- Ste R-- BE TT SSM ae, mr av. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1923 7 Lewis Nortons Will Celebrate Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary N Celebration of their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary, on Saturday af- ternoon and evening, March 24, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cary Norton of 370 Walnut street, will be at home to the members and friends of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of which Mrs. Norton is president of the Wil- mette-Winnetka branch, and Mr. Norton, an honorary member, between the hours oi three and five o'clock in the afternoon, and to their neighbors and relatives, be- tween the hours of eight and ten o'clock, in the evening. se The Woman's Club of Wilmette will act as hostess at the annual meeting of the Federation of Clubs of the Tenth District, to be held Wednesday, March 21, at the Congregational church, begin- ning at 10 a. m. The Federation will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary at this time, and the Wilmette club has planned a real birthday party in honor of the occasion. Among the special guests will be former presidents of the district and many who were presidents of clubs in the organization {formed twenty-five years ago. This will be an all-day meeting, the morning session to be devoted wholly to conducting the annual business oi the district, the election of officers and chairmen of committees... These reports are planned to carry on the work and policies of the clubs involved rather than a resume of work accomplished. Lunch- eon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. The program for the afternoon ses- sion will be under the direction of the department of fine arts, demonstrating what clubs may accomplish in this de- partment for their members and for their communities under efficient leader- ship. In several clubs active music de- partments have been formed, which will contribute to the program. Other clubs "which have done intensive and construc- tive work in their art departments, will present living reproductions of old mas- ters. A one act play under the direction of the division of literature also will have an important part on the afternoon's program. The officers of the district are Mrs. James A. Campbell of Evanston, presi- dent; Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt of Glen- coe, and Mrs. William H. Sauer of Chi- cago, vice-presidents; Mrs. Fred C. Clarke of Chicago, recording secretary; Mrs. Frank C. Cain of Highland Park, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Frank C. Thompson of Chicago, treasurer. (pr Of interest in university circles is the announcement of the engagement of Miss Mary Lucile Day, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Day of Englewood, to Preston Breckenridge Kavanagh, for- merly of Winnetka. Miss Day is a mem- ber of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, the Pen and Ink honorary journalistic society and the senior women's honorary society, Mortar Board, at Northwestern university. She is also a nominee for Phi Beta Kappa. Mr. Kavanaugh was graduated irom Northwestern in 1921, a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity, president of the Deru men's honorary senior society, and editor of the Syllabus. He was elected the 'class highbrow" at senior chapel the spring of his last year at the university, and is now complet- ing his junior year at the Harvard law school. --Q-- The Oak Street Circle will meet next Tuesday, March 20 at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. A. G. Henning, 458 Linden ave- nue, near Cherry street. This meeting has been set ahead one week on account of the annual Oak Street Circle Dinner which is to held Wednesday evening March 28 at 6:30 p. m. at Community House. Hr Mrs. S. H. Wilkie, mother of Mrs. P. B. Kohisaat, is critically ill at her home, 341 Woodland avenue. The Eli Bates shop will have a spring sale of maid's aprons and colored em- broidered linens next Tuesday, and Wed- nesday, March 20 and 21 at 619 North Michigan avenue, the Italian court, Chi- cago. The work is done by the Italian women of the Eli Bates Settlement House who are noted for their fine needlework. The women of Winnetka will also have an opportunity to see some of these linens next Thursday afternoon, March 22, at the Winnetka Woman's club, permission having been kindly given to show them after the regular club meeting. A number of north shore women are interested in this settlement among whom are Mrs. Arhtur Cable, Mrs. Philip Swift and Mrs. Arthur Woodward. --_--0 Mrs. Douglas Smith entertained at a large informal reception at her home in Hubbard Woods, on Thursday after- noon, in honor of Miss Edna Dean Bak- er, president of the National Kinder- garten and Elementary college, and Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, who is north shore vice-chairman of the citizens' committee of the Builders, Carleton Washburne, who has just returned from Europe, where he has been visiting educational institutions, was also a guest of honor, and endorsed most heartily the coming of the college to the north shore. A group of songs rendered by Mrs. Burton Atwood, accompanied by Mrs. Robert Kingery, augmented the delightful pro- gram. Co The March meeting of the North Shore Musical Society was held at the home of Mrs. David Town, 57 Warwick road, Kenilworth. A German Com- posers' program was very ably given by Mrs. Orval Simpson, Miss Marjorie Mann, Miss Pauline Pettibone, Miss Ethel Flentye, Mrs. Town and Winifred Townsend Cree. Mrs. Town was assist- ed as hostess