vy n x2 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1923 13 Mysterious But Entertaining Program For Woman sSociety N Wednesday, October 10, a "Medical Clinic" will be held by the Board of the Woman's Society of the Congregational church. Free treatment including laughing gas will be given everyone no matter what the ail- ment, and in the case of perfect health directions for retaining it will be pre- scribed. This is also the date for the regular meeting of the Woman's Society, be- ginning at 10 o'clock in the morning. There will be the usual social hour, sew- ing and reading by Mrs. Taliaferro Mil- ton; luncheon served at 12:15 in spite of building conditions; and the program at 1 o'clock by the Board, A full at- tendance of members and any others in- terested is earnestly desired at this first meeting of the season. The officers for the coming year are: president, Mrs. Edwin E. Brown: first vice-president, Mrs. George W. Gordon; second vice-president, Mrs. William D. Truesdale; recording secretary, Mrs. Vernon M. Welch; corresponding secre- tary, Miss Ruth Matz; treasurer, Mrs. Charles T. Moon; Members-at-large, Mrs. Frederick Christopher, Mrs. Myron T. Harshaw, and Mrs. Wallace D, Rum- sey. Chairmen of Standing Committees : Sewing, Mrs. Fred H. Sterling; Asso- ciate, Mrs. Guy H. Watson; Luncheons, Mrs. Stanley P. Farwell; Associate, Mrs. Mortimer B. Parker; World Friendship, Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty; As- sociate, Mrs. Frank F. Ferry; Flower Mrs. Douglas Smith; Associate, Mrs. J. W. F. Davies; Circles, Mrs. Ralph Sher- man Childs; Associate, Mrs. Frank T. Crawford; House, Mrs. Harry S. Mar-' shall; Associate, Mrs. William Ayer McKinney; Finance, Mrs. H. Earl Bry- son; Associate, Mrs. Stanley H. Simp- son; Program, Mrs. Wiley J. Huddle: Associate, Mrs. Mellon C. Martin. ao The North Shore Musical held the first meeting of its fourth season September _ 24 at . the home of Mrs. Orval Simpson, 932 North ave- nue, Winnetka. Miss Adelaide Jones, Mrs. Ross Stewart, Mrs. Mac Shane, Mrs. Harold Sherman, Mrs. D. B. Ma- cauley, Mrs. David Towne, Mrs. Nate Akely and Mrs, Howard Copthorne gave a most interdsting program of early music between the years of 1530 and 1770 including Bach, Mozart, Pur- cell, Handel, Couperin, Lully, Scarlatti, Lasso, Nicholai, and Beethoven in their selections. The season's work will con- tinue in Period Music including modern composers later in the season. Mrs. Copthorne conducted the program and assisted Mrs. Simpson with dainty re- freshments. It was a most inspiring Society meeting and everyone enjoyed it. --_--O-- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Blymyer, of Wilmette, have issued invitations for the marriage on Wed- nesday, October 17, of their daughter, Ellinor Schell, to Russell Henry Boyd, of Wilmette, son of Mr. and Mrs W. A. Boyd, of New Haven, Conn. The ceremony will be read in the home of the bride's parents, by a cousin of Mrs. Blymyer's, the Rt. Rev. Theo- dore Payne Thurston, Bishop of Ok- lahoma, assisted by Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, of the First Congregational church, at eight-thirty o'ciock in t.e evening. Miss Elizabeth Siddall will be her cousin's only attendant. Edwin J. Win- ters, of Evanston, will serve Mr. Boyd as best man. Mrs. Albert Gardner, the former Caro- line deWindt, will be matron of honor at the wedding of Miss Dorothy But- tolph, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Buttolph of Chicago, and Warren Hines Clark of Cleveland, on Saturday, October 20. Miss Alice deWindt will he one of the bridesmaids. The wedding will take place at 8:30 o'clock, in the eve- ning at St. Paul's Episcopal church, and will be followed by a reception ar the Blackstone. 