12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS advertisements will be charged y : Classified General Notices-- only to persons living in the distr Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons Sither The Lake Shore News, W ews. 10 cents per line in on Rates three papers. Minimum charge 3 lines. No black face type used. words to the line. M This size type charged as 2 MI is size type charged as 3 lines. IM] ie size type charged as Deadline for Insertions-- o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka We for the Glencoe News. WINNETKA 388. . REAL ESTATE Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or --_-- t from who are regular subscribers to innetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe e paper. 20 cents per line in all Average of five lines. 4 lines. Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 ekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock REAL ESTATE Mr. Home Buyer WE HAVE NUMBERS OF GOOD homes for sale at attractive prices --small ones as low as $8,000, others from $12,500 up. If you are contemplating the purchase of a home for fall occupancy or sooner you should get in touch with us at once and see the properties we have listed. There will be no ob- ligation on your part and you might find that we have just what you are looking for. DON'T WAIT--RIGHT NOW IS NONE TOO SOON. See or phone us at once E. E. Stults Realty Co. Winnetka AN EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL home in one of the finest and most exclusive N. E. section. Red Br. Eng. Col. 11 rooms: 5 B. r., 2 baths on 2nd; 2 maids, 1 bath on 3rd; sun par., slp. pch.; bkf. rm. and scr. pch.; h. w. ht. Many spl. features, such as Frigi- daire; gas clothes dryer, elec. wsh. mach. and irofier; 2 car. Br. gar. with gas storage tank and service pump. Heavily wooded and well landscaped grounds. 100x240; $55,000. Shown by appt. only 556 Center St. Winnetka 254. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 790 Elm St. Winnetka Ph. 1800 Open Sunday Afternoons. LTG40-1tc LTG40-1tc FOR SALE--NEW SIX ROOM FRAME WILMETTE Colonial, glazed and heated sun and 7 ROOM STUCCO, 4 BEDROOMS, slpg. porches; dressing room, bath sleeping porch, large sun parlor, water heat, garage, pretty lot; 2 blks. from lake; bargain $20,000; easy terms; ask for appointment. W. G. Stacey & Co. 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308. A Business Built on Service. LTG40-1te with built-in tub and shower; Ice- box and other built-in features; st. ht, large attic; corner lot 75x185; east of tracks; 4 blocks to Hubbard Woods station; $19,500--$6,500 will handle. Gilbert D. Johnson & Brother Glencoe office, 352 Park Ave. Winnetka office, 564 Lincoln Ave. LTG40-1te REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE We are offering for immediate s 4500 feet of restricted property of Ridge. on the North Shore. "FORE"--LAKE AVENUE See the property and whether you are "HOME-SEEKER," "BUILD- ER," or "INVESTOR," you will find this decidedly the best buy FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE SCHAEFER & GOLBACH 909 Ridge Avenue PHONE WILMETTE 364 SALESMAN ON THE GROUNDS ON ale on a CO-OPERATIVE basis, frontage on Lake Avenue, west SUNDAY REAL ESTATE CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortgage Leases REAL ESTATE 545 Main Street Wilmette, Ill Telephone 65 LTG20-tfc REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE BY OWNER LEAV- ing town, new modern 5 room red pressed brick bungalow, $9,500, only $2,500 cash down. Hot water heat, 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Big lot, driveway, all improvements in. possession in 3 days. Furniture thrown in. See owner Sundays at 1739 Washington Ave. Wilmette, Illinois. LTG39-2te REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE located at 743 El Street, Winnetka. Opening Announcement The Haviland Realty Co. (formerly announce the opening of their NEW OFFICE (next door west) at 747 Elm Haviland Realty Co. 747 Elm Street, Winnetka m Street) wish to Phone Winnetka 577 