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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 9 Dec 1922, p. 23

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198 % A WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1922 23 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p.m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ple Price. REAL ESTATE NEW & MODERN, 6 ROOM DUTCH Colonial; extra toilet & lavatory on 1st floor. Large living room; fireplace; wooded lot 50x194. Close to trans, nice environment. Saprificing. $15,000. $1500 down, $75 per mo. & interest. R. STUCCO, JUST COMPLETED, water heat. Charming home, wooded lot. near trans. Terms--$11,000. R. BRICK, FINE CONDITION, WELL landscaped lot. A real buy. Terms, $12,500. 8 ROOM HOME. BXTRA LAV. & toilet. Billiard room. Large wooded lot. High grade, fine mission interior. A-1 home & location. Terms, $18,000. CALL FOR THAT LOT 3 BLOCKS TO lake, at once, only $78 per ft. M. L. MOODY & CO. 511 Fourth St. Wilmette Tel. Wil. 2248, End. "L." LTG6-1tc $11,500 For a good brick bungalow, hot water heat, tile bath, corner lot, good loca- tion, two blocks from trans. Exclusive agents. WILMETTE REAITY CO. St. Tel. Wil 1304 513 Fourth LTGe-1te WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mortgages. 545 W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 65. LT36-trc A PROMINENT BUSINESS AND APT. site in Evanston, close to transporta- tion and 108x138 ft lot $125 per ft. JOHN F. HAHN 1619 Sherman Ave. Tel. =} ~3 Ev. 2382 LTG6-1tc HAVE SIX THOUSAND CASH, WHAT have you in vacant or improved Real Estate for sale? Address Lake Shore News. A-26. LT6-1tp FOR SALE--VACANT 4 oy VACANT in WILMETTE On Chestnut, Ashland, Elmwood. 7 Wil- mette agents will show it to you. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. LTG6-5tc WANTED TO BUY--VACANT WANTED--BUSINESS ? PROPERTY Also location for filling station. We have cash buyers. John F. Hahn, 1619 Sherman Ave. Tel. Evans. 2382. Mr. Webster. = LTG6-1tp FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE--WINNETKA 458 Sunset Rd. Dutch Colonial brick house, lot 50x200 ft., garage and driveway, near lake and school, $18,500, $6,000 cash. Tel. 'Win. 1622. LTG6-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--VERY DESIRABLE, SOUTH front room, 22 by 111 ft. twin beds, hot water heat, close to trans. and cafe- teria, for two business men. Address Lake Shore News, A--29. LTG6-1tc FOR RENT--3 LARGE BEAUTIFULLY furnished bed rooms, 14 block from Cafeteria & one block Cc. & N. W. 1021 Central Ave. Tel. Wil. 935-W. LTG6-1tc FOR RENT--THREE ROOMS, CAN AC- commodate 5 persons, private bath, will rent separately or together, new modern home, h. w. heat. Tel. Winn. 1765, 150 Linden Ave., Glencoe. LTG6-1te ATTRACTIVE ROOM IN GOOD HOME "with or without board, good transporta- tion. Tel. Winnetka 1352. T39-1tp FOR RENT -- LARGE PLEASANT furnished room, suitable for one or two. Tel. Win. 1401. T39-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM CON- venient to trans and cafeteria. Tel. Wil. 1417. Lé-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM gentleman preferred. Phone Winnetka 1686. T39-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM AT 930 Elm St., Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1240. T39-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, 932 Cherry St. Tel. Winn. 533-M. T39-2tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE SPACE FOR 2 cars, unheated, 467 Chestnut St. Phone Winnetka 850 between 8:30 and 5, ex- cept Sunday. T39-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE, ASBURY AND Randolph Ave. Tel. Winn, 1597 or call 1337 Asbury ave., Winnetka, Ill. FOR RENT--GARAGE NEAR RIDGE and Ash. Tel. Win. 96. T39-1tc WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE WANTED--TO RENT GARAGE OR| space for one car in East Indian Hill dist. Tel. Winn. 1330. T39-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--WHITE GIRL, NEAT, GEN- eral housework, small house, small fam- ily, private room and