ey ete wide WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1923 The Husband with his responsibilities as the head of the family, will not live in an atmosphere of hopeless struggle, if he has a savings account. The rainy days of sickness and adversity, have no terrors for the man with the savings habit, because the small amounts deposited at regular intervals, quickly grow into a sum that will meet any ordinary emergency or mishap, that may come to his family. Ready money, is his constant and substantial friend. Our Savings Department, will start you with a dollar or more, and pay 3 per cent for your money. WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK Talk or Glencoe News. Rates-- 1921 or WINNETKA 388. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only to persons living in the district General Notices from Evanston to Glencoe, inclusive, whose names appear in the telephone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three papers. (Average of five words to the line). Deadline for Insertions Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 a'clock for The Lake Shore News ,or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones WILMETTE 1920- REAL ESTATE. . ie NEEDING LARGER HOME, WILL sacrifice 5-rm stucco bungalow, pchs. large trees well kept place. Garage Terms, $10,000, "get busy." See Our Lot 3 Blocks to Lake, close to "L" choice section--Bargain, $45 per ft. Needing money. Lot on Sheridan Road 50x161 Bargain at $125 and $135 per ft. Call for list of good bargains. Let us show you the wooded va- cant on Gregory Ave. at $55.00. M. L. MOODY & CO. End of "L'" 511 4th St Tel. Wil, 2248 LTG15-1te WANTED TO RENT, HOUSE WITH four bed rooms, 2 baths; $150 a month. Wanted to rent, house. Five bed rooms, 2 baths and garage, $250 a month. For sale, room frame, ex. toilet and lav. 67 ft. lot, $8,000. HILIL, & WHEELER 728 Elm Street 411 Linden Avenue Winnetka 142 Wilmette 93 TG-48_ltc FOR SALE-- 2 AND 4 ACRE TRACTS, high, wooded, within short auto ride of North Shore Villages. Cement roads, steam and elec. trans. All im- provements included in the purchase price. Ideal for country home sites or summer Cottages. For details see Robert H. Anthony, 11 La Salle St, Central 2119 or Glencoe 235. LTG14-3tc FOR SALE--REAL BARGAIN 7 RMS. two glass porches, tile bath, built in tub with shower, hotwater heat, two car garage, wooded lot east of track, $16,500 for February only. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 4th, Wilmette Tel. Wil. 1304 LTG15-1te WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mort- gages. 545 W. Railroad ave. Tel. Wil. 65. LTG11-tfc in Wilmette, new 8- 5 bed rooms, 1 bath semi-bungalow, REAL ESTATE WANTED TO RENT HOUSE 'OR SALE -- WINNETKA HEIGHTS; 66 and 100 ft. lots; beautifully wood- ed; Owners must sell quickly! make offer. HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. 556 Center St. Phone Win. 254 LTG15-1te WINNETKA, NEW 6-R. nicely wooded lot, six large rooms, hot water heat, two porches, large garage. For quick cash sale $13,500. Inquire at 877 Elm st.,, Winn. Ph. Winn. 1689. LGT15-1tc FOR SALE--GLENCOE RES. 8 RMS. hot water heat, large lot near sta. poss. Mayl. Need only $6,000 cash, bal. 4 1-2 years at 6 per cent. Phone after 6 Evanston 5119. LTG14-2tc 200 FEET OF VACANT PROPERTY, on Fine St, corner of Glendale. G. FF. Gonsalves, 790 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 62. T-48 1tc. FOR SALE--THREE WOODED LOTS in Highland Park, all improvements in and paid for. Tel. Glencoe 976. LTG15-1te FOR SALE--WINNETKA LOT SHERI- dan Road, real bargain. Call Dear- born 2797 ask for Kehian. LTG15-1tc FOR SALE--GLENCOE LOT 83x160 E. side. $50 ft. Call Glen. 976. LTG15-1te WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED TO BUY--BETWEEN WIN- netka and Highland Park, Dutch