20 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1923 HUP CAR AFTER ANOTHER MARK Non-Stop Record Holder Put To Second Test The famous standard stock Hupmo- bile touring car, which broke all non- stop world records last summer and fall by traveling 26,165 miles in fifty-eight consecutive days without stopping the engine, has a new job. Owners of the car--the Hyland Motor Company of Salt Lake City, Hupmobile distributors for Utah and Idaho--plan to run it 100,000 miles to establish defi- nitely its dependability in long and hard service, and to demonstrate that the gruelling trip it made through the inter- mountain regions of Utah, Idaho and Wyoming did no harm to it. It is prob- able a second long run will also be start- ed by the famous car before. the end of the summer, officials of the company say. The car has traveled more than 40,000 miles to date. In its every-day use it has been subjected to rigorous travel of all sorts. It has been used extensively for demonstrating. Salesmen and officers of the distributing company have also used it on long drives while calling on the dealers in the large terri- tory under their direction. It still car- ries the original lettering and informa- tion concerning its record run and arouses much favorable comment where- ever it appears. Mechanics who have recently inspected it and men who have driven it of late report that the car is in splendid con- dition--its vigor undiminished even on the hard pulls, of which there are many in the adjacent mountains. Its engine runs smoothly and powerfully and its driving mechanism is still instantly re- sponsive and dependable. TOURIST HEALTH A NEW PROBLEM Illinois Health Department Issues Bulletin During the season of summer auto- mobile tours the Illinois department of health has interested itself in the health of tourists as well as in the well being of persons with whom the- travelers may come in contact. The following bulletin, sent out by the Illinois department of health, will be helpful to every tourist and camper. "The Illinois department of public health realizes that the ever-increas- ing number of people who travel by auto- mobile and camp out along the highways has brought new duties upon health offi- cials. The camp grounds used by auto tourists must be maintained in cleanly and sanitary condition, not only for the benefit and health of the tourists, but tc protect the welfare and health of people residing near the camp grounds. Tourists Often Careless "Experience has shown that many auto tourists are often careless and deposit and scatter refuse without due regard to the welfare and health of others. Auto tourists should observe fundamental laws at camp grounds as well as at home. A beautiful camp site may be spoiled for the use of others by one camping party's neglecting to give due consideration to cleanliness and sanitation. The selection of a camp site should be determined primarily by sanitary condi- tions. The camp should be located on ground high enough to secure dry, porous soil and good drainage. It should not be surrounded by dense vegetation or under- brush, but should have enough trees io afford suitable shade. Desirable sites are low ridges with gentle slopes or high banks of rivers. In cold weather a site on the south side of the slope with woods to the north will aid in breaking the force of the wind. Undesirable sites are the following: {1) Vicinity of swamps or low places, for they render the soil damp and breed many annoying insects; (2) close prox- imity to cemeteries; (3) old camping grounds which have been left in an un- sanitary condition and which have not had proper facilities for the disposal of sewage i Good Water Necessary The water should be of good, sani- tary quality, free from all harmful bac- teria. All water from unknown streams and ponds should be considered unsafe for drinking purposes until it has been | purified. Quite frequently a sparkling FORD DEALER TELLS OF SPRING MAKING Converting of four car loads of steel into 18,000 springs every day is one oi the interesting manufacturing operations of the Ford Motor company at its High- land Park plant and the department at present employs 600 men to bring this production, according to the Skokie Motor company, Winnetka dealers. Of particular interest are the ex- fraordinary tests to which the steel is subjected in order to prove its strength before it is permitted to enter the manu- facturing process. Before acceptance from the mills, samples of the steel are made into trial springs and these are placed in a special apparatus where they are subjected to 90,000 continuous vibration of 1,850 pounds to each stroke. In actual use, it isn't often that the auto springs re- ceive such enormous pressure, and the quality of genuine Ford springs is strik- ingly shown by the fact that so-called "Ford" springs made by outside com- panies break before 20,000 of these vi- brations. Once the metal is found by test to be of standard quality, manufacture begins. The steel is heated in furnaces to 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit and the leaves are formed