bath, with or without washing. Best wages, no up- stairs work, 303 Fairview Ave. cor. Hawthorne Lane. Tel. Winn. 852. | T39-1tc WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL FOR gen. hswk, family 4. ref. required. No wash. $12 per wk. Mathison, 84 Ab- bottsford Rd. Winnetka. Tel. Kenil- worth 2190. LTG6-1te WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist with house and children part of the day. Must have references and be neat, 491 Hill Rd. Tel. Win. 466. LTG6-1tc A COOK AND GENERAL HOUSEWORK No laundry, two in family, wages $12 a week. Phone 1498 Winnetka. T39-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS _ WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework, $10 per week. Must furnish ref. Tel. Win. 889. T39-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework, 3 in family, 290 Forest Ave. Winnetka. Tel. 1705. TG39-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT STENOG- rapher for 3 hours each day. Tel. Winn 50. LT6-1te ___SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE DRESSMAKER, DESIGNER, EXPER- ienced, competent, best references, wants few more day customers. Tel. E. M. Cooper, Edgewater 1858 or Win. 1622 on Sunday. T39-2tc NURSE GIRL OR COMPANION FOR invalid or cripple, also able to teach beginner piano. Call Glen. 676. TG39-1tc DRESSMAKING--COATS AND DRESS- es by European, 903 Ash St. Winnetka, Tel. Winn 1688. T39-1tp PRACTICAL NURSING OR ANY KIND of work except washing or ironing. Phone 415. T39-1tc WASHING TAKEN HOME. TEL. WIN, 1304. T39-1te FOR SALE--YOUNG CHILDREN'S handmade 'garments. Also Christmas gifts. Can be seen any time at my resi- FOR SALE--LARGE DOLLHOUSE, PEG blocks, little girl's desk, two valuable sets of childrens books. Reasonable. Tel. Win. 1158. LTG6-1te FOR SALE--MAHOGANY PIANO IN very good condition, very reas. Tel. mornings or evenings. Evans. 514. TG39-1te 2 A PRACTICALLY NEW $250 MAHOG- any phonograph very reasonable, plays all records. Phone Win. 620-J. il TG39-1te FOR SALE--LARGE SIZE SCIEN- tific garage gas heater $65. W. W. Hanville, 840 Fordale Ave. T39-1tc FOR SALE--PENINSULA GAS RANGE, right hand oven. Also Stewart banjo. Tel. Win. 96. TG39-1te FOR SALE--COMPLETE RADIO SET with aerial and lead piece. Phone Wil. 1341. LTG6-1te FOR SALE--ONE LARGE BICYCLE and 2 snowbird flyer sleds. Tel. Kenil. 861. LTG6-1tc MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS James B. MacFarlane (Formerly with Mandel Bros.) Interior Decorator Is now located at 519 4th Street Wilmette Interior Decorating, Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers, for Furniture and Autos, Etc. Full Line of Finest Fabrics Advice and Estimates given. Phone Wilmette 2228 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--BY YOUNG MARRIED MAN, pos. as chauffeur. Exp. desirable liv- ing quarters. For information Address Lake Shore News, A-28. LTG6-1tp WANTED--FURNACES TO CARE FOR and general work. Tel. Winn 1644. T39-3te BOYS BOYS HANDLING THE SATURDAY Evening Post will find a valuable ad- dition to their income by communicat- ing with the R. G. Haskins Co., 516 W. Monroe St., Chicago. This is not a magazine proposition. TG39-1te LOST AND FOUND LOST--TUESDAY MORNING IN GLEN- coe, Airedale dog, about 10 months old, female, has round black leather collar with plain brass plate. No license tag. Tel. Wil. 93, or Win. 142. LTG6-1tc LOST--RED IRISH SETTER PUP, reward if returned or for information leading to return, 404 Linden Ave. or Tel. Wil. 1644 or Wil. 768. LTG6-1tc LOST -- WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Jap silk hand bag with money, hand- kerchief and list. Winn 1158. Reward. J. B. Beardsley, 560 Elm St. T39-1tc PIANOS TUNED EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING. L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Win. 509-J. LTG49-tfc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES DODGE TOURING, WINTER TOP OVERLAND TOURING 1921. COLUMBIA SPORT 1920. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165 562 Lincoln Ave. LTG6-1tc - FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL CIRCASSION walnut bedroom suite, including box spring and mattress, like new. Price $250. A. D. Foyer, 741, 8th St. Tel. "Wil. 1030. LTG6-1tp FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, anything bought, sold and exchanged. piano, fixtures, plbg. lumber, stoves; 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG3-tfc FOR SALE--LARGE BLACK LEATHER overstuffed davenport. Tel. Wil. 554 or call at 104 Dupee place, Wilmette. LTG6-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSE FURNISHINGS including Baldwin player grand and new gas range. Tel. Winn. 1622. . LTG6-1tc SIX-BURNER GAS RANGE IN GOOD condition, very reasonable. Phone Winnetka 39. T39-1tc FOR SALE--LARGE BLUE VELOUR davenport. Tel. Win. 1401. T39-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--FINE SEWING, TABLE linen hemmed, French Patch work luncheon set, table runner, baby caps and pillow cases, tray covers, etc. from your own laces. Afternoon tea pre- pared for limited number. Address Lake Shore News, A-27. LTG6-1tc WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St. Evanston, 111. Phone 189. LTG17-tfc IRISH SETTER DOG, ONE OR TWO single bed box springs, child's "structo sports model."" Part or all meccano. Tel. Win 220. LTG6-1te WANTED--TO BUY, HOT WATER boiler, 400-600 radiation. Tel. Wil. 845-R LTG6-1tp FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN CHRISTMAS GIFTS Shop in the home, away from 'crowds. By appointment. Tel. Wil. 802-M. Miss Lascelles, 602 Lake Ave. LTG6-1te THOROUGHBRED BELGIAN POLICE dog from prize winning pedigree stock, 7 mo old. Black saddle well marked. Excellent watch dog and companion for children. Would make a very accept- able Christmas gift. D. M. Ward, 714 Ashland Ave., Wilmette, IIL Phone 'Wil. 2385. TG39-1te TOWN OFFICIALS IN ANNUAL SESSION Municipal League Conven- tion Dec. 14-15 Village officials in New Trier town- ship are to join with municipal au- thorities of other communities of the state in the discussions of the Illinois Municipal league which holds its ninth annual convention at Evanston on December 14 and 15. Routine pertaining to the smaller towns will be discussed by the dele- gates and one of the principal speak- ers on the two-day program will be H. L. Woolhiser, Winnetka Village Manager, and recognized authority on the operation of the City Manager plan. Other north shore men who will appear prominently in the dis- cussions are President Walter Dill Scott of Northwestern university, and Mayor Harrv P. Pearsons, of Evans- ton. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 9:00-12:00: Registration and Room Assignment, North Shore hotel. 10:00-11:00 : Meeting of Executive Committee, Mayor W. H. Huff, presid- ing. Meeting of Legal Section, Cor- poration Counsel Chancey Finfrock presiding. 11:00-12:00: Meeting of Legisla- tive Committee, Mayor E. E. Crabtree, presiding. Meeting of Accounting and Finance Section, Professor Lloyd Morey, C. P. A., presiding. 12:30-3:00: Get-Acquainted Lunch- eon Mayor Paul Eiche, Effiingham, presiding. Address of Welcome: President Walter Dill Scott, North- western University. Mayor H. P. Pearsons, Evanston. Annual Address of the President of the League, Mayor W. H. Hoff, Paris, Lllinois. Reports from the municipalities, cpened by Village Manager H. L. Woolhiser, Winnetka, 111.,, "The Operation of the City Manager Plan at Winnetka, 1915- $406 3:00-4:00: Discussion on the gen- eral subject of garbage, refuse, and sewage disposal, Mayor H. P. Pearsons presiding. "Methods of Treating Sewage, and Some Recent Improve- ments under investigation," by Pro- fessor H. E. Babbitt, University of Illinois. Report on Evanston's Sys- tem of Garbage and Refuse Disposal, Mr. Hal W. Smith, Commsisioner of Streets, Evanston, Illinois. 4:00-5:30 :Auto Tour of Evanston, Northwestern University, Lake Shore, and Winnetka Municipal Plant. Thursday Evening 6:30-9:00: Annual Dinner and Eve- ning Session. President W. H. Hoff, presiding. Address: "Municipal and Civic Art, Mr. Lorado Taft, President of the Art Extension Committee. 