAN IN REAL good condition. Must sell. Real buy for someone. Phone Evanston 3803 between Yang 8 P.M LTG4-1te FOR SALE--FORD CHASSIS LATE model with starter and wire wheels, cord tires, cheap if taken at once. Tel. Win, 547-W. TG37-1te FOR SALE -- CHEVROLET TRUCK, 1920, in very good condition, cheap for quick sale. Tel. Winn. 166. Mr. Brels- ford. LTG4-1te FOR SALE--LEXINGTON TOURING. Will sacrifice this Lexington for $650. Call Mr. Walden, Evanston 3945 at 8:30 P.M, LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--OVERLAND COUPE AT A sacrifice; just like new. Call Evanston 6018 between 7 and 8 P. M. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE --1922 DODGE TOURING car. $800. Perfect condition. Win- netka 1094. TG37-1tc FOR SALE--LEXINGTON SEDAN LIKE new. Call Evanston 6973. LTG4-1tc PIANOS TUNED EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING. L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Win. 509-J. LTG49-tfc LOST AND FOUND LOST--AMETHYST PENDANT, FAST- ened to string of beads, on Walnut St. between Ash and Oak or up to the Village. Finder please return to C. M. Thompson, 576 Ash St. and receive re- ward. T37-1tc LOST--NOV. 7, BRINDLE BULLDOG, wearing tan leather collar, trimmed with brass buttons. Baby's pet. Re- ward. Carl Renneckar, Ph. Wil. 1256. L4-1te FOUND -- PICTURE OF WEDDING group at Adams Pharmacy, finder may have same by calling at Adams and paying for this ad. T37-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfc COLLECTION OF HOOKED RUGS, AN- tique furniture, grandfather clock, old china, oriental runner. 1934 No. Clark St., Chicago. TG37-1tp WANTED--COLLECTIONS OF COINS, stamps, books and curios. Simon, 719 Oakton St. Evanston, Il. TG37-1tp WANTED TO RENT OR BUY--A SEC- ond hand piano. Mrs. Hinton 950 Fig St. T37-1te MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS iIs now located at 519 James B. MacFarlane (Formerly with Mandel Bros.) Interior Decorator Interior Decorating, Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers, for Furniture and Autos, Etec. Full Line of Finest Fabrics Advice and Estimates given. Phone Wilmette 2228 4th Street Wilmette FOR SALE--TWO LADIES' DRESSES, size 36. Navy blue serge and black beaded conton crepe. 1 boy's suit, size 9, 2 pr. trousers. Call Winnetka 206. T37-1te FOR SALE--BLUE PORIET TWILL dress, size 38; cost $65, will sell for $40. Worn only once. Tel. mornings between 9 and 12 o'clock. Wil. 2036. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--THREE EVEN'G DRESSES, one black, red, shrimp, colored, beaded, size 18. Also man's full dress suit and tuxedo. Tel. Wil. 297-424 Washington Ave. LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY WORN $90 made-to-order suits with extra trousers for $13.50 and $15. Overcoats, $8.50. Size 38 or 40. Call Winn. 1589. LTG4-1te FOR SALE--SUN PARLOR FURNI- ture, canary birds, dishes, fernery, large mirror, deerhead, home-made jellies. Tel. Win. 1622. 458 Sunset Rd. FOR SALE--CRATE FRESH. EGGS DI- rect from friend on farm, 70c doz. de- livered, customers limited. Tel. Winn. 1543, after 6 p. m. T37-1tc FOR _SALE--J. B. CLOW GAS STEAM radiator, large size. Cheap if taken at once. A. R. Eddington, Wil. 640. & LTG4-1tc FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL BOUQUETS of painted lotus pods, leaves, etc., very cheap. Reas. Tel. Belmont 2969. 3 ___ LTG4-1te FOR SALE--FULL DRESS SUIT; ALSO Tuxedo tailor-made, size 38. Tel. Wil. 1463. LTG4-1tp FOR SALE--STENCE HOT WATER furnace, perfect condition. Tel. Winn. 581-R. TG37-1te FOR SALE--OHIO VACUUM CLEANER, almost new, cheap. Tel. Winn. 652. LTG4-1te MISCELLANEOUS DO YOU WANT YOUR WOOD CUT? Have gasoline engine and saw. By contract or by the day. Tel. Glen. 228. : TG4-1tp WANTED TO RENT--WHEEL CHAIR Tel. Glen. 350. TG37-1te Kennilworth Happenings A most interesting debate was held at the Kenilworth Club on Monday evening, November 20, on the New Constitution for Illinois. Mr. Amos C. Miller of Evanston, who was a mem- ber of the Board that conferred in Springfield regarding the adoption of the new Constitution, took the af- firmative, and Mr. Harold L. Ickes of Winnetka presented the negative side of the question. Mr. Perey B. Eck- hart introduced the speakers. Mrs. Floy Little Bartlett of Win- netka, who entertained the Neighbors of Kenilworth with a number of her songs, last week was guest of honor at the Chicago College club and gave her program of Historical Song Min- iatures for Children. These songs give the salient points in the lives of six of the old composers. Mrs. Stuart Bailey of Winnetka interpret- ed the songs for Mrs. Bartlett. Mrs. William J. