WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1923 SUNDAY CLASS OPENS SEPT. 16 Popular Sunday Morning Sessions to Be Resumed at Community House HAVE FINE PROGRAMS Stanley H. Simpson Heads Organization The Men's Sunday Morning class, which during the past two years has been filling a unique place in Winetka, i§ announcing that the 1923-24 season of the class will begin on Sunday morn- ing, September 16th, at 9:30 o'clock. The class, which meets in the Community House, will inaugurate a somewhat dif- ferent idea in the meetings this winter. There will be weekly discussions of topics of domestic, business or political interest as reflected through the lives of Old Testament Characters. Class leaders, men of prominence in Winnetka, have been selected as discussion leaders for each week. For September 16, the subject for dis- cussion will be Abraham--The Great Emigrant. Mr. Hart E. Baker has been chosen as leader for that subject. At- tention is called to the fact that the at- tendance at these meetings during 1922 was quite large and those who attend this year's discussions are requested to come promptly at 9:30 each Sunday. The officers for the Men's Class of 1923-24 are Stanley H. Simpson, presi- dent; John C. Marshall, vice president; Charles J. Eastman, secretary; and Glen C. Bull, treasurer. You're Wanting to Fly? Here's Your Opportunity Tom Scott, well known north shore promoter of flying exhibitions in this vicinity, announced this week that Sun- day, September 2, would be Flying Day at Winnetka. Airplane exhibitions and a parachute descent will be on the program, and "chances to ride" will be afforded the daring members of the community, at the field at Hibbard road and Willow street. The hours are from 9 A. M. 0.5 P.M. The event is under auspices of the Airplane Service company, located near the Lincoln Tavern, Dempster street, west of Evanston. He Is Selling Eden Washing Machines By the Car-Load John C. Welter, proprietor of the North Shore Electric shop, set a new record for dealers in electric washing | John C. Welter machines, when he received a shipment of a solid car-load of Eden Washing machines this week. This is said to be the largest shipment of electrical wash- ers ever received in Winnetka or by any north shore dealer. About seven years ago Mr. Welter started the North Shore Electric shop and at that time the sale of a washing machine was an event; now we are told of the purchase of an entire car-load which shows the rapid and healthy growth the North Shore Electric shop has enjoyed under the able manage- ment of Mr. Welter. He represents the progressive type of business man and has by dint of hard work and sensible and consistently progressive business methods developed the business into one of the largest and best equipped electrical sup- ply shops on the north shore. "Only the best of Everything Electrical," is a silent motto, adhered to religiously by Mr. Welter. The remarkable development of his business is attributed by Mr. Welter, very largely, to his consistent advertis- ing in the columns of the Winnetka Talk. Zero Attendance Marks Tuesday Public Hearing A public hearing on the proposed change in zoning designation of Center street property between North avenue and Chatfield road, was accorded a zero attendance at the Village hall Tuesday of this week. The hearing was called by the Plats and Zoning committee of the Village council. It was the decision of the committee that the proposed ordinance, changing the designation as indicated from "C" Commercial to "A" Residence, be ap- proved. The ordinance will be presented for passage at the next regular meeting of council, it was said. PROMPT ACTION Antitoxin is a biological preparation that will positively cure diphtheria if given to the patient in sufficient' dosage on the day of onset of the | disease. To wait until the third or fourth day is like pouring water por. a burning building after it is en- veloped in flames. The State Depart- ment of Public Health distributes an-' titoxin to citizens in Illinois free of cost. fromSunand Wind In summer the EYES frequently become bloodshot from the irritat- ing effects of wind and dust. Murine relieves this unattractive condition almost immediately, as well as eye- strain caused by the glare of the sun. To look your best after aday in the open, use Murine. Its soothing, re- freshing and beautifying properties make it invaluable to vacationists. If used night and morning, Murine will impart a youthful glow and sparkle to the EYES. It's perfectly harmless--contains no wd or other harmful ingredients. Our attractively illustrated book, Beau Lies Within the Eyes," tells how to Sans erlycare for your Eyes, Brows and Lashes, and thus enhance their beauty. Send for a copy of this helpful book. It's FREE. Murine Eye Remedy Co. Dept. 23, Chicago URINE for Your EYES Ayres Boal Family in Michigan After Cruise Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal and fam- ily are at Charlevoix, Mich., after six weeks' cruising on their yacht "Win- netka III," in New England waters. The last fortnight was spent in going up the Hudson and Laké Champlain to the St. Lawrence, thence to Chicoutimi, on the Saguenay river, and back to Alexandria Bay in the Thousand Islands. READ THE WANT-ADS '| Alfred M. Olsen Carpenter Contractor ESTIMATES FURNISHED Phone Winnetka 1984 550 Rosewood Ave. WINNETKA THE NORTH SHORE MONTESSORI SCHOOL for Children from 3 to 7 years of age will begin its eighth year on MONDAY, OCT.1,at the WINNETKA WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. Anne George Millar will supervise the work of the first and second grades ADDRESS--MISS DOROTHY SEARS 417 Warwick Rd. Kenilworth, Phone Ken. 163 Boal Bank Building, P Piano, Violin, Ensemble provisation and Sight Reading. COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC CLARE OSBORNE REED, Director 509 S. Wabash Avenue, WINNETKA BRANCH KATHLEEN AIR, Principal 545 Lincoln Ave. RIVATE AND CLASS LESSONS Playing, Chicago Telephone 974 Keyboard Harmony, Im- Miss Air will be in the studios to register students Friday, September 7th, 10 to 5 and Saturday, September 8th, 9 to 12. Twenty-third year opens September 10th. ' --laza Jeweler-- Library Plaza Hotel Evanston HE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. Welcome Home Everybody We hope you have all had a pleasant summer's vacation ---- Start Now and Save Your Money Start doing your banking in Winnetka by opening a Savings Account here this week Resources over $1,000,000.00 Officers and Directors HENRY R. HALE, President LLOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER, Vice Pres. SANBORN HALE, Cashier VICTOR ELTING CARLTON PROUTY NOBLE HALE WINNETKA STATE BANK ELM STREET, EAST OF THE RAILROAD 03