-- WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1923 A reasonable deposit entitles you to a check- ing account at this bank, and we welcome new accounts. Winnetka Trust Savings Bank Checking Accounts A checking account is a good busi- ness reference. It shows that you believe in keeping a complete record of all financial transactions. The possession of a checking account shows that you possess method, caution and thrift. The people with whom you deal will have more respect for you if you pay by check rather than by cash. and price. . . Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Deadline for Insertions-- Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388 Lake Shore News or all three papers; Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . Classified advertisements will be charged only to persons living General Notices-- Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, 10 cents per line in one paper. Rates Average of five words to the line. Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. 20 cents per line in all three papers. in the district from in the telephone directory, or to Black face type charged double REAL ESTATE WINNETKA VACANT SUNSET ROAD--NICELY WOODED-- $110 ft. Prospect $150 ft. Scott Ave. Wooded--$80 ft. Garland Ave. near Forest--fine lo- cation--§100 ft. Church Road. Wooded--$85 ft. Exceptionally good proposition in and old hse. with 150 feet of vacant. The vacant alone is worth the ask- ing price of the entire property. This property is finely located, near Win- netka Heights, and overlooks the Skokie, and will serve as a home and an investment--$16,000. New brick 6-room Dutch, Colonial, 2 baths, breakfast porch, fine loca- tion--$18,000. McGUIRE & ORR 541 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 672 T51-1tc Ave. Beautiful view-- WINNETKA: AND GLENCOE HOMES HUBBARD WOODS 6-ROOMS, 2 porches, hot water heat--$9,750.00. Glencoe new colonial 6-rooms, 2 glassed porches--$13,500. Hubbard Woods, colonial 6 large rooms, 2 porches, deep lot--$15,000. Winnetka 7-Room, stucco porches, hot water heat, 100 ft. 1ot--$16,500. Hubbard Woods, East side, near depot and lake, a new brick house, large lot--$23,000. HUBBARD WOODS, EAST SIDE 8- rms, stucco on hollow tile, large lot, garage--$23,500. FRANK A. REID Winn. 1300 956 Linden Ave. Hubbard Opposite Depot Room 218 Central 5309 2 Washington St. Chicago § hs i TGH1-1te w= VACANT ~ WILMETTE GAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE, located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd. Tenth St.. and Seventh St., comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 with Riparian rights L 4&8BILL4B16L 3-4 Bl 9L 9-10 & 12 Bl 10.5 Bl1 13 LL. 1 & 3 Bl 117 and L 16 Bl 18. Woods Seven Wilmette Agents to show ROLF GAGE, Vineland, N. J IND Be d 'LTG16-tfe REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE NOTE NEW. AND MODERN, house, town. THESE BARGAINS 6-R STUCCO hot w. ht. Garage. Leaving Only $9,000. See Our Lot 3 Blocks to Lake, close to "L" choice section--Bargain. $45 per ft. Needing money. Lots on Sheridan Road 50x161 bargain $125 and $135 per ft. Call for list of good bargains. Let us show you the wooded va- cant on Gregory Ave. at $55.00. The last lot left in Wilmette at the price of $20.00 per foot. M. L. MOODY & CO. End of "L" 511 4th St. Tel. Wil 2248 LTG-18-1tc WILMETTE tion, 7 heat, rage 150, stores, wonded $19,500-- WINNETKA colonial, convenient to CHOICE BAST LOCA- frame ,4 bed rms. water, lot 75x176, 2-car ga- rm. FINE 5 bed 8-RM. STUCCO, rms.,2 baths, lot 50x railroad and $17,500 W. GG: STACEY & CO. 336 Linden Ave. Tel. Wilmette 308 L-TG-18-1te FOR SALE--NEW HOUSE ON street. natural House slp. rms, NICE 6 rooms, tile bath, slp. pch., fire place. $11,500. Terms. just completed 5 large and brkfst porches, tile bath, natural fireplace. Good location. $12,500 terms. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. WOODCOCK, Prop 513 4th St. Wil, 1304 LTG-18-1tc WILMETTE CHOICE EAST LOCA- tion, 7-room frame, 4 bedrms, water heat. wooded lot 75x176, 2 car garage, $19,500. Winnetka fine 8-rm stucco, colon- ial, 5 bedrms, 2 baths, lot 50x150, convenient to railroad and stores. $17,500. WW. G STACEY & CO. 336 Linden Ave. Tel. Wilmette 308 LTG-18-1tc FOR SALE, BEAUTIFUL WILMETTE home on Lake Michigan, rights $40,000 Riparian We have also one exceptional buy in Winnetka at $30,000, and two in Wilmette $20,- 000--$25,000. Wallace B. Clore Jr. & Co. Tel. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wil 1089--1750--839W. LTG 18-1te FOR SALE--7 RM. BRICK HOME IN fine east location, water heat, ex toilet and lav. $18,000. Attached garage, many other good listings. Phone us for particulars. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 790 ELM, WIN Phone Win. 1800 LTG18-1te WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. C. H. BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mort- gages. 545 W. Railroad ave. Tel. Wil. 65. LTG-11-tfe WANTED: PROPERTY ON which to build private residence 70 feet or more, preferably east of R. R. Write full particulars. Address Lake Shore News, A95. T5H1-1te WANTED A HOUSE, 6 OR 7-ROOMS IN Winnetka b,y May 1st, will lease for one or two years. Willard W. Beatty. Skokie School. Phone Win. 850 . T50-tfc WANTED TO BUY--MODERN HOUSE 5 to 8 rooms, Wilmette or north, not over $15,000 cash. Address Lake Shore News, A90. LTG17-2te WANTED TO BUY IN WINNETKA, 5- or 6-room house, state location, price and terms Address Lake Shore News A-89. T50-3tc WANTED TO BUY, RESIDENCE IN Winnetka; wil pay $25,000 to $30,000 Call Winn. 58. T51-1te FOR SALE--RESIDENCE LOT--GOOD location, near school and transporta- tion. Phone Winnetka 932. T51-1tc VACANT WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WANTED BY COUPLE TO RENT FOR summer beginning about May 1st-- comfortabe suite furnished rooms, with kitchen privileges, in Hubbard Woods or Glencoe. Vicinity Skokie Country Club preferred. Address Kenilworth P. O, box 112. TG51-1tp "WANTED TO RENT: KENILWORTH to Ravinia fur. house and gar. for two adults for part of summer; rent not over $325 per month. Mrs A. Stein, 5010 Drexel Bl, Chicago." Ad- dress Lake Shore News A-99. T51-1te WTD TO RENT--5 TO 7 ROOMS-- modern unfurnished house, Evanston, WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WANTED--HOUSE TO RENT, MAY 1st; must have 6 or 7 rooms and be located in Winnetka Address H. L. Woolhiser, Village Manager. Win- netka Village Hall Tel. Win. 787. TH50-3tc "WANTED TO RENT; SUMMER SEA- son; Winnetka to Highland Pk.; fur. home, lg. gar. on lake or swimming pool pref. 4 in family; rent $700 to $1,000 per month." Address Lake Shore News, A-100. T51-1te WTD TO RENT--FURNISHED, FOR couple June 1st to October, two baths slpg. porch, Winnetka to Glencoe Address Lake Shore News A 94. SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER wishes more residence engagements. References. Call Glen. 202. TG51-1tp HELP WANTED -- FEMALE WANTED--GIRL, WHITE, FOR PLAIN cooking and first floor work. $20. References and experience. Phone Winn. 986. LTG-18-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework for six weeks, no washing, good wages. Phone Kenil- worth 1329, LT18-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Phone Winnetka 717. LTG18-1te LTG-1tp |WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL WANT TO RENT A SMALL HOUSE OR | pousework; by week; small family. apartment of 4 or 5 rooms, for May |_ ~ one Wilmette 369. T51-1te 1st.--Young married couple--no chil-|~ dren. A. LL Adams. Phone Winnetka | = - SITUATION WANTED MALE T51-1te SITUATION WANTED BY: -PIRST S . class gardener and florist, must be TOT Cal WANTS TELAT OR| fred piace, youn 3 good soll pn IRL he DS le 200 wages, as no other will be considered. Sy inne . bude LT-18-1tp Address: Lake Shore News, A-97 T51-3te WANTED TO RENT -- HOUSE UN-|agnce 3 furnished. Kenilworth to Glencoe eda DONE hoy ne first of May. Will lease. Tel. Kenil-} AON" a Piece hy sjthe month, Worth 221s: LTG15-tfe | = cal Y inn, 1783. TG-51-4tp WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED [SITUATION ~ WANTED BY EXP. 6 or 7-room house. Wilmette to Win- chauffuer High grade cars. Tele- netka. Phone Edgewater 9404. Phone Evan, 3537-J. TG-51-1te T51-1te | MAN FOR HOUSE CLEANING BY SMALL HOUSE FROM MAY 1ST To| 92y. Telephone Bventsen SI0W, October 1st--desirable location only, |= 8 . two in family. Winnetka 823. GARDEN AND FRUNING WORK ? T51-1tp-tfe done by experienced man Call Win. 533R. LGTI18-1te FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT FURN. HOUSE--7-ROOMS, 3 to 6 months, pleasantly situated, delightful outlook, near trans., conv. to Indian Hill station, east side, re- sponsible parties only, considered possession about April 1st, Win. 1324. T51-tfe FOR RENT COZY 5-ROOM GL. PORCH apartment, furnished for the sum- mer months, 1 block north of Ind. Hill Golf Club 752 Sunset Rd. Tel. Win. 573-R T50-tfc FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE, MOD- ern, from 1st of April to Dec. 1; fur- nished. Address Box 15, Hubbard Woods or telephone Winnetka 543-M. TG-51-1te 4-ROOM FLAT; STOVE heat, near entrance Call Winn. 248, after 6 o'clock. T51-1te 4-ROOMS MODERN, CONV. TO TRANS. also garage. Call at 353 Adams Ave. Glencoe. T51-1te FOR RENT MODERN 4-ROOM APT, FOR RENT GARDENER--LIFE EXPERIENCE IN all branches. Call Glen. 676. T51-1tp HELP WANTED MALE SALESMAN WANTED--TO Chevrolet. Cars and trucks Shore Territory. SELL in No The fastest selling low priced, high quality car on the market. Exp. in selling cars not necessary. Good proposition. Apply J. J. Omarberg, 724 Elm Street, Win- netka. Win. 276 LTG-18-1te WANTED--REAL ESTATE SALES- man to start at once. Car essential W. G. Stacey & Co., 336 Linden Ave.. Wilmette. LTG1S8-1te FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE MAHOGANY DINING SET, table, six chairs with leather slip seats and long buffet $90. Double bed spring and mattress $25, large dresser $20, desk and chair $18, table $3,small rocker $3, all birdseye ma- ple, mahogany princess dresser $12. Phone Wil. 1406. L-TG-1te FOR SALE VERY REAS. MAHOGANY adults preferred. 353 Adams Ave., dinning set, Adam period, 2 antique Glen. T51-1te mahogany chairs, Monday only, 198 Forest Avenue, Winnetka FOR SALE--HOUSES LTG-18-1tc. FOR SALFR--MY NEW SiX-RooM|FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, Tnelich Colonial home with sleen- Cart, anything bought, sold or ex- ing norch. screened norch. tile bath changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., lum- anA niti-in motor room. Hard wood Doty stoves. 808 Oak St, Win. Tel. oalr flonrs throughout, real firenlace 12. LTG3-tfe and built-in features Terraced lawn | FOR SALE -- 9x16 GREY KLEAR and drive-wav. Price $11.500. Will Flax rug, cost $75, will sell for half, take some cash and well located lot would make two rugs. Phone Winn. in a north shore suburb as down 1474. LTG18-1te ravment. This is a real buv. Place|N. FELL DEALER IN NEW AND can he seen mornings before 11 used household goods. 1644 Maple n'erlock or anv time Saturdavs and Ave. Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. Snndavs, Owner TI. RB. Hooker. 1745 LTG-16-tfc Hiohland Ave. Wilmette TTG1R-1tn FOR SALE WINNETKA, NEARLY STORAGE SERVICE new bungalow. on deep lot. near STORAGE school and depot. For a quick cash sale--$7.750 Inonire R77 Em St, Win- netka. Phone Win. 1689. TGH1-1te FOR SALE 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH sun parlor and sleening porch. Gar- age fruit trees. chicken coon--bv owner. Cal Winnetka 591 TG5H1-1te FOR RENT SPACE FOR RENT--DESK SPACE. INQUIRE Wallace B Clore Jr. & oa 1177 Wil- Ave.,, Wilmette 1750. mette Ye LTG18-1te FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE, JAS. E Maloney, 903 Linden Ave. telephone Winnetka 942. ThHl-1te FOR RENT GARAGES FOR RENT TWO CAR GARAGE-- Chatfield and Linden. Call Win. 959. T51-1tc FOR RENT GARAGE AT 948 VER- non Ave. Glencoe. Call Glen. 976 G6-1te FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT--3 NEW. DECORATED rooms for hskeening furn. or unfurn. *onlv two in family no other roomers. 