WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1923 OCIAL Miss Dorothy Bowers' Betrothal Announced To Emery D. Stoker |} R. and Mrs. Mason Hall Sherman of Oak Park an- nounce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Doro- thy Hope Bowers to Em- ory D. Stoker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dee A. Stoker of Winnetka. Miss Bowers, is a junior atNorthwestern university, and a member of the Chi Omega sorority. Mr. Stoker, who is a member of the Sigma Al- pha Epsilon fraternity, is a senior in Northwestern University School of Commerce. ro The Drama Study Class of the Woman's club was most delight- fully entertained on February 5. in the club parlors bv Mr. Donald Robertson. His subject was "The Plaver's Calling and Its Relation to Life." Mr. Roberston reviewed the history of the drama paving trib ute to those who have contributed to the dramatic literature of the world and deploring the fact that the vouth of today have not more opportunity to see and hear better plays and those classics which have given so much pleasure to many and whose appeal is to the intellect. He reminded us that the first night at the theater is a red-letter night of the child's life. It stays with them until their dviag dav. How imperative it is to give them a real vistion of the aspirations of life: make their memories store-houses of beauty and hich ideals. eC The Ash Street Circle will hold its first Fvening gathering. on next Mondav. February 12. in the Neiehborhood room at Community House. The following piece of of verse, composed bv one of the the members of the Circle is clearly an invitation to members of the Circle and their husbands. "We oladlv indite vou This note to invite vou To a orand and elorious time. To a Valentine party Where evervone's hearty At ong Sour and a quarter to This. ee bids vou roam o the Neighborhood Room The twelfth dav of the month is set So don't nut this awav and forget." (er Mrs. Charles Rahnine returned last week from a visit with her mother in Missouri, and left Thurs dav evening for Arizona. to be gone ~hout two months. On her return. M+. and Mrs. Rahnine will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. (Georoe Bisset in their new home on Linden avenue. ------ Thirty-five friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Niemann, tendered them a surprise party on last Sundav afternoon and evening at their home, 1087 Ash street. in honor of the silver wedding anni- versary: ---- Miss Ruth Matz of 1005 Sheri- Thursday for a sojourn of several dan road. accomnanied bv her aunt. Mrs. Howard Terrv of Portland, Maine, will leave Monday. Febru- ary 19, to spent a month at Castle Hot Springs. Arizona. fo ly Mr. C. Feuchtinger of 947 Oak street, has gone to West Palm Beach Fla., for a five week's course of lectures and lessons which he will give at the Palm Beach Con- servatory of Music. Ei The Februarv meetino of the India» Hill Circle will be held Tue Iv afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in'4y¢ home of Mrs. Eston V. Teak. 123 Bertling lane. Mrs. C fad will assist. ? ve price r. and Mrs. Anthony Alsdorf, 650 Lincoln avenue. are planning a tour to the Orient in the near future. They expect to be gone about four months. --_--0-- In response to a request, Mr. Robertson told the aims of the Chicago Theater Society and it is honed that hy next vear Chicago will have a civic theater. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Matz of FEvanston. have purchased the Rockwell house at 647 Lincoln ave- nue. which thev will occupy after April first. The Tasier home at 721 Lincoln avenue, has been sold. and ground has been broken on the lot adjoin- ing. for their new residence. Mr. and Mrs. tS R. Benson of 145 Berling lane. spent last week in Pittshureh. with the C. S. Pit- kin familv. formerlv of Winnetka. CTIVITIES The women of Christ Church parish are organizing [.enten Studv classes which will meet for the rst time on Wednesday, February . and will continue until Faster. All the women of Winnetka w' might be interested are cordiall+ invited to attend. The village will be divided into four groups. the north group, those livine north of North avenue, on both sides of the tracks, will Mrs. C. McKinney's house, 1215 North av e- nue, for the first meeting, The south group will consist of those living south of Willow street on both sides of fhe, tracks and will meet at Mrs. E. Bailev's house, 150 Linden RA The east group those living on the east side of the track. between North avenue and Willow street, will meet at Mrs. Tohn Cobb's home. 615 Elm street. and the west group. west of the tracks from Willow street to North avenue, will meet at Mrs. Tohn B. Guthrie's home on Walden road. pe places of the other meet- ings will be announced later. Meet- ings will be at three o'clock, and will be followed bv a simple tea. The classes will discuss the Negro problem from the point of view of the church's responsibility. The textbook is called, "Wanted Leaders' and-is by Bishop Bratton. of the State of Mississippi. The first meeting in all groups will be an organization meeting and will decide on the day and hour of subsequent meetings. Textbooks will be provided at the meeting. The discussion leaders will be as follows: North group. Mrs. Farle Barber: South orn Mrs. Frederick FEdwards: Fast group, Mrs. Frank Blatchford: West group, Mrs. William Elliott. Anvone who can not attend, the first meeting, that wishes to join, is asked to send her name to her eroup hostess or leader. and the textbook and questions will be sent to her. If anvone is undedcided to find out all about the plans. The following questions of gen- eral interest on the subject will be whether to join, she is urged to come to the oreanization meetine discussed at the meetin on Wed- nesday. 