a a RR A a Tago aS SA Ea Cll he . PR TY f 14 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1922 Social Happenings (Continued from Page 8) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Scott of Hubbard Woods will give a dinner dance at the Saddle and Cycle club Tuesday evening, December 26, for their daughter, Isabel, who has re- turned from Dobbs Ferry for the holi- days. p= Miss Phoebe Fuller's dance on Sat- urday evening, December 23, is to be a Christmas cotillion en masque and will be led by her cousin, Miss Laura Hayes, and Mrs. Henry Hayes Hudson of St. Paulus and Harvard. -- Charles Rummler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rummler, 965 Spruce street, and David De Lay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. De Lay, 878 Oak street, returned home Saturday last from the University of Michigan. --Q-- Misses Norma Clark of Winnetka and Elinor Kramer of Wilmette, who are attending Virginia Intermont Col- lege at Bristol, Va., will spend the hol- idays with friends at Wilmington, North Carolina. -- (re Mrs. Clarence Krause and her guests, Mrs. Paul and her grand- daughter, Dorothy Laurie, spent last week-end in Milwaukee, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huth, former Win- netka residents. p= Miss Mary Louise Fentress, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fentress, 939 Green Bay road, returned home Wednesday from Miss Walker's school, Sinsbury, Conn. ---- Paul B. Goble, son of Mr, and Mrs. Sherman Goble, 511 Ash street, has returned home for the holidays from Boston Tech. --Q-- The Misses Mary and Elizabeth Hall, 759 Prospect avenue, are spend- ing the Christmas holidays with rela- tives in Boston, Mass. ity. Daniel Noe, 989 Ash street, left yes- terday to spend a fortnight with friends in New York city. Guilford R. Windes of the Winnet- ka Trust and Savings Bank is spend- ing a month's vacation in the west, He was in New Orleans, Houston, Tex., and will spend Christmas in Cali- fornia. CHARI Brownell Bradstreet arrived home yesterday morning from Cornell to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Bradstreet, at the North Shore hotel in Evanston. --_---- The Misses Barbara Miller and Ger- trude Smith have issued invitations for a dancing party on Tuesday eve- ning, December 26, at the Skokie Country club. ----- Francis Cook, Jr., 347 Forest ave- nue, returned yesterday from Cornell, for the holiday vacation. = 0-- Miss Cecilia Forberg of Hubbard Woods has returned from the Univer- sity of Wisconsin for the holidays. Coming from Dobbs Ferry this week will be the Misses Isabel and Emily Scott, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, of Hubbard Woods, and Miss Emilie Hoyt, daugh- ter of Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt. ----( Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hostnick, 890 Willow street, have as their house guest over the holidays, Mrs. Host- nick's cousin, John Eberwein of Pitts- field, Mass. --O--- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lutz and daugh- ter, Mary, 460 Hawthorne lane, will leave Christmas Night to spend New Year's in New Orleans. --Q-- Mrs. Charles L.. Byron and small daughter Ann, 768 Foxdale ave., leave December 28 for the south, to spend the winter months. Osis Mr, and Mrs, Charles Barker and daughter Polly, 603 Provident ave. leave shortly to spend the holidays at Chippewa Falls, Wis. Plaza Jeweler. LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL EVANSTON ACCEPTABLE GIFTS IN JEWELRY AT MODERATE PRICES FINEST JEWELRY SHOP ON THE NORTH SHORE hotels, theatres, banks route. to 1:41 a. m. to 1:45 a. m. Travel in Comfort, with the Speed of the Wind, over the Road of Service -- from the Heart of Winnetka to the Heart of Chicago Winnetka Every Hour from 6:41 a. m. Express Trains Every Express trains every 30 minutes. Baggage Checked to All Points on Line You are taken straight to Chicago's Loop--to the very doors of the leading Train service is fast and frequent -- you save time and effort by nding to Chicago over this convenient and business houses. Chicago Civic Opera Special To the Opera--To the Theatre Every Thursday during the season, the North Shore Line operates a Special Train direct to Grand Opera at the Auditorium Theatre, Chicago. Lv, Winnetka . .... coc Seales s dennis snniss 6:56 p.m. Ev. Glencoe." i 8. LL a de ah sii Lavi. 6:51 p.m. Ar. Congress and Wabash................... 7:50 p.m. Enjoy a well-cooked dinner on the Dining Car. SPECIAL TABLE D'HOTE DINNER, $1.25 Also Service a la Carte Immediately after the Opera, the special train will leave Adams and Wabash Elevated Station on the return trip. An enjoyable supper served a la carte. Winnetka Ticket Office North Shore Line U NORTH SHORE / ! 7 / CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE R. R. Elm Street MADEIRA SHOP For gifts or for your own use, we have a full line of beautiful Maderia Cut Work, Table Linens and Gowns Madeira handkerchiefs, 3 for $1 and Infant pillow cases....85¢c to $3.00 50c to $1.50 each. : Large Madeira pillow cases, 75 Hemstitched handkerchiefs, 25¢ to i $10.00 P pa Large Sut work pillow cases, $12.00 $1.00. Men's handkerchiefs, 25¢ to $1.00 Napkin ahd handkerchief cases, 50c Niven 50c to $3.00 to $1.00. 882. vis ian > Hot roll cases TV E SL to 2.50 Round, Yale saveenss 328 Vid $100 DW Sr Njauslra ers 4 31.50 lod Scarf, 36 In., 45 in., 54 In., and 72 Towels, MopBlc. so + i98.78 25 91d In... $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 owels, cut work...... . 0 ol oy pind we $4 . . Chair back Madeira, filet and cut Madeira napkins, doz... 86 to $25 Night gowns. fire oy to Bx Mosaic napkins, "doz. .$8.50 to $20 Chemises: «.. ves teen $2.00 to $4.50 Oblong, oval and round luncheon Infants' dresses....... $2.25 to $5.00 sets, from $5 to $95. | Baby bonnets ......... 35¢c to $1.50 Lunch cloths, from $8.50 up. Open Every HAIG 521 Davis St. Evening JOBOUL North Shore Until porter Hotel Building Christmas EVANSTON aL re Ag * ¥ At all First class Grocers Season's Greetings! We wouldn't pay good money for this space to extend to our friends best wishes for the season if we did not sincerely mean them. We sincerely wish you a most Happy Christmas and a prosperous and Happy New Year! The Home of S F I D Good Baking - 210 E ' PHONE CHICAGO L S EVANSTON AVENUE Evanston, Ii1. 1200 FAMOUS FOR MACAROONS & LADY FINGERS EVANSTON'S NEWEST AND FINEST HOTEL 2\ = ba MARA Lihrary Plaza An attractive home for individuals or small families who want the same service rendered by the finest hotels but intermingled with a home atmosphere that adds to the comfort of a short or long stay. There are attractive terms for long leases. Come and enjoy our restaurant or cafeteria, For Reservations telephone Evanston 8000 Orrington Avenue, north of Davis Street, EVANSTON