WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 phone directory, News. Rates three papers. words te the line. M This size type charged as 2 lines. This size type charged as 3 lines. This size type charged as 4 lines. for the Glencoe News. WINNETKA 388. Deadline for Insertions-- o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock Telephones: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS hd * Classified advertisements will be charged General Notices-- only to persons living in the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear or to persons who are either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe 10 cents per line in one paper. Minium charge 3 lines. No black face type used. Classified advertisements will be in the tele- regular subscribers to «0 cents per line in all Average of five accepted up to Wednesday 12 WILMETTE 1920-1921 or REAL ESTATE i | FOR RENT--HOUSES { FOR SALE--WINNETKA SPECIALS , FOR RENT--9 RM. BRK. HOME NEAR 6 room stucco, sl. and s. porches, $14,000. 6 room Shingle, 2 bths., good loc. $15,000. 7 room Stucco, 2 baths,east $16,500. 7 room Frame, gar. almost new, $17,000. 6 room Stucco, $21,000. | 6 room Brick, 2 baths, h. w. heat, east, make offer. $22,000. 7 room Brick, attached garage, 3 baths, porches, east. $26,000. 10 room Frame, 2 baths, large wooded lot, established location, east $32,500. 3 The above are our Winnetka Selec- tions this week, make appointments HILL & STONE Winnetka Office. Tel. Winn. 1544. T29-1tc For Sale NE ROOM BRICK HOME ONE Xx from Lake in Winnetka; has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths and 2 car at- tached garage; vapor heat with oil burner; price $35,000.00. Make offer. Will rent for $300.00 a month. Best buy in Winnetka for the money; six room stucco home with three porches; fine east sec. garage; price reduced to $14,500 for quick sale. See this right now. E.E.StultsRealtyCo . i tkd, Ph. Winn. 1800 790 Elm St.,, Winne Vian, A800 large grds., east, REAL ESTATE Now is the time to see us about buy- ing your VACANT before the ad- vance in prices. W. G. Stacey & Co. Ph. Wilmette 308 ind Ave. 336 Linden LTG 48-ite. NORTH EVANSTON--COLONIAL 7 R. 4 b. r.; furn. ht.; sun parlor; slpg. porch; newly decorated; immediate possession; close to school and trans- portation $12,000 easy terms. MITCHELL BROS. . Railroad Tel. Evanston 961 2546 W ailr Non 3 MR. SPECULATOR OR HOME-SEEK- er I offer you 200 feet east of Brae- side station, Ravinia; near lake and golf course; only $10,000, or 100 feet for $5,000; %. This is a rare value as property adjacent is selling for $65--$85 per foot. Address Lake Shore News. A-335. LTG-47-2tc VACANT GLENCOE BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS 150x 140 cor. Woodlawn and Euclid Ave.; all improv.; fine location and sur- round. Owner 180 Euclid Ave., Glen- coe, or phone Winn. 1256 or Ran- dolph 3086. L27-3te FOR SALE--2 FLAT BUILDINGS IN Highland Park, 6 rooms each; large lot; shade trees; garage; fine loca- tion; near golf club; possession of 1 flat; price $11,500. Highland Park 447. LTG48-1te FOR SALE --LOT ON SHERIDAN road, 3 blocks south of railroad sta- tion in Highland Park; fine trees; most convenient location; $3,500; easy terms. Tel. Highland Park 447. LTG48-1tc FOR SALE TWO 30 FT. LOTS; IM- provements in; small suburb west of Chicago; reasonable; terms. Address Lake Shore News, A-345. LTG48-1tc FOR SALE--5 ROOM STUCCO BUN- galow on west side; lot 50x250. Tel. Wil. 849-W. LTG48-1tc FOR SALE--IN WINNETKA, SMALL house 15 months old; reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1783. T27-3te INVESTMENTS YOU GET ALL YOUR MONEY earns, after moderate operat- ing expenses are paid, except small reserve which is with- held as insurance against losses. OUR EARNINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN LESS THAN 7% %. SAVINGS ARE SAFE IN THE WINNETKA BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. E. ADAMS, Sec. 2 Prouty Annex T29-1tc MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORT- gages in sums from 2000 to 8000. R. M. Johnston & Co. 340 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil, 444. LTG48-1tc "FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT OR SALE -- CHEAP. 