WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1923 TAX CUT ANNULS FORMER SLASHES Township Assessor Gives Ad-|| ditional Facts In a communication explaining the operation of the 15 per cent horizontal reduction in the cash valuations of real estate and building property in Wilmette, George R. Harbaugh, town- ship assessor, made it clear that the general reduction annulled all de- creases made in individual cases prior to the general cut. ; According to the assessor this stip- "ulation was made one of the condi- tions of the granting of the horizon- tal decrease. This action was taken in order that no one should profit doub- ly by the general reduction in cash valuations. Mr, Harbaugh's communication fol- lows: Editor Lake Shore News, Wilmette, Ills. Dear Sir; Referring to the article in your is- sue of the 3rd. inst. relative to the horizontal decrease in Wilmette val- uations, I believe it should be men- tioned that prior to the determina- tion to make the horizontal decrease, a number of decreases had - been made by the assessor's office, and one of the conditions of the horizontal de- crease was that all decreases there- tofore made should be restored to the original figures, so that none should doubly profit by the horizontal de- crease. I think that all the facts should be placed before the property owners. It should also be borne in mind that the new values obtained from the assessors are the full values and should not be compared with the last year's tax bill without first divid- ing the new valuations by two. It was the failure to divide the new val- ues by two that caused all the talk about 100 and 200% increases where in fact the increase was not more than 10% if any, Will you be good enough to mention the above in your next issue. Yours very truly .GEORGE R. HARBAUGH. Public Service Co. Sees Residential Growth Here A fifty percent increase in new connected power load in the territory of the Public Service company shows that great industrial strides, 'as well as the opening of many new resi- dences, have been made in this vicinity. The growth of a community is measured in part by the volume of electricity it uses, officials of the pub- lic service company report. The load is fifty percent greater this year than for the same time last year. The company has electric ranges than were put in ser- vice during all of 1920, they further report. Compared with 1922, the 1923 score is practically even as to the five months' period considered. The company states that the number of houses wired in the first five months of the year exceed by nearly 70 per cent the number wired in the corresponding period of 1922. CANADA VIA FLIVVER Evert Nelson, 318 Park avenue, and Lester Dauber, 334 Central avenue, other- wise known as the "Ramblin Two," left yesterday for another jaunt of two thousand miles. Canada is their destina- tion, where they plan to camp for a period of six weeks. If their Ford holds out they will return by way of Niagara Falls. On the way to Canada they will go through Duluth. Social Happenings The North Shore Garden Club, of which Mrs. Julius Rosenwald is presi- dent, will hold its annual flower show at the Lake Shore Country club, Glen- coe, Tuesday, August 21, from 2 until 8 o'clock. The net proceeds will be sent to the City Garden association of Chi- cago. The gardens owned by the following will be opened to all visitors at the garden show, through the courtesy of their owners: Mrs. George Pick, High- land Park; Mrs. Jonas Kuppenheimer, Take Forest; Mrs. Charles A. Stonehill, Mrs. A. J. Lichtstern, Mrs. Samuel Marx and' Mrs. Moses Born in Glencoe, and Mrs. Louis Kuppenheimer in Hubbard Woods. ---- Floy Little Bartlett, of Winnetka, the composer, will present her own violin duets, assisted by Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer, also. of Winnetka, and will give her original pianologues at the Musicale Sunday afternoon, August 12, at five o'clock, at Skokie Country club. A num- ber ; of Mrs. Bartledt"s most popular songs will be sung by Helen Abbott By- field, the well known soprano. By re- quest Mrs. Byfield will sing a group of Negro Spirituals. ] jen le Miss Mary Higgins is leaving Mon- day evening for a three weeks' visit with friends in New York. installed more | \F INTEREST i only to our ADVERTISERS | Full Page Rol of Honor Hubbard Woods Lumber and Coal Company Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. Winnetka Chamber of Commerce ..9 E. C. Weissenberg Hubbard Woods Grocery & Market.5 The QOrrington ............. cna 5 Blomdahl & Sundmark ............. 3 Wilmette Building Material Co. ....2 Skokie Motor Co. .................. 2 North Shore Bootery ............... 1 R.H. Schell &'Co. .................. 1 Wm. Aitken... ........ .0. 00. 1 Anthony & Lareau .............v.. 1 Edinger & Sons '............00u.. 1 Branfl Bros... ....... 00 eis 1 Richardson's Garage Frint George & Co. Black & White Cab Co............ 1 Hlinois "Apex Co. ........ 0.00 a 1 North Side Motor Co. .............. 1 Welch's Cafeteria .................. 1 Winnetka State Bank .............. 