by Mrs. D. B. Macauley. A very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by everyone, both musical and socially. The next meeting will be held April J, at the home of Mrs. Harvey Bush, 721 Greewood avenue, Wilmette, when a Scandinavian progrom will be given. ---- A card party for the benefit of the Boys' and Girls' Summer Camps which are promoted by Community House un- der the direction of Mr. J. W. F. Davies, will be given at the Winnetka Woman's club Tuesday afternoon, April 17. Mrs. Arthur H. Barrett is chairman of the affair and is assisted by a large com- mittee of Winnetka women. Ore Announcement is made of the engage- ment of Miss Dorothy Coe, teacher of English in the Skokie school, to Mr. George Dunham of Oak Park and Tex- as. The announcement was made public at an informal party given Tuesday af- ternoon at the residence of Mrs. Frances Murray. --D-- The all-day 'meeting of the Lincoln Avenue Neighborhood Circle for March will be held at Community House, Mon- day, March 26. A special order for baby garments for the Red Cross is to be filled, and a large attendance is earnestly Please note change from original date. solicited. Luncheon will be served. ena The March meeting of the Ash Street Circle will be held in the home of Mrs. John McGrew, 1086 Oak street, Tuesday, March 20, at 2:30 o'clock. A musicale program has been arranged. Mrs. Ed: win Thompson will assist. a Miss Ruth Matz of 1005 Sheridan road, who has been spending the past month with her aunt, Mrs. Howard Ferry of Portland, Maine, at Castl. Hot Springs, Arizona, is expected home the latter part of next week. --_--O-- Mrs. H. O. King, 340 Sheridan road, is leaving today to join her husband in Bridgeport, Connecticut, where they will make their fututre home. The King residence has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mergentheim of Wilmette. | INTERESTING SCENES FROM "THREE LIVE GHOSTS" "Three Live Ghosts," to be given staged at the Byron C. Stolp school i n= 1 v 1 : by the North Shore Players under the auspices of the Winnetka Post, American Legion, is characterized as a sparklnig comedy containing situations of extreme interest. It will be auditorium, Thursday evening, March 22. The card party which was scheduled for March 17 at the home of Mrs. V. V. Muzvik in Highwood given under the auspices of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League, has been postponed until the evening of Friday, April 6. RAI. The North Shore Catholic Woman's League met with Mrs. W. A. Kitter- master of Glencoe on Thursday of last week to sew for the benefit of Judge Bartelme's work, in the Juvenile court. --Q-- On Wednesday of this week, Miss Mary Payne and Mrs. Harold B. Cleve- land, conducted the children of the fifth grade of the Horace Mann school on a tour of the Field Museum. Oe Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wennlund of 1017 Elm street, announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday, March 10. Mrs. Wennlund was formerly Miss Helen Gorman. ---- Mr. and Mrs. William Carlisle of In- dian Hill road, are planning to move to New York within the next few weeks, where Mr. Carlisle has been transferred in business. Q NLL LL 2d 277 22d 77 7727 77770 77777, They'll Be There At the Skokie school on Wednesday, March 21, at 8:15 in the evening. WHO? Three Live Ghosts ! ZL LLL ZZ 7 7 A dl ZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzrzzzzializiliila LLL, Bring a body-guard with you! LLLLLLLLI7777, Music by The Vagabonds LLL LLL LLL LLL Ell 7 L777 777777777777 77777777777 7777777 77777777777 77 ZA ZZ TT 2 Fa 2 a FZ 2777777 Are you going abroad this year? Buy your tickets through us We represent all the im- portant steamship lines WINNETKA STATE BANK On Monday, March 19, the Walden road Circle will meet with Mrs. Harry FE. Miller, 670 Walden road. Sewing will be done for the Dorcas Home. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Laird Bell, 1352 North avenue, will return home early next week from a week's stay at Signal Mountain, Tenn. --_---- Mrs. E. V. IL. Brown and her eldest son, Edward, 529 Cedar street, are spending a fortnight at Asheville, North Carolina. --Q-- Mrs. Frank Baker of New York city, is the guest of her mother-in-law, Mrs. M. Baker, 549 Provident avenue, for several weeks. rs 3 INSURANCE Business -- Life -- Estate J. E. SWIFT TEAL Representative--New York Life North Shore Headquarters 1017 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 37 'It Takes the Worry Out of Life" * Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Gardner, 844 | Breage avenue, are spending several weeks in California. --_--Q-- E. C. Weissenberg returned early this week from a trip to Points in Florida and Cuba. Jessie Ropre Landis Studio of Bramatic Art 1527 Kimball Building Instruction may be had in Evanston as well as Chicago Phones Harrison 7949 Evanston 1698 -- S55 Are You a Member? CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Established 1906 J. G. STANTON Winnetka Branch Mgr. North Shore Hotel, Evanston 6400 1-4 Million Cash Returned by auto insurance de- partment in 1922 + EVANSTO Hotel praise its o cellent cuisine. \ There is no plac stay or the occa Library Plaza Famous for Its Fine Food and Genial Li TEETER PHA TT OLKS who know this residential dations, attentive service and ex- more enjoyable for a long or short LE RETR For Reservations Telephone Evanston 8000 N, ILLINOIS ving Quarters genial accommo- e in all these parts sional dinner out. NOC CE CRIN IR IIT CCE CHA CHA CW CH CCE CHA CN CH CU. O WA 0 UA 0 WB OWA © SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OF PERSONAL MENTION |