2 hlks West of N. W depots. Phone Wilmette 2785 LTG-18-1te FOR RENT TWO DELIGHTFUL Rooms, one with slpg porch excel- lent transportation, meals ontional. phone Win 1352, LTG-18 CENTRAL HOTEL -- NICE, CT.EAN outs. rme., steam heat. hot and enld rung. water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St.. Wil LT5tfc FOR RENT--ROOM COMFORTABLY furnished in priv. family Nr. trans- portation. Call Wilmette 738W. LT-18-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M. Nr. all trans. LT1-tfe FURNISHED ROOM--PRIVATE FAM- ily, gentleman prefered Phone Winn. 1686 LTG17-tfe WANTED TO RENT ROOMS WANTED 4 UNFURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms--for refined adult family, best ref. Address Lake Shore News, A-98. T51-1te WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BOARD AND LODGING for boy age 5, with good family, for particulars, call Glen. 16. (-51 MOVING--PACKING--SHIPPING HOUSEHOLD GOODS Chairs and Tables for Rent Iredale Fireproof Warehouse Phone Evanston 955 Wilmette 1332 Winnetka 1332 LTG10-tfc J FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS CANDLEWICK SPREADS MADE BY WOMAN IN WHITFIELD County, Georgia, are for sale by the Women's Society of Winnetka Con- gregational church. They can be seen at the church on Wednesday, March 7, or at any time at the home of Mrs E. J. Allsebrook, 747 Lincoln Ave. Telephone Winn. 516-J. T51-1te FOR SALE CAMPING TRAILER BEDS, for 4 pair of reversable parties. Rose and brown and hand painted China plates. Very cheap. Call Glen. TG51-1te FOR SALE FULL SIZE BED, BABYS rocking gradle, baby buggy and com- bination stove Call "Win. 121%. TH1-1te SIZE one 725. FOR lady's pair SALE--ONE coat, new of oxfords. LARGE spring hat, Win. 518R. LTG-18-1te FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO, EASY Washing Machine, Simplex Ironer. large size. Telephone Ken. 1696. LT-18-1te FOR. SALE--LARGE SIZE JEWELL gas range in excellent order. Phone Wil 471. LTG18-1te FOR SALE PEDIGREED BULL TER- rier puppy, 3 mo. old $20. Phone Glen 840. LTG-18-1tc FOR SALE THOR VACUUM CLEANER with attachraents. Phone Win. 44 T5H1-1te UPRIGHT PIANO--MAH. excellent condition, reason- Call Win. 1540. * FG51-1te WANTED TO BUY MISCELLANEOUS WANTED STROLLER IN GOOD CON- dition. Telephone Win. 550-W FOR SALE finish, able. PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED -- EXPERT PIANO tuning, repairing. L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel Win. 509-T LTG49-tfe WANTED TO BUY--MISCELANEOUS SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE DRESSMAKING--IRENE BRABHAM, 330 Randolph st., Glencoe will be away until April 1st. For inform- ation call Glencoe 187, evenings or Sundays. TG47-tfe WHITE GIRL WILL DO CLEANING or laundry work or any other kind of housework by the day. Address Lake Shore News A96 LTG1%-1te SEWING WANTED--AT HOME OR out by day. Telephone Wil. 2785. LTG18-1te I WANT, WASHING, IRONING AND cleaning by the day--Swedish. Tele- phone Wilmette 2486. TG-51-1te BY COLORED LAUNDRESS-- GOOD ref. By the day. Phone Glencoe 987 T51-1te LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Wilmette or north, April 1st, lease one year or longer, might consider buying. Wil. 2363. LTG18-1te 'Win 911 before 8 A. M. T47-1tfe WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill, Phone 189. L'TG14-tfc WTD TO BUY--A PAISLEY SHAWI, Oriental colors, medium size, corres- pond with Miss L. Davis, 501 Wash- ington Ave. Glencoe, Ill. LT18-1tp FOR SALE, AUTO FOR SALE FRANKLIN 4-PASSENGER roadster--$750.00 Front and rear bumpers, spot light and stop light. Al condition; a wonderful buy at our price. See it and ride in it. Francis L. Woolley, 358 Central Ave. High- land Park. Telephone Highland Park 1237 . TG51-1te FOR SALE, 1922 MILBURN ELEC perfect cond. new batteries bargain for quick sale, leaving city. Tel. Highland Pk 500 Rm. 72. LTG 18 v ~