Co a WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1923 PLEA FOR LAW T0 SAVE BABES Local Women Ask Citizens to Seek Passage of Maternity and Infancy Bill FIND ILLINOIS TOO LAX Plead For More Welfare Centers (Issued by Winnetka's League of Women Voters) The Maternity and Infancy Bill is now before the Illinois General As- sembly. Senator Richard Barr has introduced it in the Senate as Senate Bill No. 175, and it has been referred to the Committee on Public Health, Hygiene and Sanitation, of which Senator Lowell B. Mason is chair- man. Representative William G. Thon introduced it in the House as House Bill: No. 298, and it was re- ferred to the Committee on Judiciary of which Representative Howard P. Castle is chairman. The two bills which are identical ask for the immediate acceptance of the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An Act for the promotion of the Welfare and Hygiene of Matern- ity and Infancy." (Sheppard-Townecr Act). We need this act in the United States not only because 16 civilized nations have a lower death rate of mothers, and 6 civilized nations lose fewer babies each year, but also be- cause our maternal death rate from preventable causes is not being low- ered. Illinois Falls Behind The sooner the bill is passed, the sooner Illinois will stand with the other 42 states which are sharing in the nation's great experiment in sav- ing the lives of Mothers and babies. Is it worth while to champion a cause that has for its purpose the saving of 30 infant lives and 3 Moth- er lives every day of the year? The proposition is primarily one of "education and the program developed is as essentially a government func- tion as is the teaching of spelling and arithmetic in the public schools. Methods Explained The methods of carrying out the ~~ provisions of this measure are as fol- lows : To provide for the services of doc- tors and public health nurses; To co-operate with local groups in the establishment of Infant Welfare and Maternity centers; To supervise and to train widerives) To campaign for pure milk; To distribute educational literature. Now is the time ta help. this great cause. Inform your" representatives 'that you support this measure. Write Lewis Springer, Howard P. Castle, and John McCarthy, care of State House of Representatives and to Fred Roos at the State Senate at Springfield, and tell them that you are in favor of this bill. For further information call Mrs. Albion S. Webe, chairman Child Wel- fare committee, Winnetka League of Women Voters :--telephone Winnetka 1939. Asks Postmasters to Practice Economies The vast increase in the volume of mails and the inability of the post office department to secure an immediate ap- propriation, with Congress not in ses- sion until next fall, was the basis of an appeal for economy voiced this week to post masters throughout the country by Postmaster General Harry S. New. Elmer E. Adams, Winnetka postmas- ter, in commenting on the letter received from the office of the Postmaster Gen- eral, stated that the increase in volume of mails has also affected the local of- fice. The need for economy emphasized in the letter is not intended to in any way curtail the service so as to work an inconvenience upon the public, nor to seriously interfere with the efficiency of any phase of the service, but simply em- bodies the request to 'live within the available appropriation. STARS AT INDOOR Miss Marjorie Windes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Windes, 813 Spruce street, is a member of the jun- ior class team which repesented the class at the indoor meet at Rockford college Saturday evening, March 17. For Beautiful ¢ Eyes ad Make the Use of [§ 3 Murinea DailyHabit. { , This Rerreshing Eye Lotion soon makes o Eyes Clear, Radiant, Beautiful! Harmless, Enjoyable. Sold by all Druggists. Write for Booklet, ii Yi eke UR I N Eo» Beebe "mu For Your EYES MURINE Cc., 9 East Ohio Street, 2 Chjeago |f foresrm-------- FORD SERVICE Skokie Motor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized FORD Dealers m2 "Ye FLORSHEIM SHOE Builder's Hardware The BEST is none too good for your new home. That's why we carry the finest line of Builder's Hardware, manufactured by SARGENT & COMPANY It is only natural that a building contractor, when given the best materials with which to work, will take more personal interest and pride in his work and the result will be more satisfactory to you. J. F. ECKART CO. PHONE WINN. 844 Hardware, Paints and Tools 736 ELM STREET If you want the best at the most reasonable price WINNETKA -- WE HAVE IT-- PHONE WINN. 8 4 4 WHEN you consider that you have to buy your hat back every time you check it, $10 isn't much to pay for a pair of shoes that you cwn in "fee simple." FLORSHEIMS give a good account of themselves for every dollar ycu put into them. = Repairing a Specialty Established 1902 WINNETKA SHOE STORE i H. Luensman, Prop. 804 Elm St. Phone 694 FOR THE MAN WHO CARES 0 0 IL The Essential Needs of 65,000 People Stand Back of This Investment A Safe Investment With a Satisfactory Return The North Shore Gas Company supplies a population in excess of 65,000 people in a community composed of the finest residen- tial districts in the country with gas, one of the most essential commodities of modern life. The indispensible nature of the company's business coupled with the substantial character of the investment insures the safety of the investment in this company. It is to your interest to investi- gate the 79 cumulative pre- ferred shares offered by our company. North Shore Gas Company »