9:00-10:00: Moving Pictures on 1. Zon- Topics of Municipal Interest: ing: "Growing Pains." 2. Sewage Collection and Disposal: Newark, N. J. 3 Waste Disposal in American Cities. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15 Morning Session 9:00-11:00 Reports from the Sec- tions. Professor John A. Fairlie, pre- siding. Report of the Accounting and Finance Section, Professor Lloyd Mo- rey, Statisician of the League. "The Distribution of City Tax Rates," Pro- fessor A. C. Littleton Director of the Bureau of Business Research, Univer- sity of Ill. Report of the Legal Sec- tion, "The Codification of Illinois Laws Relating to Cities and Villages," Mr. Chancey Finfrock, Corporation Coun- sel for the city of Urbana. "Legal As- pects of Local Public Improvements," Mr. H. M. Cassidy, of Chapman, Cut- ler, and Parker, Chicago. Discussion opened by Mr. George A. Mason, of the Chicago Bar. 11:00-12:00:: Discussion on Munici- pal Utilities. Commissioner Willis J. Spaulding, Springfield, presiding. 1. Reports on the Municipal plants in Kewanee and Winnetka. 2. Discus- sion on the Acquisition of Water Sup- ply Plants in Illinois. 12:30-3:00 Luncheon and Annual Business Session. President W. H. Hoff, presiding. Annual Report of the Secretary-Treasurer. Reports of Com- mittees: 1. Executive. 2. Legislative. 3. Resolutions. 4. Nominations. » Kenilworth Happenings Miss Louisa Sanborn, who with her mother, Mrs. V. C. Sanborn, has heen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ennis in Colum- bi, Ceylon, recently enjoyed a month's trip with Mrs. Ennis, in Burma, see ing the sights of Rangoon and Man- dalay. In August, they all journeyed to Galle and Ratnapura, and at. Christ- mast time they will be in Kandy. Sl Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Burnham and son, Phillip, 536 Roslyn road, road, have returned home from New Milford, Conn., where they spent Thanksgiving with their sons, James and David, who are attending school there. Later they joined the Grant Ridgways and Mrs. Frank Gerould in New York city. --_--0-- Forty Bluebirds and Junior Camp- fire Girls gave a handkerchief shower for Miss Heminway at the home of Mrs. Modie Spiegel 140 Melrose ave- nue on Monday afternoon, December 4. Miss Heminway has been an assistant teacher at the playgrounds in Kenil- worth for a number of years. --C-- Mr. and Mrs.s Mark Cresap, Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Hannah, will give a dinner dance on Friday eve- ning, December 29, at the Indian Hill Country club for Miss Helen Cresap, Miss Eleeanor Eckhart and Miss Elizabeth Hannah. --_--Q-- Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, was a patroness at the Bal Fantas- tique on Tuesday evening at the New Trianon ballroom. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harwood of Wilmette were her guests. Mr. Osgood is in Washington, D. C. attending a meeting before the senate committee. --Q-- The Neighbors held a meeting on Thursday afternoon. It was Philan- thropy Day and Miss Mary E. McDow- ell talked on "Americanization and Neighborliness." Miss Bernice Bulley of Kenilworth furnished the musical program. --_--O-- Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumber- land avenue, and Mrs. Grant Keehn, 512 Roslyn road, returned home from Boston on Thursday. Mrs. Ridgway spent Thanksgiving with her daugh- ter, Jane, and Mrs. Keehn with her son, Grant Keehn. -_0-- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph: Joyce, 531 Essex road, who have as their house- guests, this week, Mr. and Mrs. Syd- ney B. Pratt of Manitowoc, Wis., will entertain at dinner on Saturday eve- ning in cheir honor. --Q-- Mrs. Walter B. Gerould, 431 Essex road, will leave Sunday for Berkeley, Cal.,, where Mr. and Mrs. Gerould will make their home until early summer. Mr. Gerould has been in the west for several weeks. -_0-- Miss Viana Knowlton of Boston, Mass. arrived on Tuesday for a four day's visit with Mrs. Bodine South- worth, 201 Kenilworth avenue. Miss Knowlton is