and hardened in oil in one oper- ation. Following this they are tempered in nitrate at 875 degrees Fahrenheit, then they are graphtized and are ready for use. Production of the Ford Motor com- pany went to a new high record for the week ending July 24th, during which a total of 40,930 cars and trucks were turned out for domestic use, Skokie Motor company announces. This ex- ceeds by 127 the record production of the previous week. The Fordson Tractor plant's output for the week was 1,882. At the Lincoln division of the com- pany a new production mark was es- tablished with a total of 210 cars for the week ending Tuesday. WHITE TRUCKS PLEASE ELECTRIC LINE DRIVERS In accordance with the announced policy of the North Shore Electric company five motor coaches are now operating from the Wilmette station to Highland Park, making the trip through Glen View. Each bus makes one trip an hour. To withstand the usage which continu- ous service will give these busses the company has chosen the four-cylinder White chassis. A single bus has a tare weight of 434 tons and a capacity of 2 tons. Twenty-six people may be ac- commodated with seats in these roomy vehicles. The front wheels of the White trucks are fitted with 37x7 tires. On the rear, each wheel is equipped with two 37x7 tires. The double cushion effect great- ly augments the easy riding qualities of the machine, and, in fact, is made nec- essary by the weight of the truck. Drivers of the White busses say that the cars average seven miles to a gallon of gasoline. They are enthusiastic in their praise of the cars, saying that they can't be beat for pus purposes. Disalignment of the front wheels wears out tires much faster than miles of straight running. That's why it pays to inspect the front wheels often. Evanston Company Pleased With Chevrolet Contract A recent interview with J. H. Jacob- sen, president and general manager of the Northwestern Motor company of Evanston, discloses the interesting fact that the company's first contract with the Chevrolet corporation ended Tues- day evening with the delivery of 296 cars from January 1 to July 31, inclus- ive, and with a large number of unfilled orders still on hand. Mr. Jacobsen says that the new product of the Chevrolet company seems to strike a happy medium in the transportation requirements of the north shore people; hence its popularity. Ford Dealer Does Banking Business On Small Scale Bankers aren't the only people who do a banking business. Even automobiles companies take a fling at it occasionally. For instance look at R. D. Cunningham. He has gone into the banking business --to a limited extent at least. At any rate he has a large supply of small banks which he is giving away to prospective Ford purchasers. With these banks you can save the initial payment of $5 to join the Ford club, and by mak- ing a similar payment each week from now until Christmas you will have saved the full amount for a Ford car. The idea is novel and is being snapped up. | TO CLEAN CAR BOARDS Dirty running boards are an eye- sore to many car owners. Some own- ers remove dirt and grease with soap and water. If they would finish the process with a kerosene soaked rag the running boards would appear as new. Floor boards may be cleaned in the same way. years. 358 Central Ave. Highland Park WILLYS KNIGHT ad OVERLAND CARS FRANCIS L. WOOLLEY Willys-Knight and Overland dealer for past 6 We give prompt and efficient service. Sales and Service Station Telephone . Highland Park 237 B= 2 ER A, CN; ol ly a, ck. NV Pp Ee S$ 2S FT FH -- EAD) The Phaeton '3800 F.O.B. DETROIT Ten Body Types TTT LI EN smoother runnin of price or claims. These outstanding elements of superiority are the result of greatest mechanical accu- racy ever realized in motor car construction. SKOKIE MOTOR COMPANY WINNETKA Beyond contradiction, Lincoln occupies first place in every consideration of quality in automobile construction. It is easier riding, sturdier under hard service, more readily handled, more flexible under control than any other car, regardless i LA . " - ne Pe > > ; Sa Ors £ = a oa aa) § FT TZ 2&2 = du SR SR - stream of water has been contaminated by surface washing and by the deliberate usage of the same as a means of remov- ing sewage from adjacent habitations. The easiest method of purifying sus- picious water is to boil it for at least twenty minutes. All ordinary harmful organisms will be killed by the boiling process. The normal taste of water can be restored after boiling by aeration, by pouring repeatedly from one vessel to another. To assure against the contracting of disease, all wastes should either be $222.19 a Coupelet BANK FREE First Payment On a Ford Car entitles you to a Savings Bank and starts toward ownership of a Car. If you start today weekly deposits will give you a car for Christmas. $ $137.15 or $146.35 or $156.40 Permits delivery of a Touring Car $125.87 or $135.39 or $145.76 A Runabout D Cunnincam $245.91 a Sedan L ReLiasLe 4s DepENraBLE Cars $293.43 a 4-Door Sedan Balance in small monthly payments while you enjoy your car. Rad burned or buried. backs, a Ls ini -