4 tm ------------ MAKE MODEL THEATRE INSKOKIE WORKSHOP Youth Dramatists Plan Novel Miniature Another test of student initiative will soon be made at the enterprising Skokie school when the fifty members of the Dramatic class, under the tu- telage of Mrs. Frances Murray, begin construction of a model theater. Under present plans all the depart- ments of the school will co-operate with the Dramatic class in making the venture a success. Actual con- struction of the theater, which will have an exact reproduction of the stage of the Skokie assembly, will be done in the manual training shops of the school. Much of the designing and coloring of stage setting and scenery will be left in the hands of the art classes. The classes In sewing will make the curtains and drapes to be used on the stage. It is expected that the completed theater will be about four or five feet in height. Plays for New Theater Already members of the Dramatic class have begun the writing of sever- al plays. It is planned to produce the best of these student efforts. The en- tire stage arrangements for the per- formances will be in the hands of the Stagecraft class. The construction of the model theatre will enable the students to put on, in a small scale, everything that could be produced on the larger Skokie stage. In this manner it is hoped that greater perfection of tech- nique will be obtained. If present plans are carried out, plays will be produced every month in the Skokie auditorium by pupils interested in dramatics. STUDIES FURNACE MAKING Howard Noble, of the local Holland Furnace company, leaves Winnetka Sunday of this week for Holland, Michigan, where he will take up a course of practical study of the Hol- land furnace, city. manufactured in that Wonders on Wash Day Goodbye wash boiler, wash board, hard work, heavy lifting, long hours, and upset kitchen when the famous EDEN Electric Washer comes into your home. EDEN changes washing hours into minutes. Does all the hard work of washing and wringing-- from delicate lingerie to heaviest blankets. Washes cleaner and . with less wear on fabric than . | washing by hand. Easy to operate. Costs less than you think. Pay for it monthly with the money it saves. Come in and let us demonstrate the EDEN. We also have the THOR, BUTTERFLY and EASY WASHING MACHINES, SIMPLEX and THOR IRONERS, EUREKA and HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS Step in today for a demonstration NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor 554 Center St. Phone 44 Winnetka "If Electrical and Good, We Sell It' 'PERSONAL RELIGION' CONFERENCE POPULAR About seventy people came to the Assembly Room of Community House Tuesday evening of this week for the first of a series of conferences on "Personal Religion" being conducted by Rev. James A. Richards of the Winnetka Congregational church. The discussion, in which many par- ticipated, was on the general subject of personal work. Tuesday evening, January 23, the discussion will center around the question of the basis of WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1923 church membership. This, it is ex- plained, will involve an attempt to de- fine a Christian and the relation of the Christian life to creeds and ethics. Mr. Richards will also en- deavor to answer the questions placed in the question box last Tues- day. ENTERS HARDWARE BUSINESS Vincent Brochu, brother of E. G. Brochu, manager of the Winnetka Holland Furnace company, left the village last week to engage in the hardware business in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 784 Elm St. RUSSELL'S APPROVED MARINELLO SHOPPE Specializing in Scalps and Facials Marcel Waving OVER ADAMS DRUG STORE PHONE WINNETKA 1840 Deeds passed this week in McGuire and Orr's office in- volving Winnetka property include the Minnie R. Lasier home at Lincoln Ave. and Humboldt. This property was purchased by Milton Mayer. Also the Samuel E. Dean home on Walden Rd. which was conveyed to Mr. Joseph Page of the Packard Motor Co. Also the Sheridan Rd. frontage between Elm and Spruce Sts., consisting of 434 ft. with a varying depth. This sale is of particular interest as the old Sherlock homestead located thereon will now be razed. The total consideration in these sales was $86,000. McGUIRE & ORR (Exclusive Agents) Winnetka Office, 541 Lincoln Ave. 69 W. Washington St. CHICAGO Evanston Wilmette Kenilworth Highland Park Lake Forest Hubbard Woods Glencoe Ravinia Indian Hill Winnetka Phone Win. 672 Announcement Beginning Monday, January 22, the BROWN & WHITE CAB CO. will be situated in their new location at 806 Oak St., Winnetka--Phone 218, and will be under the management of Messrs. Willis Erne and Edmund D. Scully Brown & White Cab Co. "Satisfactory Taxi Service" PHONE WINNETKA 218 !