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE BY OWNER LEAV- ing town, new, modern 5 room red pressed brick bungalow, $9,500, only $2,500 cash down. Hot water heat, 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Big lot, driveway. All improvements in Possession in 3 days. Furniture thrown in. See owner Sundays at 1739 Washington Ave. Wilmette, Illinois. LTG39-2tc FOR SALE--VACANT, 100x200; $19 per ft.; Ridge Road, between Har- rison and Central. Phone 3257-M Evanston. TG21-1tp FOR SALE--BY OWNER--NEW MOD- ern Colonial: six large rooms; sun parlor and sleeping porch; hot water heat; tile bath with built-in fixtures and linen closet; hall leads into all rooms and basement. Lot 50x198; price $15,000; terms. 2 block North Hubbard Woods station. Tel. Winn 1119. LTG40-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENT FOR RENT--3 ROOM APARTMENT; | furnished or unfurnished: stove heat; ; adults: $20 a month; 716 Ridge Ave. near Washington Ave, Wilmette. LT40-1te The J udge YOU As ALL RIGHT SAM (LL HIRE $15 PER WEE STABLE BoOY- | IS TO TAKE CARE Ca) ) ALL YOU HAVE T0 DO | + Towser Has A Pgfere nce for Dark Meat - OF J {LL Ih i wll |) HARMLESS HE WAS BOTTLE Tan) G7 BD IN ~ Zn en TN Ph < NONSENSE, THE D0G 15 BROUGHT UP ON A (DAS ALL RIGHT I'SE BRO'T uP WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- 6 ROOM HOUSE, WIN- netka or North East side; by owners WANTED TO RENT -- FOR SIX months or year, beginning Oct. 1st, Winnetka's New Masonic Temple is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee. : Dr. J. E. Fonda WINNETKA Meyer Bank Bldg. Phone 1211 FOR RENT--UNFURNISHED HOUSE: 7 room, H W. heat, sun and sleeping porches, garage; immediate posses- sion; one year. Tel. Glencoe 960. TG21-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENT FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 4-ROOM apartment on north side, walking distance from loop; $90 a month; available immediately; lease expires Sent 30. Tel. Wil. 105. LTG40-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--OCT. 1. DE- sirable house. Must have three bed- rooms and be conveniently located. Tel. Wilmette 2090. IL.TG40-1tp WANTED TO RENT--FURN. HOUSE WANTED--HOUSE FURNISHED FOR one year; 4 bed rooms; 2 or 3 bath rooms; east of tracks. Tel. Glencoe 170. : T21-1tp FOR RENT--GARAGE GARAGE FOR RENT AT 557 FIR ST., East of tracks, South of Willow. Tel. Winn. 675-M-X. T21-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS COMFORTABLE ROOM IN MODERN home; small family, no other room- ers; board optional; near schools. Reasonable. Wilmette 874-M. LTG46-1tc LARGE LIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS; kitchen privileges; near lake, Indian Hill station; 164 Woodland Ave., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1543. LTG40-1tc FOR RENT--WILL SHARE MY FIVE room bungalow with young couple; $50; half gas, half light. Address Lake Shore News, A-245. LT40-1tp FOR RENT -- PLEASANT FRONT room with or without board, for a couple in a private family. Tel. Wil. 1134. LT40-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--ROOMS; STEAM heat, ht. and cold run. water. Tel, Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wilmette. LT32-tfc FOR RENT -- TWO FURNISHED rooms suitable for light housekeep- ing; private family. Tel, Wil. 821-R. LTG40-1tc only. Address Winnetka Weekly four or five rooms, furnished or un- Talk, A-241, TG21-1tp furnished house between Evanston and Glencoe. Address Lake Shore FOR RENT News, A235. LTG39-2te LJ SITUATION WANTED--MALE Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J. B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 KARL PAPE Painting and Decorating 1632 Central Ave. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2934 Paul Kruger Builder of Stone Gateways 'Fountains and Garden Furniture in Stone Wisconsin Flag Stone New York Blue Stone Phone Winnetka 1530 730 Center Street, Winnetka Dramatic Reading and Oral Expression SPECIAL TRAINING IN PUBLIC reading and elocution. Private les- sons and class instruction for 4 weeks only. Aug. 6-31 Day or eve- ning. MR. BUEHLER Instructor--School of Speech, North- western University, Evanston 1900. HELP WANTED--FEMALE Position for matron is now open at the Winnetka tele- Tel. chief operator any day between hours of 8 A. M.