9 room brick house; near station. Tel. VY. TW. Alling, Lake Forest 148. ¥ TG26-4tp. I"ake in Winnetka: 5 b. r.,, 3 baths, 2 car garage. $300 month. Small bungalow in Winnetka, 4 blks. to station, will rent to adults only. $75 month. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 790 Elm St. WINNETKA Tel. 1800 LTG48-1te FOR RENT -- WEST KENILWORTH. We have 2 houses, close to the depot, for immediate possession, at $75.00 per month. MITCHELL BROS. 2546 W. Railroad Ave. Evanston 961. LTG48-1te FOR RENT--5 ROOM BRICK BUN- galow, modern conveniences; two car garage; $85. Schaefer & Golbach 909 Ridge Ave. Tel. Wil. 364 LTG48-1te FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE T7-room home, best section north west steam station 1 or 2 year lease, $100 per month. Also - 7-room house, north east of station, 4 bed rooms, splendid loca- tion, rent to May 1, 1924 at $125. per month. Phone Wilmette 444. FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE, UN- furnished; $100 a month. Oct. 1 to May 1; very choice location. P. W. BRADSTREET 520 Linden St. Tel. Winn. 162 T29-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES DESIRABLE TENANT WISHES TO lease a small house between north- west Evanston and Glencoe. Ad- dress P. O. Box 66, Kenilworth, Ill ; LTG48-3tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSES FAMILY GOING TO FLA. WISHES tenants Nov. to May; beautiful mod- ern home next to club with winter sports on Skokie golf and valley. Fine le. grounds; adults only; $300 mo., worth $700. 540 Wash., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 52. LTG48-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED 5 ROOM bungalow; six months. 797 Cherry St., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 522-J. ; LTG48-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED 6 ROOM bungalow; Nov. 1 to April 1. For "The Judge" --A Blanket By M. B. NIGHT OF JuLy 12% DO YOU PLEAD GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY YO THE CHARGE OF HAVING BURGLARIZED THIS MAN IN HIS ROOM ON THE f gor Not quaCTyY Ji BEYOND ALL DOUBT | MUST FIND YOU GQUWTY UNLESS YOU CAN PROVE HE HAS IDENTIFIED YoU AN ALB) J fi THING MORE YO SAY DEFOR | PASS SENTENCE UPON NOM WELL JUDGE JAN \l IT SEEMS PRETTY RAW TO BE IDENTIFIED BY DIS GUY WHEN HE HAD HIS HEAD UNDER THE COVERS ALL THE TIME 1 WAS IN THE WANTED TO RENT--GARAGES SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--GARAGE NEAR ELM ST. and Arbor Vitae. Tel. Winn. 2041. T29-1tc FOR RENT--OFFICES FOR RENT--2 OFFICE ROOMS. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winn. 62. LTG48-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 1 OR 2 very desirable rooms and bath; priv- ate home; beautifully located; con- venient to station; breakfast op- tional. Address Winnetka Weekly Talk, A-347. T29-1te FOR RENT -- 1 OR 2 PLEASANT furnished rooms, south and west ex- posure; near transportation; kitchen privileges if desired. Tel. Winn. 1013. T29-1te FOR RENT -- WELL FURNISHED steam heated front rooms, east side, near all trans. and cafeteria; also furnished house. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTG48-1tc LARGE LIGHT ATTRACTIVE FURN- ished double room, main floor; east of tracks; near lake and trans.; kitchen privileges. Tel. Winn. 1543. LTG48-1tc FOR RENT--DOUBLE AND 1 SINGLE room; board if desired. 1526 Cen- tral Ave. Wilmette. Wil. 343. LTG48-1tc FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE FRONT room, east side; 3 block to North- western station. Tel. Wil. 2725. LT48-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL -- ROOMS; STEAM heat; hot and cold running water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wil + LT32-tfc FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room in a private home; convenient to transportation; references re- quired. Tel. Wil. 738-W. LT48-1te FOR RENT -- PLEASANT FRONT room; hot water heat; reasonable to refined business woman. Tel. Winn. 551-M. T29-1tp. FOR RENT -- 2 ROOMS, PRIVATE, bath and sleeping porch. 