WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1923 HELP TO CUT FIR Fire Prevention Week Suggests Your Help To Reduce Hazards Governor Small has issued a procla- mation setting the week of October 8 to 13 as Fire Prevention Week and the Village of Winnetka is planning to co- operate 'in securing a fitting and practi- - cal observance of the week in this com- munity. Already Chief Houren of the Fire De- partment has mailed circular matter into every home in the 'village calling attention to the necessity of taking every precaution to minimize fire hazards in Winnetka. He has given some :yaluable advice and sounded warnings that, he hopes, will command the attention and serious consideration of every "house- holder. } 78 It is not necessary to repeat these mes- sages of advice and caution, but it should be of general interest to note the fol- lowing information received from the Division of Fire Prevention of the 'State of Illinois, prepared by John G. Gambier, state fire marshal. * Fire . marshal Gambier sets forth among other things, these fire prevention Hacts : Fire Prevention Facts "A cigaret butt, carelesly dropped through a bull's eye in the sidewalk, started: the conflagration which burned 80 blocks of the city of Baltimore, with a loss of $40,000,000, .. "An electric pressing iron, left with the current turned on, was the cause of the $5,000,000 fire at Augusta, Ga. "Most fires start from small beginnings. Carelessness is responsible for fully three-fourths of them. Carefulness in handling the things which commonly cause fires will prevent them. "The loss by fire in the United States last year was $520,000,000, enough to have built the Panama Canal. It is estimated that 15,000 lives are lost by fire or burns in this country each year. In other words, almost half as many Americans are sacrificed to fire each year as died during the World War. "The THinois losses run about $20,000,- 000 a year, enough to build the proposed $100,000,000 bond issue road in five years, "There were no big conflagrations in the United States last year. The tre- mendous loss total represents the piling up of the usual losses day by day. "Three-fourths of the losses are in- sured. Insurance is only a means of distributing the losses over the whole public. The public pays this tremendous bill in the form of insurance premiums. It 1s a tax just as surely as if it were levied by a taxing body. A tax on care- lessness ! "No good citizen will maintain fire hazards on his premises, for they do not endanger his property alone. They may burn out his neighbor or even the whole community, "Imagine your misery and loss if fire should visit your home. Then keep fire hazards eliminated throughout the year. "There is nothing difficult about fire prevention. It is just a matter of. being ordinarily careful with things which cause fires. Take matches and smoking. With one exception, they caused the most fires in Illinois last year, 1,628. Rubbish and litter started 579 fires. "If heating equipment were made en- tirely safe, and carefully operated, more than a third of the fires could be wiped out, "Remember that clean premises seldom burn and that a careful person is the best fire preventative." MAKE CHANGE IN GY SCHEDULE Women's Class Will Begin October 15 With the exception of the morning gym class for women, the other activi- ties in Community House will begin reg- ular work this coming week. The wom- eén's gym class will begin Monday morn- ing, October 15. > . Valuable Winnetka Home Sold by Hill and Stone The C. L. Wecks property at 690 Ash s'rect, Winnetka, has been sold by the Winnetka office of Hill and Stone, north shore realtors, to Fred W. Fairman of Sheridan road, Win- netka. The consideration was report- ed at $55,000. The property, 187x187, contains a 9-room English stucco residence con- sidered one of the most attractive homes in Winnetka. The Fairman family. will occupy the home in the near future, it is said. 2 - There has been x Slight change in the | Big 'Geme Is Object of _gym suitedule as published last week,= the social dancing, (scheduled for Mon- day afternoon, being postponed to Thurs- day, and the classes in Fancy and Aes- thetic dancing (scheduled for Thursday) taking place on Monday afternoon. The revised schedule, follows : Monday 9 o'clock. Morning: Class for Women. (This class meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at the same hour. The fee for this class is $3.00.) Monday. 4 o'clock. Fancy and Aes- thetic Dancing. (An extra fee of $1.00 is charged for this class.) 7:30-8:30. Young Men's Class. 8:30-9:30. Business Men's Class. Tuesday. 4 o'clock. Basket Ball for Boys. 7:30-8:30. sium Class. 8:30-9:30. "Friendship Circle." Wednesday. 9 o'clock. Morning Class for Women. 4 o'clock. Small Boys. General Acti- vitics, including Boxing, Wrestling and games. Evening. Leagues. ; Thursday. 4 o'clock. Social Dancing --Boy4 and Girls, (An extra fee of $1.00 i3 charged for this class.) Evening. Ist. Thursdaly--Winnetka Community Players. 2nd. Thursday--Boy Scouts. 3rd Thursday--Men's Club. 4th Thursday--Boy Scouts. Friday. 9 o'clock. Morning Class for Women. 4:00-6:00. nounced. Other Fridays--Camp Fire Girls. .7:15-8:45. Motion Pictures." Saturday. 2:00-3:20, General Activi- ties--Boys. 3:30-5:00. Men. " 5:00-6:00. Volley Ball "and Hand Ball Men. Evening. Young Ladies' Gymna Baseball or Basket Ball Motion Pictures as an- General Activities-- Young Dances. Rk bs :" BANKS CLOSED OCTOBER 12 'Tre Winnetka State Bank 'and the Winnetka Trust and Savings bank will be closed all day Friday, October 12, in observance of Columbus" Day. This Hunting Journey "Bob" Connolly, druggist, son of Dan Connolly, local merchant, and William Eckhart, son of F. J. Eckhart, Elm street hardware dealer, are engaged just now in touring the central states in quest of big game. The tourists left early this week, plan- ning a drive through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ketucky and Mis- souri, stopping at intervals enroute to bag some real game, The trip, in all, will require about two weeks and the nimrods expect to return with some interesting stories. Stockholders Collect Gas Company Dividends Holders of seven per cent preferred stock in the North Shore Gas com- pany are receiving checks in payment of the quarterly dividend on their in- vestment therein for the quarter end- ng October 1. Interest in this profit- charing plan by which patrons are given opportunity to invest in the company's stock, is proving highly popular with the public and the num- her of stock holders drawing divid- ends is growing rapidly, it is said. North Shore Window and House Cleaners 10 Prouty Annex, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1994 OTTO DOVIDAT TAILOR and FURRIER Fine Clothes For Ladies and Gentlemen | Clothes Made to Order Remodeling--Pressing--Cleaning 784 Elm St. Corner Linden Above Adams Drug Store of all kinds. "Tubes PAINT Rasmesen's fore : 550 Phone Center Win. ; | St. 344 A HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SER VICE FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS Painting and Decorating and Special colors E LOSS, HOUREN'S PLEA TO HOUSEHOLDERS WORKING GIRLS HAVE OWN CLUB Friendship Circle Invites to Membership "Friendship Circle," an organization for girls working in Winnetka homes, begins its regular activities Tuesday eve- ning, October.9, in Community House. It is all that its name suggests--a group of girls of friendly spirit, who welcome others to their circle each week. Sometimes girls who. are staying in Winnetka are a bit lonely and long for a friendly greeting or a social evening. Here, they will find a cordial welcome. The first part of the evening is spent in the gym, with an instructor, where regular gym work and games are en- joyed, This is followed by a social eve- ning in the Neighborhood room where there are club activities and a _happy time. Several times during the year, there are evenings of special entertain- ments and parties, and, usually, two large dances a year. The club does not live for itself alone, but 'has been able, through its efforts at different times to help some needy fam- ilies in Chicago. Many a girl--a stranger in our vil- lage--has had lonely hours brightened through this contact with "Friendship Circle" and has formed friendships which have made for happiness. The only requisites are a desire to come, and the payment of the small mem- bership fee of $2 in Community House. All girls in the village are cordially asked 'to come, without further notice, or invitation, and get acquainted with "Friendship Circle." i : Miss Carswell is the gymnasium in- structor, and the club work is under the supervision of Mrs, Charles Kreger, and assistants. : Many delightful good times are already planned for the winter, A large attendance is looked for on Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in Com- munity House. 4 Johnstones Enjoy Visit at Truro, Nova Scotia Mr. and Mrs. George A. Johnstone, of Winnetka, have been enjoying a visit in Mrs. Johnstone's native town, Truro, Nova Scotia, according to in- formation received from the Truro Daily News. The Johnstones, it is stated in the Truro News, arrived there September 25 in the course of "a long automo- bile trip over thousands of miles of intervening country." Before returning home they will visit in Halifax, Boston, New York and places in the White Mountains. Halloween- parties were given with- out favors they would be tame affairs. Hallowe'en parties--jolly, happy and packed with fun and mer- riment will be more pop- ular this year than ever. Write or 'phone for cir- cular No. 63 "HALLOW- E'EN HINTS" or, better still, step into our centrally located store and see how inexpensive and attractive real favors are. We Are Manufacturers VAN HOUSEN'S FAVOR CO. corded undue costs. Whatever the Circumstances the same courtesy--the same helpful 'service in managing ali perplexing details--are ac-... yuu whether desire an, unlimited expendi- ture or whether circumstances suggest that you refrain from 59E.Randolph St. cuicaco Cent. 6783 u you LT El I EE in RT MN "1124 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 654 Wilmette Dealers in All Kinds EVANSTON WILMETTE BLACK DIRT and FILLING Whether your needs are one load or a hundred, we are now in a position to make prompt deliveries. Lime for the lawn EDINGER & SONS Established 1907 of Building Materials KENILWORTH WINNETKA GLENCOE f-------- Arcanians Find Sport in Game of Horseshoes Winnetka council, Royal Arcanum, at a recent meeting held at Community House enjoyed a most interesting pro- gram featured by an Indoor Horsehoe tournament with prizes for the winners. Finalists in the contest were William S. McFadzean and Fred Eckart. Mec- Fadzean took first prize which com- prised a Royal Arcanum belt. ELECTRICAL NECESSITIES FOR THE HOME AMERICAN BEAUTY The HOOVER It BEATS... as it Sweeps as it Cleans & (7 Af cm | _-- | Afi "EDEN" WASHING MACHINE "Come in and let wus demonstrate the EDEN We also have the THOR AND EASY WASHING MACHINES, . SIMPLEX and THOR IRONERS, EUREKA and HOOVER VACUUM. CLEANERS Step in today for a demonstration North Shore Electric Shop JOHN CC. WELTER, Proprietor 554 Center St. Phone 44 Winnetka "If Electrical and Good, We Sell It" A