| automobile as a while, he has come | . ig Weel types 'and makes of automobiles 14 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1923 BUSINESS HEALTHY. SHS MANUFACTURER Dodge Brothers Executives Make Tour "Healthy from the feet up," is the way F. J. Haynes, president of Dodge Brothers, describes the country's busi- ness condition, after a six weeks' "listening tour" on which he was ac- companied by John A. Nichols, Jr. general sales manager of Dodge Brothers. Mr. Haynes and Mr. Nichols visited practically every important city in the northwest and along the Pacific coast from Vancouver to Los Angeles. "We just listened," said Mr. Haynes. "We heard what our dealers thought, we heard what their bankers had. to say and we got first-hand opinions from merchants of all sizes and de- scriptions. And the sum total of the whole series of observations and opin- ions is this: "The country is back to normal. Its recovery from the feverish over- exertion of war time is practically complete. The new cycle of prosperity has started. But it is not the pros perity of boom times. It is the sound healthy sort of prosperity which de- velops with steady firmness. Bankers and merchants everywhere regard it as a substantial, permanent improve- ment. They are content to see a grad- ual development because they have only recently witnessed a tragic ex- ample of the other kind of develop- ent--the kind that accumulates so much momentum that the brakes of good business judgment are useless in an emergency." Mr. Haynes said the improvement was even more noticeable in the larger cities and towns than in the rural sec- tions, although the purchasing power and inclination of the latter are in- creasing appreciably day by day. Both Mr. Haynes and Mr. Nichols were impressed with the complete ab- sence of any of the antagonism which has been attributed to bankers by au- tomobile men in some sections of the country. "We found that there is certainly nothing but the most friendly attitude toward Dodge Brothers' dealers," he said. "The average banker today views certain makes of cars as standard mer- chandise. Instead of condemning the Trt wore to differentiate be- | ind kinds and classes of automobile lealars, The hankers' attitude depends largely on what the car and the deal er stand for. And that attitude is en- tirely proper and in accordance with the highest business standards." In every state visited by the Detroit executives, there was less evidence than ever before of the usual winter Brothers production records, which as yet show no relaxation from the high pressure schedule on which the factory has been operating all year. An analysis of the amazing demand for Dodge Brothers' Busniess Coupe ever since this car was announced last summer, confirms the theory on which the car was designed and marketed, according to President Haynes. "This type of car," he said, "is bringing to the surface a fundamental public desire which was not recog- nized, or at least not acted upon, for years. That desire is for a moderate price car which provides all-season protection as well as dignity, depend- ability and economical transportation. This demand is now rapidly spreading to our business sedan, which, like the business coupe, embodies the new principle of steel body construction. Judging by what we saw and heard, 1 fel sure that these two cars will soon constitute fully 50 per cent of our entire production, if not more." KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL SECURES BACKING HERE Mothers and fathers, clergymen, men in the professions and others in- terested in making the "Business of Childhood," as conducted by the Na- tional Kindergarten and Elementary college, everybody's business in Wil- mette, convened Tuesday evening of this week at the home of Miss Clem- entine Eastman, 1027 Elmwood ave- nue. The meeting began the formation of an organization pledged to "help move the college from its present lo- cation in Chicago to a site on Sheri- dan road, partly in Wilmette and part- ly in Evanston." Plans for the school's fund campaign were outlined by Mrs. Florence Capron of Evanston, a graduate of the school and chairman of the alumni organiza- tion on the north shore. Among those who attended the meetings were: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sid- dall, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Arden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoddard, Mr. Fred- erick B. Crossley, Miss Martha Jen: kins, Mrs. W. Marsh Burns, Rev. Ste- phen A. Lloyd. A meeting will be held Thursday evening, January 18 at the Village hall, when President Edna Dean Baker of the Kindergarten college, and Dr. Elmer E. Jones, director of the School of Education of Northwestern univer sity, will speak on "Newer Education for Children." All persons interested in better education for children are urged to attend this session. Detroit Cue Star Defeats Eastener in Two Matches Detroit, Mich.