--5 P. M. Bell. Tel. Co, 740 Elm Street. phone office. Illinois T21-2te Wanted--NMiddle aged woman with practical nursing experi- ence to act as companion to para- lytic patient and to assist with household duties. Tel. Winn. 1005. TG21-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework in fam- ily of four; no washing; references required. Tel. Winn. 1649. T21-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral work; must be able to cook and to assist with 2 yr. old child. 249 Mary Street, Glencoe 851. TG21-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; may go home nights. Tel. Wilmette 1198. 1049 Chestnut Ave., Wilmette. LTG40-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO DO COOKING, and to take care of first floor, from Aug. 6 to Sept. 3; $18. Tel. Win- netka 680. LTG40-1tc WANTED--GEN'L MAID; PLAIN cooking; fond of children; no up- stairs work; $18.00. Tel Wilmette 1422, LT40-1tc. WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with children, may go home nights; 303 Fairview Ave. Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 852. LTG40-1tc EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GENER- al housework; good cook; Mrs. T. J. Tubbs, 1350 KGreenwood Ave. Tel. Wilmette 2338 LTG40-1te LT40-1te. SHRUBBERY SHOULD BE TRIMMED | and pruned now for good results' next year; engage an experienced gardener. Tel. Glencoe 1095 before 7:30 a m. and after 9 p. m. eve- nings. TG21-1tp WANTED -- SWEDISH NEWCOMER wishes position as gardener or house- man. Steady work or by the hour. Tel. Winnetka 278. T21-1te FOR RENT--LARGE LIGHT NEWLY furnished front room; near trans- portation. Tel. Winnetka 1860. T21-1te INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN WISHES position as chauffeur in private fam- ily. References. Tel. Evanston 1761 after 6 P. M. LTG40-1tp! WANTED -- MAID (WHITE PRE- ferred) for general hswk.; four adults in family; no washing. Tel. Glencoe 974. LTG40-1te WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist with housework; good home. Tel. Winn. 1428. LT40-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE College Preparation In French BY TEACHER OF EXP. IN EURO- pean and American schools, senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward students. Con- versational French by appointment. Terms on application." Miss F. Beryl Speck, 228 Green Bay Rd. Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 355. LTG40-4tc SUMMER TUTORING IN GRAMMAR high school or college entrance sub- jects, by member Chicago Latin School faculty; Katharine Beard, Winnetka 632-7. LTG40-1tp MIDDLE AGED WOMAN (WHITE), married, husband employed, wants steady place as cook; general house- work; where self and husband can have room together; best references: moderate wages. Address Lake Shore News, A-229. LTG40-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman; one block from Hubbard Woods depot. Tel. Winn 1138. T21 1te IN WILMETTE FOR THE WINTER, small nicely furn. house. Centrally located. To adults only. Tel. Wil. 253. T21 1tc FOR RENT -- PLEASANT, NEWLY decorated room. Reasonable to young woman employed. Winn. 551-M T21-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 925-M near all trains. LT25-tfe FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED ROOM at 932 Cherry St. Tel. Winnetka 533-M. TG21-1te FOR RENT--ROOM IN SMALL PRIV- ate family; near lake and station; 611 Vernon Ave.. Glencoe. TG21-1tp WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- FROM SEPT. 15 UNTIL June 15, near Greeley school, room with use of piano for teaching. Tel. Winn. 250. T21-1tc WOULD LIKE POSITION WITH GEN- eral contractor, or work in garage. Tel. Winn. 1240. T21-1tp | GENERAL WORK DONE BY THE hour. Also furnaces taken care of. | Tel. Winnetka 1783. T20-7tp ------ HELP WANTED--FEMALE | WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; 3 adults in family; need not be experienced cook, but must be willing and courteous. Private room and bath. Apply in person. 