637 Ab- botsford Rd., Kenilworth, Tel. Kenil- worth 1865. TG29-1te FOR RENT--FRONT ROOM; GENTLE- i i man preferred. Address Winnetka particulars tel. Winn. 730. Tas tte Talk, = A-346. TG29-1te FOR RENT--EIGHT ROOM HOUSE {FOR RENT -- FURNISHED FRONT furnished or unfurnished. Highland bedroom; 1169 Scott Ave., Hubbard Park 1812. LTG48-1tp Woods. Tel. Winn. 1847. TG29-1tc x. Freire g ENT--4 MS, 1 SoH WANTED TO RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR ENT Rous NOD RY os fi 5 - WANTED TO RENT--BUNGALOW OR |(__338-J. Box 165. Tyo small house furnished for period of FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED Hubbard Weekly T29-1tc school term; located near 'Woods school. Talk, A-340. Address FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--OCTOBER 1, NEW 4-RM. apartment; steam heat; janitor ser- vice; 625 11th St. Tel. Wil. 2399. LTG48-tfc room; new house; 603 Provident Ave. Tel. Winn. 911. T22-tfe FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M: near all transportation. LT25-tfc FOR RENT--3 ROOMS AND BATH, including heat, $55. Tel. Winn. 855. LTG48-1tc FOR RENT--FLATS FOR RENT--4 ROOM FLAT $50; 927 Ash St. Tel. Winn. 112. T29-1te FOR RENT--STUDIOS FOR RENT IN WILMETTE--STUDIOS, single or in suite for professionals in new Rockhold building; also in Cox building; low rent first year. Agent on premises, or Tel. Wil. 956-R. LTG48-1tp FOR RENT Winnetka's New Masonic Temple is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates cee the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee Dr. J. F. Fonda WINNETKA Meyer Bank Bldg. Phone 1211 FOR RENT--GARAGES WANTED FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISHED room; near station. Tel. Winnet- ka 415. LTG48-1te FOR RENT--ROOM AND BATH IN private family; first floor; also ga- rage. Tel. Wil. 1207. LT48-1te ROOM AND BOARD--WANTED MAN AND WIFE WITH boys 9 and 11 desire 2 rooms and bath, with board in private home; desirable neighborhood, near Hub- hard Woods school. Best references EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS WORK around house and garden. Tel Winn. 1274. Call after 6 p. m. T28-2tp FURNACES CLEANED AND TAKEN care of by reliable man. Tel. Winn. 1783. T27-6tc WANTED -- FURNACES TO TAKE care of and work done by the hour. Tel. Winnetka 1181. T27-3te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE COLLEGE PREPARATION IN FRENCH i BY TEACHER OF EXP. IN EURO- pean and American schools, senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward students. Con- versational French by appointment. Terms on application. Miss F. Beryl Speck, 228 Green Bay Rd. Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 355. LTG45-tfe ALL AROUND WORK DONE BY THE hour; furnaces taken care of. Tel. Winnetka 430. WANTED -- PLAIN SEWING; CALL evenings. Tel. Evanston i 1 -1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- MAID, WHITE, $20 A week, for general housework in small family; no laundry; pleasant working conditions; private room and bath. Apply Trowbridge, 800 Rosewood Ave. near Fig St, Win- netka. Tel. Winn. 668-M. LTG48-1tc WANTED--A RELIAGLE PERSON TO give a small group of sub-kinder- garten children a daily morning air- ing. Also the names of two mothers, in center of village, who would like their child to join such a. group. Phone W-261. T29-1te WANTED--DEPENDABLE MAID FOR general housework; no objection to middle-aged woman; 4 in family, no small children; no washing; good wages; good transportation. Tel. Glencoe 1057. TG29-1te. WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER OR white girl for general housework to help with work and care of 2 chil- dren in small house on West Elm. Tel. Winn. 1375. T29-1tc WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist with baby from 1 to 8 P. M. daily, or girl for entire day as mother's helper; home nights op- tional. Tel. Winn. 1971. LTG48-1te WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework, who can go home _ nights; full or part time; former preferred. Tel. Winn. 1429. TG29-1te. WANTED-- EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. No washing. Telephone Winnetka 1370. Mrs. Mil- ton J. Blair, 205 Chestnut Street. LTG48-1te WANTED -- GIRL TO CLERK IN grocery store. National Tea Com- pany, Main Street, Wilmette. LTG48-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; no washing; good wages. Tel. Winnetka 1449. 