| WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS v . Classified advertisements will be charged General Notices-- only to persons living in the district "wn Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. Rates--1° cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three papers. Minimum charge 3 lines. Black face type charged double price. Average df five words to the line. : : Classified advertisements will be Deadline for Insertions-- accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Service You Will Like FOR SALE--SPECIAL--FINE LARGE in Hubbard Woods, worth $100 a ft. Will be sold at a decided bargain as owner needs cash. Don't over look this. Phone us at once. This home; east of railroad; 5 bed- rooms, sun parlor, water heat, two car garage. Owner leaving. Bargain 'at fi18,500. 6 rm. Stucco in very finest loca- tion. Owner moved away. 3 bed- rms. sun and slp. parlor, two car garage. Only $17,500. Very attractive small brick home Just completed. Wonderful ravine lot, in N. E. Glencoe. Brick garage. Will sell at cash. Ask to see it. We have many attractive homes, as well as vacant for sale. See us. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 790 Elm St. Phone Winn. 1809 LTG34-1tc All My Vacant IN WILMETTE GAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd., Tenth St, and Seventh ave., comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 with Riparian rights L 4 Gl 5L4B16L 3-4 Bl 9L 9-10 &12 Bl 10L'5B1'13'L.'1 & 3 Bl 17 and L 16 Bl 18. Seven Wilmette Agents to show them to you. JNO P. GAGE, Box 2639 St. Peters- burg, Fla. LTG20-tfe. BARGAIN IN TWENTY ACRES ON North Shore. Wonderful future for either high class residence or sub- division. Address Lake Shore News A-206. LTG34-1tc REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE able investment. Evanston Wilmette This Property is Worthy of Your Consideration North West Corner of Linden Ave. and Merrill Streets, the most advantageous business corner In Hubbard Woods Size 100x150 Opposite railroad station. More residents pass this corner than any other corner in the vicinity Linden Ave. carries considerable traffic and when widen- ing and paving is completed Linden Ave, will be a busy street. This property, improved with stores, garages and flats, could be made a very clean, staple and profit- McGUIRE & ORR Established 1894 69 W. Washington St. CHICAGO Kenilworth Hubbard Woods Glencoe Ravinia Highland Park Lake Forest Indian Hill Winnetka REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE THE LITTLE & EN \ The Judge POLLY WILL YE | | RUN DOWN T° VILLAGE FER MATCHES 2 THEY UTTLE VIXEN I KIN DRIVE LIK'A MAN LOOK'IT MA WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1923 p Bets Polly's Dust J AA Zow Eee = LOOK-IT 'WiLL YA' LOOK IT HER GO MA} Go IT, PoL, LET HER OUT! STEP ON HER ! | /POL'S AWALKIN® AWAY LOOK-iT ! FROM HIM GIMMINEE \ CRICKETS SEE HER GO, GoLLy Ma HES QUIT GOOD GIRL PoL Mt WOT A COP ILL FIRE iM REAL ESTATE SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--CHOICE WINNET- ka Vacant. Of Special Interest to Responsible Builders Owners will take back second mortgages on three well locat- ed lots. P. W. Bradstreet, Agent Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 520 Linden St. Tel. Win. 162 T-15-1tc Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers James B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 519 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 WANTED POSITION -- GENERAL housework. Tel. Winn. 717. LTG-34-1tc. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY work and cleaning by the day. Phone Winnetka 1784. T15-1tc A REFINED WOMAN WISHES LIGHT office work, preferably doctor's office. Tel. Winn. TG15-1tc CATERING BY APPOINTMENT. TEL. Evanston 6491. T11-tfc HELP WANTED--MALE OR FEMALE WANTED--MAN OR WOMAN AS dishwasher. Apply Sheridan Cafe, 601 Main St. Wilmette. LTG-34-1tc. FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES ---- "FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENT FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM, PLAINLY furnished apartment, 2 baths, mod- ern. July 1st to November 1st, $75 a month; 2 blocks Winnetka depot. Tel. Winn. 1878. LTG34-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT--KENILWORTH, SMALL, completely furnished house, one room reserved congenial couple preferred, one block from station. 