0 i eC aT Bed Tha = hp WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1923 3 a BC BE TE re laa SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SOLOIST Jacques Gordon Jacques Gordan will be the soloist at the third Symphony concert given this season under auspices of the New Trier Township Orchestral associa- tion. The concert is announced for Wednesday evening, January 24, in the New Trier High school auditorium. The "Little Symphony" orchestra is under the dircetion of George Dasch and has become extremely popular with north shore music lovers. Wednes- day's concert is certain to attract a crowded auditorium. - COLLEGES SHOW BIG GADMTH IN DECADE liz Publishers' Association Bic WF Gives Figures Figures showing the surprising growth in the attendance at the uni- versities and colleges of the United States during the last decade were submitted at the recent convention of the Subscription Book Publishers' as- sociation to emphasize the vastiy en- lerged field of the subscription book business. ; Columbia University, it was pointed out, grew from an enrollment of 6,073 in 1913 to 25,734 in 1922; University of California from 6,402 to 17,599; University of Chicago from 6,402, to 12,439; University of Michigan from 5,682 to 10,623; University of Wiscon- sin from 5,748 to 10,484; University of Minnesota from 5,701 to 9,854; University of Illinois from 5,200 to 9- 493; Ohio State University from 3,928 to 7,817; Harvard University from 5,015 to 17,744; Yale University from 3,229 to 3,896; University of Colorado from 1,306 to 3,669; Prince- ton University from 1,543 to 1,967. Growth of smaller colleges was shown to be: Amherst from 465 in 1913 to 500 in 1922; Leland Stanford from 1,650 to 2,333; Tufts from 1,051 to 2,128; Washington and Jefferson from 361 to 519 and William and Mary 184 to 729. "These figures," said M. J. Kinsella, a publisher of Buffalo, N. Y., "are as- tonishing in the light they throw on the rapidly widening scope of educa- tion. . Though Columbia leads the col- leges, the most pronounced upward trend in the educational movement is to be noted in the Middle West and West where a number of universities have far outstripped the famous east- ern institutions whose origins date back, 'in 'some instances, to colonial times. iil "Higher and more general education is imposing. responsibilities on sub- cription book publishers whose oks' Bre 'not intended to satisfy the omentary caprice of the public but re of permanent educational value. hey must publish not only more books but better books to keep pace 'With the rising tide of education in this new*era of the nation's intellec- ual advancement." Utilities' Ad. Men Join National Advertising Body The National Commission of the As- sociated Advertising Clubs of the World, at a recent meeting in Chicago, admitted to membership the Public {make better the advertising of the utilities of tue country. The Public |) Utilities Advertising : Association. Members of the association include ad- vertising men of the electric light and power, manufactured gas, telephone and electric railway industries, repre- sentatives of the various state commit- tees on public utility information and representatives of the national associ- ations of the various branches of the utility industry. The -objeet---of the Public Utilities! Advertising Associ- ation is to. promote the use of, and Utilities Advertising Association will go to the annual convention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World at Atlantic City in June with a complete program of its own and will also participate in the general ses- sions of the convention. PAINT All Sise Cans, ""ubes, Special Colors You Can Do Better Here Than Elsewhere RASMESEN'S STOR store WINN 344 Newspaper Advertising Is Supreme, Company Asserts The New York Sun's financial de- partment announces that Vivaudou, Inc, has become the exclusive selling agent for the product of the Mineralava Company for the next twenty-one years. The Sun says: "Under this contract the Mineralava Company agrees to spend a minimum of $1,000,000 a year in advertising. The Vivaudou com- pany is reported to have earned up- ward of $3 a share on fits 300,000 shares of stock last year, and com- pany officials express confidence that 1923 will show an increase in earn- ings from the regular business as compared with 1922. In addition it is estimated the new contract will add in earnings as much as $3 a share on Vivaudou stock, which was today sell- ing in new high ground, above 16." The attractive value of newspaper advertising space was never more forcibly illustrated than in the unus- ual success won by Mineralava Beauty Clay which has just entered into a contract agreeing to spend $1,000,000 a year in advertising through a period of the next twenty-one years. Much of the success won by Mineralava has been due to newspaper advertising, and the greater portion of the large expenditure contracted for, will be de- voted to the newspapers of this coun- try. The Mineralava company has recently made exhaustive tests of ad- vertising in the leading newspapers of twelve cities, as a result of which they have determined that they will get quicker and better returns from newspaper campaigns in the cities and towns than would be possible through any other mediums. BURGLARS MAKE RECORD Nelsonville, O.--Two unknown men committed four burglaries here in 48 hours and made their escape. INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO EDITH RAY YOUNG Pupils taught at h on[req Exclusive Infants' & Children's Frocks Made to Order We carry real Irish and Filet laces POLLY PRIM SHOP (Virginia P. Noe) 809 Oak St. Phone Winnetka 1635 Tel. Wil. 1385 1319 Washington St. Need It Right Away? Call up Taylor's Winnetka 998 or 999 ~- ~- - Tell them what you want = = = = = You'll get it right AWAY = = = = = It will be high in quality and low I. price « == E. B. TAYLOR & CO. 998-999 546 CENTER ST. WINNETKA Poultry Broilers, Frying and Roasting Chickens--- Freshly Dressed Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka AA III XXXII specials: Saturday Evening Post, WILLIAM A. HADLEY 'MAGAZINE AGENCY. Home Journal. Renewals and new Subscriptions to all Magazines solicited. Our Country Gentleman and Ladies' 913 OAK STREET Phone Winnetka 323 Winnetka WINNETKA FRUIT STORE Pouloplos Brothers, Props. 801 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 1371 FREE DELIVERY 4 TIMES DAILY Oranges... svnass Grapefruit . . . .. apples... UTTER Sweet Potatoes .......... Potatoes ETE SNE IC eh AAA | New Potatoes ........... Cauliflower, each ........ Lettuce... =~ i. 50%. .... Strawberries--low price. Celery o....5. 0... .. Beets and Carrots, per bunch, ...... Vaid 4 4d naw i0e, 1B0c, 160c etd ee nine wie ons nana ORI0C Pineapples--large size, each, ............ ER) samosas JE 8 for 25¢ On Sina wn 07a ne «3 1008. SOT 25¢ vo idenenin 3168. for 25¢ ele wenn vina + 200 and 30c FRESH EGGS--45¢ PER DOZEN THE HOME OF THE + "WELL GROOMED CAR" ICHARDSON'S GARAGE 724-30 ELM STREET Day and Night Washing Free Crank Case Service Official Alemite Station PHONE WINNETKA 25-841 <.§ rh Ro