1293 Scott Ave, Winnetka. LTG48-1te RESPONSIBLE WOMAN WANTED AS clerk in bakery. Tel. Winn. 1365 or call 1077 Gage St, Hubbard Woods. LTG48-1tc WANTED -- NURSE-MAID; EXPERI- ence not necessary; home nights preferred. Tel. Winn. 1137. TG29-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. housework; small house; good wages. Tel. Winn. 638-W. 245 Ridge Ave. T29-1tp WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; no laundry; good home; good wages. Tel. Winn. 1515. TG29-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT RELIABLE colored woman for gen. hswk.; laun- dry optional. Winnetka 1754. T29-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT LAUN- dress. Tel. Winn. 190 or call 1423 Scott Ave.,, Hubbard Woods. LTG48-1tc. WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- given. Address Weekly Talk, A-341. neral housework; 3 in family; refer- T29-1tc ence; no laundry; 2 blocks from sta- PS ERE Ee tion. Tel. Winn. 1383. TG29-1te HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- GIRL OR WOMAN TO WANTED -- SALESMAN. MAN WHO care for small boy afternoon by has had real estate exfighience to the hour. Tel. Winn. 1296. T29-1tc levote all or part time. Leads furn- S ey Gleasy & Perrin, 554 Lin-| WANTED--WHITE MAID WITH RE- coln Ave, Winnetka 1949. ferences for general housework; 2 TG29-1te in family. Tel. Wil. 1810. T29-1tc TT i WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL SITUATION WANTED----MALE work. white or colored. Tel. Glen- coe 851. T29-1te Upholstering. Draperies, Slip Covers J.B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 WANTED--_GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework or do general work. Tél Winn. 1205. TG29-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED 2ND maid, white: small family; best wages. Tel. Wil. 1376. LTG48-1te WANTED--MOTHER'S HELPER, ONE fond of children; light work: good home. Tel. Winn. 1913. LT48-1tc WANTED--SECOND MAID; REFER- ences required. Tel. Glencoe 154. LTG4R-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- BY COM- petent governess with good refer- ences. Tel. Winnetka 275. LTG48-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE; BIRCH AND Elm Sts. Tel. Winn. 528-W. hiatus WANTED POSITION BY EXPERI- enced chauffeur with ref. Tel. Wil- mette 1413. LTG481tp FOR RENT--PRIVATE FIRE-PROOF garage; West Pine St. Tel. Winn. 78. T29-1tc « EXPERIENCED MAN WISHES HOUSE and lawn work; references. Walsh, Winn. 1613. T29-1te MARCELLING, -MANICURING AND champooing. facial and scalp treat- ments in home. For appointments tel. Winn. 1921, G48-1te TOE, BALLET AND STAGE DANC- ing at your home or in studio. Tel. Rogers Park 8600. LTG48-1tp WANTED -- LAUNDRY TO TAKE home. Tel. Wil. 834-R LT48-1tc SITUATION WANTED--COUPLE COLORED COUPLE WITH CITY RE- ference want situation as butler and cook. Telephone Douglass 6451. TG29-1tp . FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Do You Own « a Ford? Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. SkokieMotor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers BARGAINS IN USED CARS See us first. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winnetka 165 LTG48-1te FOR SALE--21%,-TON TRUCK, STAKE body; used very little; reasonable; terms. Address Lake Shore News, A-344. LTG48-1te FOR SALE--HUPMOBILE SEDAN, 1922 model; excellent condition, owner. Tel. Wil. 2104. LTG48-1te FOR SALE -- MIRLBURN ELECTRIC, like new with charging outfit. Tel. Wil. 1406. LTG48-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY DOUBLE bed and springs, $20; mahogany chif- fonier, 5 drawers, beveled glass mir- ror, $15; mahogany dressing table, beveled mirror, $15; oak chiffonier, $7. Tel. Winn. 1153. TG29-1te FOR SALE--"ERIE" NEEDLE SHOW- er (new); fits on bath tub, $8; also several pieces of household furniture, cheap. Tel. Winn. 628-M. TG29-1te FOR SALE -- LARGE MAHOGANY gate-leg table and mahogany triple mirror dressing table and bench, about half price. Tel. Winn. 1910. T29-1tc NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES; "Reliable" gas range $20; brass bed, springs and mattress, $15. Call at once; moving. Tel. Winn. 766. TG29-1te FOR SALE -- MELVILLE CLARKE piano with Apollo interior; 88 note player; mahog. case, cost $800, price . $300. Tel. Glencoe 700. LTG48-1tc FOR SALE--MAHOGANY AND CANE davenport and chair; tapestry chair; davenport table; also end tables and lamps; excellent condition. 