WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1923 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 4 FT. BROWN WICKER Elm St Phone Winnetka 1 5-1t -1tc FOR SALE MAHOGANY LIBRARY table, tea cart, plain blue rug. Phone Winn, 1247. LTG24-1tc FOR SALE--4 FT. BROWN WICGER porch swing, $8. Phone Glences 3013 -1tc FOR SALE -- BROWN MAHOGANY serving table, almost new, $18. Phone Win. 1296. T 5-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBLIES A Real Used Car Bargain 5 PASS. REO. 4 NEW TIRES, PAINT and top; like new. Excellent condi- tion, mechanically. Low mileage. $275.00. Wilmette 1920. LTG 24-1tc Dodge, Buick, Ford, Overland, Com- monwealth, Willys-Knights, Oakland. We have all the above and more. If you are considering buying a used car come in and let us show you what a complete line we have with prices from $50 up, cash or terms. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Winnetka, Ill. Phone Winn. 165 LTG24-1tc TOR SALE BUICK SIX, 4 PAS 1920, upholstering like new, tires good, finish good, motor perfect. This car has been used very little. It is a wonderful buy at price we are asking. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Winnetka, Ill. Phone Winn. 165 LTG24-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE--1918 FORD TOURING, smooth running engine. Body, uphol- stering and tires in good condition. Winter top speedometer, extra tire and rim, wheel lock, and various ac- cessories, $100. Phone Winn. 550-W. T 5-1te FOR SALE--1922 FORD TOURING, battery, starter, etc, extras, every- thing A-1 condition. Phone Winn. 697-W. T 3-1te FOR SALE -- 1920 FORD SEDAN. starter, battery, etc., seat covers, good condition. Phone Winn. 697-W. T 3-1te 57. FOR Phone Winn. 617. LTG24-1tc FOR quick sale, SALE--CADILLAC $575. | COMMUNITY HOUSE CALENDAR WEEK OF APRIL 16, 1923. The last monthly Men's Club Dinner will be given on the evening of Thurs- day, April 19th. In addition to this there will be the Indian Hill Circle Dinner on Wednesday, the 18, and the Business Men's Dinner on Friday, April 20th. The ' Recital by Mrs. Louise Har- rison Slade of the Chicago Opera As- sociation is scheduled for Tuesday evening, April 17th, at 8:15. The new village organization, the West Winnetka Improvement Associ- ation will hold a meeting in the As- sembly Room, Monday evening April 16th. The week closes with a dance given by the Masonic Lodge on Saturday evening in the gymnasium. Coming. Boy Scout Night, Thursday, April 26. Save this date. MISCELLANEOUS STORAGE MOVING--PACKING--SHIPPING HOUSEHOLD GOODS Chairs and Tables for Rent Iredale Fireproof Warehouse Phone Evanston 953 Wilmette 1332 Winnetka 1332 LTG10-tfc J PLACE YOUR WEEKLY ORDER with Halcycona Farm for eggs pro- duced by hens kept in sanitary con- dition. Happ and Hibbard roads, Wilmette, 793. LT24-1tp WANTED--SOMEONE TO RAISE A Winnetka garden on shares; owner has large lot and will furnish all necessary equipment. Wooten. Main 5100. 4-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS GRASS SEED Attention! Landscape Gardeners We can supply you Grass Seed, Bone Meal and Sheep Fertilizer at wholesale prices | USE OUR PHONES | The Willard Seed Co. Phones: Wilmette 1346, 2787 FOR SALE condition, $15; BABY CARRIAGE, GOOD bassinet, ivory enamel- led, $5. Phone Winn. 550-W, T 5-1te FOR SALE--BICYCLE IN GOOD CON- dition, for girl, 8 or 9 years old. Phone Winn. 779. T 5-1te WOULD GIVE AWAY CHICKEN HSE. with glass windows, could be used as play house, to person who would take Phone Glencoe 841. it away. TG 5-1te FOR SALE -- PEDIGREED BOSTON bull puppy. 5 months old. Prons Winn. 756. -1te FOR SALE_SECOND HAND FTCYCLE. Phone Winn. 478 T 5-1te RUMMAGE SALE GIVEN AT THE LADIES AID Society of Wilmette Methodist church. Friday, April 13, and Saturday, April 14. Butler's Shoe Store, corner Main and Wilmette. LT23-2tc RADIO, DETECTOR AND 3 STAGES of amplification, 1000 miles guaran- teed on horn. includes 4 tubes, bat- teries, and horn, $125 complete. Phone Winn. 855. LTG24-1te OR SALE--RADIO SET COMPLETE including aerial. Cost $150, will sac- rifice for $40. Call Winn. 1934, LTG-24-1tc FOR SALE--VARIOUS SHRUBS AND all kinds of perennial and gladiolus bulbs at Perennial Garden, 1050 Oak St. Fhone Winn. 329. LT22-4tp FOR