Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 28 Apr 1923, p. 22

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22 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1923 at 1s your Future HAT will it be ten years from now? Twenty? Will you have attained your goal or will you have dropped by the wayside? These are interesting questions and not easy to answer. But one thing is certain: Your decision today to start saving and to make it a habit will do more than any other one thing to put you on the road to success. Start now and stick to it. Regularity and compound in- terest will do the rest. The view into the future will be clear and pleasant. START TODAY! WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK REAL ESTATE--WANTED TO BUY | HELP WANTED--FEMALE Vin Winnetka of loner 1 toss yt | Wanted -- Girls at North GREE Shore Landy. Nehon Winnetka Talk. A153, TGi-itc| Brothers, Winnetka. WANTED--HOME WITH FOUR BED- TGT-1te rooms, or three bedrooms with sleeping porch; hot water heat; must be exceptional bargain at about $11,000 cash. Give full particulars; no agents. Address Winnetka Talk, A-149. TGT7-1tp FOR RENT--FOR SUMMER MONTHS or from June 1, 6 room furnished house with garage; close to Indian Hill Club. Phone Winnetka 462. LT 26-1tc FOR RENT--COMPLETELY FURN. 7 room house and garage; north side Glencoe; large lot; possession May 1st; $200 per month. Phone Glencoe 129, TG7-1te FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSE FOR July and August; 6 rooms and bath; 2 car garage; near Indian Hill Golf club. Phone Winnetka 1733. TGT7-1te WANTED TO RENT--FURN, HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--7-ROOM FUR- nished house for the month of May. Two adults, one child; responsible party. Stein. Haymarket 2600. 6 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Furn. 7 Room House and garage in Hubbard Woods, from May 1st to December 1st; $135 per month. Frank A. Reid, 956 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods, west of de- pot. Phone Winnetka 1300. LTG26-1tc FOR RENT--MODERN FIVE ROOM furnished house on east side Kenil- worth, from May 1st to August 1st, $125 per month. Convenient to transportation and lake. Phene Kenilworth 1904. LTG26-1te -- APARTMENT i ROOM MODERN ADT. FOR REN' FOR RENT with garage extra. 353 Adams avenue, Glencoe, Phone Glencoe 338-J. T7-1te --FLAT i FOR RENT--4 ROOM FLAT AT 1115 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette. Can be occupied any time. Arranged for young Phone evenings, Winn. 1742. T6-2tc FOR RENT--STORE OR OFFICE Space in Winnetka. Apply Miss Herbst, 584 Lincoln avenue. Phone Winn. 1811. THE Call 829 Ash T7-1te MS FOR RENT--THREE LARGE PLEAS. ant Rooms for light house-keeping. Unfurn. East side. Phone Wilmett » 2183. LTG 26-1tp CENTRAL HOTEL -- NICE CLEAN outs. rms. steam heat, hot and cold rung. water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main S'., Wilmette, LT25-tfe HOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE ROOM TO gentleman or business woman; conv, to transportation. Phone Winn. 786. T7-1te RM., IN PRIVATE FAM- ATTR. FUR Hy H. XK. privileges; near trans., After May 1. Call K. Wooten, Main 5100. TH2-tfe erences a -- ET tOR REN.,--{LEASANT ROOM, NR. 2 lake, well furnished; near trans. | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS [Eh aE General Notices 10 cents per line in one paper. double Rates-- face type charged Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Deadline for Insertions-- 55S Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Classified advertisements will Jvanston to Glencoe inclusive, persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lak price. Average of five words to the be charged only to persons living in the district from whose names appear in the telephone directory, or to e Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News 20 cents per line in all three papers. Minimum charge 8 lines. Black line. Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BRICK BUNGALOW, 5 RMS. SLEEP. norch, hot water heat, hardwood floors and birch trim, brick garage, 24 by 20; bargain, $14,500.00 = Frame and stucco, two story, 17 rooms, two porches large lot conven. to transportation (rent $125.00) bar- gain $13,000.00. ' Stucco, seven rooms, two porches, hot water heat, hardwood floors and trim, good location, $14,000.00. Brick, two story eight rooms, hot water heat, hardwood floors, good lot and conventient to transportation, $15,000.00. y Frame, two story, six rooms, lot 100 by 160, garage, fruit trees, $14,000.00. SCHAEFER & GOLBACH 909 Ridge Avenue Phone Wilmette 36. See Us For Acre I'racts LTG26-1tc LOTS ON SHERIDAN ROAD, CALL FOR list of good bargains. The last lot 'eft in Wilmette at the price of $25 per foot. Cash required $200. Houses ¢ ain New and modern 6 room stucco, h. w. heat, large wooded lot, $11,500; 9 room stucco, semi-bungalow, 3 rms. on second floor; large wooded lot, 2 car garage, $12,500. 6 room Colonial, water heat, new and modern, choice east location, $12,500. Choice 7 rm. new stucco Col. near "L" and R. R., wooded lot, rare bargain, $12,500. as e are specializing on some $6,000 to $10,000 homes. Let us drive you to them. M. L. MOODY & CO. f "L", 511-4th St. Tel. Wil. 2248 End of 4 LTG26-1te All My Vacant IN WILMETTE GAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE, located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd. Tenth St., and Seventh ave., comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 v-ith Riparian rights L 4&8B15L4BlI6L 3-4 Bl 9L 9-10 & 12 Bl 10 LL. 5 Bl 13 LL. 1 & 3 Bl 17 and L 16 Bl 18. Seven Wilmette them to you. JNO. r GAGE, Box 2639 St. Peters- 1 bows, 18, LTG20-tfc GLENCOE LAKE FRONT Agents to show 200x600 FT. RIPARIAN RIGHTS Fine Colonial NAR, ow her EJ y, 9 Park ave, encoe. Woolley, 6 Se. itp Service You Will Like To Rent--Furnished 6 ROOMS, 2 PORCHES, GARAGE, 6 TO 8 months, $200 a month. 8 rooms, 2 baths, 2 porches, large grounds, near lake, June 15 to Sept. 15, $250 a month. 10 rooms, 2 baths, $275. a month. 8 rooms, 3 baths, large grounds, 2 porches; June 15 to Sept, $400 a month. 6 rooms, 2 porches, near lake; May 15 to Aug. 1, $175 a month. 6 rooms, garage, June 15 to Sept. 15, $200 a month. rooms, east, June 15 $250 a month. Unfurnished ¢ rooms, 3 baths, 3 porches, near to Sept. 15, lake; 2 car garage, 1 year, $300 a mon . For Sale 7 room stucco, east, 100 ft. lot, beautiful planting, $20,000. Glencoe 6 room brick Colonial, cor- ner lot, 621x150; steam heat, oil burner, $18,000. Modern 6 room stucco, story and a half, steam heat, 2 screen porches, large triangular lot; full equipment goes with house at $18,000. Fine stucco home on corner lot, 100 x187, wooded and terraced; 4 master bedrooms, maid's room, study, living and sleeping porches; water heat; attached and heated garage; $17,000. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 790 Elm St. Phone Winn. 1800 LTG 26-1tc A FEW LOTS LEFT IN OUR BEAUTI- ful new subdivision in Ravinia, be- tween Sheridan rd. and the lake; four blocks from school and trans- portation. All lots have beach rights and are beautifully wooded. If you are looking for an exclusive home site, don't fail to see these beautiful lots. Terms one-third cash, balance in 1, 2, and 3 years. HILL & STONE Phones: Highland Park 64 yy innstha 1544 Wilmette 164 LTG 26-1t¢ W. G. STACEY & CO. WILMETTE CHOICE 6 ROOM STUCCO, 3 BED- rooms, sleeping porch, sun porch, pretty wooded lot, water heat, doubio stucco garage. newly decorated, con- venient to steam and electric, $16,000. WINNETKA Exclusive offering of a choice lot only 1 block from lake, 756x170, bar- gain $135.00 per ft. 336 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 308 LTG 26-1tc FOR SALE ON EAST SIDE 8 ROOM stucco, 3 porches, hot water heat, one car garage, very good condition, good buy $18,000. Brick and stucco, 7 rooms, sun and sleeping porch, 2 baths, hot water heat; $16,500. IN NORTH EVANSTON We have some small houses cheap: $7,500 to $9,000. Wallace B. Clore Jr. & Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wilmettel750) LTG 26-1tc CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortgage Loans REAL ESTATE 545 Main Street Wilmette, Ill. Telephone 65 Lra-20-1c) FOR SALE--NEW, MODERN HOME Hubbards Woods Sta. 2 blks. hall leads to all rooms and basement; large liv. rooms, with real fire-place, gla. sun prch., din. rm., kit. and pan- try; 3 large chambers with closets; gla. slp. pch., tile bath with shower, linen closet, large attic, h. w. ht. Phone Winn. 1601. 