a F | WINNETKA, WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1923 Youth fu [ Artist to Have Her AROLINE LOUISE BURN- HAM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alired N. Burnham is to have an exhibit all her own open- in this afternoon in the galleries on the second floor of Marshal Field and Company, and continuing throughout the first week in June. ; This afternoon is to be a very special occasion since Carol Lou has invited all of her schoolmates and their mothers to view her Furopean paintings, and since it may happen that many cannot arrange to attend today, another very special Winnetka afternoon is being planned for next Monday. va Among the sponsors of the little girl's exhibit are Mrs. Daniel H. Burnham of Evanston, Mrs. Laird Bell, Mrs. John Caroline Louise Burnham Hardin, Mrs. William Gold Hibbard, Mrs. Raymond Durham, Mrs. Douglas Smith, Mrs. Albert H. Veeder, Jr., Mrs. James Porter, Mrs. John Nash Ott, Mrs. L. Harrison Mettler, Mrs. F. E. M. Cole, Mrs. John Vennema, Mrs. Charles Hub- bard, Mrs. Marcus Richards and Mrs. A. A. Sprague. Carol [Lou has had the distinction of exhibiting a painting in the Spring Salon at Paris and a water color at the Inter- national Water Color Exhibit, as well as an exhibit of her own in the Ander- son gallaries in New York. The exhibit at Field's will include a cycle of her work from the age of four to the present time, and including her European paint- ings there will be one hundred pictures. So far she has had no formal instruction but apparently inherits her mother's rudi- ments of art. She will be graduated from the Winnetka public schools this month, and in the fall plans to enter New Trier .high school. In speaking of her exhibit in the in- vitations, Carol Lou says, "It will be quite informal and if you find it impos- sible to digest the art, there will be something delightful to eat." ------ On Saturday evening of this week will occur the marriage of Miss Phoebe Ella Hoffman, daughter of Mrs. John R. Hoffman, of the Evanston hotel, for- merly of Wilmette, to Mr. George Alex- ander Maclean, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacLean, of Wilmette. As the family is in mourning the wedding will be a very quit affair, Rev. George W. Farrar, of Ottowa, Ill, reading the services at 8:30 o'clock, at the Evanston hotel, in the presence of only the families and very intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. MacLean will be at home at 916 Greenleaf avenue, Wil- mette, after September 1. Or The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union will be entertained for the June meeting by Mrs. Matilda Green, in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry P. §Clark, 958 ; Spruce street, Winnetka, on Monday, June 4. Mrs. W. H. Prisk of Wilmette will speak on "Non-Alcoholic Medication." An- nual dues will be received as this meeting is the last of the season. --_--Q-- Mrs. D."S. lasier is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Harris in Pasa- dena, Cal. Miss Marion Lasier is re- siding at the North Shore hotel, dur- ing her mother's apsence. They expect to move into their newly completed home now under construction just next door to their former home at 731 Lin- coln avenue, about the middle of this month. Own Exhibit at Field's Today Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lawry of Wilmette announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Gladys With- ers Lawry, to Mr. Frank Gray Wag- gett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Waggett of Melrose Highlands, Mass. The marriage will take place on June 27. --_--0-- Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 468 Ridge av- nue Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 468 Ridge av- enue, will speak on "Parliamentary Procedure and Discussion for Wo- men" before the Girl's Friendly So- ciety at the Church of the Advent in Chicago on Tuesday, June 5. ---_Q-- Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Haines, have taken a house at Marion, Mass., for the summer. Mrs. Haines will leave here early next week, and will be joined later in the summer by Mr. Haines, who un- til that time will remain at the Am- bassador hotel in New York. Om Mis Geraldine Rolence, who is in charge of the Playground work at Horace Mann school, left Friday to take charge of a camp at Powers Lake. --0 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight P. Green and son of Chestnut street, will motor to Lexington, Ky., on June 8, where Mrs. Green and her son will remain for a six week's visit. Sr A Mrs. William J. Fisher, 388 Chestnut street, and her mother Mrs. Charles Schroeder, are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Schroder's brother, Dr. Ar- thur Schroeder, in Cherryvale, Kansas. --0-- The North Shore Branch Sinai Con- gregation will hold its annual Temple Dinner on Wednesday, June 13, at the Winnetka Woman's club. Oo Mr. and Mrs. August C. Pearson, 898 Cherry street, announce the engagement of their daughter; Leona