1. What Do You Consider the Democracy? 2. What Indication. If Anv. Do Things That Menace the American You See, That the Negro Race Has Made Efforts For Self-Devel- opment ? 4. Are There Anv Bible Text or Passages That Bear This Prob- lem? --_Q-- An all-day meetine of the Scott Avenue Circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Burkhardt 1163 Asbury avenue. on 'Tuesda+ February 13. beginning at : o'clock. The assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Norman Copthorne and Mrs. William W. Raub. There will be sewing for the Lake Bluff Orphanage. All members are ask- ed to bring children's clothing, if possible, especially for children of 8 and 9 years of age. --_O-- Mr. and Mrs. Howard V. O'Brien, 630 Blackstone road, left Thursday for a sojourn of several weeks in Florida. Oa Mrs. 'Arthur A. Zipf, Vitae road, Miami, Fla. 596. Arbor 1s visiting relatives in Jessie Rogre Landis Smiling Service. Stadio of Chas. R. Patchen Dramatic Art 1527 Kimball Building 574 Phone Instruction may 92 yi vanston as well Lincoln Ave. 164 Phones Harrison 7949 Foanston 1698 Nv The West Elm Street Circle will meet with Mrs. Borino. 859 Klm street on 'Tuesdav, February 15. at two o'clock. This is an impor- tant meeting. Be sure and come. peri Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bacon of Hubbard Woods, announce the birth of a son, William Thompson Bacon, TIr.. on Tuesday. February eis Ths Mrs. 1. A. Carv-Curr, 1051 Spruce street, leaves for Wash- ington, C. and New York city. on Sunday. She plans to be away for several weeks. ---- The Current Topics club met at the home of Mrs. Morris Lev- pson, 1064 Spruce street, on Fri- dty Mr. and Mrs. P Ketrieh a: Pp Gedge, 840 Center street, had as their guest last week, Mrs. Robb W. Webber of Champaign, Ill. SR i The Executive Board of Directors and the Advisory Board will meet Monday, February 12, at 1:30 p. m,, Room 921, Fine Arts Building, Chi- cago. The annual election of officers will take place, therefore it is import- ant that all members of both boards be in attendance. The following bit of verse, written by Mrs. Winnie Fenton of Evanston tells some inter- esting details concerning the shop. THE NEW AMERICA SHOP "Have you visited the New America Shop? In the Stevens Building, top? "Tis there you will find embroideries rare, Laces also, without compare. The irridescent glass and jewelry, too In all probability, made especially for you By our newly-made over the Sea, Representing many countries known to you and to me. It is under the auspices of the D.A.R. Whose Fathers' fought in our Revo- lutionary War. "Tis an interesting place, this wonder- ful shop, In the Stevens Building, one-four- o-nine (1409) towards the top." toward the citizens from EE The Avenue Shop Hubbard Woods Very attractive childrens' rompers at very attractive prices. Ladies and Misses shirt waists Spring and Golf coat sweaters in new and attractive styles. 958 LINDEN AVE. Phone Winnetka 79 RR RR RA RR RR ER RR RR ARACEAE AA \ NN SN AE EI I II EI EI I I LEAL LAE AR ARRAY 4 J. E. SWIFT TEAL BUSINESS & LIFE INSURANCE Representative New York Life Insurance Company 1017 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 37 "It Takes the Worry Out of Life" D Four or Forty Whether you're four or forty, St. Valentine's Day should have a special signi- ficance. It may mean a pretty lace valentine or a box of fine candy. We have a complete as- sortment of both; at just the price you meant to pay. kk kk sek Drop in and see them. desk ok skek Community Pharmacy Elsie Zeit Elsie Zeit announces the opening of classes for women and children in Greek, Orient- @l, Character --and ~"'loe dancing, at the Winnetka Woman's Club. She will also continue the work that has been con- ducted by--Cecille Jean Barnett. Special classes and priv- ate lessons by appoint- ment : i For further information, % Call Winnetka, 1855 2 At Your Convenience - -~ UR service offers to you all the your own truck, with the added ad- vantage of having to pay for its use only when you need it. Use Scully money nad time! Winnetka 232 SEU VEALETER (50) EXPRESSING &'MOVING 6 PROUTY ANNEX WINNETKA, ILL. Western Undertaking Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS We Strive to Please Our constant desire when called is to render the most EFFICIENT and COMPLETE SERVICE and to supply FINE FUNERAL FURNISHINGS at the very LOWEST COST. LADY ATTENDANT advantages of owning service and save No charge for distance H. T. NEELY MANAGER Phone Evanston 98 Phone Wilmette 280 #1022 Davis St. "vanston, Ill.