WINNETKA WEEKLY 'TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1923 "JOULES SEE BE TAT NOAA Principals and Choruses Get Big Reception Well staged and well drilled--with a universally good looking cast and not a few real actors--that was "The Jollies of 1923" given Monday and Tuesday evenings of this week at the New Trier High School auditorium under the auspices of the Indian Hill Improvement association. Those particularly well received by the audiences were George Perrigo, Giles Weiss, J. E. Cain, Mrs. C. Rus- sell Small, Mrs. J. H. Gilson and Mrs. Asa Cooley. Little Miss Helen Smith delighted with her dance interpreta- tions. The choruses were especially well drilled and received many encores. Highlights in the performance were Giles Weis' "Oh for the iLfe of a Fireman" (put on with skill worthy ' of a professional, and the irresistibly funny "Tomorrow," done by George Perrigo, and which he was compelled to repeat until he was literally ex- hausted. Mr. Cain's "In the Silent Deep" and Mrs. Cooley's "Song of India," por- traying a more serious vein, were immensely popular with the audi- ences. Elinor Bren's "School House Blues" was a decided hit. Then, the choruses deserve special mention. They sang and acted like stage veterans and were beautifully and cleverly costumed. "Jollies of 1923" indicated excellent direction, though there is little won- der at that when Winnetkans are informed that "Our Own" Joe Bren was "behind the scenes." CHILDREN ENJOY LECTURE Dr. Edward H. Hume, fouhder and head of the medical college of Yali in China, who spoke before a large au- dience at Community House last Sun- "day evening, devoted some time at the Country Day school Wednesday in giving an illustrated lecture on China. The children made Dr. Hume promise he would return soon to give another talk at the school. Burlesque Fireo Topples House at Masquerade Ball More than 850 Winnetka friends of the Fire department turned out for the annual masquerade ball held by the department last Saturday. The party was held at the Winnetka Com- munity house. In commenting on the event Chief G. M. Houren said, "The crowd last Saturday was the largest that has ever attended a firemen's ball. For the past few years each annual party has outshone its predecessor. This year's masquerade was a record breaker." Especially interesting was the bur- lesque fireman character interpreted by Virgel Lewis, saxaphonist of the Vagabond orchestra. Lewis brought down the house with hig ridiculously funny characterizations en costume. The Vagabonds played what is popularly characterized as "torrid" music, meaning A-1 jazz. [For Beautiful Eyes A Make the Use oifp Murine a Daily Habit. This Refreshing Eye \ Lotion soon makes « Eyes Clear, Radiant, Beautifull Harmless, Enjoyable. Sold by all Druggists. Write for Boo?" + 'How to Make Si JUIN CHEVROLET Has Every Virtue Required Of Long Economical Transportation THE HOME OF THE "WELL GROOMED CAR" RICHARDSON'S GARAGE 724-30 ELM STREET Night Washing Service Free Crank Case Service Official Alemite Station PHONE WINNETKA 25- 841 NOW IS THE TIME TO DO THOSE INSIDE PAINT JOBS Let us help you to renew your ceilings, walls, floors, wood- work and furniture AT A MAXIMUM COST. "DO IT YOUR- SELF" We stock a complete line of high grade PAINTS, VAR- NISHES, ENAMELS, WALL TINTS, and can FURNISH you with INFORMATION that will make it simple for you to attain a first class job. J. F. ECKART CO. HARDWARE AND PAINTS 736 Elm St., Winnetka THE STORE THAT SELLS THE BEST FOR LESS MONEY. Tel. 844 You Want to Save Money? A Sound Investment with a Satisfactory Return Please send me further informa- tion regarding your plan for sav- ing. . Name... J TR TR AdAress. . isin een asinneie vere Every one realizes the necessity of saving. Every one expects to save. But with many the years are slipping by and no start is made. What we need is a definite plan. Here Is the Plan First decide for yourself how much of your earn- ings you can save each month--then come to our office or have our representative call and arrange to start payments on a few of our Preferred Shares which will pay you 79/, on your savings. You will be surprised to see how rapidly your savings will accumulate. Mail to us the attached coupon and get all the details of our plan. North Shore Gas Company