Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 22 Sep 1923, p. 26

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| | | I I | Has ih 20 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1923 a -------- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS din. and slpg. por., garage in fine east location near lake, schools and trans.; immediate poss. $15,500; look at it and make offer. Fine wooded lot on Asbury Ave- nue, Hubbard Woods; 85x160 south front. This is an ideal homesite and will be sold at a reasonable price. See us for the above properties as well as other homes and vacant. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 790 Elm St. WINNETKA Tel. 1800 LTG47-1tc Three Good Wilmette Buys FIFTH STREET, 8-ROOM STUCCO, large porch, water heat, wooded lot, 50x200, only $15,000. Oakwood. 7-rooms, extra large bedroom, front and rear porches, wooded lot, 50x190, garage $16,500. Greenleaf. 8-room brick, 2 baths, built-in sleeping porch, large sun parlor, garage attached and heated, $27,500. W. G. Stacey & Co. 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308. A business built on service LTG47-1tc Glencoe Home Buy JUST LISTED FOR SALE; 6 ROOM modern Dutch Colonial Stucco home in good locality close to public school and convenient to stores and depot; 2 glazed and screened porches, hot water heat; price $13,000.00. HILL & STONE Winnetka Office. Tel. Winn. 1544. TG28-1te A Beautiful Home IN WINNETKA"S CHOICE EAST SEC- tion. 7 rm. stucco, tile bath; sun pch.,, Nokol ht. garage; beaut. 85 ft. wooded lot; $15,000. Shown exclu- sively by HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 556 Center St. Win. 254 Open Sunday 2 to 5 P. M. LTG47-1te FOR SALE--EIGHT ROOM COLONIAL, built 1916; three baths, two sun porches, hot water heat: instantan- eous gas heater; heated garage at- tached. Painted and redecorated this summer. Corner 130x140. Three- room cottage, hot water heat, on property; also single car garage and storage shed. $35,000. Call Winnetka 314 or Glencoe 64. LTG47-1tc MR. SPECULATOR OR HOME-SEEK- er I offer you 200 feet east of Brae- side station, Ravinia; near lake and golf course; only $10,000, or 100 feet for $5,000; 1%. This is a rare value as property adjacent is selling for $65--$85 per foot. Address Lake Shore News. A-335. LTG-47-2tc FOR SALE--IN WINNETKA, SMALL house 15 months old; reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1783. T27-3tc ii ne Judge" --He washes his L WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1923 == Er ds of that hotel. sw.» is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee. Dr. J. E. Fonda Phone WINNETKA 1211 Meyer Bank Bldg. further details. P. W. Bradstreet 520 Linden St. Tel. Winn. 162 T28-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--GARAGE: 140 ling Lane. Tel Winn. 722. BERT- T28-1te FOR RENT--SPACE IN GARAGE FOR 1, 2 or 3 cars; $6.50 per month. 467 Chestnut St. Tel. Winn. 1245. T28-1te WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE ON OR near Walden Road. Tel. Winnetka 1403. T28-1tp FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURNISHID HOUSES FOR RENT--FURNISHED 7 ROOM house; 2 baths; 4 bedrooms, sun and sleeping porch; garage: $150 ver month from Oct. 1 to May 1. Will give long lease; very desirable loca- tion. Tel. Highland Park 447. LTG47-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 6-ROOM bungalow; November 1 to April 1. For particulars telephone Winn. 789 LTG47-1tc FOR RENT -- COMPLETELY FURN- ished 7 room brick house; 1426 Lake Ave. Wil. 968-R. TG28-1tc FOR RENT--HOUSES For Rent--Glencoe 7 rms., 2 bath, Ige. lot; owner will dec. and make nec. rep., poss. Nov. 13 lease for 2 yrs or longer, $150 per month. Jno. A, W., Hindrum Tel. Winnetka 2071. 