------------ ad a " ---- - WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1923 19 Still the "Beautiful Land', is Writer's Verdict feeling that for its purposes, the vil- lage form of management is prefer- able to the municipal. "Winnetka is all right as it is! The village boasts of a novelty in its school system; namely, a $400,000 school building, erected and equipped wholly by private subscription instead of property taxation. "The first school was established in 1854-55, and for a while, was in priv- ate residence, and was presided over by a niece of the same Charles Peck who started the town on its way to success and importance. "The public library, established formerly in 1890, was housed in the village hall until twelve years ago, when it was moved to its present quarters in a building presented to the village by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bross Lloyd. "The Village Hall, built as theolog- ical seminary by the Baptist Church, was primarily intended as a kind of training schobl in connection with the original University of Chicago, but plans were altered and the town bought the building for its business office. "One of the interesting things said of the town is that future plans com- prise twenty-two park areas, which will add not a little to the already striking value of the place as a resi- dential suburb. "The village community house is a splendid example of its kind and is helping to build up a community spirit, which should be the example, if net the envy of other towns sim- larly situated. "Winnetka claims to pull together and the town 'itself is proof of the statement, and undoubtedly one of the most important factors, contributing to this spirit is the community house. Last year, it was used by sixty-one different organizations, and recorded no less than 85000 visitors. "No wonder Winnetka is progres- sive. In about twenty years, it has grown over 300 per cent in population without taking on any added terri- tory. "In addition to the community house, library and village hall, there is the water works and power house, adequate bathing beaches, a large public golf course, and as before stated, twenty-two parks, and prob- able not many "For Sale" signs in the whole village. "Besides, we have heard it said that few die and no one moves away from Winnetka. Many hundreds of Chi- cago business men have their homes there and travel to. and from their work by train or automobile. "While we undertook to take a few pictures of residences, our photo- grapher declared that there was no choice, because there were so many wonderful ones that it was almost un- fair to take a few. "Winnetka has recently taken on an added tendency to grow and grow fast. We, of the telephone business, know this because we have to keep up with progress, or rather anticipate it wherever possible. "Right now, the telephone demands of Winnetka have been the immediate cause of extensions to the system, and the Western Electric forces are busily engaged in putting in additional equipment in the telephone exchange, while the outside construction forces are struggling hard to take care of the field work. "A large percentage of the people here are Chicago business men, and this partially accounts for the fact that about twenty-five per cent of the telephone calls are toll calls. "The exchange now has nearly 3,000 subsribers and when the Western Electric men finish their present ex- tensions, the telephone switchboard will have no less than eighteen posi- tions, and, if the town keeps on grow- ing at its present rate, we may yet have to make further extensions to the plant. "Thinking of these things leads us to the inevitable conclusion that the world is growing faster and faster, and the telephone is one of the most important aids to that end for it brings us together. "That is what keeps Winnetka and also every other town in close touch with the big world around us." Famous F. W. Woolworth Office in the Movies The famous office of F. W. Wool- worth in the Woolworth building, New York, is to be reproduced in a motion picture. Many have heard of the palatial suite which the owner of the well known five and ten-cent stores had constructed for himself in New York's most beautiful office building, but few have seen it. In choosing sets for the new picture, "The Woman With Four Faces," Herbert Brenon, the producer, wanted an office as palatial as any in ex- istence, and secured photos of the Woolworth offices. © These met his approval so completely that the rooms were reproduced at the Paramount West Coast studio. The trimmings are ornate with gold; the furnishings are likewise elaborate. In the center of the rear wall panels is a massive circular door of manganese bronze for a safe which figures in the story. WINNETKA "BEAUTIFUL LAND" At the left is the village hall. Above is a beauty spot on Sheridan Road. And it is the church used for the wedding scene in "A Telephone Romance," a moving picture made by. employees several years ago. IS STILL A (Left) A residence scene. NE ARDEN SHORE T0 OPEN ON JUNE 29 Camp at Lake Bluff Invites Mothers, Kiddies At a recent meeing of the board of di- rectors of the Arden Shore association Mrs. L. F. Gates, 723 Eighth street, was elected chairman of the Wilmette com- mittee. Mrs. Gates has been an enthusi- astic sponsor of the camp at Lake Bluff for years and she has many new and interesting plans for carrying on the work. The industrial side of camp work has developed greatly in the past year or two. There are now many groups of women along the north shore who meet and sew for the children at the camp. Miss Edna Lewis, 908 Central avenue has charge of this branch of the work in Wilmette. She also arranges for the collection of clothing and other articles that can be made use of at the camp. Miss Lewis' telephone number is Wil- mette 1208. The report of the May drive for funds will be ready for publication in a few days, # is announced. The amount raised, while not reaching the $5,000 which was the aim of the committee, still shows a good gain over the last year. If anyone who wished to con- tribute to this great north shore char- ity was missed during the drive, checks mailed to Mrs. F. I.. Tolman, treasurer, 1105 Lake avenue, will be most grateful- ly received. The camp opens for summer work on June 29 when the first group of 500 mothers and children will troop gayly out to enjoy the rest and good time that is awaiting them. Visitors are welcome at the camp af any time. Public Library. (Left) Another Winnetka home. PALACE Cash Meat Market| - Sat. Only WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE BEST dat. Only OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH Highest Quality Meats at the Lowest Prices 1559 Sherman Evanston Very Best Pot Roast per ib................ a sl is Fancy Leg of Veal per ib............o0 gp i Very Best Peacock Hams ver lly a, Fresh Dressed Broilers Very Best Sirloin Steak per bb........... coders isi revinans Very Best Porterhouse Steak Fancy Roasting Chickens rer Ib... Fresh Calves' Sweetbreads ver Ib... 00 Rar Our chickens are selected of the best, freshly dressed by us, and are never over a day old. NOTICE Try our home made Pure Pork Sausage Meat, Ib. ..25¢ Very Best Peacock Bacon Jack Sprat Bacon per-ibor iia spss Fancy Leg of Spring Lamb