WINNETKA WEFKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13,1923 13 Local Woman New Pres. of Evanston Musical Club RS. Floy Little Bartlett, of Win- netka, assisted by Mrs. Helen Abbott Byfield, gave the open- ing program Wednesday for the Little Musical club of Evanston, of which Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer of Winnetka Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer has just been elected president. Mrs. Bartlett's songs, full of the human appeal that makes them so popular, interpreted by such a singer as Mrs. Byfield, formed an irresistable combination. Mrs. Charles Byron of Winnetka read a most inter- esting review of recent events in the musical world. RA 'An attractive autumn wedding took place in Christ church chapel last Satur- day evening, when Miss Elizabeth Ed- wards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Edwards, of Hubbard Woods, and Mr. Fred Jehs, of Jefferson Park were united in marriage. The bride was charmingly gowned in white moleskin crepe, trimmed in silver, her bouquet being a shower of bride's roses and lilies of the vallgy. Mrs. Frank Fox, matron of honor, wore a gown of cocoa colored Elizabeth crepe and carried an arm bouquet of yellow tea roses. The flower girl, little Miss Doro- thy Lloyd, wore a peach colored taffeta dress trimmed in silver and carried a basket of autumn flowers. Mr. George Reich attended the groom as best man, Mr. Raymond Gorr played the wedding march. Mr. Orville Ed- wards and Miss Lois Bailey acted as ushers. A small reception at the residence of the bride's parents, followed the cere- mony. -- Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Davis, of Wil- mette, anounce the marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Donald J. Powers, Saturday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock in All Souls' Unitarian church, Evanston. Mrs. Robert Galbraith of Crystal Lake, a classmate of the bride at the University of Illinois, was her only attendant. Kenneth Bros of Evanston was best man. The bridal party and a few inti- mate friends attended the wedding din- ner at the Orringten hotel, {following the ceremony. EO) Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 468 Ridge avenue, opened a Citizenship class with the League of Women Voters at Waukegan on Thursday. Next Wednesday morn- ing a Parlimentary law class under. her supervision at the Highland Park Wom- an's club is to be organized. Friday afternoon, she gave a talk at the Parent- Teacher's Association meeting in Liberty- ville. Oc Richard Gambrill en- Mr. and Mrs. tertained at their home in Hubbard Woods, in honor of Miss Narcissa Yager, who will become the bride of James Russel Doherty on Saturday eve- ning, October 27. ae Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Gbokin, Miss Natalie Gookin and Mrs. Horace M. Kennedy, 321 Linden street, have returned from a sojourn at Estes Park, Colo. The Pine Street Circle met at the home of Mrs. Edward Wisdom, 861 Spruce street, on Monday. Mrs. Theodore Coyne was the assisting hostess. i DR. R. L. WOOSTER Osteopathic Physician 797 Elm St. Winnetka Hours by appointment Phone Winnetka 1767 | The Wilmette Auxiliary of the Evans- ton Hospital Association will give a luncheon and bridge at the Orrington hotel, for the benefit of the children's department of the hospital. The party will be held in the glass enclosed ball- room on the top floor of Evanston's at- tractive new apartment hotel on Friday, October 26, at one o'clock. Mrs. Thomas A. Copeland, chairman of the Auxiliary, is in charge. Those assisting are Mrs. Ernest P. Bartlett, Mrs. Frank Barrett, Mrs. Henry: 1... Beach, Mrs. Charles Broughton, Mrs. Louis A. Clark, Miss Anna Dingee, Mrs. C. P. Duff, Mrs. L. F. Gates, Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, Mrs. H. E. Holdoway, Mrs. Willis H. Hut- son, Mrs. Richard Jordan, Mrs. Thomas M. Knox, Mrs. George Kibby, Mrs. E. A. Kracke, Mrs. Walter D. Lawrence, Mrs. J. C. Mannerud, Mrs. T. C. Mould- ing, Mrs. J. A. Maclean, Mrs. J. B. Olwin, Mrs. George Pattison, Mrs. Harry Richter, Mrs. E. I. Scheidnehelm, Mrs. J... Jo. Siddall; Mrs. C. P.. Skillin, Mrs. Charles H. Smith, Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp, Mrs. A. S. Webster, Mrs. C. E. Wells, Mrs. G. B. Williams, Mrs. S. 1. Wil- liams and Mrs. H. O. Weishaar. w-jln. The Merry Makers, an organization of "young folks in Winnetka and Glen- coe, which has been giving a series of dances each winter season for sev- eral years, announce the second of this year's parties for Saturday evening, October 20. The parties take place in the Glencoe school gymnasium. The club, of which Harry S. Gay is presi- dent, plans to feature hikes and other bits of interesting pleasures to fill in during the month. 252 A meeting of the Foxdale Circle was held cn Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Orval Simpson, 962 North ave- nue. The opening meeting was in the nature of a social afternoon with a musical program, song and piano, by some real artists. Work for the year will be to assist Lake Bluff Orphanage. Mrs. W. W. Hanville, 840 Foxdale avenue, was elected president for the coming year. ------ Mrs. Laird Bell, 1350 North avenue, Hubbard Woods, will entertain at tea on Sunday, October 14, from 4 to 6 s'clock in honor of Mr. Alexander Dean, director of the North Shore Theatre Guild. The guests invited to meet Mr. Dean are those who have acted in the productions of the Guild and others interested in acting. WALL The first Fall meeting of the Rose- wood Circle will be held on Tues- day, October 16, at the home of Mrs. Marcus D. Richards, 806 Rosewood avenue. All the circle members are urged to attend and to bring their new neighbors. ee ( The Ridge Avenue Circle meets Mon- day, Octobr 15, at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs, Charles Schwartz, 187 Ridge avenue. Mrs. R. S. Childs will be present and give an outline of the activities for the Neighborhood circles for the coming year. Os The Ash