748 Elm St. T28-1te FOR RENT--5-ROOM MODERN BIG bungalow; 2 car garage; $85. Schaeffer & Golbach 909 Ridge Ave. Tel. Wil. 364 LTG47-1te FOR RENT--6-ROOM UNFURNISHED house; Winnetka: 2 large screened and glazed porches; 2 baths; hot water heat; A-1 condition; shade Telephone trees; possession Oct. 1. LTG47-1tc Glencoe 114. FOR RENT FURN. OR UNFURN. Winnetka house on Indian Hill Club grounds. 9 rms, 3 baths and garage: length of lease will be determined in negotiations with desirable per- sons. Tel. Wilmette 686. TG28-1te FOR RENT--GLENCOE COZY 6 RM. furnished house; 2 porches; h. w. heat; coal in basement; heated garage; poss. Oct. 1, $165 per month. Address Lake Shore News, A-338. TG28-1te FOR RENT--FOR 1 OR 2 YEARS small unfurnished house; Hubbard Woods; convenient locaiton: west of tracks. - Tel. Winn. 1096. LTG47-1tc FOR RENT--BEDROOM room. with or without kitchen and dinine room nrivilezes: Hubbard Woods home; Protestant; adults, Tel. Winn. 567. LTG46-1te RENT--2 NICE ROOMS, CON- AND LIVING FOR necting if desired; also one extra large room; no kitchenette, 1204 Forest Ave. Tel. Wil. 2031. T28-1tec. FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM rrivate family; convenient Hubbard Woods station: business man pre- ferred. Tel. Winn. 968. T28-1te. FOR RENT -- NEWLY FURNISHED room in private home; $5 a week Address Lake Shore News, A-336. LTG47-1te HOTEL--ROOMS; STEAM hot and cold running water. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St.. Wil. LT32-tfe FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE FRONT room; east side; 3 blocks to North- western station. Tel. Wil. 2725. LT47-1tp FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED RMS. CENTRAL heat; Tel. suitable for married couple; near transportation. Tel. Winn. 1013. T28-1tc. FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM - lady preferred. Telephone Wil. 828R L47-1tp FOR RENT--FURINSHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; near all transportation. LT25-tfe FOR RENT--2 ROOMS AND BATH: 1 block from North Shore express and railroad. Tel. Winn. 769. T28-1tp. BEEN LESS THAN 73% %. WINNETKA BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. E. ADAMS, Sec. 2 Prouty Annex T28-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J. B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 T28-1tc. WANTED--WHITE GIRL OVER 17 TO assist with housework and care of children; no experience necessary. Tel. Mrs. Cushman, Glencoe 943. LTG47-1te WANTED YOUNG WOMAN TO proof read newspaper. Tel. Wil- mette 1920 or see Mr. Hollister, 1222 Wilmette Ave. TG28-1tc. WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; small family; small house near station; $16 a week. Tel Winn. 1946. T28-1tc. WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework; 3 in family; wages $20 week. Tel. Winn. 1818. T28-1tc. WANTED--GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN to take care of 2 year old child by the hour. Tel. Kenilworth 1809. LTG47-1te WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist with housework; good home in Wilmette. Tel. Evanston 9429. LTG47-1te WANTED--FIRST CLASS LAUN- dress; Northbrook: Mrs. George Sea- man, Tel. Northbrook 239. LTG47-1te YOUNG MARRIED MAN WITH EX- + perience as house-man and gardener, who can drive machines, would like position with flat or house included; WANTED -- GENERAL KITCHEN woman. Glengables Tea Room. Tel. Glencoe 474. TG28-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- no children; first class references. eral work; no la dry ¢; Tel, Wil. 997-R. LTG46-2tc 212, 2 in Tel Jienoce WANTED -- POSITION BY CHAUF-| WANTED--MAID FOR GENBRAT four and house-man. Tel. Evanston housework. Small PRES 7564. References. LTY7-1tp wages. Kenilworth 460. LTG47-1tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--MALE WISCONSIN FLAG STONE 730 Center Street, Winnetka PAUL KRUGER Stone Mason Contractor Builder of Fountains and Stone Gateways NEW YORK BLUE STONE Phone Winnetka 1530 FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room; new house; 603 Provident Ave. Tel. Winn. 911. T22-tfe. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. Gentleman preferred. Tel. Winn. 686. T28-T, F.C TOR RENT--LARGE ROOM; 1% BLK. from railroad. Tel. Glencoe 642. TG28-1te. ROOMS, Winn. 62, LTG47-1te FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. Call at 1031 Willow St. T28-1te. FOR RENT -- FURNISHED. ROOM FOR RENT--2 F. Gonsalves. OFFICw Tel. a ALL AROUND WORK DONE BY THE hour; furnaces taken care of. Tel. Glencoe 1095 or Winn. 430. = TG28-1te. CARE OF FURNACES BY RESPON- sible man; work done by the hour. M. J. Gallagher. Tel Winn. 1103. T28-1te. EXPERIENCED. MAN WANTS WORK around house and garden. Tel Winn. 1274. Call after 6 p. m. T28-2tp WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework, experienced or unexperi- enced. Tel. Winnetka 717. T28 WANTED -- PROOFREADER; MUST have some experience, part time only. Phone Winnetka 388. TG28-1tp. WANTED--H, S. STUDENT TO TAKE care of child afternoons. 351 Linden St. T28-1te. FURNACES CLEANED AND TAKEN WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO care of and work done by the hour. Tel. Winn. 1719. T28-1tec. Tel. Winnetka 1181. T27-3te. care of by reliable man. Tel. Winn. care for 5 yr. boy, afternoons by th 1783. T27-6tc. hour. Tel. Winn 1296, 23-10. WANTED -- FURNACES TO TAKE | WANTED -- LAUNDRESS TO DO laundry at home. Tel. Winn 1176. T28-1tc. " ~ £ a ; Lip TEES £ General Notices-- Classifie advertisements will be charged WELL There T] c 3 Beran 13 Glace only to persons Ming in the district fiom [SORRY SIR B0v. « [| wev, im woe presioNG avoge ) WES, TWEET TTSAM Ge me A Ciel TOWEL) DAT 1308 1 | TLoOK WERE SIR | | WHY NOT {serv phone directory, > to Dersons Who are regular subscribers to AND BATH? COURY CONVENES AND 1VE TRAVELLED 30 MILES TO OVER THERE, | CANTY USE THA ONLY FE IWANT A Cl AN MEN HAVE USED THAT ithe \ d $ . {ther The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly alk or Glencoe HERE TODAY AND GET HERE | MUST HAVE A ROOM I, ig ONE THATS H TOWEL Loar USE TOWEL TODAY AND YOU i 1 Rate. 10 cents per ling in one paper «0 cents per line in all EVERY ROOM IN WHERE | CAN WASH _UP MAYBE 1 CAN GET THis ARE THE FIRST ONE $= three papers. inium charge lines. Average of five > words te the line. No black face type used. THE * HOUSE IS TAKEN YOU A ROOM LATER Fr 2 vm TO COMPLAIN, M This size type DA / E- NS. 2 charged as 2 lines. TE. IN THE DAY ~ 2 ECE = N As This size type 3) A 00 2S oN > / Wo 5 J ? oc charged as 3 lines. . £ [---- HE 1 Ee 3 --2 / ki ° 3 e772 AS . o {cu a ® °o This size type Tl o" 2 = 1 t flo /i aS o >= IM] ni as 4 lines. 2 ¥ g 9 == 2 Teeter avcnas fu N\\? © ; 4 , § < 23 na) NN RS : : Classified advertisements will be 3 20 i <Q X\W° 3 x - Deadline for Insertions-- accepted up to Wednesday 12 y < < Ae J 3 A or - he E he N =. $2 = o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday e 5 WJ Z > -3- 2 23 7 =F = 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock v = = Tk . ~ 1% \ pro 4; = for the Glencoe News. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or 7 Cr 7 yor A = = WINNETKA 388. -- == 7 EY "= == p A Eo -- -- - = -- ET a es Zs = =r bil ES = --_----a = =] = ] or -- , -- -------- pe < 2 - = = (=) -- = (2) -- =f = - < REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE - = - I =" 5 ad / A g- Zz = gs LA - Z Z YA Za7, = 3 ¢ -- 7) 3 VACANT GLENCOE --2 ZH= iT dip i SE ee s === = rrrrr-- z W/ / 7 3 BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS 150x | £ EE oo ; es -= - 140 cor. Woodlawn and Euclid Ave.; 2 -- Ty = --_---- all improv.; fine location and sur- feces --_-- ------ ---- = round. Owner 180 Euclid Ave., Glen- a re ed = -- _. v7 9 9° coe, or phone Winn. 1256 or Ran- " Om t ISS dolph 3086. L27-3te FOR RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS HELP WANTED--MALE FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--NEW ARTISTIC 8 RM. - brick; 3 lge. pches, 2 closed, vapor |} OR RENT--6-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST | WANTED--ROOM BY YOUNG WOMAN | FURNACE MAN WANTED -- TEL. WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE o ht,, gar. att, 2 tile baths 2nd f.; side Wilmette; fine transportation; who will stay with children nights Winn. 121. 861 Bryant Ave. T28-1tc. EW buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, beautiful large wooded lot, $30,000. garage. Rent $135 per month. Tel in part payment. Tel. Winn. 974. } pianos, anything useful. 808 Oak St. 1S Open gor sa psotion Sunday EE Glencoe 83. L47-1tc| Columbia School of Music. T26-2tc. SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE Do You Own LTG45-tfc 3021. 2 TG28-1tc| FOR RENT--OCT. 1ST; BUNGALOW; INVESTMENTS « = N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND Garage, hot water heat. Inquire 387 COLLEGE PEE ARATION IN 4 used household goods. 1644 Maple Have you some friend or FOR SALE--CHOICE VACANT cons Sunset Rd.,, Winnetka, Ill. LTG47-1tc BY TEACHER OF RXP. IN EURO- a Ford? Ave., Evanston. Phone in . ner in Winnetka, 100 by 167 feet. FOR RENT--35-ROOM BRICK BUNGA.- pean and American schools, senior acquaintance who would be Exceptional location, beautiful trees IR 4 0 Vl , UNG A o and junior irls. Special attention > 5 : and Shrubisit. (Coninioate with low, H.W, heats 375 Phone JHE 2020, We Are Offerin Ten to backward aan Con- ' FOR SALE -- OA DINING ROOM interested in a beautiful owner. Address Winnetka Talk, LTq47-11t0. g versational Irench by appointment, £ Don't forget that we are Tole Ad 4 ohn like DOW. argon: home? Six 'rooms; lot Sou T28-1t¢ | FOR RENT_NEW HOUSE; 6-ROOMS, Terms on application. Miss F. Beryl your headquarters for gen- : : LTG47-1te 4 > ' TION 7 2 glazed porches; ready Oct. 1. Tel. Soeck, 228 Green Bay Rd. Hubbard : Ford P toa 50x187 : deriul t d WINNETKA NEW ENGLISH 7 ROOM| 3% 2400 bP LT47-1t0 or lLnvestmemn Woods. Phone Glencoe 355. [ uine Ford Parts, accessories FOR SALIL_AT A SACRIFICE, WIL. x ; wonderful trees an Colonial nie A A aa Share a i LTG45-tfe ; and service. ton 9x12; 3 small orientals; 6 dining cog . 1 1= ; ' . Yr WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE a FANTED--TP ¥ IS room chairs; telephone 1516. ha iy ee yn WANTED "TO RENT -- DESIRABLE $1400 of Vilage of a EY IN oy. fo LTQiT-tte . 2 iD 5S i ok iw LT47-1te | ? tenant wishes to lease a small house Kenilworth { ° FOR SALE --4 POST MAHOGANY FOR SpLE LOT ON SHERIDAN! poiween Northwest Evanston and DRESSMAKING RE-MODELING: SkokieMotor Co. gounie Ses Dr vo seen af Lind ' . : ion i ih lei trees: Glencoe. Address P. O. Box 66. Ken- 64 Improvement Bonds in furs remodeled. Tel. Wil. 2718. jie wous fnoen ave Bofle We are going abroad for Hon in Stighiond Park] Jug treed. Joni Tih LTG47-1tc Dp ; LTG47-1te SEWING MA a long stay and want to sell terms. Tel. Highland Park 447, py ANTED T EN TRNISAED $100 and $500 _Denomina- 712-714-716 Elm Street ne LE HED Tel Winnetka g y LTG47-1tc| WANTED TO RENT TURNISHED tions, maturing in 1-2-3-4-5 CAPABLE HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, WILL 850. TG28-1te. 3 ; care for children after school; eve- . completely furnished. FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSES | WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHBG|| Years, normal tax exempt. nings, Saturday and Sunday. Many ( Winnetka FOR SALE--EDEN WASHING MA- 4; : PY Wilmette references. Tel. Wilmette ' chine, swing wringer; $65. Tel. Winn. : FOR