1423 Asbury Ave. TG29-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL MASON & Hamlin upright piano, bench, satin finish mahogany: practically new. 6328 N. Clark St., Chicago. Shel- drake 4004. LTG47-2tp WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. §08 Oak St. LTG45-tfe N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave.. Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTG16-tfc FOR SALE--MAHOGANY KIMBALL Player-Piano. with 100 music rolls; $250 cash. Tel. Winn. 1655. LTG48-1te FOR SALE--S$250 SONORA VICTROLA $125; used 4 mo. Tel. Winnetka 1783. T27-3te FOR SALE--1 DAVENPORT. CALL Saturday afterfioon. 1171 Oakley Ave., Hubbard Woods. TG29-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE -- $300 PHONOGRAPH; excellent condition; must be sold at once; will" sacrifice for $75. Tel. Wilmette 3006. LTG48-1te FOR SALE--NEW "UTENCO" IRON- ing machine; never used; $125. Tel. Wil. 2289; 921 Oakwood Ave. LTG48-1tc FOR SALE--MAHOGANY LIBRARY table, desk style, good looking, good condition; reasonable. Tel. Kenil- worth 506. LTG48-1te FOR SALE -- LARGE SIZE COAL water heater in excellent condition, $10. 519 Ash St. Tel. Winn. 628-M TG29-1tc FOR SALE--NEW METAL BED COM- plete with mattress and springs; price reasonable. Tel. Winn. 898. TG29-1te FOR SALE -- JEWEL GAS RANGE excellent condition; reasonable. Tel. Wil, 2590 LTG48-1tp FOR SALE--OFFICE DESK AND chairs; bargains. Address Lake Shore News, A-342. LTG48-1tc WANTED TO BUY -- HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG27-1tfc WANTED--TO BUY NOT LESS THAN 50 yds. of used carpeting, no pattern, neutral color. Address Lake Shore News A-343. LTG48-1te. FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Fresh Dressed Poultry Squabs Broilers Springs Stewing Hens Ducks Geese We deliver. See us for your winter potatoes. JM. Rowan& Sons Winnetka Road.. Telephone Glenview 26 R-2 LTG48-2te FOR SALE -- 9x12 RUG, $10; LAWN swing, $5; 2° new sleds, $2; brass crib and mattress, $10; blue reed buggy, $3.50; new ice chest, $15. Tel. Winn, 995. 387 Sunset Rad. Call Saturday or Monday afternoon between 1 and 4. LTG48-1te FOR SALE--CHEAP WELL BUILT chicken house like new, size 20x10; Also 150 feet of woven wire fence and posts for chicken yard. 1423 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. LTG-48-1te. FOR SALE -- AIREDALE, HIGHLY pedigreed, wonderful disposition and well trained; fairly housebroken; fine pet for children; owner moving away. Tel. Winn. 142. LTG48-1te FOR SALE--1 LADY'S BROWN SUIT, $5: 1 plaited sport skirt, $5; 1 brown charmeuse dress, size 36, $10. 647 Garland Ave. Winnetka 1205. TG29-1te FOR SALE--CONN CIRCUS BORE cornet, good condition; cheap. Tel. Wilmette 2028, or call 515 Linden Ave, LT48-1tp FOR SALE--HUDSON SEAL COAT, Martin collar and cuffs; size 36; perfect condition; $300. Tel. Wil, 2490. LTG481te FOR SALE--PEDIGREED AIREDALE dog, champion stock; male; 1 year old; housebroken. Tel. Winn. 198. T29-1te FOR SALE_LADY'S TAILORED SUIT. size 36-38: 54-inch Martin scarf; 1 Iceland fox; 1 wool scarf. Tel. Winn. 1516. T29-1te SECOND HAND SUITS AND OVER- coats sold for you on commission. Now is the time to dispose of them. Tel. Wil. 1944. T28-2tc FOR SALE--ONE TUBE RADIO SET complete; batteries, phones and tube. Tel. Winn. 550-M. T29-1tp FOR SALE--SEAL-SKIN COAT FUR trimmed, size 36. Price reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1600. T29-1tc FOR SALE--BLACK RIDING HORSE; must sell because of school; bargain. Tel. Winnetka 1312. LTG48-1te. WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--TICKET TO FRIDAY SYM- phony cnocert, whole or part time. Address Winnetka Talk, A-342. T29-2tc LOST--SATURDAY--DIAMOND FROM ring on Poplar Street, between Fir St. and Indian Hill station or on North Shore express between Central Street and Indian Hill. Will finder please call Winn. 1620 and receive