415 | Washington Ave., Glencoe. t TG21-1te WANTED -- WOMAN OR GIRL, FOR general hswk. and to assist with children: must be neat; good home; private room and bath; liberal time off; Mrs. Woollard, 150 Linden Ave. Glencoe, Ill. Winnetka 2031. TG21-1te EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSE Grad. of Chautauqua School of Nursing will take work by the hour. day or week. Mrs. Robinson, 930 Elm Street. Telephone Winnetka 1240. LTG40-1tc EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WOULD like work to take home. Miss Schlesky, 1223 Ashland Ave. Evans- ton, TIL. LT40-1tc WOMAN WITH BABY WISHES POSI- tion as housekeeper in motherless home, or in family of adults. Tel. Evanston 7615. LTG40-1tc DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING bv the dav. Experienced. Refer- ences, Call evenings. Tel. Evans- ton 5842. T21-1te WANTED--PLAIN SEWING; WILL GO out by the day; Tel. Evanston 919. T21-1tp WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL hswk.; good cook; good wages. Tel. Wil, 1341. LTG40-1te WANTED--BY CAPABLE GIRL LIGHT housework or care of children. Phone Glencoe 26. T21-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with housework; small family. Tel. Winn. 1134. T21-1tc | EXPERIENCED COOK AND SECOND maid (2) colored wish positions. Tel. Glencoe 243. LTG40-1te a FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS CADILLAC'S SPECIALS CADILLAC TOURING Type 57 with 59 body and hood. Paint and mechanical condition good. To one looking for a car of this description, we would say it is a bargain at the price we are asking. $750.00 CADILLAC ROADSTER' Type 61, completely overhauled and painted dust-proof gray with black running gear. Equipped with four new tires, one spare and tire cover, also bumper, step platés,'=* windshield wiper and mirror. This car carries our new car guarantee. Price, $2650.00 MAXWELL ROADSTER 1923 model. This car has run about 700 miles and looks like new. Equipped with cord tires and wheel lock. This is an ideal car for one who is looking for inexpensive transportation. Price $675.00 Cadillac Motor Car Co. Evanston Branch 1820 RIDGE AVENUE Ev. 1091 Rogers Pk. 9810 OPEN EVENINGS LEG40-1te Do You Own a Ford? Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. SkokieMotor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers For Sale--Used Cars OAKLAND SEDAN, 1920; NEWLY painted; engine overhauled, $400. Stewart 1-ton truck, repainted and overhauled, $400. Buick---4 cyl. light panel delivery; 1918; good condition, $225. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka, LTG40-1te FOR SALE--BY sOWNER,CADILLAC, seven passenger suburban, perfect condition; run under 9000 miles: fully equipped, $3150. 794 Greenwood Ave. Tel Glencoe 303-M LTG-40-1tp. MITCHELL 6 TOURING CAR, 126- inch base, good condition, run 18,000 miles, 8 tires, $250 cash. F...J. Wooley, 69 Park Ave. Glencoe. LTG40-1tc "CHUMMY" FOR SALE--MY MOON A-1 condition; new enamel; many extras. Price $500. Tel. Evanston 1871. TG21-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- HOUSEHOLD FURN- iture; brass beds, box springs, hair mattresses; elegant mahogany ward- robe with large mirror: dresser, elec- tric fan, curtain, dishes, rugs, ete. 1025 Oak St, Tel. Winn. 614-W. TG21-1te OAK DINING buffet, good spring FOR SALE--} UMED room set; table, six chairs, good condition; $35. Several mission chairs and rockers; for 3; bed. ™el. Winn. 849. LT40-1tc FOR SALE--COLONIAL BED WITH hair mattress and box springs. Tel. Glencoe 619. TG21-1te FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg, autos, stoves, 808 Oak St., Winn. 1212. © LTG24-tfc FOR: SALE -- FUMED OAK DINING room set: 54 inch table; 6 chairs, with blue hair cloth seats; tea table, and large leather rocker. _Reason- able. Tel Winn. 1092. TG21-1tc FOR SALE--9 PIECE MAHOGANY dining room set: table, seven chairs, and serving table. Tel. Kenil 