1 Knowing something worth telling, a man hires a large hall, invites a large crowd, and then tells what he knows. An evangelist wants the whole world to hear the gospel, the good news. So he tells it everywhere. A merchant has something worth selling. Custom objects to his hir- ing a hall, So, if he has wares that are especially worthy, he tells about them in a FULL-PAGE AD! Does Advertising Pay? Ask the man who kept the Victrola dog in that attentive attitude. Ask the man who taught Ivory Soap to stay on the surface. Ask the man who discovered you can do it better with gas. Ask the man who found the voice with a smile. Ask the man who discovered it was best to Electrify. Ask the man who keeps cool in alphabetical underwear. Ask dad; he knows. QOuilmette Tennis Courts Put Under Expert Care Ouilmette Country club tennis fans now have the pleasure of playing on courts that will compare favorably with any on the north shore. They have re- cently been put into the best of shape by Mr. Hewitt, who has had charge of sim- ilar work at Skokie and other important clubs. He will continue to care for the courts during the rest of the season. The new tennis committee for the coming year has been appointed. Rob- ert Kenyon has accepted the chairmanship of the committee. He will be aided by Fred Harwood and Frank Barrett. Kenilworth Election to Settle Golf Course Fate A special election will be held in the village of Kenilworth on Tuesday, Aug- ust 14, to settle the question of the an- nexation of the remaining 25 acres of the old golf grounds of the North Shore Golf club. All but the southwest por- tion of the course has already been an- nexed to the village. It is said that lit- tle opposition to the annexation is ex- pected. Kenilworth Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Charles Macklin, of Highland Park, formerly of Kenilworth, have bought the Drake house at 535 Warwick road and will move back here shortly to take up their residence. ---- Mrs. F. E. M. Cole, 315 Essex road, entertained at tea Tuesday afternoon for friends who have met Mrs. J. K. Farley's sister, Mrs. R. H. Reeves, of Phila- delphia, on her many visits here. ks Mrs. Charles Burghart, of Wilmette, entertained her Kenilworth friends at luncheon at Westmoreland Club on Tuesday. Cie Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bull, of Evanston, formerly of Kenilworth, motored to Tomahawk Lake, their summer home Thursday. .-EI Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 Ab- bottsford road, and Mrs. Alfred Mc- Dougal arrived home Sunday from their motor trip through the East. ---- Mrs. Russell Y. Cooke, 331 Cummor road, has returned from Racine, where she has been convalescing in a hospital following an operation. PH Mrs. Merritt H. Dement, 337 Ab- bottsford road, entertained at luncheon and bridge at Skokie Country club "Tuesday. BAA iol The members of the Garden Club visited a number of beautiful summer gardens in Lake Forest Thursday of last week. --re Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meyer, of Chi- cago, are living in the W. K. Smyth home, 43 Kenilworth avenue, for the summer. --O-- Miss Cora B. Earle, of New York, a sister of Mrs. William B. Freuden- reich, 314 Abbottsford road, is a guest here for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Holden and family, 527 Warwick road, lcave today for a three weeks' outing on the Mus- koka Lakes and Islands in Canada. ry Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Richards, of 638 Abbottsford road, have returned from a several weeks' tour of New Eng- land and New York. --(-- Mrs. William C. McMurran, 643 Ab- bottsford road, entertained at luncheon and bridge Wednesday. Coal Sand Gravel Cement Black Dirt Crushed Stone WILMETTE BUILDING MATERIAL COMPANY 2 Ine. PHONE WILMETTE 2288 Will You Let Us show you what our idea of a good job of expressing or moving is like? We believe that it will interest and please you. Our drivers are tanght to handle goods with care; they know their busi- ness before they handle your goods-- they DON'T practice at your expense ! Winnetka 232 SALLY STORACES TRACER @, FIREPROOF STORAGE PHONE WINNETKA 232 6 PROUTY ANNEX Miss Miriam Shattuck, who spent last week with Mrs. Hypes, of Glencoe, is the guest this week of Mrs. Ward Starrett, of Kenilworth. --C-- Mr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp, 336 Warwick road, entertained the Evening Bridge club at dinner Tuesday evening. --O-- Mr. Alexander N. Lovedale, 42 Ken- ilworth avenue, motored home with a party of friends from Torch Lake, Mich. --(-- Mrs. Warren Pease, 320 Leicester road, is entertaining for Mrs. Warren Pease, Jr, of Detroit, this afternoon. --C-- The Home and Garden Club met at Mrs. O. C. Ewen's, 205 Essex road, Monday afternoon. ---- Word was received here last week of the sad death of John Townsend. Child, a former Kenilworth resident. --C Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp, 336 Warwick road, entertained at luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs. Walter F. Shattuck. -- Mrs. Robert B. Dyer spent last week- end with Mrs. Edward J. Phelps, 328 Leicester road. WINS BLIND BOGEY E. M. Griffey was the proud winner of the Blind Bogey event at the North Shore Golf club this week-end. The trophy, a silver water pitcher with tray and goblets, was presented to Mr. Griffey by C. P. Evans, manager of the Kenilworth Realty association. Mid-Summer Dresses We still have a splendid variety of mid-sumer dresses that we must dispose of before our Fall styles arrive. Before going elsewhere look them over at Unique Style Shop 1126 Central Ave. Phone 2403 Good News for the Radio Fan here is now AL. available an Exide Battery for every type of tube set. Whether you want a long life storage battery for six-volt tubes, one of the new small A batteries for low-voltage tubes, or a B battery, you can take your choice of Exide Radio Batteries and be sure of getting the right battery for your set. Come in and see them or phone or write for free booklets. Exide RADIO BATTERIES For sale by WINNETKA EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE CO. 2 Prouty Ct. 8 48 Hour Phene Hour Battery | Win. 1387 Battery Service | Service "The place where eating is a pleasure" It Tastes Good! It's a hard job to cook food in large quantities and have it taste right. But it can be done, and years of experience have taught us how to serve large numbers and give them delicious meals. Cameo Restaurant and Lunch Room 551 Lincoln Ave. Under New Management and value. 734 ELM on your choice of meats. from us and you are sure of high quality Our Meats Are Quality Chosen! SO much of your table's success depends Get yours PETERS MARKET A. PETERS, Prop. STREET Phone Winnetka 920-921-922 ~~