320 Rich- mond Rd. Tel. Kenilworth 1854. house from July 1 to Aug. 15, $25 a week. West Spruce St. Tel. Winn. 1206. T15-1tc LTG34-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED 6 ROOM FOR RENT_MONTH OF JULY A small comfortable furnished house, $175. Tel. Winn. 1755. T15-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE OR APARTMENT WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE OR apartment, unfurnished. Beginning Sept. 1st, prefer option to buy. Need 6 or more rooms and garage. Tel. or write F. E. Clerk, New Trier High School, Kenilworth. LTG34-tfc A BEAUTIFUL HOME IN WINNETKA DUTCH COLONIAL, STUCCO, 8 large, light, airy rooms, 3 baths, H. w. heat, large sun room and sleep- ing porch. Beautiful corner lot with many fine shade trees. Price $23,500. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. Exclusive Agents 556 Center St. LTG34-1tc Winnetka FOR SALE--A BARGAIN IF SOLD IN June; 6-rm. Colonial, large living and sleeping porches; lot 107x200; beautiful trees, fine fruit. Tel Glen- coe 659. LTG-34-1tc. CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortgage Leases REAL ESTATE 345 Main Street Wilmette, Ill. Telephone 65 LTG-20-tfe. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL RAVINIA EAST SIDE property, most reasonable on North Shore--going fast. Don't lose this opportunity to make some real money. Tel. Wil. 732-W. LTG-33-1te. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE $2,000, of this amount on sary. 743 Elm St. Winnetka FOR SALE WINNETKA Beauty Parlor To secure a REAL ESTATE location for ourselves it was necessary for us to buy out the PHOEBE JANE BEAUTY PARLOR including all Stock, Fixtures etc. The business invoiced $4,000, we are charging off expense in securing a Real Estate location and are of- fering for quick sale the entire Beauty Parlor for $2,000. We propose to move the stock and fixtures next door and give a prospective purchaser a very complete and modern Beauty Parlor including an ex- cellent location. This is the oldest established and finest Beauty Parlor on the North Shore with all the established business it can take care of. The price is figured complete, stock, fixtures and location for $2,000. Terms can be arranged if neces- Haviland Realty Co. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY our Real Estate books as Phone Winnetka 577 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE For Lots and Acre Tracts in New Trier -- SEE -- SCHAEFER & GOLBACH 909 Ridge Ave. (near Lake Ave.) Tel. Wilmette 364 FOR RENT--FLAT FOR RENT--5 ROOM FLAT, GLEN- coe; h. w. heat, $65. HILL & WHEELER 736 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 142 TG15-1te WANTED TO RENT--OFFICE SPACE Paul Kruger Builder of Stone Gateways Fountains and Garden Furniture in Stone Wisconsin Flag Stone New York Blue Stone Phone Winnetka 1530 730 Center Street, Winnetka Do You Own a Ford? Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. Skokie Motor Co. WANTED WORK FOR SUMMER, BY a young man. Will do any out- door work. Tel. Winn. 1381. TG15-1te STRONG 14 YR. OLD BOY, ANY KIND out-door work; lawn cut, wood chop- ped, etc. Tel. Win. 641. T15 1tp 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework, must be very competent and do the washing for family of two. Tel. Kenilworth 530. Address Kenilworth box 555. LTG-34-1tc. WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO take care 2 year old boy, afternoons 2 until 6 p. m. Mrs. J. K. Saville, 322 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 976. TG15-1tc A BUSINESS WOMAN WISHES TO rent office space for desk and one book case. Miss E. G. Caulkins, 1714 Sherman Ave. Evanston. T15-1tp FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED large airy bedroom, private family. One block from Glencoe R.R. and Electric station; 2 blocks from Hazel Ave. Bathing Beach. Gentleman. Ref. required. Tel. Glen. 82, 627 Greenbay Road, Glencoe. T15-1te TO RENT BEDRM. AND SITTING RM. with bath adjoining. Hot water. Modern home. With adult people. Apply Mrs. Bisset, 414 Linden Ave. Call Win. 880. T15-1tc FOR RENT--ONE LARGE FURN- ished room, 2 blocks north of Hub- bard Woods Station, 128 Linden Ave. Glencoe, Tel. Winn 1119. LTG34-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--ROOMS; ST. HEAT ht. and cold rung. water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wilmette. LT-32-tfec. FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO WANTED--EXPERIENCED WHITE maid, for general housework, small house