2 PREPARE! WORD T0 DRAMATISTS Jessie Royce Landis Gives Some Sound Advise Re- lative to Amateur Plays TELLS WHY THEY FAIL Tireless Work Is First Re- quisite Editor's note: The accompanying is one of a series by Mrs. Jessie Royce Landis, well known dramatic art- ist and director of the North Shore Players who only recently created a sensation with their production of "Peg OQ' My Heart" The Players are pian- ning another production for late in March. I have often been asked why it is that so many amateur performances lack the "punch" that is so characteristic of pro- fessional plays. There seems to be something lacking in most amateur plays that leaves the audience with a feeling of incom- pleteness and a firm resolve as they leave the show house, never to at- tend another ama- teur performance. After some ex- perience both on the professional and Jessie R. LANDIS amateur stage I WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1923 PUBLIC SCHOOLS GIVE FOR NEAR EAST RELIEF Dr. Lincoln Wirt, International Commissioner of Near East Delief, spoke before the Skokie school chil- dren last Thursday in behalf of the Near East Relief fund. Dr. Wirt, who is a convincing speaker, has spent considerable time in the Philippines, Japan, Korea, China, Australia, and New Zealand. Since the burning of Smyrna he has been ai eye witness of Near Eastern conditions. Although the policy of the Skokie school is definitely against the prac- tice of allowing all charities to make indiscrimate appeals to the children, the rule was set aside in this case, ac- cording to Principal Willard Beatty. For the benefit of the fund Valentine envelopes were distributed to the children in order that they might have the opportunity to make prac- tical monetary contributions toward the savings of lives in the Near East. Orwig Family Enjoys Fine Journey to Pacific Coast Mr. and Mrs. Harry IT Orwig and son Raymond. of 548 Willow street, arrived in Los Angeles on January 29, after a very pleasant and interesting motor trip from Winnetka to the coast city. Unusually favorable weather pre- vailed during the trip, the family re- ports, stop-overs being made at sev- eral points of interest including the Grand Canyon, and Santa Fe, New Mexico, to see the famous ancient Indian Cliff Dwellings. After spending several weeks in California Mr. and Mrs. Orwig ex- pect to return to Winnetka about March 1, while Raymond will remain in Los Angeles to engage in the real estate business in which he will be associated with Milton R. Berry, Jr., who will be remembered as a former Noted Missionary to China Speaker at Men's Class Men of Winnetka are urged to attend the session of the Sunday Morning Men's class at Community house tomor- row when Dr. Joseph Taylor of Chengtu, China, will speak on the subject, "The Situation in China Today." Dr. Taylor, who has spent many years in the almost absolute seclusion of west- ern China, has a remarkable message, it is stated, and every man in the village is invited to hear him tomorrow morning. The regular discussion subject at the class tomorrow is "The Woman taken in Adultry--a sliding scale in morals." SLEIGHING TIME FOR SCHOOLS. The Fifth grade of the Greeley school held a sleighing party last week and the Sixth graders enjoyed a simi- lar adventure Wednesday of this week Every pupil in the school is to get a real old-fashioned sleigh ride if the snow holds out. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Dean have sold their home at 663 Walden road. and are moving early in March to their 7-acre estate in Hinsdale. Read the Want Ads Village Authorizes Water Supply for Glencoe People The Village council in regular session Tuesday evening of this week, authorized a contract to supply water to the Village of Glencoe: The contract covers a 5-year period at the basis of 12 cents per 1,000 gallons as metered at the north limits of the village, subject to adjustment at the end of each year based on the actual cost of supplying the service. Mr. and Mrs. Knowlton Pittman and baby, Lois, are returning this week from Milwaukee which has been their for the past year and have leased the house at 592 Pine srteet. home Village Confers With Rail Chiefs on Depression Plan Village officials and officials of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric railway were in conference Monday of this week with the refer- ence to the matter of the acquisition of property between Elm and Oak streets to provide for track depression and for a street parallel and adjacent to the railway right-of-way. The North Shore line officials tenta- tively agreed to carry out the plan of the village with reference to acquisi- tioi. of propert: at that location. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cloud, 823 Hum- boldt avenue, have gone to Florida for the winter. Clear, Radiant, Beautiful! For Fascinating Eyes make the use of Jurine a daily habit. This Refreshing Eve Lotion makes Eyes Enjoyable, URINE" Murine Co., 9 East Ohio St., Chicago | for Your EYE S druggists Sold by all Write for Free Book: "How to Make the Eyes Beautiful" GET YOUR HOUSEHOLD NEEDS AT ECKART'S Be ---------------- - : Our stock is the most complete to select from. have arrived at the conclusion that the cause of this condition is a lack of proper preparation. If you have ever taken part in an amateur performance you will readily understand what I mean. A group of enthusiastic amateurs get together and decide that they are going to give a play. It may be a church play or a school play or any other kind of a play--that doesn't matter. The play's the thing. One of the cast, who may have had a litle previous experience, or perhaps none at all, acts as director. The various parts are committed to memory and then the play is under way. Perhaps two or three resident of Winnetka. We Beg You The Maximum of Pardon Messrs. Eckart The J. F. Eckhart Hardware com- pany at 736 Elm street, had a busy time this week informing the general public that a certain "proof-reader" was all wrong. In the Eckhart company advertise- ment in last week's issue of Talk the word "maximum" was used instead of minimum", with obvious disturbing re- sults. We are sorry. We carry nothing but High Quality Goods. We guarantee that our prices are right rehearsals, Bw ppespiine peshursy 'BEE EEE EEEREESE" and rising inflections of the voice anc ® . then the dress Phieninal The Ploy is POULTRY-- a . . . then prodneed--and you know the rest. . ' » _ A goud illustration of this is found in Dl Peyins " H DWARE *% the satire "I'he Torch Bearer" now play- 0 'Al : " ing in Chicago. ; Ra | hike 3 " AR AND PAINTS Lack of proper preparation and direc- reshly Dresse . tion is really the causa of so many dismal } failures in amateur productions. If ihe "i Squabs . - Tel. 7136 Elm St., Winnetka Tel. players would only realize that in order to produce a play properly they must put | gy M rs. S mith = 844 The Store That Sells The Best for Less Money 844 just as much time and work and energy 819 Oak Phone 112 into their rehearsals as they would put a 5 WINNETKA | into any other kind of work in which | mg ™ they desire to stand supreme, then|. H H H H H H BH @ 5 HE BH H . amateur theatricals would quickly rise to : = : = = = mE | a much higher plane. : CONFINED BY ILLNESS Dr. O. H. Bersch, optometrist with offices in the Rockhold building, has been confined to his home for a few days threatened with pneumonia. At the same time, his 7 year old daughter, Ruth Jean was taken ill with a mild case of in- fluenza. Both are reported progress- ing nicely. Serving You The Way You Want to be Served HIS Bank does not measure its ser- vice in terms of profit alone. o ", ELECTRICAL REPAIRING FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS C. E. SCHAFEHEN Phone Winnetka 932 There is no chill formality here, but friendliness, courtesy and an obliging spirit. and profit Profit is secondary when we can, through careful, individual service, help a"patron to greater success. We do not believe in red tape. How- ever, we do believe, in taking a warm, friendly interest in our customers' affairs y and trying in every possible way to serve them in the way they want to be served. . . iw The secret of our growth lies in the fact that we have not tried to please our- selves, but to please customers. our Will you let us serve you? DO YOUR BANKING IN WINNETKA With the WINNETKA STATE BANK ®, | Skokie Motor Co. Emm THE UNIVERSAL CAP Headquarters for Safety Established in 1909 Vaults the North Shore Deposit 3 For Boxes Elm Street near Lincoln Storage 712-714 Elm Street WINNETKA Authorized FORD Dealers