on her way to Los An- geles, Cal. Miss Helen Cresap who has been visiting in New York gave a luncheon at the Biltmore on Saturday, Decem- ber 2. Mrs. W. G. Taylor entertained her Afternoon Bridge club on Tuesday at her home, 310 Cumnor road. --_--Q-- Mrs. C. D. Howe, 240 Kenilworth avenue, will entertain at bridge at her home this afternoon. Mr. C. D. Howe and son, Charles, 240 Kenilworth avenue, returned home Thursday of last week from Annapolis, where Mr. Howe visited his son, Hamilton, a student in the naval college. --O-- The Phi Beta Phi sorority is giving a bridge party at the North Shore hotel, on Saturday, December 9, at 2 o'clock. Miss Helen Ruth has charge of the ticket sales in Kenil- worth. --_Q-- Mrs. Carl Keith and daughter, Cor- nelia, 310 Woodstock avenue, re- turned home on Monday from New York where they spent Thanksgiving with Miss Margaret Keith. --_--O-- The Misses Dorothy and Emily Foresman spent a few days in Dres- den before leaving Germany, and are now looated in Strawsburg, France,, for a week or ten days. --Q-- Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., and Miss Margaret Taylor, 431 Essex road, will entertain at tea this afternoon for Mrs. W. B. Gerould, who will leave Sunday for Berkely, Cal. a Miss Florence Evans entertained a few friends at tea on Saturday after- noon last at her home in Evanston, to meet Miss Ruth Dahl of Duluth, Minn. ---- . Mrs. F. W. Cherry, 422 Abbottsford road, has returned from a week's house-party with friends in Des Moines, Ta., her former home. --_---- Mrs. W. Noble Gillette, 624 Abbotts- ford road, entertained at tea on Fri- day, December 1, at the Indian Hill Country club. i Mrs. F. D. Bright 422 Essex road, wlil entertain at luncheon and bridge on Monday, eDcember 11, at her res- idence. eye Mrs. W. W. Wheelock, 244 Cumnor road, entertained at dinner and bridge on Saturday evening last at her home. --_---- The Russian Literature class met at the home of Mrs. Robert O. Berger, 306 Kenilworth avenue, on Wednesday. Qn Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett and fam- ily, 412 Sheridan road, are living at "The Surf" in Chicago for the winter. -- Mrs. Edgar W. Burchard and Miss Marjorie Burchard will entertain at bridge on December 27, at 2 o'clock. ---- Mrs. Frank Young, 333 Cumnor road, will be hostess to her afternoon luncheon today at her home. Social Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Gardner (Caroline deWindt) are spending the week-end with Mrs. Fred D. Gardner in St. Louis. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Daughaday, 790 Bryant avenue, are receiving con- gratulations upon the birth of a son, Thomas. --0-- Miss Ashley's fourth lecture will be given on Monday, December 11, at the Winnetka Woman's club at four o'clock. --_O-- Mrs. Bessie Merrill's son, John, who was hit hy an automobile recently, is slowly recovering from his injuries. ---- Mrs. Edgar Alden, 352 Linden ave., was called South to Tennessee owing to the death of her sister. SHOP AT HOME Winnetka and Hubbard Woods merchants, as advertisements in this issue of The Winnetka Talk clearly indicate, are prepared to take care of the Christmas shop- pers' needs. Gifts in variety, one might ven- ture to say profusion, are to be found on the shelves and in the cases of Winnetka stores and shops. Not a merchant in the vil- lage but who is prepared, by reason of years of experience, to provide the things that his cus- tomers of the year 'round want most at Christmas time. There are numerous advantages to shopping for Christmas gifts In your home community. The terrific crowds of downtown Chicago can be avoided. One is far away from that ever-prevalent indifferent, at times seemingly hostile, attitude of the overworked downtown clerk, and finds near at hand the courtesy that makes holiday shopping a pleasure rather than a burden. Do your Christmas Shopping early and do it at home! A visit to your local shops will be in the nature of a pleasant surprise. A

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