RENT OR SALE -- CHEAP, 9 Rouse In Wintetks, oot a to Mo% 345. LTG47-1tc : Ford d Lincoln 44, T28-1tc. This is a rare opportunity room brick house; near station. Tel. Winn 3055 athe, Sma TR Schaefer & Golbach Ee Authorized Ford an -- --- -- d if tod V. W. Alling, Lake Forest A " : ou -------- 909 Ridere A HELP WANTED--FEMALE Dealers WANTED TO Coy HOUSEHOLD and 1 you or anybody you fay FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 1dge Ave. NS 3 ' -- - -- WANTED MAID, WHITE, FOR GEN- | ---- - x T know is in the market don't WANTED--BUILDING FOR RENT--5-ROOM APARTMENT; Ph Wil 364 eral housework in small family. ; WED SO BUY = SOON, IAND i 1 Call two bed rooms, large sun room, hot one tlmette Must be able to do plain cooking. ONLY THREE LEFT Hihiture he joie Sg ECrost fail to see this home. Ca WANTED--SMALL BUILDING SUIT-| water heat; good location. Green Pleasant private room and bath. NEW WILLS STE. CLAIRE TOURING, | Highest price paid for same. Cros . able for work-shop; either Wilmette, Bay Road, Glencoe. $65 per month. LTG46-Itc. Wages $20 per week. No laundry. I listed $2700, reduced to $2300. y Oe Joos nor on Ble Wilmette 710-M, for ap- Kenilworth or Winnetka. Tel. Evans 5 } Trowbridge, 800. Rosewood Ave. 1920 Flewart 1% LE over- dvanston, I1L one lsy. L1G C . . . . $63. LJT47-1t Vi o . i - repaired 50.00. pointment; selling price is don op. ! : Hall & W heeler Wii J» wn wn PG28-1te. PUT Bale Tight Janel delivery, ei Sr RR ID te | ood condition, 5.00. ) ' % ors py 23,500. ron esr 736 Elm St. Winnetka 142 Our association is able to de TAQ AR y { 8 in x black oak buffet or sewing table; ¥ 2 LTG45-tfe clara unusually high earnings CASHIER yah Nal BAND for WERS I ED MOL OR CO. must be reasonabls, Tel, wins FOR RENT--OCTOBER 1. NEW 4-RM eis, ROETOn an nvents Jus RR aieterin work. Call in person; | 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. Tel. 165 - " ag Bnd AY a uy = | . due eleh's Cafeteria, 1123 Central St. AND USED CAR SALE WANTED TO BUY--GOOD, USED Hoi W imnetka's New i REBT haat: Wi Saen Sur Aut al plan. And this is a Wilmette. LT47-1te J NEW LTG47-1tc | piano, walnut or mahogany. Phone d ] : © ULTG4T-Ttn SEN IEtnent hoeauss io 3 OBILE TOUR Winnetlea 1245% a Mi ? 1 WANTED--INTELLIGENT GIRL OR A FOR SALE--1917 HUPMOD D) OU = = 3 g ° M 2 T I FOR RENT--_WINNETKA, 4 ROOM || | K& Property as security for all young woman, white, for 5 year old : ing; first class mechanical condition; WANTED TO BUY--FULL LENGTH or a e--oPpecla S asonie emp @ flat, $35; 5 room flat, $65: possession : boy 3 to 7 p. m. daily, except Sunday. 5 new paint and tires; $300. Tel. yin mirror. Tel. Winnetka =e ht Bis: ROOM SITCCY HOME YT Ei Oct. "1; adults only. See us for OUR EARNINGS HAVE NEVER Address Winnetka Talk A-339. . ; netka 313. LTG46-2tp G28-1tc. | A ------- J AV) I . FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES 1917 562 Lincoln Ave. New and Used Car Sale only Three left New Wills Sainte Claire Touring, list $2700.00 reduced to $2300.00 1920 Stewart 114 ton truck overhauled and repaired Buick, light Panel Delivery, good condition WERSTED MOTOR CO. WINNETKA ee $450.00 Telephone 103 LTG47-1tc. FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES BEST OFFER TAKES 7 PASS. BUICK; California top--Owner leaving Hub- bard Woods Oct. 1. 