128 Linden Ave. Glencoe. LTG 26-1t~ FOR SALE--MOST BEAUTIFUL property on North Shore, between Glencoe and Ravinia; three large lots left with lake frontage and full riparian rights. Other lots at $75 a foot and up. Phone Rogers Park 4234 for information. LTG26-1tc BUY THIS BUY! ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM SOLID BRICK colonial h. w. heat, special parquette floors; beautifully wooded and shrubbed lot in East Winnetka for $18,000. Owner leaving town. HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. 556 Center St. Winnetka 254 LTG 26-1te 610 CHERRY ST. 6 RM. STUCCO home, 3 yrs. old, sun and slp. pchs., large liv. rm. and master bdrm., Steam heat, 2 car garage; owner moving east. Cash for equity obtains attractive price. Winn. 314. TG7-1te FOR SALE--LOT, 50x187; good loca- tion; for particulars call Winn. 760. TGT7-1te FOR RENT -- HEATED 3 ROOMS with bath; for light housekeeping. Phone Winn. 1055, TG7-1te FOR RENT_FURNISHED RMS, ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M Nr. all trans. LT5-tfc FOR RENT--NEWLY rooms in east side priv. home, A GIRL DESIRES TO FIND A ROOM with family of refinement. Will pe glad to stay with children nights in given. part payment. References Address Winnetka Talk A-156. -- ---- HELP WANTED--N ALE WANTED--AUTOMOBILE PAINTERS. Also one high grade mechanic. Wersted Motor Co., Phone Winn. 165 LTG 26-1tc WANTED--GARDENER, HOUSEMAN; regular position part time. Phone Glencoe 649, LTG 26-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED REAL estate salesman. Address Winn. Talk, A-155. T7-1te SITUATION WA NTED--MALE SINGLE GERMAN GARDENER, caretaker, experienced care of car; handy all around, steady, first class references. Address Dreiling, 109 W. Division St., Chicago, Ill, TG7-1tp WANTED--GARDENING AND GEN'L. work by the day. Phone Winn. 1644. T7-1tp WANTED--GARDENING AND GEN'L, work, by experienced man. Phone Winn, 1783. T7-6tp WANTED--GARDEN WORK IN HUB- WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework, from four to six o'clock each day, or to wash dishes evenings. Small home, family of three. Phone Winn. 550-W or call 943 Spruce St. T7-1te WANTED--MAID FOR DAY WORK, part time. Call Sunday, April 29, Mrs. Duncan, bard 1314 Scott Ave. Hub- Woods, or phone Winn. 826. LTG 26-1te WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework. Experience not nelessary but must like children. Phone Wilmette 1663. LTG 26-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR COOKING AND downstairs work; small house; no washing; $18. Cumnor road, Kenilworth. LTG26-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST in light housework; may go home nights and Sundays if desired. Tel. in evening Winnetka 197, T7-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSE- work, by the week; to go home nights; references required. Phone Winn. 1354 T7-1te SITUATION WANTED FEMALE WANTED--BY EXPERIENCED FOR- elgner, good education, position as mother's helper, nursery governess, as seamstress. Phone Glencoe 187 or write Miss Elliot, 330 Randolph St, Glencoe, TG7-1te SITUATION WANTED BY EXPER. colored laundress; permanent places. Phone Victory $787. LTG26-1tp SITUATION WANTED--BY COMP. colored laundress. Phone Glencoe 987. TGT7-1te WANTED--WORK BY THE DAY; laundry work or cleaning. Phone Glencoe 987. T7-1tp DAY WORK WANTED. TELEPHONE Englewood 2604, LT26-1tp HELP WANTED--MALL OR FEMALE WANTED --BOOKKEBPER