WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1922 17 Gobbler and Two Men in Afternoon--In the Gymnasium. Two Exhibition of Folk Dancing by Mr. | by the Community Drama Players. Sunday, December 17 Combat: Feathers Remain classes for small boys, at 3:45 and |Barborg and Hull House Class at 8:45 | No admission charge. Evening. -- The Christmas play, ' : Lost: one perfectly fattened Christ- mas turkey. Found: a handful of fine turkey feathers. Mrs. Duncan C. Macintyre, 822 Humbolt avenue, saw the turkey Wednesday evening as it perched high in the branches of an elm in the Mac- intyre gardens. Later in the evening she heard a commotion in the garden and descov- ered a group of determined men in desperate combat with an equally de- termined turkey. Early Thursday morning Mrs intyre found a scattering of feathers on the scene of combat. Now, did they, or did they not cap- ture the turkey? % No, this is not a prize guessing con- test. | COMMUNITY HOUSE CALENDAR WEEK OF DECEMBER 11, 1922 On Saturday afternoon, December 16, at 3 o'clock, and Sunday evening, December 17, at 8 o'clock, the Christ- mas play, "Eager Heart," will he pre- sented by the Community Drama Players. The Sautrday presentation will be for the children of the vil lage (except very young children) and the one Sunday evening will be for the grown-ups. These are open * to the public without admission fee, as a Christmas offering from these players to the village. On Thursday evening, December 14, at 9:30 o'clock, in the Gymna- sium, Mrs. Edward Ellis has arranged for a class in Folk Dancing from Hull House to give an exhibition of its work, under the direction of Mr. Barborg. Any who are interested are cordially invited to attend. Monday, December 11 All Day--Meeting of Walden Road Circle, Rooms 9, 10, 11. Mac- tail 4:30 o'cleck. Blue Bird Groups, Rooms 4 and 9 at 4 o'clock. Kinder- garten, Room 6 at 1:30 o'clock. Evening--In the Gymnasium. Class for Young Men at 7:30. For Business Men at 8:30. Modern Woodmen, Room GC. at '8 o'clock. Triangle Club in Club Room at 8 o'clock. Tuesday, December 12 Morning--Gymnasium Class for Women at 9 o'clock. Afternoon--Kindergarten at 1:30. Camp Fire Girls, at 4 o'clock. Hasha- tuaya Group, Room 5; Litahni Group, Room 2. Evening--Young Ladies' Gym Class at. 7:30: "Friendship Circle" Gym. Class at 8:30. "Friendship Circle" Club in the Neighborhood Room at 8:30. Classes in English for Foreign Men and Women at 8 o'clock. Men, Room 6; Women, Rooms 2, 4, 5, 7, 'Royal Neighbors, Room 9, at 8 o'clock. Community Drama Players, Re- hearsal, Gym. 9:30 o'clock. ' Wednesday , December 13 Morning--Tennis in the gymnasi- um at 9 o'clock. Afternoon--Kindergarten, Room 7 at 1:30. Social dancing in the As- sembly Room--2 classes at 4 and 4:45. Evening--Baseball League Game in the gymnasium at 8 o'clpck. Entre Nous Club, Room 5 ag 8 o'clock. Men's Bible Class, Neighborhood Room at 7 o'clock. ADD--1--Community House Calendar Thursday, December 14 Morning.--Gymnasium Class for Women at 9 o'clock. Rhythmic Danc- ing, Children 10 o'clock, Women 11 o'clock, in Assembly Room. Afternoon.--Kingergarten, Room 6, at 1:30, Fancy Dancing, Girls in As- sembly Room at 4 and 4:45. Folk Dancing in Gym at 4 o'clock. Camp Fire Girls, Tamakwa Group, Room 2 at 4 o'clock. Evening.--Triangle Orchestra, Club Room at 8 o'clock. O. T. R. Synco- paters, Room 5 at 8 o'clock. North Shore British American Society, As- sembly Room at 8:30. Boy Scouts, Troop No. 1 and No. 2, in Assembly Room and Gym. at 7:30. When Winter Comes that roof you have neglected to take care of will be leaking. Now is the time to reroof your home and stop the leaks that will cause dampness and decay to rot the supports and roof boards. Asphalt roofing s laid by Becker is everlasting. The preservative qualities and permanence of asphalt as used in the Becker process make it unnecessary to ever reroof your home. Give us the opportunity to explain how this process has been the means of suc- cessfully making and laying 200,000 Barco roofs, some of which are in service twenty-three years. Made, Laid and Guaranteed by F. BECKER Asphaltum Roofing Co. Ridge and Lake Avenue Phone Wilmette 364 "Select Your Roofer As You Would Select Your Banker" WILMETTE, ILL. N in transit. specialize in it. $100,000,000.00 Loss! It is estimated that over one hundred million dollars each year in this country alone through injuries to merchandise A large part of this loss is due directly to improper crating and packing. Save your share of this loss by having your crating done in a scientific manner by men who Call us up any time ; always at your service. Phone Winnetka 232 is lost SCULLY VALS AL (C0 EXPRESSING &'MOVING 6 PROUTY ANNEX WINNETKA , ILL. in the Gymnasium. Mrs. Edward Ellis has had charge of a group of young people in Folk Dancing in Win- netka for some weeks, and it is through her efforts that the Hull House Class will be brought out. Any who are interested are welcome to attend. Friday, December 15 Afternoon.--Camp Fire QGirls, at 4 o'clock. Sukatari group, Room 9. New Group, Room 4 at 4 o'clock. Mo- tion Pictures in the Gymnasium at 4:15. Guv Bates Post, in "The Mas- querader." Evening.--Motion pictures in the gymnasium at 7:15 and 8:45. Guy Bates Post, in "The Masquerader." O. T. R. Club, Room 4, at 8 o'clock. Saturday, December 16 Afternoon.--Play, "Eager Heart," will be given in the Gymnasium to the children of Winnetka at 3 o'clock CATERING Sunshine Cake Frozen Pudding Frozen Charlotte Russe Punch made-to-order Also Birthday Cake Wedding Cake We deliver promptly in Winnetka, Glencoe and Wilmette \ Evening --In the Gymnasium, "Four Corner Dancing Club," Pleasure Club, in the assembly room | of at 8 o'clock. Scandinavian Winnetka by the "Eager Heart," will be given in the Gymnasium for the men and women Community The Hupmobile gives you the brilliant, dashing performance you look for in cars that cost more; it assures you the low operating and main- tenance costs you hope to get in cars that cost less. Triangle Garage & Motor Co. Phone Winn. 1446 . Reasonable LADIES' TAILOR Excellent Mrs. Smith os GEORGE J. EBER Workmanship 819 Oak Phone 112 TAILORING - REMODELING - REPAIRING WINNETKA 2102 CENTRAL AVE. Phone Wilmette 18 Christmas Gifts come and see our varied assortment TRY US FIRST) | Adams Pharmacy 2Phone Winnetka 2