2 os Mr. and Mrs. Charles A, Jones, of Chicago, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Graham «Penfield, of Evanston. Mr. Penfield, a graduate of Philips Andover, was captain of the Northwestern university football team three years ago. He was a member of the class of 1922 and be- longs to the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. A. W. ZENGELER CLEANER AND DYER A trial order is respectfully solicited 810 ELM STREET Phone 144 EN SES SEN SN Smart dresses Exquisite layettes infants. . . for 809 Oak St., Phone 1635 Winnetka and simple for children. | 1 Miss Mildred Affleck and her finance, Victor Spoehr, are being elaborately en- tertained with prenuptial festivities. This evening, Miss Edith. Knisely and Miss Lillian McEntree, members of the bridal party will give a dinner dance at the Webster hotel, where Miss Knisely and her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles T. Knisely reside. Next Monday, Mr. Con- rad Spochr, brother of the bridgegroom, will entertain. Tuesday, Howard Hill will be host at a theater party, foliowed by supper at the Blackstone. Wednes- day, October 10, Mrs. Benjamin Hawkes, aunt of the honor maid, Miss Louise Hawkes of Montclair, N. J. will give a luncheon at the Chicago Athletic club, followed by a matinee party and that evening Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Aff- leck will give the bridal dinner for their daughter at their residence, 695 I.incoln tavenue. The wedding it to take place Friday evening, October 12, at 8:30 o'clock in Christ church, the Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard officiating. Following the ceremony there will be a reception at the residence of the bride's parents. . The Windsor chapter, Daughters of the British Empire of Glencoe, announces its third annual "Bridge and Mah Jong" party to be held at the Skokie Country club Tuesday afternoon, October 23, at 2 o'clock, in aid of the building fund of the British Old People's Home to be built at Riverside, Illinois, for which ground was broken May 21st, of this year. : : Tickets may be procured and tables reserved either from the Regent, Mrs. T. C. King, 729 Glencoe road, or from the card party chairman, Mrs. W. A. Kittermaster, 816 Bluff street, as well as from chapter members. The Chapter carnestly solicits the patronage of all ex-Britishers along the North Shore who are interested in the building of this much needed Home for Old Men and Women of British birth, and that all Glencoe friends will again help to make this party as great a success as were the past two. Lg Mrs. John D. announce the engage- their daughter, Phyllis to Merle C. Nutt, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.. E. Nutt, of Moline, Ill. Miss Small is a graduate of Ferry Hall, a junior at the University of Chicago, and a member of the Wyvern. Mr, Nutt is a graduate of Western Military academy, also of the Armour Institute of Tech- nology, class of '23, and a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. The engagement was announced at a delight- ful bridge party given last Thursday by Mrs. Small for sixteen college friends. BATA Miss Harriot Houghteling, daughter of Mrs. James I. Houghteling of Hub- bard Woods, who recently returned from aboard, with her mother and sister, Miss ella Houghteling, has gone to Labrador with the Grenfell mission for several months. Mr. and Wilmette, ment of Small of The mountain schools of Kentucky will benefit from the bridge party Tues- day afternoon, October 30, at the Or- rington hotel, arranged by the Kentucky society of the north shore. The south- ern women who make up the organization devote their energies to bettering educa- tional opportunities for the children of their native state, sometimes in co-oper- ation with the Southern Women's Educa- ticnal alliance, and occasionally, as in this instance, following a line of their own. Mrs. Vance Roberts, president of the society, Mrs. Robert Snowday and Mrs. Samuel Boggs are chairmen for the af- fair. The patronesses include Mrs. Rob- erts, Mrs, Willium A. Pusey, Mrs. E. J. Buffington, Mrs. E. H. Ball, Mrs. Fred- erick Earle French, Mrs. Russell Wal- cott, Mrs. Elbert Gary Sutcliffe, Mrs. T. E. Quisenberry, Mrs. Robert S. Clark, Mrs. Hal C. Bangs, Mrs. Scott Helm, Mrs, H. E. Mason, Mrs. George Mec- Murray, Mrs. Charles Buford Nelson, Mrs. J. E. Sommerville and Mrs. Rob- ert R. Reid. 0 The marriage of Miss Myrtle A. Ray- maker and William W. Worthington was solemonized last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kar- nopp, 355 Linden street. Rev. James Austin Richards performed the ceremony. The young couple will make their home in. Chicago, where