4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1923 CAN IDEAL LIFE BE LIVED: TOPIC Men's Sunday Class to Dis- cuss Problem "Every man who professes any de- sire to follow the teaching of Christ, admits his obligation to serve those about him. The Master's utterances ring with the call to service. And he said: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' Thus begins the announcement of the Men's Sunday Morning class ses- sion April 15 at Cummunity House. It continues: "A quite natural perplexity arises, however, in the mind of the modern man who asks himself such questions as these: What can I do to serve? I must devote my time and energy to my business affairs so that I may provide for my dependents. I cannot emulate Jesus to the extent of giving my whole time, or any considerable part of it, to visiting the poor, suc- coring the ill, cheering the desolate. I must concern myself with duties which make a more immediate and direct claim upon me. Am I there- for selfish, uncharitable, un-Christian? If so, how can I be otherwise? How can I escape from the limitations im- posed upon me by modern economic conditions ? Are We Victims? "Many a man today wonders whether he is not, after all, a victim of these modern conditions which, against his 'will and best intentions, seem to render his Christian ideals impractical and visionary. Many a man feels that he is so handicapped by circumstances beyond his control, that the struggle toward a truly Christian life is so futile as to be hardly worth undertaking. "Such perplexities and misgivings as these are going to be discussed at the Men's Sunday Morning class. The class will try to analyze the problems involved, and may succeed in develop- ing helpful and encouraging sugges- tions toward practical solution. "All men of every denomination are warmly invited to attend the Men's Sunday Morning class and to engage in its discussions. Or they will be welcomed as warmly if they come only to listen. The class meets each Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock in the Neighborhood room at Community House." Dr. D. W. Pofif's Father Dies at Home in Olney Dr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Poff, 562 Hawthorn lane, were called to Olney, I1l., this week because of the sudden death of Dr. Poff's father, John Wesley Poff, of that city. . Mr. and Mrs. Poff had been guests at their son's home here for several days and returned to Olney on Thursday, April 5. On Tuesday morning, April 10, Mr. Poff passed away suddenly, a victim of heart failure. The aged couple only recently completed an ex- tended sojourn on the west coast vis- iting relatives. Services are to be held at Olney Sun- day, April 15. ARDEN SHORE COMES CLOSE TO WINNETKA Activities at the Arden Shore Rest camp at Lake Bluff will be brought intimately to the attention of Win- netka residents over the period of the next two months. In the first place it was announced this week that Dr. J. W. F. Davies, associate pastor of the Winnetka Congregational church and director of Community House, will speak at the camp on Sunday, May 6. Other Winnetka men to speak at Arden Shore in the near future are Dr. Ralph Hamill and Henry F. Tenny. Then, it is further announced that Arden Shore Home-Coming day will be observed Saturday, April 28. Win- netkans are especially invited. There will be a program. Also, motion pictures of Arden Shore activities, secured through the generosity of Mrs. John W. Scott, of Hubbard Woods, are to be shown at Community house Friday evening, May 4. Three Arden Shore boys will be there that evening to give a pro- gram of songs. One of the little fel- lows has been named the Jackie Coogan of the camp. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the condition of Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the third day of April, 1923, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES Loans on Real Estate (la)..$122,750.00 Loans on Collateral Security CAD): Co. rrr Bids os a7 pies 55,635.00 Other Loans (lc) .......-... 96,420.94 Overdraits.. (2): uo. vos 267.19 U. S. Government Invest- ments (3) ©. wi ema. 33,300.00 Other Bonds and Stocks (4) 476,567.17 Banking House, Furniture and Bixtares (SY vee ver 4,045.02 Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, S08) ee aaa 147,899.76 otal Resources .......... $936,885.08 ; LIABILITIES Capital Stock. oa is $35,000.00 Surplus (2)... 