WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1923 4 Book Reviews By John Philip Morris If you find yourself in a gilded palace of sin like the Marigold Garden, the Bridge or the Sweet Shop and 1f you have been so fortunate as to have turned time and tide--particularly the wet, wet, tide--back to, say, June 30, 1918 and you there make a new friend, and all new ac- quaintances quickly become friends un- der those circumstances, why you just raturally take him back to your table and gladly and noisily introduce him to your gang. But if you have an old friend, a friend who is dear to you through auld ac- quaintance and similarity of tastes and likes and, abowe all, similar dislikes, such iriendship is an almost sacred thing that you hestitate to share promiscuously. This with a critic, or with a mere re- viewer such as I. Videlicet, a book comes to hand still hot from the press and you enjoy it and hasten to voice the enjoy- ment so all that read may run to share your pleasure. But if in some little known, second growth and bush blocked path of literature you discover a gleeful little glade you become almost unconsci- ously a hedonist and it is with fear and misgiving that you reveal the location. For several years I have searched out and then devoured with avidity the books oi A. Neil Lyons. : Lacking all the necessary mass ap- peal, Mr. Lyons has never been popular- ized in America nor has fame placed his pedestal particularly high even in his na- tive Albion, but if you are the sort of person who loves etchings rather than oil paintings and the Andante Cantabile rather than the Intermezzo and enjoy Creme D' Yvette, Carl Van Vetchen, Caviar and Cabell, if you prefer Menk- en, Hunker, Moore and Anderson rath- er than Menken, Huneker, Moore and Hergesheimer--for there is a difference, if you prefer Movies to Vaudeville and would rather see a poor Eugene O'Neil play--tho there isn't any, rather than the best movie ever produced, if you believe that some other political party could be planned that would be better than the two we now have with us, if you are this sort of person--and sometimes if you are not--you should find the very ultim- ate of enjoyment in Lyons rather than in some valiable novel. Mr. Lyons depicts the joys, the sor- row of the London poor. It is--as Dr. Brink says--all sideways sort of fun. His people are always the dregs--CLARA is a flower girl who has been to jail, ARTHUR'S a coffee house of the low- est grade, Dr. Brink of SIXPENNY PIECES has a practice who pays that sum for a consultation with the prescrip- tion thrown in, but just as the best roses grow out of the best manured soil so Mr. I.yons has extracted the very ottar of humor out of those unprepossing ma- terial. And, yet, just as with Ottar of Roses, the perfume and the rememberance lin- ger. Who, once having read of them, can ever forget the tale of the circus who had but one horse and painted him afresh eight times each evening so that each rerformer might appear to be riding a different steed and who finally dies--I think from painter's colic--and who when three men perform a post mortem to ease the general curiosity as to what color the horse really was--find it a zebra. Or Faithful Freddy, the soldier who kad been a plumber's assistant and who stood ready to bring six betrayed fe- males to prove that he was the pillar of fidelity. Or the-here--unrepeatable TAX EXEMPT SECURITIES fa President Harding in his recent mes- sage to Congress said: WILLYS-KNIGHT--OVERLAND story Jen- nie's baby in CLARA who 'ad one on| "One year ago I suggested the sub- $1,235.00 F. 0. B. Toledo $525.00 Alby. mission of an amendment so that we I may lawfully restrict the issue of tax SALES-ROOM SERVICE-STATION These incidents may not seem unroari- I ; 1 1549 SHERMAN AVE. 1324-26 SHERMAN AVE. ously funny aside from their settings. As Phone Evanston 140 Phone Evanston 745 exempt securities, and I renew that recommendation. Tax exempt securi- ties are drying up the sources of fed- eral taxation and they are encourag- ing unproductive and extravagant ex- penditures by state and municipali- Ollyett insisted--it is the tone of the thing and the style, the damned unforget- able wonderful