WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1923 17 ) KENILWORTH MOURNS "Mr. Kasten is survived by his widow | special car to take its bowlers and and three daughters, Miss Ruth Kasten, | fans to the National "Casey" tourna- H A KASTEN DEATH now of Oberlin college; Mrs. Harold ent al Wiiwankee fn Besa go . Ingersoll of Evanston, Mrs. Huntington April 1 at a meeting of the council Dyar, of Cleveland, and two grand-| Tuesday of this week. | "The passing of Herman A. Kasten |children, Patricia Dyar and Hunting- | on Saturday, March 24, is of deep con- {on Dyar, Jr." | cern to all who were his friends and| yr "po Gon who resided at 220 Pop- associates -in the earlier history of Ken- ; : nor he Wage which he ove 104 Set, Winnetka, during the ps Jest, Sas Nomen Io i company, printers and engravers of Chi- operated with Mr.' George Maher and | 20° oi" eneral manager of 'the : Borers Be the idals Dy NZ retail "store" of "A. C. McClurg' and WASHING Joseph Sears had for Kenilworth's de- fompany. _ velopment, in founding a true Village Beautiful. He was an influential spirit| Charter Train For Trip in starting Assembly hall, having in 17; "» Pe : . mind that the community ideals were To Casey Pin Tourney Skokie otor 0 eo distinctly worth while. Members of Ouilmette council The CHEF from the Wie did oye MM Ear Knights of Columbus will charter a he did for its beautiful growth, and all | : 2 712-714-716 Elm Street mei betpiutnees. White Me, Kew'| £ Dr. Thorvald Lyngholm Winnetka HOTEL STRATFORD fio ten's death seems very sudden, it was i OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN E RTT ia TRG a ar ven BE + hovized FORD Diidess : Thagsioy LR an opera- g Winnetka 301 : ! Chicago does the cooking at the BROWN & WHITE CAB CO. OU'LL like our service, once you have tried it, so you might as well learn our telephone number now--it is : Winnetka 218 OUR CABS ARE METER EQUIPPED ET TT TT CAMEO RESTAURANT | LUNCH 'ROOM | 551 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA HHT] HITT nl What Have You Planned For Your Boys Vacation? Wonderful steaks and _PINNEOQO'S CAMP FOR BOYS chops! Hot corn muf- fins and tea-biscuits. Delicious pastry. Reasonable prices. Ruick service and courteous attention. Open all day long, Sun- days too, from 6 in the morning to 9:30 in the evening. AVE you made plans for the care of your boy this coming summer when you leave on your vacation? Have you made arrangements so that he will have proper nourishment, sufficient rest and supervised athletics so that he will not over- exert and over-heat himself in the hot summer months? | CAMP ACTIVITIES Boating, Fishing, Bird, Animal and Nature Study, Taxidermy, Photography Swimming and Life Saving, Boxing and Wrestling, and Radio construction Pinneo's Camp is located on Woman Lake, in the heart of the ten thousand lake, region of Minnesota. 171 miles West of Duluth and 190 miles north of St.Paul. For further information and descriptive booklet: . Address Frank Floyd 9; Lake View High School 4015 N. Ashland Ave. Chicago JOE STONER & CO. 551 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA