F=¥ S WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1923 OUTLINES RAIL SAFETY PROGRAM Engineer Makes Recommen- dations to Insure Protec- tion at Crossings CHECK ON GATEMEN Would Limit Train Speed to 20 Miles Recommendations for securing more adequate protection at railroad cross- ings in Winnetka were placed before the Village council this week by safe- ty engineer Elmer B. Tolsted, ap- pointed recently to investigate condi- tions at crossings in the village. As the result of engineer Tolsted's report the village is asked to consider . the following recommendations : 1. Limitation of the speed of trains within the village to 20 miles per hour. In this connection it is interest- ing to note that a bill is now before the state legislature which would pro- hibit municipalties from placing limi- tations on speed lower than 20 miles . per hour. At present the speed limit of trains may be reduced by law to 10 miles per hour. 2. Regular check on crossing bells and the operation of crossing gates to insure maximum efficiency; all vio- lations of safe practices to be noted and taken up with the railroad in question. 3. Equipment of all gatemen's houses with automatic bells arrang- ed to ring when trains are approach- ing. 4. Securing of information regard- ing the individiuals operating cross- ing gates in regard to their earnings and other postitions they might hold, and general conditions affecting their attention to their work. 2 5. Investigation. into the<possibility of supplementing present protection by the installation of wig wag or position light signals at the several crossings. Gain High Records in School Basket Tourney With the coming of the spring va- cation the basketball season ended in the Winnetka public schools. In the girls division the Swifts romped through to a championship when they finished the season with a percentage of 1,000. Close behind them followed the Redwings with a mark of 750. After the leaders followed the Flash- es with 500 per cent, the Squaws with 400, the Savages with 250 and the Panthers bringing up the rear with no victories to their credit. In the boys' tournament the Skokie Stags and the Sagamores tied for the championship with percentages of 800. The Shawnees brought up third place with 600 and were followed by the North Shore Lynx and the Skokie Swallows with percentages of 400 each. The North Shore Wolves end- ed in last position with nothing in their percentage column. Bunco, Music, Dancing Enjoyed by Arcanians An enjoyable evening was spent by those who attended the entertain- ment and Bunco Party given by the Royal Arcanum local council last Monday at the Community House. After the bunco, prizes were present- ed, refreshments served and a pro- gram of music enjoyed. A feature of the evening was the clever dancing of little Peggy Mac- Fadzean. Dancing followed the program. POSTPONE SLADE RECITAL The Winnetka Congregational church exceedingly regrets to an- nounce that on account of the illness of Louise Harrison Slade, it'will be necessary to postpone her recital to Saturday, April 14, at 8:15 o'clock. Nightand Morning Have Clean, Healthy Eyes If they Tire, Itch, Smart, Burn or Dis- charge if Sore, Irri- tated, Inflamed or Your use Murine often. Refresh-s, Soothes. Sale for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write tor Free Eye Book. Murine Eye Remedy Co., 9 East Ohio St., Chicago ie The CHEF from the HOTEL STRATFORD Chicago Cooks Delicious Food at the LUNCH EHH RESTAURANT 551 Lincoln Avenue "WINNETKA EL LC Open seven days a week, from 6 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Joe Stoner & Co. HTT ROOM Your Spring Needs In a short time you will start spading your garden, fixing your lawns, and doing small paint jobs around the house. At Eckart's you can get the necessary supplies to do work satisfactorily and at a low cost. J. F. ECKART CO. Hardware, Paints and Tools ? PH 736 ELM STREET WINNETKA - 55 The Store that Sells the Best for Less Money 8 4 4 PHONE WINN. 8 4 4 The Essential Needs of 65,000 People Stand Back of this Investment The North Shore Gas Company sup- plies a population in excess of 65,000 people in a community composed of the finest residential districts in the country with gas, one of the most es- sential commodities of modern life. The indispensable nature of the com- pany's business coupled with the sub- stantial character of the investment insures the safety of the investment in this company. A Safe Investment With a Satisfactory Return : " . It is to your interest to investigate the 7 per cent. cumulative preferred shares offered by our company. NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY