| i i WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1923 17 AUTOMOBILE SECTION CADILLAC V-63 UNEXCELLED CAR Thousands See New Model At Evanston Rooms "Motorists and motor enthusiasts have inspected the new Type V-63 Cadillac now on display at our sales rooms in such large numbers that we have continued the special display," says Lester F. Lines, manager of the Cadillac Evanston branch. "The new Cadillac has met with a reception on the north shore that is very gratifying. The interest manifested has been wide. In fact, during the day of the announcement--September 12-- more than 2,000 people visited our own show rooms at 1820 Ridge avenue and the show rooms of the Michigan avenue building and the Broadway and West Side branches in Chicago. "The type V-63 possesses to a great degree, characteristics which win instant respect and enthusiasm. "Its engine, while still the 90 V-eight- power plant that Cadillac first introduced in 1915, is a greatly improved engine. It is now inherently balanced, an engine- ering achievement that results in velvet smoothness of performance. New Line Bodies "Four wheel brakes, exclusively de- signed by Cadillac, have been installed, making the driving of the V-63 much safer. "An entirely new line of bodies has been brought out for the V-63 chassis. The most advanced practices of custom body designing have been used in de- veloping the body lines and in selecting and placing the interior appointments. The streamline effect has been heightened by raising the radiator and hood and set- ting the cowl ventilator flush. The fen- ders have been re-designed and given more graceful curves, "Unquestionably, type V-63 is the greatest Cadillac. The short time that has elapsed since it was introduced has more than substantiated the prophecy made by Mr. H. H. Rice, president of the Cadillac Motor Car company, that V-63 would establish a new motor car standard." ROSENBERG LEASES ~~ BUILDING ON 'ROW' Herman J. Rosenberg, prominent in North Shore motor circles, is president of the newly organized Chicago Flint company, and a deal has been closed whereby the Flint distributers take pos- session of the four-story building now occupied by Louis Geyler, at 25th street Exide BATTERIES Before putting a new Bat- tery in your car get the new price of the EXIDE at the WINNETKA EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE Winnetka Exide Battery Service 2-3 Carlton Bldg. 8 48 Hour Phone Hour Battery | Win. 1387 | Battery Service Service and Michigan avenue, Chicago. Mr. Rosenberg announces the appoint- ment of Frank E. Witt, formerly execu- tive with the W. C. Auble company, Durant and Star distributers, as general manager of the Chicago Flint company. Mr. Geyler, who has occupied the site of the new Flint home for more than ten years, will temporarily share head- quarters with Mr. Rosenberg. He will continue of distributer of Dort and Stephens cars and is now negotiating for new quarters to handle both lines. Ideally Appointed The Geyler building is ideally appointed for major motor car distribution. The Chicago Flint company will administer to a territory covering the entire state of Illinois, There are ample facilities for the exhibition of the various models, service requirements and administration quarters, 50,000 square feet being avail- able in all. ' The deal consumated between Mr. Rosenberg and Mr. Geyler involved a lease for six and one-half years at a total rental of approximately $162,500. It is an interesting fact that the build- ing occupies the site of a former resi- dence in which Mrs. Rosenberg was born. Mr. Rosenberg has been identified with the automobile business in the Chicago territory ever since the industry was in its swaddling clothes. Until he opened the North Side Motors company on upper Broadway a year ago he was the silent partner in a number of successful agencies in this vicinity. Lincoln Highway Now Carries Heavy Traffic Those who have failed to realize that the Lincoln highway is carrying an im- mense traffic across Illinois should con- sider the figures resulting from a care- ful traffic check taken at the Chicago and Northwestern R. R. crossing on the Lincoln Way near DeKalb. For a period of 36 hours recently two men stationed at this crossing with mechanical counters checked the passing motor cars. The total during this time was 13,907 auto- mobiles across the tracks. Estimating four persons to the car, this is a total of 55,628 and is an excellent argument for the elimination of the grade cross- ing at this point. Use Soap and Chamois When Washing The Car While the commonly used rubber hose is perhaps the best method of cleaning the lower portions of the car, such as wheels, running gear and mud-guards, it is positively injurious when used on the Are You a Member? CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Established 1906 J. G. STANTON Wilmette Branch Mgr. North Shore Hotel, Evanston 6400 14 Million Cash by auto insurance de- partment in 1922 Returned body and highly finished surface. The and no amount of polishing and rubbing force with which the stream of water | will restore its former lustre. The body impinges on the surface causes the sand | should be washed with lukewarm soap and dirt adhering to the body to be driven | water and immediately dried with a soft into the varnish, destroying its brilliancy, | chamois. , General Repairing and Painting High Grade Work Satisfaction Guaranteed Estimates Furnished CHICAGO COACH & CARRIAGE CO. 1223 Michigan Ave., Chicago Phone: Calumet 0424 Do You Know That | JEWETT cont vo A thrifty Six built by Paige IT CAN'T BE DONE TRACY HOLMES MOTOR CO. 1027 Davis St. Tel. Evanston 4903 EVANSTON, ILL. If the LILA HCY LT NDE iR ENCI NE EXPECT GREATER SAFETY The four-wheel brakes, a feature of the new V-63 Cadillac, constitute the greatest factor of safety ever contributed to motor car operation. They have been perfected by the same engineering talent which pioneered and developed the V-type, Eight- Cylinder Motor, Electrical Starting and Lighting, Thermostatica]ly Controlled Carburetion, and numer- ous other achievements in automotive engineering. It is difficult to describe the action of these brakes --for at any speed, whether the stop is gradual or sudden, they absorb the momentum of the car in a manner which can only be fully realized in ac- tual driving. The driver will find an amazing cer- tainty and ease of control in traffic, on slippery roads, and in higher speeds--an increased measure of that driving safety for which Cadillac has ever been commended. : In addition to their remarkable effectiveness they require far less adjustment than two-wheel brakes, have a longer wearing life and give complete steering control on difficult turns or.under conditions where two-wheel brakes could not be used with safety. You will experience a new feeling of security wher you drive V-63. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CHICAGO BRAN CH Division of General Motors Corporation 2301 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE Community Branches: EVANSTON BRANCH 1820 Ridge Ave. STANDARD OF " WEST SIDE BRANCH 4660 W. Washington Blvd. J 4 BX PP B.C T GREAT