Street Circle will be enter- tained by Mrs. Carlton Prouty and Mrs. Borick at the home of the former, 693 Willow street, on .Tues- day, October 16. re Mr. Sherman Goble, 511 Ash street, spent last week-end with his son, Richard, who is attending the University of Illi- nois. b= 3 DR. MELVIN B. HASBROUCK having been associated with the late Dr. John L. Ralston an- neunces that he will continue in the general practice ot OSTEOPATHY at 353 Park Ave. Glencoe, Illi- nois. Telephone, Office and Res- idence--Glencoe 43. Grace Forbes Shop Gowns Frocks Hats Sports Apparel Making Hoyburn Theatre Bldg. 615 Davis St. Ev. 7467 Remodeling THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE PHOTOGRAPHS MAKE IT A REAL GIFT The McDowell Club of Winnetka was entertained in the home of Mrs. Clifford Ewart, 744 Ash street, last Mon- day afternoon. A paper read by Mrs. Charles I. Byron opened the after- noon's program which consisted of a violin solo by Mr. Harve Clemens, songs [> Mrs. John Hansel, piano numbers by Mrs. Ewart and more songs by Mrs. Seyl. Mrs. Everett Harris and Mrs. Robert Kingery accompanied at the piano. ---- A vast amount of work was distributed through the Workshop when it opened Monday at Community House. Anyone who would like to dress dolls or assist nm any of the sewing for the Toy Car- which convenes on Mondays at the Com- munity House. --C-- Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer of Oconomowoc, Wis. formerly of Wal- den road, spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hin- drum, 514 Oak street. They made this visit on their way from placing their daughter, Mary in an eastern school. -- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Isherg, of Wil- mette, announce the marriage of their daughter, Ethel, to Dr. George Ambuehl, Ridge avenue, Evanston, --_0-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. McCoy, 730 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, announce the birth of a son, Charles, Jr. on Satur- day, September 29. Mrs McCoy was formerly Miss Alice Clague, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clague, until re- cently residents of Winnetka. le Mr. Robert W. DePau, Jr., 724 Center street, left last week to resume his studies at Beloit college, where has already been pledged for Sigma Chi fraternity. Mrs. DePau is convalescing after a severe operation at the Evanston hos- pital. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart, of Hub- bard Woods, have received a cable an- nouncing the safe arrival of their daugh- ter, Joan, in England, where she went to enter a select school for girls at Mummingdale, near London. --(-- Mrs. Willoughby Walling, president of the Winnetka Woman's club, attended a Board meeting of the Tenth District Federation at the Rogers Park Woman's club Wednesday morning. The Polly Prim Shop... mrs. Nok) nival is invited to attend the Workshop, The Children's Benefit League of Chicago are to have a tag day in Winnetka next Monday. The Chicago Commons will be the beneficiary this time. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. William Hartshorn of Locust road, announce the mar- riage of their son, William, Jr. to Miss Ruth Montgomery of Chicago, on Saturday, October 6. ------ Richard Goble and Perry Lieber have been pledged to the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity at the University of Illinois recently. Miss Caroline Kimball, 770 Bluff street, Glencoe, returned last week from England where she attended the mar- riage of her sister Elizabeth, (Ye Mr. and Mrs. Allen T. Weinstock, 692 Ash street, left last week to visit their parents in Marrietta, Ohio. They expect to be gone two weeks. J ] i "i CLEANER AND DYER i 1 1 of this village, on September 26. Dr. Tra SrapeT Phone 244 Ambuehl and his bride have just re- turned from their honeymoon and are at home in their apartment at 2249 { A. W. ZENGELER A trial order is respectfully solicited R10 ELM STREET Mrs. R. W. Walsh will be in New York, until early in December when she will return to take up her residence at 1170 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods. Oe Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O. Hubbard, 166 Woodland avenue, will take up their residence at the Orrington hotel on November 1. Victrolas AND Victor Records NORTH SHORE Talking Machine Co. EVANSTON 603 Davis St. WINNETKA 554 Center St. Phone 4523 Phone 1793 "The North Shore's largest and only exclusive Victor Shops" E.S. EHMEN Announces the formal opening of an exclusive men's wear shop at 1716 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, Saturday, October 13, 1923. One Half Block North of the Post Office in the New Studio Bldg. 1 HE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair de- partment for watches, clocks and jewelry. ~ Smart and simple | Hlaza Jeweler dresses for children. t Faaaliite layettes for LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL infants . EVANSTON 809 Oak St., Phone 1635 Winnetka ER -- - -- -- -- -- FILIATIONS. SERVICE. EMERGENCY MECHANICAL The dues are $12 a year. Motorists of has established a NORTH SHCRE BRANCH At 1722 Sherman Avenue, Evanston A Block North of the Postoffice From this headquarters will be directed the Club's activities in the interest | of automobile owners and drivers from Evanston to the north Cook County line. Are you a member? Will you share our activities? Membership in the ILLINOIS AUTOMOBILE CLUB means STATE AND NATION WIDE CLUB AF- and the other great North Shore Communities: The | Tinos Automobile Club | Winnetka TOURING SERVICE AND MAPS LEGAL ADVICE AND AID. ROAD INSURANCE AT COST. CORDIAL PERSONAL SERVICE. WILL YOU JOIN US? Will You Call and Get Acquainted? There are no extras. The Club emlslem and the club magazine are included. A dozen photographs will solve a dozen puzzling gift problems. Arrange your appointment now. lic hs Hoyburn Bldg. EVANSTON Phone Evanston 2238 for sitting NORTH SHORE BRANCH 1722 Sherman Avenue, Evanston 1 P. F. LOWDER, Branch Manager