--Clarence Jackson, the Recreation billiard three cushion star, defeated George Moore, representing New York, in both afernoon and eve- ning matches of their National league games. Both games were one sided, Jackson holding the lead throughout. The afternoon game was decided in 61 innings, the final score being 50 to 31, and Jackson had a high run of 6. The score of the evening game slow-up in the automobile business. This condition is reflected in Dodge was 50 to 35, in 58 innings. a3 TEN DOLLARS Everybody eligible. All you h words you can make out of the 566 Center St. l "LILLIBRIDGE" Do not use a letter in any one word more times than it appears in "Lillibridge." Mail or bring your lists to PARR and POWELL, 566 Center Street, on or before January 31st, 1923. In case of a tie the first list received wins the prize. Daily demonstration of the Lillibridge Oil Vapor Burner at our store. Everybody welcome. PARR & POWELL Winnetka 122 GIVEN AWAY ave to do is to see how many letters in facturing plants is strongly evidenced DECLARE PROSPERITY IS FAST RETURNING The return of prosperity as indicat- ed in the increased activity of manu- | in the figures of the Public Service company's electric power business. The total energy in horse power rep- resented in the new contracts made in 1922 is the largest in the company's history. The new contracts made are for electrical power in a wide variety of uses. The demands of plants in the industrial sections of the company's territory are represented in individ- ual connected loads impressive in size. But a noteworthy feature is the large increase in the number of small concerns as users of motor drive. More than four times as many houses were wired by the company in 1922 as were so equipped in 1921. The score of 1920 was exceeded by over 1,000 and 1920 was a lively year. An unusual feature of this business was the increasing proportion of property owners who elected not to avail themselves of the easy terms of payment possible, but settled the cost of the improvement in cash. FLAGS ADMINISTRATION 'Washington.--The administration policy of retaining unofficial observers on the reparations commission was bitterly assailed in the Senate today by Senator Reed, Democrat, of Mis- Twice as much for your Vacuum Cleaner money Some cleaners have a beating brush. Some cleaners have a strong suction. But only the Hamilton Beach has both. In one machine it unites all the cleaning advantages of both these good types. So it gives double efficiency, extra thorough cleaning in half the time. Yet it don't have to decide which type cleaner is best, because the Ham- ilton Beach is both Certainly you will want costs no more This makes choice easy You to see it before deciding. Pom Hamilton Beach Vacuum Sweeper Phones Evanston 654; Wilmette 526 PATTERSON BROS., 828 Davis St., Evanston THE ATLAS OIL BURNER . Gravity feed--no noise, no dust, no ashes. Ten years in successful operation 925 Central Avenue North Shore Sales Agency Phone Wilmette 2302 8-Hour Battery Service Radio Batteries Left Before 9 A. M. 7 Can Be Ha the Same Day. The Winnetka Exide Battery Service Co. 2 Prouty Court dat5P. M. Phone Winnetka 1387 BIG antee. if you expect PREMIERS BUICKS GARDNERS guarantee me You can buy Lexing Phone 792 JANUARY Clearance Sale OF USED CARS We are closing out a large lot of used cars taken in on new car sales. built in our own shop and carry the company's guar- Many of these cars are repainted and re- We have slashed the prices to a ridiculous low figure, in fact so low that you cannot afford to miss this sale to buy a car this year. We Have Cars of Various Makes Including LEXINGTONS PIERCE ARROWS CHANDLERS OLDSMOBILES DORTS OAKLANDS FORDS and many others including open & closed cars Remember you are buying of a new car dealer where a ans something. on almost your own terms. Only a few dollars cash and you can drive away a car. This big closing out sale begins Sat., Jan. 13. Come early and pick out the car you wish. ton Chicago Co. USED CAR DEPT. 1464 SHERMAN AVE. 2 Main Office 1008 Davis St. a