4 Gn Cr JF LI a Vi WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1923 17 --3 WE'LL SHOUT ALOUD: "TWAS A GRAND ThIP We "Mean That Business Men's Pleasure Jaunt Fifty-one north shore business men, members of the New Trier Commercial associationand theirguests, gave them- selves over with happy abandon to a rare good time Monday evening of this week in a session of sheer enjoy- ment. Business worries were left in Wil- mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Hub- bard Woods and Glencoe, depending upon the location of the various places of business and the "boys" hied themselves to Milwaukee via the "Road of Service," more commonly known as the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric railroad. At Milwaukee there was a theater party at the Palace Vaudeville house that left every man chanting the mer- its of the "bill" on the joyful return journey, again over the "Road of Ser- vice." Officials of the North Shore line, Thompson, Moran, Seymour, Grant, Welch, Shepperd, Cordell, Mr. Motor- man, Messrs. conductors, chef de cui- sine, and even the dusky waiters out- did themselves to insure absolute comfort for the travellers. A dinner, containing everything from s to n, but surpassing in quality and quantity most anything ever en- countered in the eating line, started matters off right as the train was leaving the north shore. Talkfests, singing, bridge and the inevitable "rummy" kept everyone enlivened on the all-too-brief journey to the me- tropolis of the Badger country. Then the theater, with all the best there is in variety productions, and the return trip, with more talkfests, song, cards and ever more of the same, all in the pleasing atmosphere of fragrant havanas. ( Home again shortly after midnight. Realty Experts Unite as Heinsen and Clark, Inc. Heinsen and Clark, Inc., realtors, blossomed forth this week as one of the most promising enterprises on the north shore, following announce- ment of election of officers of the newly reorganized iirm. Archie W. Plant, formerly manager of the Wilmette aflice of Hill and Wheeler, realtors, was elected pres- ident, George C. Clark, of the firm of Heinsen and Clark, was named vice president; Paul Heinsen, also of the former Heinsen and Clark, was chos- en treasurer, and William H. Overton, formerly sales manager of the Stults Realty company of Winnetka, selected as secretary. Both Plant and Overton have had many years' experience in selling north shore real estate and last year were credited with negotiating num- erous important transactions. Heinsen and Clark have been es- tablished on the north shore for some time, now maintaining offices in Win- netka, Wilmette and Chicago. Eastern Star A public installation of officers of Wilmette Chapter, 7563, Order of the Eastern Star, was held in the Masonic Hall, January 15 in the usual impres- give and dignified manner. : In the presence of an overflow audi- ence of members and friends the fol- lowing officers were installed: Hattie E. France, worthy matron, Claude E. Fitch, worthy patron, and a very capable corps of officers. Pearl G. Clyde and Fred L. Rice were the retiring worthy matron and patron. A short program of songs and read- ings were given by Mrs. Vesta Murray Watkins. Appropriate and beneficial talks were given by distinguished members, the tetiring and newly in- stalled worthy matrons and patrons and the Rev. Francis Carr Stifler, the worthy matron's pastor. Only Two Building Grants Over Period of One Week Although only two building permits were issued by the superintendent of public works in the past seven days, the total value of the authorized con- struction in Winnetka this week 2 mounts to $17,000. : Johnson Brothers received a permit for the construction of a $11,000 two- story brick veneer residence at 867 Lincoln avenue. The other permit was granted to J. W. Erickson. Mr. Erickson will build a two-story frame and stucco house at 565 Elder Lane, at an estimated cost of $6,000. This is the smallest number of per- mits issued in the village in a one week period for many months. L 0. O. F. Installs Officers; Plan Many Social Events A. T. Sherman Lodge, No. 892, I. 0. O. F., held its annual installation of officers Thursday evening, January 11, conducted by Deputy Grand Master William J. Schatz. Officers installed included: A. H. Hoffmeyer, noble grand master; C. F. A. Radner, vice grand master; H. G. Cazel, recording secretary; Charles Knoble, financial secreffary; W. H. Sabin, treasurer; V. F. Foster, R. S. N. G.; Morris Krupnick, L. S. N. G.; R. E. Herrmann, warden; W. J. Cun- ningham, conductor; William J. Schatz, chaplain; N. C. Cazel, inside guardian; F. HK. Doolittle, outside guardian; John Norman, R. S. S.; Henry Carlson, L. S. S.; C. A. Jank, Special arrangements are being made by the lodge for several inter- esting entertainments in the near future. CAIN COOLIDGE IT INDY EVENING CL Vice-President of the United States Appears on North Shore January 21 Calvin S. Coolidge, Vice President of the United States and, by virtue officer of the United States Senate, will speak before the Wilmette Sun- day Evening club on the evening of January 21. ; Two hundred extra seats have