12 GIVE REASONS WHY SOME STUDENTS FAIL (Continued from Page 10) Wide reading of the type of literature that is wholesome and furnishes the right kind of inspiration gives the high school student a background that is invaluable in his school work. Par- ents should encourage in every way the right kind of reading habits among their children and should inhibit as much as possible the insidious influ- ences of the trash that is seriously threatening the integrity of the minds and morals of our youth. New Trier oifers the following ad- vantages to the student to appeal to his interest and to aid him in doing better school work: 1. A splendid high school library. 2. Splendidly equipped wood and " meal shops. 3. A varied program of studies. 4. A fine orchestra, a splendid band and well organized and ably directed Glee Clubs. 5. Physical training facilities that admit of intra-mural sports which in- clude every boy and girl in school who can participate in athletic activi- ties. 6. Girls' Club which is interested in altruistic and philanthropic activities. 7. A boys' Hi-Y Club that stands for clean-living, clean speech, right con- duct and high endeavor. 8. Girls' Reserve which is an or- ganization that fosters the same ideals among the girls as the Hi-Y club does among the boys. 9. A Girls' Athletic Association that enlists the interests of the girls in health-giving sports of all kinds. 10. Athletic teams, Press Club, Ra- dio Club, and other organizations are designed to afford to other groups of students opportunities for self-expres- ison. 11. A new division room and spon- sor plan which is in operation this year is an effective aid to the students, as it provides a means whereby the sponsor teacher may become inti- mately acquainted with his particular group of pupils and assistance given where and when it is needed. It also admits of a more productive follow- up by the teacher on the work of the student. 12. A high school faculty that is recognized as one of the strongest in the country. This is the prime con- sideration in building up the efficien- cy of any school. Our teachers are very glad to render every possible as- sistance to students needing help. 13. A rich content of subject mat- ter in the courses that are offered at New Trier and a teaching corps that is gkillful in the presentation of this material. 14. An Honor Society that is to our high school what Phi Beta Kappa is to our colleges. This is a stimulus to high achievement in scholarships. When the honors for this society are awarded in the spring we give just as much if not greater prominence to the students making the Honor Socie- ty as we do to members of our ath- letic teams. 15. Each year at commencement, the names of all the students in all the classes having a general average of 90 or above are given public recog- nition. 16. Our T. N. T. club was designed to encourage all-round development on the part of our young people. It is very true in high school as in life that a number of students who are not particularly brilliant in their studies are natural leaders. It is this type of student that frequently is not an honor student from the stand point of academic accomplishments Member- ship in T. N. T. is a much coveted honor at New Trier, and the organiza- | tion is filling a real need. 17. We are endeavoring in every way to urge those of our students who go on to college to put forth ev- ery effort to make the best record possible while they are in college, not only for their own profit but for the sake of influencing in the right way the students at New Trier who expect to go to college. The successes of our former students are placed be- fore our boys and girls in every con- ceivable way in order that they may aspire to high standards of scholar- ship and leadership. Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK by LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Jentral Ave. Wilmette, IIL Telephone .............. Winnetka 388 Telephone .............. Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION. ...,....$2.00 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon to insure appearance in current issre. Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoffice at Winnet- ka. Illinois, as mail matter of the sec- vnd class, under the act of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1922 The Store for Children 619 Davis Street Evanston 1160 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette Now is a good time to take inventory of the lit- tle wardrobes for our children. Immediate re- ductions have already been announced in our DRESSES of the pres- ent season. Are you preparing for the happiest of days for your little ones? The Store For Children of- fers most unusual GIFTS at reasonable prices. The Dolls are holding council here Now at The Store For Children. They've come from places far and near, To have a grand cotil- lion. There're Mama Dolls and Kiddies too, In fact, all kinds of peo- ple; There"re animals--a regular zoo, Enough to fill a steeple! THIS IS YOUR CALL TO PREPARE. Avoid the rush of the last hour before Christmas. Dolls, Toys, Apparel, Every- thing, are beginning to disappear all through each day. Where are they going? Santa Claus must be receiving many important letters. Last, but not least, have you seen the wonderful DOLL HOUSE, com- pletely furnished, now on display in our win- dow. It is to be sold by tickets for the benefit of Arden Shore Camp. All Aboard for Kiddie Nook For Health Don't "skimp" on butter. Remem- ber it is extremely nourishing. It builds strong bodies. BOWMAN'S BUTTER is made only from fresh, pure cream. It comes from the famous dairy dis- tricts of Wisconsin. Rapid, direct delivery assures its reaching you soon after it is made. Bowman Mi 1 a= el WERSTED MOTOR CO. formerly--Winnetka Motor Co. WM. T. WERSTED, Prop. (Same Management) 562 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA Phone Winn. 165 Agni Motor Fuel ACCESSORIES Increases your mileage and power BATTERIES Prevents preignition knock VULCANIZING Prevents carbon troubles and carbon knocks Increases flexibility of your motor TIRES Practically eliminates crank case dilution REPAIRING Increases lubricating efficiency Prolongs life of your motor Mixes with gasoline Ask the Man Who Uses It CARS (for rent) PAINTING SIMONIZING STORAGE WELDING