2206. TG21-1te FOR SALE--HALL RUNNER, $6; chest of drawers, $4; four-poster bed, spring, mattress; almost new; $20. Tel. Wil. 869-W. T21-1tc N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave.,, Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTG16-tfc WANTED 10 BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 'WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG27-tfc i FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS MOVING, MUST SELL: OFFICE DESK, letter file, mimeograph, printing press, typewriter; battery charger, garage size; gasoline tank and pump; 2 vulcanizers washing ma- chine; household furniture. Tel Wil- mette 1733. LTG40-1tc FOR SALE -- GENUINE GERMAN police puppies; almost three mos. old; one male and one female, cheap; not a dealer. 850 Sheridan Rd. Tel. Glen. 440. TG21-1te FOR SALE -- FIVE WHITE WIRE demountable wheels for Ford; also carrier for spare wheel; price, $22.00. 496 Provident Ave. Winnstea in -1te FOR SALE--SEAL COAT, SQUIRREL collar and cuffs, $15; Seal coatee beaver collar, $30. Tel. Wil. 869-W. T21-1tc MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL PRICES FOR AUGUST; best time of year to care for scalp because of more frequent shampoo- ing during hot weather. Consult Mrs Miller, Phone Winn. 1543. LTG40-1te LOST AND FOUND LOST -- BETWEEN LOCUST ROAD and Winnetka station chauffeurs' light whipcord overcoat; Tel. Wil. 1148. T21-1te LOST--PURSE ON ELM STREET, BE- tween track and Sheridan Road. Re- ward. Tel. Winn. 20. T21-1tp LOST--ALPHA CHI PIN SET WITH pearls; please Tel. Winn. i -1te LOST--BUNCH OF KEYS. FINDER leave at Wilmette Pharmacy. ; LTG40-1tc | Kenilworth Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Moss, 316 Cumnor road, with their two sons, Earl and Irving, left Thursday evening for a combined business and pleasure trip in the paper mill district of Wisconsin and northern Michigan. --_--0-- Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Shattuck and Miss Miriam Shattuck, motored home from their summer home at State Line, Wis., with their guests, Richard W. Taylor and Mrs. William J. Taylor, | arriving here Monday evening. ---- Mrs. LeRoy Woodland, 332 Leicester road, left a week ago to meet her daugh- ter, Virginia, at Sherwood Forest, Wis., where she has been spending the last month at a girls' camp. Both arrived home Wednesday. ---- Mr. Edward F. Hamm, of Sheridan road, and his daughters, Misses Martha and Harriet Hamm left Monday to spend the rest of the summer in Estes Park, Cole. a--p-- Miss Helen Cresap, 239 Essex road, and Miss Eleanor Eckhart, 206 Cumber- land avenue, returned home Saturday, after spending a month on a private ranch in Montana. ----Q-- Mrs. Samuel D. Flood, 133 Kenilworth avenue, was hostess at a tea on Wed- nesday afternoon, ( Prompt Courteous Service Everybody desires "Prompt Service" in a Bank, whether their financial problem be one of Investment, a Loan, Savings or Advice. And this is the Bank to get it. WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK LISLLLLLISLLLLLLSLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSLLILLLSLLISILLSLSSLSS SLL LS SSSS SSS SSIS SSS LS SSL SSL ALAS SSS SASS SASS (lll ddd ddd 7 Z YLLLLILLLLLLLLLLL ILL IL 5 2 SILL SLES LSS SL LS SILLS SSS SLL SS SSSA SLL ALLIS AS ALIS SSS SSS LSS SS SSSA SS Eve was created for ADAM'S express company. Not related to our ADAMS. Then there was President ADAMS, SISTTIY SS SSLST SSIS SSIS SSS SSSISS SSS SSLSSSSSLS SSS SSLS SSS S LSS SS SSS LS SL SSS SIS SSS ISLS SSS SSS SSSI SS SSS SS and ADAM'S apple. LISTS SLSSSSS IST Our ADAMS sells soda-water, SISSSINI segars, stationery, and such. 75 cent novels, too. Worth $1.50. ADAM PHARMACY Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 Zs 27d Zdiiirizs dsisssisiididiiiiiiiiiiii UZ Ze zrizz, L/L LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSLLLS LLL LLL SISSLSSSLSLSS SSS SSS SSL L LL LLL LLL LSL LLL SS LLL S LS SSIS SSIS SSS S SLL S SPALL LLL LIS SSS LISS SLL SL SSL LATS SSS SILLS SSSI SSS S ASSIS SSL SLL SIL SIS SASSI ILLIA SASSI SILL SASSI LSS TIIN