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road, entertained at a family tea in honor of her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Taylor of South Bend, Ind., at her home. The An- drew Taylors, who were married on November 11, spent their honeymoon at French Lick and have been with Mrs. Taylor, Sr., previous to their de- parture for their permanent home in South Bend. Mr. Samuel L. Hypes of 104 Cres- cent drive, Glencoe, who has been in Europe for the past five weeks, sail- ed for home last Saturday on the Mauretania. Mrs. Hypes and their small daughter, have been the guests of Mrs. F. A. Gerould in East Orange during Mr. Hypes' absence, and they will return home together early next week. Mrs. Charles Howe and son, Charles, Jr., of 240 Kenilworth ave- nue, left for for Phiiadelpha on Thurs- day to see the Army and Navy game. Mr. Howe expected to meet his son, Hamilton Howe, who attends Ann- apolis. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett of 1125 Davis street, Evanston, are being congratulated on the birth of a son, Wednesday, November 15, at the Evanston hospital. Mrs. Starrett was formerly Miss Olive Bulley. Miss Cornelia Keith, 310 Woodstock road, had as her week-end guest last week, Miss Muriel Badger of Detroit, Mich. Miss Badger was Miss Keith's roommate at Emma Willard school. Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone, 312 Sheridan road, spoke Tuesday before the Drama League of Chicago, on "Drama as Our Responsibility," in the studio of Miss Bertha Iles in the Fine Arts building. Miss Patty Hamm, 256 Kenilworth avenue, had as her guest, last week, Miss Harriette Windsor of Bridge- port, Conn. She returned to her home on Saturday. Miss Marion West of Elmira, N. Y., who is teaching at the Columbia College of Expression in Chicago, was the week-end guest last week of Miss Elizabeth Merrill, 415 Essex road. Mrs. L. M. Allen, 258 Kenilworth avenue, was hostess at luncheon and bridge for the Afternoon Bridge club at her home on Tuesday last. Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, will entertain at a cafeteria dinner and bridge for twenty-eight guests at her home tomorrow evening. Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., 431 Essex road, has returned from a week's hunting trip at Wild Wing Lodge in Southern Illinois. Mrs. Sam Holden, 527 Warwick road, entertained her Sewing Club at luncheon at the Indian Hill Country club on Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone left yesterday to spend the week-end with her sisters, the Misses Harney in Milwaukee. COMMUNITY HOUSE CALENDAR ---- WEEK OF NOVEMBER 27, 1922. Camp Fire Girls of Winnetka are eagerly looking forward to Saturday, December 2nd, when they hold their December sale of home-cooked food and goodies. Each girl puts much of effort into this sale, in order that she may not only offer good food, but put into this work something worthy of a special Camp Fire honor. The groups are doing splendid team work, and will offer attractive and deiicious things at reasonable prices. On Sunday Evening, December 3rd, Winnetka will be honored by having a visit from HEdgar Guest, distin- guished poet. He will give readings from some of his poems, and those who have enjoyed his poems will not want to miss this opportunity of hearing Mr. Guest speak. r There will be no meetings in Com- munity House on Than y- Royal Arcanum will hold a Party and Dance in the Gym on Tuesday Evening, November 28. 4 Monday, November 27. All day. Meeting Walden Road Cir- cle, Rooms 9, 10, 11. Afternoon. In the Gymnasium, two classes for small boys, at 3:45 and 4:30. Camp Fire Girls, Hashatuya Group in Room 5 at 4 o'clock. Blue-Bird, Rooms 4 and 9 at 4 o'clock. Evening. In the Gymnasium. Class for Young men at 7:30. Men's Class at 8:30. Church Canvasser's Dinner in As- sembly Room at 6:30. Modern Woodmen, Rooms 6 and 7 at 8 o'clock. Triangle Club in Club Room at § o'clock. Community Players, Neighborhood Room 8 o'clock. North Shore Players, hood Room at & o'clock. Tuesday, November 28. Morning. Gymnasium Class for Wo- men at 9 o'clock. Afternoon. In the Gymnasium, Bas- ket Ball for High School Boys at 4 o'clock. Camp Fire Girls, Tamakwa Group, Room 2 at 4 o'clock. Evening Royal Arcanum Party in the Gymnasium at 8 o'clock. Friendship Circle in the Neighbor- hood Room at 8 o'clock. Classes in English for Foreign Men and Women at 8 o'clock. Men in Room 6; Women in Rooms 4, 5,12, and 9. Wednesday, November 29, Afternoon. Classes in Social Dane- ing for Boys and Girls in the As- sembly Room at 4 and 4:45. Evening. Royal Arcanum Party in Gym, at 8 o'clock. Entre Nous Club, Room 5 o'clock. Boy Scouts of Troop 2 in Assembly Room at 7:30. Community Players in Neighbor- hood Room at 8 o'clock. Thursday, November 30. Thanksgiving Day, No Classes. Friday, December 1. Afternoon. Camp Fire Girls, Suka- tari Group, Room 9 at 9 o'clock. Matinee in the Gym at 4:15. Nor- ma Talmadge in "The Eternal Flame." Evening. Motion Pictures in the Gym at 7:15 and 8:45. Saturday, December 2, Morning. Cake Sale, Camp Fire Girls, in Assembly Room at 10:30. Four Corner Dancing Club, Gym at 8 o'clock. North Shore British American So- ciety, Assembly Room at § o'clock. Neighbor- at 8 -- pe cli

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