WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922 OUR AIM---QUALITY AND SERVICE HUBBARD WOODS | ves] (rocery € Market [i 890 LINDEN AVE | PHONES WINNETKA 1700--1701--1702 | [HUBBARD WOODS S NO OTHER STORE ON THE NORTH SHORE OFFERS THE HIGHEST GRADE GOODS AT BARGAINS LIKE THESE ALL WEEK SPECIALS Moir's imported marmalade--while it lasts--reg. price per 1 lb. jar 50c--this week. . . .. aan 39¢ Wrights Supreme Mayonnaise Dressing 1; pint jar, reg. price 35c, this week. ............. 28¢ Wesson Oil--7; gal 99c, qt. 52¢, pt. ........ 27c Monsoon Maple & Cane Syrup, full quart, reg. price 85¢c, for this week .................. 69c Marischino Cherries, 3 oz. jar, reg price 20c, this week 15¢c,-1 doz. Jars... . . ... 00 Ji. id. $1.65 Marischino Chiervies, 5 oz. jar, reg. price 35c, this week 25c, 1 doz, jars... . . i: ils rvsses $2.75 Foster's Preserved Figs, in can, reg. price 40c, while they last 25c per can, Doz... . .. Ses Hine oC $2.90 California Muscatel Grapes, 1 lb. can, quality guar- anteed, reg. price 25c per can, this week 2 cans FOP sii BRE rea fas 8d 25c¢ The reason why I am selling these at less than cost is to make room for more new goods. Kippered Herring, oval can, reg. price 35c, this week 23c, 2 cans for ............... 0... 45c Monsoon Tuna Fish, pure white meat in olive oil, No. 1 can, reg. price 65c, for this sale ........ 47c ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS TO GET YOUR XMAS TREES THEY ARE GOING FAST a) SPECIALS For Gold Ribbon Wednesday Fresh Bordeaux Shelled Wal- nuts, regular price $1.00 per 1b., for Gold Ribbon Wednesday, per 1b, 79¢ Fresh Shelled Almonds, regular price $1.00 per 1b., for Wed. per | RE Ce SIG SEES Se I 75¢ Lux, 10 limit to a customer, 10 BOT Cin vos a pr en rie eh 89¢ Jello Assorted, 3for ........... 25¢ Tomato Soup, 3 for ........... 25¢ Extra Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 3 Ibs fori. ntsc said 20c Prunes, 40-50 size, regular price 28c per Ib, for Wed, . 2. 0h... os 19¢ Prunes, 30-40 size, regular price 40c pet lb... for Wad... .vresce vr se 25¢ 12 lbs. extra fancy Baldwin apples 69c. Extra fancy Jonathan apples, per peck i Sh cL mene anh 3 69c Scotch tissue toilet paper, 1000 sheets to a roll, regular price 18c, for Wed. 12c per roll; 10 for $1; 10 limit to a customer. Sugar, 10 Ibs. limit to a customer, 10 108: for... cm uate nse 69c Roquefort cheese, per 1b. ....... 65¢c Wisconsin Early June peas, extra sifted, regular price 30c, for this sale, PEE CAI Ins Jat dire as let ers 19¢ Pure leaf lard, 1 lb. carton, per 1 A TR PI 16%c Willow Twig, extra fancy baking, cooking and eating apples, 40 to 45 lbs. to the box, per box ...... $2.55 Angelus Marshmallows, regular price 10c; for Wed, ..;.......s 8c Gold dust, large ..........~.... 28c Blue Goose Indian River small size oranges, 3 doz. for ..........: $1.00 Indian River Florida Oranges, per hy MERAY Cl Se SN 39¢ Indian River Blue Goose Grape Fruit, finest in the land, 3 doz. limit to a customer, per doz. ........ 85¢c Large Indian River Blue Goose grape fruit, regular price 15c each, for Wed., 1 doz. for $1.35, 1 doz. limit to a customer. ALL WEEK SPECIALS Monsoon Tuna Fish, white, in pure olive oil, 7; Ib. can, reg. price 38c, this sale . ............, 27c Red Wood fancy Alaska Steak Salmon, 1 Ib. can, limit 12 to customer, reg. price 55c, this sale 45c, POZ. oo Ci eR $5.20 Monsoon Early June Peas, reg. price 25¢ per can, for this sale 20c per can, Doz............. $2.10 Richelieu fancy tomatoes, No 21; can, regular price 28c¢, this sale 22c per can, doz............ $2.50 CAI cl i ai i Si tant ee 15¢ PACKAGE GOODS Graham Crackers Vanilla Wafers Fig Newtons Social Tea Biscuits jt packages for 25¢ Sugar Rolled Golden Dates, regiifar price 30c per ih, this'sple pers. ..c,vnei «ove scninncn van nnie 19¢ EVERYTHING FOR YOUR XMAS DINNER SATURDAY SPECIALS Extra fancy California Russet pears, 8 pears in a basket, 2 baskets Leg of Lamb, per Ib. - - 36¢ Rump Corned Beef, per 1b. - 26¢ Small Link Sausage, per lb. - 20c MEATS mit to.a customer, per basket... ..i v0.00 000 Gidea 39c Extra fancy Florida Russet grape fruit, large size--reg. price 15c each--special for Saturday 10c each, 1 doz. limit to a customer. Yodoz ov ote at ER ER BE AE a a $1.15 Celery--Extra fancy Kalamazoo, good size bunch, per bunch.... 25c Green Peppers, 5c for large;-small, 3 for i... iviinien en vein vios 10c California Blue Goose Oranges, small size, 3 doz. for Florida Indian River Oranges, regular price 50c, Sat. special, doz... 39c sree ees sens We will have a very fine selection of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, and $1.00 Chickens for Christmas. Please place your order early to enable us to give you a fine selection. Our prices will be right. i