0 ws nn 10,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net) (3) 8306.82 Time" Deposits (4a)......... 467,437.19 Demand Deposits (4b) ..... 408,306.67 Dividends Unpaid (5)....... 1,160.00 Reserve Accounts (6)....... 4,174.40 Re-discounts = (7b) ........... 2,500.00 Total Liabilities... . . i. $936,885.08 I, M. K. Meyer, President of the Winnetka. Trust and Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report mad: to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. M. K. MEYER, President. State of Illinois, | County of Cook. { ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this eleventh day of April, 1923. GUILFORD R. WINDES, (Seal) Notary Public. TAXI PHONE WINNETKA & 2 The reason not taxi is because they have a misconception of the cost. You'll find it real economy in many cases, to White Taxi. And you'll always be sure cf safety in a Black & White Taxi. BLACK &WHITE CAB CO. more people do call a Black & 6 Proury ANNEX HEAR OF BIRDS AT CLUB DINNER Boys to Be Guests at Men's Club Affair A treat is in prospect for the boys at the final dinner of the Winnetka Men's club, for the current season, which will be held on Thursday eve- ning, April 19. We are hoping very much that there may be a large attendance of the men of Winnetka at that meeting," reads an announcement of the dinner, "and we are urging every man to bring a boy with him,--his own if he has one, and if not, some other boy. Our speaker of the evening is to be the President of the Illinois Audubon society, Mr. O. M. Schantz. His sub- ject will be 'Bird Migration and Con- servation' illustrated. "Fortunately, in these times, our boys are being taught more about birds, than was the case generally when we were boys. We think this talk will be particularly interesting in the features that have to do with bird migration, - of which more and more is being learned each year." cores Unique Style Shop 1126 Central Ave. Wilmette 2403 Wonderful Bargains New Spring Dresses $8.50 up Summer Dresses--Coats-- Wraps and Capes at Prices that will Surprise everybody Come and See Our Window > "MINNIE," ATTRACTION AT MOVIES NEXT WEEK Another picture of exceptional en- tertainment value is coming to the Community House Friday, April 20. It is Marshall Neilan's latest produc- tion "Minnie." In this picture Neilan has starred the beautiful Leatrice Joy and backed her with the popular Matt Moore and a cast that fits nicely into his story of the happenings of a small town hotel. Minnie's father owns the hotel but he is more interested in a radio in- vention that will give power to run trucks, water pumps and other neces- sities. So Minnie becomes the drudge. In taking this role Miss Joy has to cover up her beauty and let her pretty black hair hang loose in order to live up to her reputation as the homeliest girl in the town. Nobody loves a homely girl, at least it looks that way, so Minnie, longing for romance, writes herself love let- ters and gave a funeral for a man she had never seen because she told herself that a dead husband was bet- ter than none at all. We won't tell everything. It would spoil it for you. Don't miss "Minnie" at Community House next Friday. EE -- Welch's Cafeteria Wilmette --] We often hear . such remarks about our foods as the following: "Isn't this coffee the best you ever tasted?" The Cafeteria way is the best way tion of building. 1500 feet on Sheridan Road 1000 feet on Lincoln, between Cedar and Beech Edwin Ray Cole Builder |[A0% Will build and finance complete, your plan or mine, on the "Woodley" Subdivision, Highland Park. Terms: $1000 down, $3000 on comple- Balance mortgage. Phone Winnetka 1782 Come to Highland Park--the land of the free Phone Roosevelt 2070 We announce that after April 30th, 1923, our Winnetka Royal showroom will be consolidated with our new Chi- cago showrooms now located at the S00 TERMINAL WAREHOUSE 1446-1450 SOUTH CANAL STREET A complete stock of Royal Boilers, Furnaces and repairs are now on hand, and will be carried at all times. MR. R. C. MELENEY will continue as our North Shore Agent with headquar- ters at 1097 Oak street, Winnetka, phone Win. 614-M. HART & CROUSE CO. Geo. B. Coones, Mgr.