style. Yea, verily for sheer delight we must go to the English and seek Dodson and Birmingham and above all Lyons. I am sorry to say that you will have trouble getting holds of Lyon's books. They are for sale in few stores--tho I know Kroch has somes--and contained in fewer libraries, public or private. If this review intrigues you, and I have failed miserably if it has not, you will manage to get hold of one of Neil's works and then, having read that you will borrow, beg or steal the others. That is my advise and just one word more. We have just purchased a new dog and Mrs. Morris has strict, the very strictest orders not to lend none of OUR I.yones to none. a C. H. BRIGGS 2 ties." Ji = V Vv Razor Blades Sharpened Man Bs Sou old dull safety Dwellers in the 1 Cities We will sharpen them like new and mail back to you. Single edge blades....25¢ dozen Double edge blades... .35¢ dozen Satisfaction guaranteed -- 24 hour service. Give us a trial. TS * fountain Square « EVANSTON are finding the funeral chapel more and more desirable as a place to hold the last services--so much so, in fact, that the mortician who does not have an appropriate chapel finds himself decidedly out of the public 2 regard. John Philip Morris. Skokie Motor Co. Cwm FOr THE UNIVERSAL C/P As might be expected, we have a beautiful and convenient chapel to place at the disposal of those we Nothing is omitted that will make for superiority! Serve. Headquarters for the North Shore 712-714-716 Elm Street The New Freedom When you 'begin to wear Cantilever PHONE EVANSTON GOO Shoes, you learn the stimulation of 906 : 8K walking on "free" feet. Feet that Winnetka CHICAGO DP. 1] are free from aches and pains, feet AVE. oS ps | that are allowed free action in every . ( muscle, feet that have unrestricted Authorized F ORD Dealers us R He ois Nd circulation. ome se . SERVICE The Cantilever Shoe is flexible in [2 ce Am A SF ------ ww tlie shank as well as in the fore part of the sole. This assures strength- ening exercise for the muscles which support the bones of the arch, elimi- nating all danger of flat foot. The well-placed heels, the natural lines of the shoe, give perfect bodily balance so that the weight is swung easily from one foot to the other and you can walk miles without fatigue. Youthful and smart in appearance, Cantilever Shoes are preferred {for daytime wear by women and girls who know that correct form is governed by suitability. NORTH SHORE BOOTERY 529 DAVIS STREET Phone Ev. 6757 EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Check Your Baggage and Forget It Until You Arrive! When your baggage is in care of the North Shore Line, it receives the same careful consideration that it would at the hands of a trusted employe of your own. It's so safe To insure proper fitting, we have wnstalled an X-Ray machine in our store. This service to you without charge. Our Cantilever Booklet Sent on Request of ode obo ol obo ode ode ode od of ode odode oe oe be ob ode ob ode ob ob odode od oe be ob ode ok oe ob od odode od ododeod odode dodo Bode ook bok ol ok that you need not give it a thought until you Telephone Evanston 7467 MODELS from Alice Baillie Showing at ~ Grace Forbes Shop EVANSTON come to claim it at your destination. Baggage checked to all points on the line Fast limited trains for Chicago leave Winnetka every hour from 6:41 a.m. to 1:41 a.m., operating through to the South Side. : Express trains for Chicago leave Win- netka every 30 minutes, operating around the loop. Hoyburn Bldg. Davis Street ogo T oe ob ob oo oo odo of oo oo ode of BoB of oF od oo be ob od ob ob ob kobe do be ob ob ob oR oe ob fe de ok oof oo obs Bl ob EXEL EE EE LEE LE Ll Ll Ll LLL EE EEE EEE EY RRR) Foe ogo ode go oe ode oe ob oe ode oe ode ode of ooo od ode of ods oe ol ob oe obo oe ob ofl oe oe of BoB oe oe oe 030 oe os oe Chicago North Shore Milwaukee R. R. ESTABLISHED 1854 C.H. JORDAN & COMPANY NORTH SHORE FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 69 YEARS 612 Davis Street, Evanston, Ill. Phone Evanston 449 164 N. Michigan Ave. Phones Randolph 1346-1347 Winnetka Passenger Station Telephone 963 Tne a no ORO oo Bo oR Bo OR EB oF BB oR BB oR Bod od bod oR Bol Bod ob ob Bok pn |