SALE--IRISH TERRIER PUPPY, 4 mo. old, female, pedigree, $50. Phone Winn. 1247. LTG24-1te FOR SALE--ONE YR. OLD PURE blooded Scotch terrier, registered. Phone Winn. 383. LTG24-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189 LTG14-tfc WANTED TO BUY--CHILD'S SCREEN- ed in playhouse, new or second hand. Would consider estimate for build- ing one. Phone Winnetka 761. T 5-1tc LOST ST--BLACK NOTE 1; AND FOUND BOOK, ABOUT IC O 2 5 x 7 inches. Cloth covers. Reward. S. F. McKenney, 752 Foxdale Ave. Winn. 625-M T 5-1te LOST--SMALL WHITE MALTEST poodle, "Fuzzy." Recently clipped. Reward. Phone Wilmette 610. LT24-1tc LOST--COLLIE DOG... HAS BEEN Call Winn. 188. LTG24-1tc gone since March 30. LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND WIN- dow box planting done by experi- enced man. Call Winn, 329. T 52-tfc PIANOS TUNED Pianos Tuned, Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired L. W. FOSTER Telephone Winnetka 509-J STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST, 24, 1912, Of the Winnetka Weekly Talk, pub- lished weekly at Winnetka, Illinois, for April 1, 1923. State of Illinois, ss. County of Cook ae Before me, a Notary Fublic in and for the State and county aforesaid. personally appeared Lloyd Hollister, who, having been duly sworn accord- ing to law, deposes and says that he is the Business Manager of the Winnetka Weekly Talk, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and be- lief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), ete., of the aforesaid pub- lication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor. and business managers are: Publisher, Lloyd Hollister, Inc. (a corporation), 1222 Central Ave. Wil- mette, Illinois. Editor. Erwin W. Weber, 1841 June- way Terrace, Chicago, Illinois. Business Manager, Lloyd Hollister 798 Cherry St, Winnetka, Illinois. 2. That the owner is: (1f the publi- cation is owned by an individual his name and address, or if owned by more than one individual the name and ad- dress of each. should be given below: if the publication is owned by a cor- noration the names and addresses of the stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of the total amount of stock should be given.) Llovd Hollister. Ine., (a corporation), 1222 Central Ave.. Wilmette, Illinois; Lloyd Hollister, 798 Cherry St.. Winnetka, Illinois; F. L. Rateman, 735 Michigan Ave. Wilmette, TUinois; Gustaf Nelson. 806 Elm St. Winnetka, Illinois; E. C. Weissenberg. R13 Elm St... Winnetka, Illinois; H. D Hill, 545 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, Illi- nnis; Frank A. Wilson, 1162 Wilmette, Ave, Wilmette Illinois; Ben P. Kiefer, 1301 Asbury Ave.., Winnetka, Illinois: Harry Lynn, Kenilworth, Illinois; A. C. Wolff. 1124 Greenleaf Ave. Wilimett. MNlinois; A H. Rowman, 526 Davis St.. Evanston, Illinois. 3. That the known bondholders. mortgagees, and other security holders swning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages. or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) E. R. Morgan, Chicago, Illinois. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners. stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stock- "1nlders and security holders as they anpear unon the books of the com- many but also, in cases where the stock- holder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given: also that the said two paragraphs con- tain statements. embracing affiant's nll knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security hold- ers who do not appear upon the books f the company as trustees, hold stock ind securities in a capacity other than 'hat of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or cor- noration has any interest direct or in lireet in the said stock, bonds. or othe securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of cop- ies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers dur- 'ng the six months nreceding the date shown above is (This information is required from daily publications only.) (Signature of editor, publisher, busi- ness manager, or owner. LI.LOYD HOLLISTER, Sworn to and subscribed before. this 2nd day of April 1923. (Seal) CHARLES E. HOTZE. (My commission expires March 14. 1927.) Monday, April 16 All Day. Meeting of the North Shore Sewing Guild, in Rooms 9, 10, 11. Afternoon. Kindergarten in Room 6 at-1:30. 2 Classes for Small Boys in the Gymnasium at 3:45 and 4:30. 2 Groups of Blue-Birds in Rooms 2 and 4 at 4 o'clock. Evening. In the Gymnasium Class for Young Men at 7:30. Class for men at 8:30. Royal Arcanum, Rooms 9, 10, 11 at 8 o'clock. West Winnetka Improvement As- sociation, in Assembly Room at 8 o'clock Triangle Club in Club Room at 8 o'clock. Tuesday, April 17 All Day. Community House Sewing Club in Rooms 9, 10, -11. Morning. Gymnasium Class for Wo- men at 9 o'clock. Afternoon. Kindergarten in Rooms 6 at 1:30. Basket Ball in the Gymnasium at 4 o'clock. Camp Fire Girls, three groups in Rooms 2, 4, 5 at 4 o'clock. Evening. Class for Young Ladies in the Gymnasium at 7:30. "Friendship Circle" Class at 8:30. "Friendship Circle" Club in the Nelfnborhaod Room from 8:30 to and Women at 8 o'clock in Rooms Z, 4,5,6. Boy Scouts, Troop No. 2 in Room A, at 7:30. O. T. R. Boys in the Gift Room at 8 o'clock. Recital by Mrs. Slade in Assembly Room at 8 o'clock. Wednesday, April 18 All Day. Society, Rooms 9, 10, 11 and Neigh- borhood Room. Afternoon. Kindergarten, 1:30. 2 Classes in Social Dancing for Boys Room 6 at and Girls in the Gymnasium at 4 and 4:45. Evening. Basket Ball in the Gym- nasium at 8 o'clock. Indian Hill Circle Dinner in the As- sembly Room at 6:30. Parent-Teacher Association of the Church School in the Neighborhood Room at 8 o'clock. Entre Nous Club in Room 9 at 8 o'clock. Thursday, April 19 Morning. Class of Women Gymnasium at 9 o'clock. Afternoon. 2 classes in Fancy Danc- ing for Girls in the Assembly Room 6 at 4:45. Kindergarten in Room 6 at 1:30. Evening. Men's Club Dinner in the Gymnasium at 7 o'clock. Boy Scouts, Troop No. 1 in the As. sembly Room at 7:30. Friday, April 20 Afternoon. Meeting of Camp Fire Council in the Room 4 at 4 o'clock. Motion Pictures in the Gymnasium at 4:15. Evening. Motion Pictures in Gymnasium at 7:15 and 8:45. Saturday, April 21 Afternoon. In the Gymnasium. Class for boys at 2. Class for Young Men at 3:30. Volley Ball and Hand Ball at 5. "Clowns of Harmony" in Room 5 at 3 o'clock. Evening. Masonic Lodge Dance in the Gymnasium at 8 o'clock. Scandinavian Pleasure Club in the Assembly Room at 8 o'clock. in the the Classes in English for Foreign Men ' Our Expert Repair- ing Is Done by Real Mechanics A repair job depends more than anything else on the mechanic. and they are conscientious. HANSON MOTOR CO. 555-557 Chestnut Street CARL HANSON, Proprietor Our mechanics KNOW HOW-- Phone Winnetka 330 Meeting of the Women's | on Better oiling ah ahead of You won: Yoo Evils behind You JsING this better oil is your biggest move toward motor thrift. Tempered puts bet- ter oiling ahead of you because it provides a richer fuller body of lubrication and more stub- born resistance to the heat and wear of friction. And this same Tempered process puts carbon evils behind you by undermining the grit- forming tendency of this black enemy before its deadly work has a chance to begin. Motor Oil No gritty adhams Tempered residue. Its carbon is soft, blowing harmlessly out with the exhaust. Use it--use it because it holds down carbon troubles-- because it is the sturdiest, safest lubricant--Dbecause it lasts longer, costs no more to buy and far less to use. MO-7A INDEPENDENT, When Will YOU Be Here: HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE Hubbard 'Woods, Ill. 1559 Sherman Sat. Only PALACE Cash Meat Market WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE BEST OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH Evanston Illinois Sat. Only Highest Quality Meats at the Lowest Price per lb. Very Best Sirloin Steak Very Best Peacock Hams perlhe, aaG Very Best Peacock Rib Bacon eh, at Nt 2 XS ON CE Br WR a 24,c 32¢c per Ib. rm 420 Very Best Porterhouse Steak per lb. ne ml 500 Very Best Pot Roast perl... ie Fancy Leg of Veal perth... ad Fancy Roasting Chickens, per Ib. Fresh Calves' Swestbreads per lb. 18;c 24,c 38¢c 05c Saturday Special 3 lbs BEST BACON Sliced $1.00 Fresh Pork loins (small) Fancy leg of Spring Pelion en lamb per Ib. .... 17;¢c 35¢ Swift Premium Bacon (whole) perlb. ........ Very Best Peacock Bacon per lb. LI So BE HB To dB Jer TER a i 32lc eee ------ EEE