1386 Asbury Ave. Hubbard Woods. Winn. 1640. storm. fund or reserve. -- 8 = = r aS A Reserve in Time of Stress Every business has its trials and tribulations-- periods when there is a need for ready capital at once. Unfortunately, money is not always available on the moment and disaster sometimes results. But any business can protect itself by a sinking Deposit certain amounts at regular periods--and forget this money, as it were. short time you can weather the severest financial If no reverses call this reserve into play, you can in- vest the money in sound securities and secure perma- nent stability for your enterprise. WINNETKA-TRUST «® SAVINGS -BANK Elm Street at Center Ina WANTED TO BU Y--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY ONE SEASON ticket for Friday afternoon concerts Chicago orches Tel. Winn. 237. TG28-1tp. tra. TG28-1te. FOR SALE--NASH SEVEN PASSEN- * ger sedan; first-class condition, 11,000 miles. Bargain for quick sale. 845 Linden; Winnetka 1105. LTG47-1tc FOR SALE -- CHICAGO ELECTRIC. $300. Good condition. Phone Win- netka 154. T28-1tc. : FOR SALE--nvu USEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUE FURNITURE SALE--CHEST of drawers; secretaries; spindle and poster beds; sets of chairs, also odd ones. O. G. mirrors and other rare pieces can be seen at Lindwahl"s-- 508 Linden St. Winnetka. TG28-1te. FOR SALE--OAK SIDE-BOARD $15; leather couch $10; Velour couch $7: oak settee $2; double bed and springs $7; chairs, tables, and other household goods; also "Irish Mail." 796 Center street. T28-1tp. FOR SALE--WILLIAM AND MARY mahogany dining room set; 9 chairs; table, China cabinet and 2 serving tables. Tel. Kenilworth 82. LTG47-1te FOR SALE--GAS RANGE, WHITE enamel splasher and oven doors. Al- so refrigerator, half price. 1134 Oakwood Ave. Wilmette. TG28-1tp. NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES; "Reliable" gas range $20; brass bed, sorings and mattress, $15. Tel. Winn. 766. TG28-1te. FOR SALE--MAHOGANY 3 section bookcase; also china cabinet; per- fect condition; reasonable. Tel. Winn. 602. "T28-1tc. FOR SALE--STEINWAY EBONY P- right piano, $100, cash for quick sale; new disc wheel wagon $5. Tel. Winn. 738. TG28-1te. FOR SALE--POLYCHROMED DROP light fixture; brand new: cost $65; sell for $25; complete with 3 silk shades. Tel. Winn. 530-W; 791 Wal- FOR SALE--2 SOLID MAHOGANY easv chairs, newly unholstered, loose cushions; price $20 apiece. el. Glencoe 336. LTG47-1te FOR SALFT----NEW "UTENCO" TRON- ing machine; never used: $125. Tel. Wil. 2289; 921 Oakwood Ave. LTG47-1te FOR SALE--$250 SONORA VICTROLA $125; used 4 mo. Tel. Winnetka 1783. T27-3te. SECOND HAND coats sold for SUITS AND OVER- you on commission. Now is the time to dispose of them. Tel. Wil. 1944. T28-2te. FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--VACUUM CLEANER, $10; victrola, box size; couch and pad, and other articles. Tel. Winnetka 995; 387 Sunset Rd., Winnetka. LLTG47-1tc FOR SALE Hamlin BEAUTIFUL MASON & upright piano, bench, satin finish mahogany; bracticaly Jew. wy OTS 6328 N. Clark St. wicago. el- FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Slab , TTG4T-2tp FOR SALE--NEW $75 STOVE, $45; Fresh Squabs Spring Ducks Geese We deliver. Telephone Poultry 3roilers Stewing Hens winter potatoes. JH. Rowan & Sons Winnetka Road.. Dressed See us for your Glenview 26 R-2 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE, CRIB, bath-tub and doz. quart jars; high chair; also 12 couch, man's clothes; very reasonable, pair Johnson man's skates. Tel. Glencoe 942. dale Ave., Glencoe. 507 Oak- TG28-1tp. FOR SALE--15 COCKERELS; SONS OF "Masterpiece"; 1st cock Chicago, 1921. Tormahelm Everlay strain brown leg- horns. Can be spring, Peter Ave., Hubbard used as breeders next Uedelhofen, Woods. 894 Burr LTG47-1tp FOR SALE enport; perfect 1 OVERSTUFFED DAV- condition; 1 gas heat- er with 30 gallon water tark; cover- ed couch, perfect condition. Tel. Glencoe 573. LTG47-1te FOR SALE--GERMAN POLICE DOG in whelp; A. K. pet; or call 106 Wo must sacrifice. C. Registered; child's Tel. Winn. 173 odlawn Ave. LTG47 new walnut buffet $40; porch bed and furniture, $10; taupe fox fur $35. Tel. Winnetka 1794. TG28-1te. 4-TUBE RADIO COM- lathe and accessories; leaving city. Tel. TG28-1tc. FOR SALE plete; small good gas stove; Winn. 855. FOR SALE--TWO FULL-SIZED BRASS beds, two men's overcoats in good condition. Tel. Winnetka 1646. 