reward. T29-1te LOST--SMALL DARK GRAY SCOTCH terrier; liberal reward for his re- turn to Wm. Sutherland, 70 Harbor St., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 153. TG29-1te FOUND -- SEASON TICKET NEW Trier high school foot ball games. Tel. Winn. 198 and give ticket num- ber for return. T29-1te MISCELLANEOUS Guaranteed Extermination of all Vermin Rats, mice, roaches, ants, moths. fleas or any other form of vermin can be quickly destroyed any- where by my scientific methods. My work is guaranteed and con- fidential. Write, phone or call. A con- sultation involves no obligation. Exterminating Engineer P. J. Uedelhofen 894 Burr Avenue, Hubbard Woods, Winn. 519-M LTG48-1te BUY YOUR NURSERY STOCK DIRECT from grower. Six Spirea Van Houtle, $4.00; 6 Barberry Thung, $4.00; 6 Iris, $1.50; 3 Peonies, $2.00. Dept. \W. The Cass Nurseries, Geneva, New York. LTG47-2tp UFPHOLSTERING AND CABINET work; refinishing of furniture and pianos; mattress making and ren- ovating, Estimates cheerfully given. Jos. E. McLoney, 903 Linden Ave, near North Ave. T29-2tc SECOND HAND SUITS AND OVER- coats sold for you on commission. Now is the time to dispose of them. Tel. Wil. 1944. LT48-2tc FOR SALE--HORSES YEAR OLD GOOD LOOKING SADDLE mare sorrel; 153, hands high; well mannered and stylish; excellent horse for lady or school girl. Tel. Wilmette 616. LTG48-1tp PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING, ing. . W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Winn. 509-J. LTG48-tfc REPAIR- (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the condition of Winnetka State Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 14th day of September, 1923 as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES Loans on Real Estate (la) $104,500.00 Loans on Collateral Security (1b) 43,995.16 Other Bonds and Stocks (4) 442,544.42 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) 5 cig ae cane 38,500.00 Due from Banks, Cash and 'Other Cash Resources (7, EL Re AL SA 198,279.48 Total" Resources iv... $1,063,769.10 LIABILITIES Capital Stock (1) ' $ 50,000.00 Surplus (2) "vir fens 20,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net) (3) 13,599.88 Time 'Deposits (da) ........ 351,012.16 Demand Deposits (4b) ...... 615,611.05 Reserve Accounts (6) ....... 13,546.01 Total Liabilities" oo. $1,063,769.10 I, Sanborn Hale, Cashier of the Win- netka State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. SANBORN HALE, Cashier. State of Illinois | County of Cook ( SS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of September, 1923. Other Loans (1c). voy vs. 4% 218,461.95 Overdrafts (2).%. 0 cud inde vu 813.29 Js Government Invest- ments: (Ben a ar 16,674.80 Why Do Women Save! It is a fact that women, as a class, are Why? That's a problem; perhaps it is because they more consistent savers than men. feel less able to cope with unkind fate than do the men, altho as a matter of fact a woman will come thru adverse circumstances as well or better than a man. Women are the finest kind of savers. We have learned to cater to them for this very reason. Women wishing to receive the kind or service that women require of their bank will find it here. WINNETKA TRUS' «® SAVINGS -BANK Elm Street at Center y We're glad that so many Winnetka people use our store. DRUGS CIGARS, etc. We try to serve our CANDIES friends courteously, in- ICE CREAM STATIONERY telligently, and quickly. MAGAZINES Any suggestions as to how we can improve will be welcomed and acted upon. ADAMS PHARMACY Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 JONAS H. MADSEN, (Seal) Notary Public. UL A 7 2a 777777 777077, ULL ZT 7 7 ZZ 2 ZZ 2 22 Za 7777 Za 27777, LALLLLLIILISLIL LLL LLL LLL LL LI ILLS LLL S LLL L LASS LLL LALLA LIAS ALLS SSSA SSSA SSL SSSA SIA LLL LLL Ed LE EE 2 Di Zaz aide 7777772 A 2 27 ddzizzzzzzzzizizziiiiz (HSS LLLLLLLL LIL SLI SL SS LLLILLTSLS SILLS SILLS SIS SILL ISS SSS SLS LSS SSIS SS SSS SS SAS SSS SS SSIS SSS SSS SIL LLLLLILSLS SLI SS SL ILLS LASS LL LE LSA ISLS LL SSL LSS SLL SS ALLS SSS SSIS LISS SSSA SSIS SL SASS SASS LAS. USSS LSS SILLS SSSA ALLL LSS LSS SIAL ASSLT TSASSSSSSLSLLLL ISIS SL LS SSS LSSS SL SSS LIS SS LISS SSS SSS SSSI LS