Mr. Worthington is an electrical engineer and Mrs. Worth- ington is deeply interested in Juvenile work, SEI ir The West Elm Street Circle will meet Tuesday, October 9, at 2 p, m. in the home of Mrs. Gustaf Nelson, 849 Elm street. Mrs. R. S. Childs will be pres- ent and will give an outline of the activi- ties for the neighborhood circles for the coming year. Miss Ione Barnes will sing a group of songs, accompained by her mother, Mrs. Roland Z. Barnes. RS The Chestnut Avenue Circle will meet Tuesday, October 9, in the home of Mrs, Walter Wallace, 815 Mount Pleasant ircad. Mrs. Thomas Smith will speak on the "Needs of Dorcas Home" and Mrs. R. S. Childs on "Central Activities." The elegance and good taste of the fur- nishings of THE ORRINGTON are an enjoyable change for those who have grown weary of the tawdriness of old things and seek new quarters, brighter, cheerier, happier. Plazd retelon T = [IN| cloc &:) maintaining a partment for watches, Plaza Jeweler LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL HE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, repair de- ks and jewelry. EVANSTON THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE PHOTOGRAPHS MAKE IT A REAL GIFT A dozen photographs will solve a dozen puzzling gift problems. Arrange your appointment now. d yo' sud" Hoyburn Bldg. EVANSTON Phone Evanston 2238 for sitting try and extra 140x190, wood Price $32,500. 352 Park Ave. Branches--Winnetka, Glencoe, A REMARKABLY FINE PROPERTY Two Blocks from Station, Six blocks from lake Eleven spacious rooms. Three baths, large sun parlor. All windows plate glass. Butlers pan- GILBERT D. JOHNSON & BRO. Main Office--110 So. Dearborn St., Chicago lavatory on first floor, Grounds ed and landscaped. Attractive terms offered. Glencoe Telephone 971 Highland Park, Deerfield Last Saturday morning at the Win- netka Congregational church occurred he wedding of Mr. Charles S. Kennedy and Miss Beatrice I. Whitney. The cere- meny was performed by Rev. James A. R.chards in the presence of a few friends and relatives. The bride is a sister of Mr. F. A. Lackner, 339 Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy will make their heme at 921 Greenwood avenue, Hubbard Woods. eT Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Lum, 672 Lincoln avenue, and children, Dor- othy and Gardner, motored to north- ern Wisconsin last week spending a week at Black Oak lodge on Black Oak Lake. ps Miss Joy Scheidenhelm was elected president of the senior class of Welles- wey college on Monday. Miss Margaret Noyes, of Evanston, was chosen to act as all-college song leader as well as be- ing elected senior song leader. -- p-- Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Rising of Ev- anston announce the engagement of their daughter Ruth Elizabeth, to Brayner F. Albright of Glencoe. Saghen Mrs. Francis Murray, 832 Bryant ave- nue, has as her guest, Miss Powlison of New York city, for several days. III (3° DT I (CE ), FD) Boys' Eton Suits Ages 5 to 10. With two pairs trousers. $12.00 FONT CT er CT TT A A A TO A COT CI TRALEE BOTAN IOTTS HEAVY SHAKER SWEATERS H §7-50 and $850 i (Comm (Gi ED) 908003 RATIALEI LETITIA EARITVEN Ages 10 to 16. BOYS' MERINO WOOL ATHLETIC UNION SUITS that keep the vital organs adequately protected--just the thing to wear with 34 wool hose that are now so popular. I FC AT ITTY A CR SLL Sr CE CT FL DL TT CLT FLANNELETTE PAJAMETTE With or without feet. $250 ang $300 Delta Gamma sorority is giving a bridge party at the Edgewater Beach hotel, on Saturday of next week, for the benefit of its scholarship fund, --Q-- Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, 832 Bryant avenue, returned yesterday from a week's visit in Cincinnati, O. Victrolas AND Victor Records NORTH SHORE Talking Machine Co. EVANSTON WINNETKA 303 Davis St. 554 Center St. Phone 4523 Phone 1793 "The North Shore's largest 'and only exclusive Victor Shops" Fall and Winter Specials from Our Boys' Department FT TR TT RPT TT ETE RRP Lr 220 I CTI 0) 4 Aly # * dye: . (an 2 BLANKET ROBES $4.00 to $6.00 FLANNELETTE PAJAMAS $2.50 CTT I r Boys' 4 Silk Ties, 50c Boys' Polo Shirts, $1.75 Boys' Eton or Polo Blouses, $1.25 L AB rarr Best Randolph & Wabash, Chicago c