1275 Scott Ave. T28-1tc. FOR SALE--1 CORONA TYPEWRIT- er, first class condition. Call New Trier Commercial Association, Wil. 63. LTG47-1te FOR SALE--DINING ROOM FURNI- ture, gas stove, beds, springs, "Rex" auto top for Dodge car; ete. 606 15th Street, Wilmette. LTG47-1tp FOR SALE--BLACK BABY PONY FUR coat; raccoon collar and cuffs; 30 inches long; size 36; $10. Tel. Winn. 1508. LTG47-1t2 FOR SALE--"CONN" TROMBONE: rugs and furniture. Tel. Kenilworth 249. LTG47-1te FOR SALE--FUR TRIMMED BROWN suit; 1 blue serge dress; Jaeger polo coat. Telephone Winn. 1741. LTG47-1tc FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE; EX- cellent condition, $25; ash can and sifter, $5; Tel. Winn. 1189. TG28-1tc. Guaranteed of all Vermin fleas or any other form of can be quickly My work is guaranteed a fidential. Write, phone or call. sultation involves no obl Exterminating Engin 894 Burr Avenue Hubbard Woods Extermination Rats, mice, roaches, ants, destroyed any- where by my scientific methods. P. J. Uedelhofen moths, vermin nd con- A con- igation. eer BUY YOUR NURSERY STOCK DIRECT from grower. Six Spirea Van Houtle, $4.00; 6 Barberry Thung, $4.00; 6 Iris, $1.50; 2 Peonies, $2.00. Dept. W. The Cass Nurseries, Geneva, New York. LTG47-2tp TEACH YOUR SONS TO be real boys; let them learn good clean sports in Paver's class afternoons after school --3, 4, 5, 6 grade boys. Call Mrs. Charles Coffin Winnetka 623 WANTED--FINE NEEDLE WORK; also crochet and embroidery; beauti- ful work. Tel Glencoe 237. LTG47-1te FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL CO- lumbian White Collie Puppies. Choice stock, fully pedigreed. Anfield Model strain. Most in- telligent pets for children. D. D. PORTER, 806 Lane Blvd. Kalamazoo, Mich. ! T28-1tc Phone 932 C. E. SCHAFEHEN ELECTRICAL We Repair Anythin 846 CHERRY ST. REPAIRING g. T28-1tc MISCELLANEOUS SEWING WANTED -- PLAIN AND fancy dressmaking; at home or out; by day. Tel. Wil. 2785. LTG47-1te LOST AND FOUND LOST PENDANT CONTAINING group of stones mounted in silver, somewhere between Sheridan Rd. and Chestnut st.,, on Oak St. Monday. Finder please phone Winnetka 186. T28-1te. $20 REWARD FOR RETURNING 2 golf clubs, driver and spoon, lost on way from Westmoreland club to Win- netka, Sept. 20th. Call F. N. Hel- mer, 790 Prospect Ave. Winnetka. Winn. 1983. T28-1te. LOST--BOSTON BULL WITH RED harness, Winnetka license No. 298. Child's pet. Finder please call Mrs. Schildberg. Tel. Winn. 1099 and re- ceive reward. T28-1te. LOST--DALMATIAN (COACH) DOG, "Duke." Reward paid for its return to M. J. Moffet, 828 Cherry St. Tel. Winn. 931. TG28-1te. LOST--A PURE WHITE KITTEN. Reward for return to 625 Oak street, Phone Winnetka 129, T28-1te. HELP WANTED--COUPLE WANTED EXPERIENCED COUPLE as cook and houseman; small fam- ily; good wages; permanent. Tel Kenilworth 392. LTG47-1te ROOM AND BOARD WANTED WANTED -- GOOD HOME DURING winter months. high school girl and 3 vear old sister; older girl well trained; canabls; baby good natured. not much care: will pav reasonable price. Wil. 2345; call 629 Park Ave. LTG47-1te Two New North Shore Bus Lines Are Planned The Chicago, North Shore & Mil- waukee Railroad Company has filed an application at Springfield with the Ilfi- nois Commerce Commission for permis- sion to operate two motor bus lines, one from Chicago to Evanston, thence along Waukegan road to Glenview, the other from Chicago to the Wisconsin state line, throuch Evanston, Wilmette, Kenil- worth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park, Lake Forest, Lake Bluff. North Chicago, Waukegan, Zion and Winthrop Harbor, it was announced this week.

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