near station, three in family. Tel Kenilworth 2897. : LT-34-1tc. WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL hswk. 2 adults in family. Good wages. Tel. Wilmette 849-R. LTG-34-1te. WANTED--WAITRESS FOR RESTAU- rant, good hours; apply, Sheridan Cafe. 601 Main St. Wilmette. LTG-34-1tc. HELP WANTED -- WOMAN FOR plain sewing and pressing, one half day each week. Tel. Winn. 312. T15-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL general housework, no washing, 4 in family will pay well for competent help. Tel. Winn. 1843. TG-15-1te. WANTED--RELIABLE W. GIRL TO assist with housework. Small fam- ily. Tel. Winn. 1134. T15-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Three in family. Tel. housekeeping apt. Tel, Wil. 935--M. Winn. 327, T15-1te Near all trains LT-25-tfc. | WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER. -- " Tel. Winn. 501-J South Glencoe. WANTED TO RENT--ROOM TG15-1te WANTED -- ROOM, YOUNG MAN, AE single. Tel. Winnetka 838, between ha abi hig on JoMaN kop 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. T15-1tc g- on Winn. 58. LTG-34-1tc. HELP WANTED--MALE CHICAGO BRANCH MANAGER OF Nationally known concern wants man living on north shore to rep- resent them in this territory. $40. to start; Special training; for interview address Lake Shore News A 204. LTG-34-2tc. WANTED SALESMEN, EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for two energetic sales- men with automobile. Those having some experience in furnace heating preferred. Address Lake Shore News A-207. LT34-1tc WANTED EXPERIENCED GROCERY- man for large chain store organiza- tion, best working conditions, with chances for advancement. Address Lake Shore News A-203. LT34-1tp WANTED--A-1 AUTOMOBILE WASH- er. Three experienced mechanics. Good pay. Steady work year round. Cadillac Motor Car Co., Evanston Branch, 1820 Ridge Ave. TG15-1te WANTED--AT ONCE AUTOMOBILE mechanic: must be first class man. Apply Motors Service Inc., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2600. LTG34 1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED CHAUF- LTG28-1te feur. Tel. Winn, 58. LTG 34-1tc. WANTED -- COOK. EXPERIENCED, best wages. Tel. Winn. 58. LTG-34-1tc. WANTED -- GOOD SEAMSTRESS. Tel. Winn. 58. LTG-34-1tec. SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--BY EXPERIENCED FOR- eigner good education position as mother's helper or nurserv govern- ess. Can do neat sewing and mend- ing. Willing to as~ist with light housekeeping if necessary. Tel Glen- coe 187 or write Miss Ellintt 330 Randolph St., Glencoe. TG15-1te EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSH Grad. of Chautauqua School of Nursing will take work by the hour. day or week. Mrs. Robinson 930 Elm street. Telephone Winnetka 1240. LTG-34-2tc. HIGH SCHOOT, GRADUATE WITH special training in stenograrhv ana bookkeening desires position in of- office where industry, initiative and personality will be appreciated. Call Wilmette 2541 if interested. LTG-34-1tp. WANTED--OFFRICE POSTTTON BY ladv of wide business exnerience. Address Lake Shore News A-205. LT-34-1tp. FOR SALE--USED CARS Dodge Sedan 1923 Franklin Sedan 1918 BUICA-4v Buick Touring 1923 WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Tel Win, 165 LTG-341tc. FOR SALE -- CADILLAC COUPE model 57, 4 passenger; perfect con- dition, main extras included. Selling because of death in family. Price $1300 cash. Tel. Wil 2162. LTG-34-1tc. FOR SALE--FORD TOURING CAR 1922 Model, battery, starter, bumper, etc. Everything in A-1 condition. Tel. Winn. 697-W T15-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CONSISTING of walnut buffet, domestic rug 9x12, brass bed with springs and mattress, heavy oak dining table and 5 chairs, Federal washing machine in perfect condition, also a few other odds and ends. These goods are priced low and must be sold within the next few days. 1004 Michigan Ave. Wil. Tel. Wil. 1658. LTG-34-1tc. WILL SELL GENUINE: MAHOGANY flat top desk, $30; Breakfast table with six chairs, $10; Two beds with springs, both for $5; Ook table desk, $7.50; Saturday afternoon or Sun- day, 721 Prairie Ave. Wilmette. LTG-34-1tc. | For SALE -- MAHOGANY DAVEN- port upholstered in wool tapestry, $35. Chair, parlor cabinet, book case, sun parlor furn. child's iron bed, writing desk, other articles cheap. 