TO CARE for small set of books evenings. Ad- dress Weekly Talk, A-154. T7-1te WANTED -- MAN OR WOMAN TO assist with housecleaning. Kenilwo 1 CADILLAC'S SPECIALS CADILLAC EI1G HT-TYPE 59 Standard seven passenger Limou- sine in very good mechanical con- dition and just repainted in our paint department. Will make a very satisfactory car for either private or high class livery pur- poses. An exceptional bargain at $1850.00 CADILLAC EIGHT SPEEDSTER -- two passenger. This car was owned by a very prominent party in Lake Forest and used along with several other cars so has had very little mileage. It is in 800d condition. The paint is like new, We are offering it at a very low price of $400.00. MARMON 34--1920--SEVEN PAS. senger Touring just thoroughly overhauled and repainted. This car is in exceptionally fine con- «a:tion throughout. For the per- Son wanting a high grade car, this would meet all requirements. Price far below the market at $1500.00. PIERCE ARROW 6-38--TWO PAS- senger Roadster. For the person wanting a reliable and depend- able automobile this is one that will last a life time. We believe this is a bargain at $400.00. LTG 26-1te Cadillac Motor Car Co. Evanston Branch 1820 RIDGE AVENUE Ev. 1091 Rogers Park 9810 OPEN EVENINGS USED CARS WILLYS-KNIGHT 7 PASS. TOURING, 1919, fresh from paint shop, tires, upholstering, and motor in good con- dition; a very good take-in price on this car enables us to sell it at a figure which is low enough to in- terest any prospective buyer for a car of its class. We also have: Chevrolet cou Buick 6 coupe, 1920; Willys- Knight roadster, 1921: Dodge tour- ing, 1915; Overland 75 touring and others. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Winnetka, 111. Phone Winn. 165 LTG26-1te DETROIT ELECTRIC CAR IN FIRST class condition, new batteries and upholstery. Leaving city and will sell cheap. Phone Wilmette 313 pe, LTG 26-2te bard Woods for and spare | FOR SALE -- MILBURN ELECTRIC, R T7-1te like new, new batteries and paint, SE -- also rectifier for charging. Phone EMALE Wilmette 1406, LTG 26-1te WANTED--2 RESPONSIBLE WHITE girls, sisters or friends; one to do cooking and downstairs work; other to do upstairs work and assist with 2 little girls 4 and 6 years old; second girl must be able to sew. Man does heavy work on both floors. Will pay $18 or $20. Phone Wil- mette 1962. LTG 26-1te COOK AND SECOND MAID, WHITE. Must be thoroughly competent with references. People who are willing to give good conscientious service will be well paid and will receive appreciative treatment. 542 Long- wood Ave. Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 649. LTG 26-1tc WANTED -- WOMAN OF REFINE- ment to represent a high grade firm dealing in photo reproductions. A new process which is receiving much favorable comment. Excellent pro- Fhone Wimette 952-M. LTG 26-1tc WANTED--AT ONCE, GIRLS AS clerks in fruit store; must be over 20 years of age; good wages; light position. work. Apply 345 Park avenue, Phone Glencoe 18. LTG26-1tc WANTED--GENERAL MAID. SMALL home, 2 adults and baby; wages $15. Go home nights. Phone Winn. 854 or 349. T7-1tp WANTED--NURSE TO CARE FOR child four years old. Phone Winn. 679. T7-1te FOR SALE--/1919 FORD ROADSTER. new tires; $125. Chas. Van Deur- sen, 225 Sylvan rd., Glencoe. LTG 26-1te FOR SALE -- 1990 FORD SEDAN, starter, battery, ete, seat covers, g00d condition. ~ Phone Winn. 697-W. T3-tfe FOR SALE--RAUCH-LANG b .. PASS, electric; $150 cash. Phone Glencoe 831. T7-1te PIANOS TUNED Pianos Tuned, Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired L. W. FOSTER Telephone Winnetka 509-J LTG26-tfe LOST AND FOUND LOST--OPERA GLASSES IN BLACK leather case Wednesday morning, between Summit road and Hubbard Woods station; reward. Phone Winn. 1836. 768 Lincoln avenue, T7-1te LOST--A REED SCOOTER; LARGE size; reward. Phone Winn. 720. 1310 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods. T7-1te Sa or AR | LR ~ 4 WY

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