Catherine, to Elmer C. Kropp of Highland Park. "io Mrs. J. R. Dickinson, formerly of Winnetka, is spending several days this week as the guest of Mrs. Ada P. Bal- lenger in Evanston. it Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cleveland, 809 Elm street spent Decoration with friends at Gray's Lake. --O Ronald Campbell returned to his home on Scott avenue, this week, from the University of Illinois. MABELLE A. HIGGINS PIANIST TEACHER Studio 719 Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago Instruction may be had in North Shore Homes Telephone Winnetka 613 Kenilworth Happenings The Chicago Wellesley club will meet for the annual spring luncheon and elec- tion of officers at the Woman's Athletic club, Chicdgo, Saturday afternoon, at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Alfred C. Tyler, a member of the Evanston branch, who has recently been elected president of the Chicago Woman's club, will be the guest of honor, and M&. Homer Johnson, of Cleveland, O., president of the Welles- ley Alumnae association, will speak on the latest alumnae activities. Mrs. Ralph C. Brown, of Evanston, president of the north shore Wellesley group, will pre- side in place of Mrs. Marvin Poole, resident of the Chicago club, who is ill. -- Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCoy, 730 Ashland avenue, returned home on Sun- day. Mrs. McCoy has been visiting rela- tives in Massachusetts and New York for several weeks, and Mr. McCoy has been travelling extensively in Europe on business for the past three months, ar- riving in New York on the Mauretania, on Friday of last week. (ee The Kenilworth Reading club met in the home of Mrs. Edgar W. Burchard, 310 Oxford road, on Tuesday after- noon of last week. "The Life and Let- ters of the Ambassador, Walter Page," was discussed. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kunkel, of Phila- delphia, will arrive tomorrow at the home of William Kunkel, 414 Abbotts- ford road, for a week's visit. Last week- end Mrs. Hanacher was the guest of Mrs. Kunkel. ----e>r.:=nib Mrs. Margaret McCarthy, daughter of Mrs. William B. Fitch, 331 Essex road, arrived home from California, a few days ago. fo Mrs. "Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumber- land road, was hostess at dinner to mem- bers of the Evening Bridge club on Monday last. ---- The Kenilworth Home Garden club visited the beautiful Winnetka gardens on Tuesday. EE A. W. ZENGLER CLEANER AND DYER A trial order is respectfully solicited 810 ELM STREET Phone 144 Fa on om Pim on om on mY F_ TO SERVE The Polly THE NEIGHBOR- HOOD | With the various arti- cles of infants' and chil- dren's hand made cloth- ing is instinctively an interesting occupation and offers wide possi- bilities in individuality, patterns and designs. 809 Oak St. Phone 1635 Winnetka | ----_ VIRGINIA 'P. NOE ~The North Shore Theatre Guild presznts "The Truth About Blayds" a three-act comedy by A. A. Milne, author and "Mr. Pim Passes By" Saturday, June 2 Jane Kuppenheimer Memorial Hall Skokie School, Winnetka | Monday, June 4 Durand Hall, Lake Forest ! Tuesday, June 5 Kenilworth Club, Kenilworth | Wednesday, June 6 Woman's Club, Evanston of "The Dover Road" "All right then, I'll meet you at the electric at 2 o'clock, Goodbye." Everybody is coming to Our 4th Annual St. Louis Market Sale An event that brings big savings Begins Saturday, June 7th Ends Saturday, June 16th Monday Evening, June 4 at Jane Kuppenheimer Memorial Hall Skokie School and Wednesday Evening, June 6 at New Trier High The NORTH SHORE will present the famous play School PLAYERS "JANE CLEGG" Jessie Royce Landis in the title role Under the Auspices of the Winnetka Post American Legion = Wedding Gifts in Jewelry and Silver The well chosen gifts of discrimin- ating friends are among the great joys of the bride and groom on their day of days. --0 Mrs. Merritt Starr, 695 Prospect ave- nue, while in good health, is taking a course of corrective exercises under Dr. Goldthwaite of Boston, in Covey Hill hospital, Brookline, Mass. Dr. Thorvald Lyngholm OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 946 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Hours by Appointment Winnetka 301 Extra Performance, Thursday, June 7 Winnetka Woman's Club Charles E GRAVES Safin ett Here, among our great selections of delightful wedding gifts, may be found presents, little and big that are ideally suited to be life-long remem- brances. Ave C ain When You Visit Our Store CHICAGO- | Dr. Melvin B. Hasbrouck orrec orm: .. ear Established 1857 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Expert Workmanship courteous, experienced salespeople li has assumed the office and practice of the late Dr. John L. Ralston ; | Miss HERBST GIFTS a 353 Park Avenue, Glencoe x 3 Phones--Office and Residence 576 Ls Lincoln Ave, - - Winnetka Glencoe 43 i will gladly aid you in your choice of appropriate wedding gifts, with the purpose of pleasing you in both price and quality. Lowest Possible Prices