955 Elm St., Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1078. TG15-1te FOR SALE--VICTROLA, MAHOGANY finish: this is the style X, originally cost $125, will sell for $75 cash, or terms may be arranged by resnons- ible party. Address Lake Shore News A-198, LTG-33-3tc. FOR SALE--LIVING ROOM FUR- niture, and lamp; modern, and in good condition. Tel. Winn. 1938. LTG-34-1tc. FOR SALE--2 MAHOGANY 4 POSTER beds, good condition. B., C.von Ammon, 420 Elder Lane, Tel. Winn. 252. T15-1tp FOR SALE--BEST UPRIGHT PIANO, bed and 6x9 Wilton rug, both almost new; also ball bearing grass cutter in fine condition. Tel Winn. 420. T15-1te FOR SALE--ELECTRIC PRESSURE cooker given as present; tags never off, $30. Sold at Fields for $45. Tel- Wil 1020. LT-34-1tp. N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston, Phone Evans. 103. LTG-16-tfc. FOR SALE--LARGE WHITE BEAR- skin rug. $50. Pair of Antique Ital- ian Chairs, $50. Tel. Glencoe S887. LTG-34-1tc. " FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--LARGE ICE-BOX, TOP icer, $10. 6 ft, brown fibre porch swing, like new, $10. 939 Ash St. Winn, 352. LTG-34-1tc. FOR SALE--GATE-LEG MAHOGANY living room table. Telephone Rogers Park 8677. LTG 34-1tp. FOR SALE--MAHOGANY DINING set: sideboard; table, 4 leaves, 6 chairs, Iredale Storage, Winnetka. LT-34-1tp. FOR SALE--RUGS AND HOUSEHOLD draperies. 940 Cherry St. Winn. Tel Winn. 1392. LTG-34-1tc. FOR SALE--2 FINE ORIENTAL RUGS, 4x6, one runner 4x9 $50 each. Tel. Winn. 453. LTG-34-1tc. FOR SALE--BRAND NEW WELL built dog house Tel. hi -1te FOR SALE--8 PIECE OAK DINING room set, very cheap. 906 Oak St, Winn. T15-1tc WANTED TO BUY -- HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG-27-tfc. FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--PORCELAIN REFRIG- erator, gas range wicker high chair, baby bed and mattress, bedroom rug, two iron beds, fruit jars, electric washing machine, garden tools, hose, mower etc. 712 Ingleside Place, Evanston. LT-34-1tc. FOR SALE--POLICE DOG MALE puppies, best pedigreed stock; beau- tiful specimens. Tel. Superior 3532- J. LTG-34-1tp. FOR SALE--THOROUGHBRED AIRE- dale and Police puppies. 10, 15 and $20. Tel. after 7 p. m. Glenview 34- J-1. LTG-34-1tc. FOR SALE -- FURNITUE RUGS cart, anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg, lum- ber, stoves, 808 Oak St., Winn. 1212. LTG-24-tfc. LOST AND FOUND LOST OR STOLEN--CLOW PUP, 6 weeks old. Reward. No questions asked. 205 Chestnut St., Tel. Winn. 1370. T15-1te LOST--FINE COLLIE DOG, LAST seen on Linden, between Willow and Elm Sts. Finder please Telephone Winn. 255. Reward. TG15-1te FOUND--COLLIE DOG, BADLY IN- jured for particulars inquire Mrs. Otto C. Butz, $27 Sheridan Rd., Winn. T15-1tc WILL PERSON WHO FOUND BUNCH of keys please call Winn. 404. T15-1te LOST--MINK FUR "CHOKER." TEL. Winn. 1787. T15-1tc PIANOS TUNED Pianos Tuned, Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired L. W. Foster Telephone Winnetka 509-J LTG26-tfc MISCELLANEOUS" HUNDRED HEM DRESSMAKING AND free cutting school will be begin the middle of July. European Dress- maker, per information call Mrs. J. B. ;Andersen, Winn. 1758-746 Elm St. T15-2tp TEACHER TRAINED ABROAD GIVES German and French lessons. F. Jacobson, 900 Sheridan Rd. Glencoe 374. . TG15-1te MOTHERS, ATTENTION! -- EXP. tutor, Wellsley grad. Tel. mornings, Superior 5544. T15-1tp KENILWORTH HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Merrill, 415 Essex road, and daughters, Elizabeth and Kath- ryn, arrived home Saturday night. They motored East a month ago to visit their daughter, Kathryn Merrill, who was a member of the graduating class at Bradford academy. On their way home they stopped at Dartmouth to visit cousins who attend that college. - nl Miss Ruth Kasten, of Winnetka, for- merly of Kenilworth, entertained the Kenilworth girls at tea at the home of her sister, Mrs. Harold Ingersoll , in Evanston, in honor of her guest, Miss Margaret Belloway, a classmate at Ober- lin. Miss Kasten graduated from Ober- lin School of Music this year. Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, 206 Cumberland avenue, left Tuesday for New York to see Miss Charlotte Eck- hart off on her two months' trip in Europe. Marion and Elizabeth Eckhart will be at the North Shore Health resort until their parents' return. Miss Eleanor Eckhart will be the guest of Miss Helen Cresap. ---- Mrs. P. D. Rathbone, 523 Abbottsford road, and her grandson, Jack Rathbone, sailed for Europe Wednesday. Jack was graduated from the Joseph Sears school and his trip to Iceland, Norway and Sweden is a graduation gift from his grandmother. EH, Sa Miss Helen Cresap, 239 Essex road, and Miss Eleanor Eckhart, 206 Cum- berland avenue, arrived home Saturday, having completed their junior years at Vassar. Since college closed they have been with friends in the East. Age Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman, 255 Melrose avenue, attended Commence- ment at Ann Arbor this week, where he received an honorary degree. ef Miss Louise Tinsman, of Kansas City, Mo., formerly of Kenilworth, is the guest of Mrs. Samuel Clark, 132 Main street, Evanston. -- Miss Jeanette Cherry, 422 Abbots- ford road, is home for a week from Wis- consin university, before she returns to attend summer school. --p Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Westcott, of Chicago, formerly of Kenilworth, were guests at tea Sunday evening of Mrs. W. J. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road. -- Miss Elizabeth Hannah is attending Williams Commencement and will spend a few days at the Zeta Psi house. En route home she will visit in Buffalo. mp ) Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ball, 207 Wood-i stock avenue, left Wednesday to join the Elkharts in New York and together go to Lake Placid, for a week. --_---- Mrs. Julius Petersen, 222 Cumberland road, entertained he Bridge club for luncheon Tuesday. ---- Mrs. I. M. Allen, 258 Melrose avenue, entertained her Bridge club at luncheon on Tuesday. ---- Miss Clare Purmort, of Waterloo, Iowa, is visiting Miss Isabel Cline, 304 Cumnor road, this week. -- Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cline entertained at bridge for twelve on Monday eve ning at their home, on Cumnor road. ---- Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen motored to Davenpor: [owa, over last week-end. Miss Jane Ridgway returned home yesterday from Bradford academy. She plans to enter Wellesley in the fall. ro Mrs. George Jones, 318 Oxford road, | entertained her Sewing club on Wed- nesday. ep Mrs. John Hicks, 241 Melrose avenue, entertained at bridge luncheon on Thurs- day. --Q Mrs. I. C. Darling, 319 Essex road, entertained a few guests at tea Sunday evening. fi . Mrs. David Holmes, of Janesville, Wis., is the guest of Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, 239 Essex road, this week. --Y:-ipb Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Brassert, 547 Roslyn road, left Monday to spend ten days at Stone Lake, Wis. Mrs. Karl B. Korrady and daughter, Margaret, left Monday to spend the summer at West Falmouth, Mass. ------ Mrs. A. G. Maloney, 517 Cumnor road, was a luncheon and bridge hostess last Saturday at the North Shore Golf club. So (po Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hamm and family, 256 Kenilworth avenue, have moved into the Sear's home on the lake. ---- Miss Betty Darling, 319 Essex road, is home from Rosemary School, Con- necticut, --_---- Mrs. Leslie McArthur, of Oxford road, entertained at bridge on Wed- nesday. ---- Albert McDougal, of St. Louis, spent last week-end with his mother. You Can Look The World Straight in the Eye when you have a Bank Account. You are no longer dependent on it for fi- nancial aid in time of adversity, a posi- tion which will make you feel proud. By practicing Thrift you have shown the world that you have ambition and determination to get somewhere. It is never too late to cultivate the Thrift habit. Set aside a few dollars each week, put them into an Account with us, and--with the 3% interest we pay--you too will be able to meet the world's gaze with a smile. WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK ADAM 77 iiiiizrizzizzrizzizziziziu ails ILS SSSLLIS LSS SSIS SSS LL LL LSS LSS SLL LL SSS LLL SSS SSIS SSSI SILLS LISS IS SSIS LSS ASS SALSA SSS LSS SSF ud rrr ar 77rd iid rr lz Zrzirzriiiiiiiiiciii N UILLLLLLSSSSLSLISLISLLLSLLLLLLLLS SL SELLS SS ILLLSSLSLSSSLLSLL LASS LLL SL SL SLL LLL SSS LLL SLSLL ALLL SS SLES SS LSLLLSLSLLLLS LL ILLS LLL SSIS ILLS SL SSS LS SS SSSI SS SSIS SSS SS LSS SIS SIS SSS SESS SS SSSI SAILS ASS You can't hurt our feelings! Telephone us any time and just as many times as you want to. Ask for two things --Winnetka Two and what- ever you want us to send you. You can't make us mad. LISS III IIIS III ISI IIIS IILITSSSS LISS SAS ISS LISI SILLS SSIS LISS ILA SSS SSL SILI LSTA 77 SILLS. PHARMACY Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 2 ZZ ZZ 8 7 77770777 driiiilididdddiiisddddddid