been secured for the auditorium of the First Congregational church for this service in order to accomodate as large an audience as can be comfort- ably and safely housed in the church. "I saw Mr. Coolidge when I was in Washington a few days ago," W. Frank McClure, president of the Sun- day Evening club stated in announcing the club program, "and he assured me that he will be able to get away from his duties in Washington to fill this engagement." "It is a real achievement for Wil- mette to secure the Vice President of the United States on this year's pro- gram, "continued President McClure. "Mr. Coolidge has had a notable ca- Governor of Massachusetts before being elected Vice President. He gained widespread fame as the 'law and order' governor of the Bay state. Mr. Collidge has not announced his topic for Sunday evening, Mr. Me- Clure aserted, but it is a foregone conclusion that he will discuss current problems of vital interest to every citizen. Hot Coals, Add Gasoline, Fire Department at Work A red hot coal, acciaently dropped into a can of gasoline, was the cause of the fire which did damage amount- ing to $75 to a garage owned by F. S. Bulger, 400 Sheridan road, last Friday. The blaze became so large that the R.S. V.G.; J. H. Luensman, L. S. V. G. of that high position, the presiding' reer. It will be recalled that he was' fire department was called. STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENING UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK - - --" ~~ - FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY BEGINNING TUESDAY, JANUARY 23rd We have made very special efforts on this, our third annual White Goods Sale. Combining our buying with 22 other progressive stores enables us to get good merchandise at bed-rock prices. In this sale you are getting the benefit of the savings we made. 36-Inch Muslin Fine quality Bleached Muslin, 36-inch width, without starch or dressing, soft finish, an excellent cloth. Spe- cial, a-Fard evo verivemie 19¢ 9-4 Sheeting This sheeting is bleached, full 214 yards wide, a well-known quality that sells regularly for 80c yard. On sale Tuesday, a yard.... 67c Longcloth Pure white, fine weave, soft finish longcloth, an ideal cloth for under- wear, gowns, etc. The regular price is 29c yard. Buy it by the 10-yd. bolt at, a bolt ......\. $2.45 Brown Sheeting Same quality and width as above, ex- cept in unbleached finish. For bed- spreads, and many other uses. 62c An exceptional value at, a yard Toweling Assorted lot of both linen and half linen towelings, both bleached and brown. These are short lengths of toweling we sell regularly up to 30c yard. Sale price, a yard a 1 c White Gauze A full width, 36-inch bleached gauze cheesecloth. A good weave, and nice soft finish. You know its many uses around the home, for polishing the car, ec. Buy all you will 1 need at the low price, a yard 8c Corsets A special lot genuine Gossard corsets, discontinued numbers that sold up to $3.50. All in perfect, clean condition. Sizes 22 to 30. While a limited number last, choice ........ $2.79 Sheets and Cases Good weight, nice quality cases, size 42x36 Well-known "Fort Mills" quality sheets S1%90 ©. i... Nahas Ak $1.45 Pepperell quality cases, no dressing, Size ARB Orr rrr Err 42c S1Z€ 45X80 wo sive sim « ov 00 SR TGTHRS 45¢c Pepperell sheets, a fine weight and finish, Size 63x90 ISSR Rrt et = Cet Rie A $1.50 Size T2x90 ron... cu Pinning ion 1.60 Size28Ix00" |. 5% A. ee Tr 1.75 Size SID viii sniomecotine + tne 1.90 Tues. & Wed. Only January 23rd and 24th only, a very fine quality pillow case, in size 42x36, will be on sale at, each 29c And remember, the stocks in this sale are all fresh and new. Ginghams A large assortment of new ginghams just unpacked. The colors and pat- terns are all new. The lot specially iced for' thi 1 1 ra a Ro Jap Cloths Genuine blue printed Jap lunch cloths, fast colors, and easily laundered, in size 48 x 48. Either light or dark' borders, choice' .......~ 89c¢ Rag Rugs Still a few more of these large size rag rugs to be sold at this low price. They en A gLI5 NOTION ITEMS Below are listed only a few specials from this complete section of our store. Any notion needs you may have can be supplied at this store. Elastic Commonly called "dressmakers" or "Bloomer" elastic, because it is so strong and well finished for those pur- poses. It is %4-inch in width, either hi black. A 12-yd. Tn ov oh Seagal ore : . a ' 59c Wax Polish Millers liquid wax oil polish for floor, furniture, etc.,, a big quart bottle for'... ... 01, Unni 45c¢ Sponges Large size household use sponges, a generous value for many uses. Eacly . J... cousin planted, alifeiasiien 1 5c Mops Semdac and Sprustex floor mops, either ready oiled or with a bottle of 'oll. { Choice: ....... Satoruets $1 In addition to the above items, throughout our store you will find many things displayed during this sale, that offer you the means of making many savings. Some items being limited in quantity, it will be to your advan- tage to come in your first opportunity. Phone orders will be given careful attention. The McAllister- 1146 Wilmette Avenue : orthen Co. a Wilmette eee ------------------------------------