Colonial preferred four sleeping rms. two baths now or for May delivery. No agent. Advise fully details. Ad- dress reply A70, Lake Shore News. LTG15-1te WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE TEN OR twelve rooms; out of town buyer; exclusive neighborhood. $50,000 to $75.000. Give complete details from owner. Address Lake Shore News A- 72. LTG-1te WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE IN GOOD location, seven to nine rooms May 1. Delivering cash for equity; give lo- cation at lowest price. Address Lake Shore News A-T1. LTG-1te FOR SALE Colonial on WANTED TO RENT -- OCCUPANCY April 1st, furnished medium-sized house, while building a home by re- sponsible party, who preserves your property as you would, pays prompt- ly and furnishes best ef references. Tel. Win. 789 or 1220. LT13-tfc WANTED TO RENT--ONE TO FIVE years seven or eight rooms, modern, moderate priced house from Wil- mette to Ravinia. Tel. Winn. 1080. LTG15-1te WANTED--TO RENT UNFURNISHED 7 or 8-rm. house or bungalow, not on thoroughfare, best ref. Mrs Adolf Stein, 5010 Drexel blvd. Chicago, Ill. LTG14-2tc WANTED TO RENT SIX OR SEVEN room house in good neighborhood for term of years; three in family, would pay year's rent in advance, phone Winn. 95. . T-48 1tc HELP WANTED FEMALE TE BT III SC FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -- BOOKKEEPER. YOUNG lady. good writer, some typewriting; near N. W. station. Hours 8:30 to 5:00. Give age. Salary expected, ex- perience and reference. Answer by letter. Mr. Holtz, American Type FOR SALE--I HAVE A LITTER OF finely bred Airedale pups for sale. Descended from several champions: Soudan Swiveler, Abdey King Nob- bler, Briar"s Masterpiece and others, Prices Male $50; Female $20. Richard Founders Co., 519 W. Monroe St. K. Williams. Tel. Glencoe 147. Chicago. LTG15-1te LTG13-2te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL| FOR SALE--ELEC. AUTO CHARGER, housework; white; small house, 3 a mercury arc rectifier. No reason- in family. No washing. 782 Foxdale, able offer refused. 505 Drexel Ave. Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1196. Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 940 LTG15-1te LTG15-1tc | HEATING AND LAUNDRY STOVE, WANTED--WOMAN PART TIME FOR double iron bed, small desk, 491 Madi- proofreading. Must have some ex- perience. Lloyd Hollister, Inc., Tel. 'Wil, 1920. LTG15-1tp WANTED--REFINED YOUNG WO- man as companion to seven year old girl three or four afternoons each week or every day afternoons. Tel. Glengoe 649. LTG15-1tc WANTED -- MAID. MUST BE GOOD plain cook, best wages. Phone Wil 1353 LTG15-1tc WANTED--LIGHT HSWK. 2 ADULTS. No Laundry. Call Glen. 1018. LGT15-1te WANTED EXP. WHITE MAID, gen'l. hswk.,, 3 in family. Call Win. 1705. LTG15-1tc MOTHER'S HELPER GIRL IN OR OUT of school, good home, good wages. Phone Wil. 2522, T48-1tc WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL HSE.- work, family of three, 279 Linden st., Winn. Phone Winn. 649-M. TG48-1tc HELP WANTED MALE WANTED -- COMBINATION HOUSE- man and gardener, white, one who can drive car, good wages must have references. Phone Wil. 2163. LTG15-1te WANTED--MAN WITH CAR TO SELL complete line low priced tires and tubes. $100.00 per week. Sterling- worth Tire Co., Sterling, E. Liverpool, Ohio. T-48 1tc SITUATION WANTED FEMALE DRESSMAKING--IRENE BRABHAM, 330 Randolph st., Glencoe, will be away until April 1st. For information, call Glen. 187, evenings or Sundays. TG47-tfe HOUSE WORK BY NEAT EXPERI- enced colored girl, excluding laundry. Tel. Victory 3656. TG-48 1tp LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Tel. Win. 911 before 8 A. M. T47-tfc son ave. Glencoe. Phone 343-R. T48-1tp FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BUICK "6" FIVE PASSEN- ger tourihg car. This car has always been kept up and is in first class con- dition; new top, new Vesta battery, 2 new cord tires, 3 nearly new fabric tires, many extras, a real bargain at $400. W. E. Hess, 807 15th St, Wil- mette. Phone Wil. 69. T-G 1tp Dodge Touring, 1922; Dodge Roadster 1921; Monroe Touring 1920. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165. 562 Lincoln Ave. LTG15-1te For-- 3 Ford Repairing Ford Washing Ford Storage Ford Accessories SEE Skokie Motor Co. 712-714 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized FORD Dealers POSITION WANTED BY 2 FRIENDS, one as cook, the other waiter or up- stairs work; state wages. Address Lake Bluff, Illinois, Box-234. T47-2tp FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD and garden furnishing, oriental rug, furniture, glass, china, mah. grand- father clock, all in good condition. For sale immediately, owner leaving for California. Phone Glencoe 58. LTG15-1te FOR SALE--WILL SELL KITCHEN cabinet. forty foot double ladder, roll top oak desk, Amer. adding machine, one oak and one iron bed with spgs. Price very cheap. Tel. Wil. 937-M. 721 Prairie Ave., Wilmette. LTG15-1tc FOR SALE--ADAMS MAHOGANY BED room set, double bed, dresser, dress- ing table, chair and High-boy and springs, $135.00; also solid mahoga- ny floor, lamp with shade, $25.00. Tel. Wil. 1668 LTG15-1te FOR SALE--LACK OF SPACE TOT CES sale of solid mahogany living room table, unusual design, excellent con- dition, reasonable. Call Tues. or Wed. A. M. 525 Sunset Road, Winnetka LTG15-1te FOR SALE--DOUBLE BRASS BED and mattress, double iron bed and mattress, Thor electric washer, coal hot water heater, all in good condi- tion, reasonable, phone Winn. 1526. T-1tc ONE ANGELUS PIANO PLAYER, with rolls and cabinet complete, two mahogany book cases, table and dresser and other furnishings at a bargain. phone Winn. 111. T48-1tp FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, Cart, anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., lum- ber, stoves. 808 Oak St, Win. Tel 1212. LTG3-tfc FOR SALE MAHOGANY PIANO AND bench, W. E. Hess, 807 15th st., Wil- mette. Phone Wil. 69. TG-1tp FOR SALE--ONE LIBRARY TABLE, $12.,, four chairs, each $9. Al condi- tion. Tel. Wil. 1668. LTG15-1te FOR SALE--2ND HAND HORTON Electric washer. Perfect condition. $25. Phone Winn. 1512 LT15-1te FOR SALE--TUDOR PERIOD LIVING Room set; good condition. $50.00. Call Glencoe 1001. LTG15-1te FOR SALE SINGLE IRON BED, mattress and spring cheap. Call Glen. 649. LTG15-1te FOR SALE--WARDROBE STEAMER trunk, good as new. Phone Wil. 738- "W. LT15-1tc PIANOS REPAIRED PIANOS REPAIRED--SPECITIALIST IN care and attention of the highest grade pianos. 'Years of experience with an unquestionable reputation. Chas. H. Spencer, 1002 Lake St., Ev- anston. Phone Ev. 3618. LTG12-4tc MERCER BEASLEY, TENNIS COACH, Indian Hill club desires furnished house or apartment, April 15th, Octo- ber 1st. Winnetka or vicinity T-47 4tc WANTED FURN. OR UNFURN. SMALL house from April 1, or May 1. Short or long term lease. Address Winnetka Talk A. 75. Wilmette T-48 1tc FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT THREE ROOM HOUSE, with porches and bath, apply 718 Center St., Winn. T-48 1te FOR RENT ROOMS CENTRAL HOTEL --NICE CLEAN outs. rms., steam heat, hot and cold rung. water. Tel. Wil. 1080.. 629 Main st.,, Wil LT5-tfc FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT, large front room, 556 Center St. T-48 1te ROOM FOR RENT, GENTLEMAN only--10 minutes from N. W. depot. Tel. Winn. 1206, after 6 P. M. T-48 1tp FURN. ROOM, PRIVATE FAMILY, gentleman prefer. Phone Winn. 1686. T48-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil 935-M. Nr. all trans. LT1-tfc WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WANTED TO RENT -- 8-RM. HOUSE unfurnished, two baths, Kenilworth to Glencoe first of May. Will lease. Tel. Kenilworth 2219. LTG15-tfe \ HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED WHITE MAID, GENERAL housework, three in family, no laun- dry, good wages. Tel. Winn. 1026. TG48-1te PIANOS TUNED -- EXPERT PIANO tuning, repairing. LW. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Win. 509-J. LTG49-tfe STORAGE SERVICE STORAGE MOVING--PACKING--SHIPPING HOUSEHOLD GOODS Chairs and Tables for Rent Iredale Fireproof Warehouse Phone Evanston 955 Wilmette 1332 Winnetka 1332 LTG10-tfc WANTED TO BUY MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG14-tfe FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--CATHEDRAL OAK DIN- ing room furniture Jacobean period. consisting of six side chairs and two arm chairs upholstered, seats cane backs, 54-in. round extension table, Buffet, serving table, china cabinet. Same will be sold at a reasonable price. E. C. Haeger, 505 Drexel Ave, Glencoe. Phone Glen. 940. LTG15-1tc FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN STARTER Demountable rims, bumper, wheel lock, fine shape $275. Phone 937-M. 721 Prairie Ave. Wilmette. LTG15-1te ONE FORD TOURING CAR, 1922 Model. One Ford Sedan, 1920 Model, call Winn. 697-W. T-48 1tc INCOME TAX Editor's Note: Accompanying is the first of a series of brief articles of in- formative value to the average taxpayer in the making of his income tax return for the year 1922. Revenue officers are visiting every county in the United States to aid tax- payers in the preparation of their income tax returns for the year 1922. Inform- ation concerning the date of their ar- rival and the location of their offices may be obtained by writing the collector of internal revenue for the district in which the taxpayer lives. Forms for filing returns of individual net income for the year 1922 are being sent to taxpayers who filed returns for the year 1921. Failure to receive a form, however, does not relieve the tax- payer of his obligation to file a re- turn and pay the tax on time, on or be- fore March 15, 1923. The forms, 1040A for filing returns of net income $5,000 and less and 1040 for filing returns of net income in excess of $5,000, may be obtained from colectors of internal revenue and deputy collectors. Returns are required of every single person whose net income for 1922 was $1,000 or more or whose gross income was $5,000 or more and of every marri- ed person whose net income was $2,000 or more or whose gross income was $5,000 or more. Careful study of the instructions on the forms will greatly aid in making a correct re- turn. | Gardner Car Accomplishes Smoothness in Operation In the five-bearing crankshaft which is the feautre of the Gardner motor for 1923, Gardner engineers have found the way to build a four-cylinder engine of exceptional smoothness in operation. A five-bearing crankshaft in this type of motor represents an important ad- vance in automotive engineering. This feature is one of the leading attrac- tions at the show. Ordinarily, the crankshaft of a four- cylinder motor has only two bearings. By using five bearings with a total bearing surface of 65 square inches, the shaft is held in perfect alignment. Whipping is prevented and shaft and bearing wear is reduced to a minimum. The motor operates with smooth, multi- cylinder performance and runs through its range of speeds without a vibration point such as is found in most auto- mobile engines. Previous Gardner power plants have power and dependability. With this added advantage of consistently smooth performance under all conditions, the Gardner Four is expected to make an even greater appeal to 1923 buyers. ELECTRICAL "DON'TS" Don't leave the electric flatiron con- nected to the circuit and go to use the telephone, visit with the neighbors or to call at the grocery. Don't use lamp cord wiring in your home. It is unsightly and unsafe.